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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14969439 No.14969439 [Reply] [Original]

I have never seen a single low-quality Harmony shill that is just an image of some roastie with the logo somewhere in the picture.

Do you have any idea how bullish this is?

>> No.14969473
File: 1.05 MB, 1789x1081, harmonyonepresentation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any idea how bullish this is?
ready for alt coin season anon? :)

>> No.14969493

Fuck off pajeet. Harmony shills are the biggest retards on this board not even joking

>> No.14969518

i cant believe its still dumping.

>> No.14969521

Absolute C O P E.

>> No.14969533
File: 97 KB, 1126x477, stablised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, it has stablised.

>> No.14969535


LMAO don't forget to pay $$$$ for that raspberry pi anon

>> No.14969555



>> No.14969557

Harmony is the cringiest shilling ever. There is nothing organic about it. Anyone who's been here more than 2 weeks can tell it's a paid shill squad.

>> No.14969606

Nothing organic about it? Why, because the shilling started suddenly and has only been going on a short while? It's only been available for two months, dumb-dumb. Even with that in mind, the shilling has lasted longer than the vast majority of biz shills.

>> No.14969610
File: 66 KB, 420x420, 1559449980464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone fudding ONE either sold at a loss or can't buy on binance

thx for ur bags i'll sell you at 2500 sats ;)

>> No.14969626

I suppose you would like to wait until it has gone up 75% from its IEO price?

>> No.14969633


do you even know what is a bagholder

bagholders directly benefit from shilling their bags; they have a profit motive to do so (just like LINK)

there are no paid shills, there are just bagholders that want you to join them on the next 100x mission (which just happens to be ONE - RAULITO PUMP MY BAGS)

>> No.14969657

Who gives a shit. If it hits .20 cents I'll make 20k then dump it

>> No.14969683

>do you even know what is a bagholder
Fuck off Pajeet, ONE is a good project for long-term holding.

>> No.14969700

Not gonna lie, I bought in for the hell of it a week or so ago. Not expecting much...

>> No.14969742
File: 332 KB, 1125x1019, 52E2A0DD-E559-4248-ACD4-923870831015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya you desperately need more bagholders to buy in because you're deep in the red. Pic related.

>> No.14969751

I bought in only at the bottom, so I'm chillin

>> No.14969773

The questions that remain are

1. Does the market still highly value new smart contract platforms?


2. Will harmony have a fuck load of dApps port over from Ethereum and have new ones build on them any time soon?

>> No.14969803

Just bought today. This is either bottomed out, or so close to the bottom that it doesn't matter.
Also, we use candlesticks here, not your simplified line chart for retards.

>> No.14969816

imagine holding this shitcoin and just bleeding sats eternally

>> No.14969823


porting a dapp written for eth over to harmony should be very simple, it's competitive for people who want performant dapps to do so

>> No.14969834

Ya you all say that. Until tomorrow when it hits a new low. And then again the next day. Anyone who has bought this in the last 6 weeks has gotten financially raped and you faggots just keep shilling. Kys. Also the volume is now under $3M. By this time next week you won't even be able to sell your bags without dumping the price by 10%.

>> No.14969854

You've lost money on this shit investment and I haven't. That's the reality we live in

>> No.14969871

i bought at 99 fucking sats. go fuck you retard

>> No.14969879

Yeah it's a feature they talked about, being EVM compatible go easily switch over to their higher tps chain. Will be interesting to see if this happens any time soon. But to be honest there's still not a whole bunch of great dApps anyway, new ones built that are actually significant because of the cost and scaling would be more hype

>> No.14969925

Dapps are a meme. Real businesses only use hyperledger, corda, and other permissioned chains. That's why ETH and all the dozens of copycats like this piece of shit are bleeding like stuck pigs.

>> No.14969927
File: 598 KB, 1278x2276, 9E31C4DD-3131-4DBA-A666-A75100109842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14970014

Yeah, because all the other posts are quality.

Harmony is gold, anon. Join us.

>> No.14970029

That’s why you are supposed to buy now

>> No.14970065

Also bought today 155k

>> No.14970190

Added 100k myself, feeling comfy af

>> No.14970383

I haven't lost any money on this, my average buy-in is $0.01112. If the price dips a little below $0.011 again, I will buy more.

>> No.14970425

Sold 1k link, bought Harmony.

>> No.14970431

This coin is generally just slipping and slipping. I don't care for the coin but I hope everybody makes it. But right now with their cringe marketing I just don't see it

>> No.14970477

What we see as cringe, redditors will be gaping their mouths at.

>> No.14970498

Most of biz will buy after it goes over 2500 says, then complain when it drops 10%

>> No.14970501
File: 46 KB, 498x573, 1555196669392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an exit scam, Sergey and team would end up in cuffs if that were the case, or worst case would be hunted down.
The project will just drop meaningless low energy breadcrumbs and continue with literal who partnerships from here on out. Enough to prevent people from thinking it's an exit scam while they devs slowly dump their stack and head for the bahamas.

>> No.14970529

Im all in ONE and I have a feeling I gonna get burnt. That $1 eoy is ridiculous. If ONE goes to 10c that will make my year

As for the shills, seems like both shills and fudders are paid. Every one thread has several anons saying how ONE is shit. Fudders serve the narrative.

I just hope that it is CZ, who's paying them, cos if he is orchestarting this pnd, we'll have some good fine profits

>> No.14970633

I have 373k.
I am not worried. I bought in at ~112 sats average if bitcoin dumps it will set us back slightly but that in itself will give us more time to accumulate.
I truly believe this coin is going places.

I think the heavy shills are the ones that bought in at 200 sats+ and the fudders just like to piss on everyones chips in general.

Were you here for the link posts in 2018? People were also hating just as hard.

>> No.14970658

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.14970686
File: 37 KB, 800x450, A63E3BBA-0FCD-40A7-92C0-F012F4C49049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shill this all day long and i bought 20k at 121sats

>> No.14970855

I was in LINK since 2017. Held hard, but then got tired and sold for 20 cents. Got priced out soon enough. Fml

>> No.14971023

I haven't been on reddit for months and don't even know if crypto is still a thing there. Does ONE have a sub? I'm afraid all the nano, ada and eth bagholders will be fudding our chink baby

>> No.14971096

Not-the-admins created a sub there a few days ago.