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File: 35 KB, 1132x170, LINK over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14966674 No.14966674 [Reply] [Original]

7,7M now.

Linkies will still claim that its just "to pay for 5 externists that they want to hire" but truth is that we are watching exit scam.

Its fucking over.

>> No.14966683


>> No.14966721

well yeah, i mean wouldn't you? that's enough of your money to live a life of indulgent luxury for the rest of his days. we'd all have done this.

>> No.14966782

how is the price still $2.50 if they've dumped 7.7million LINKs im shook

>> No.14966804
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 08F28584-91AF-4CC1-90D4-45D997209833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then sell. No one fucking cares

>> No.14966833

>Exit scam AFTER a bleedout
Pants on head retarded fud

>> No.14966855

plausible deniability while still making millions of dollars. plus there's still the next pump, 6 months from now when everyone has forgotten and sir gay unleashes his load once and for all.

>> No.14966868

explain then dear Pajeets why he is CONSTANTLY dumping tokens ?

>> No.14966905

They're buying a company you dimwit

>> No.14966932

Sergey will use that money to buy Smartcontract.com. that's pretty much how he gets to cash out.

>> No.14966942

And yet the price is still above $2.

>> No.14966954

And also:
No one has an explanation. Just sell your stack, learn how to use a filter and never look back.Trust me, it is for the best.

>> No.14966963

Non of this kind of fud works anymore because of the last presentation. Sergey is basically single handedly leading the entire crypto space in the direction he believes in. Yes I'm bored af too but please try and be abit more imaginative, it's embarrassing these low iq threads

>> No.14966968

Show me where he's dumping. The orderbooks indicate nothing of the sort.

>> No.14966988
File: 656 KB, 1091x728, heehee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14966992

read the whitepaper

>> No.14967003

There's nothing in the white paper

>> No.14967006

7.7 million out 750m. That's a little over 1%. Are you retarded? Selling 1 percent is nothing. Remember when Facebook went public and zuck dumped billions worth of shares?

>> No.14967013

I agree. Everyone sell your bags right now and dump this shit under $2. I'm sick of you faggots propping the price up.

>> No.14967055

sir, be quiet you a are a sad little linky. you have the linkie smell ,you are worst memecoiner sir. your question is a very bad one, please do not give this post again and please delete it sir.

>> No.14967129

>He hasn’t heard yet of the acquisition

>> No.14967190

Answer me faggot.

>> No.14967199

answer him >>14966968
do it now

>> No.14967249



>> No.14967251

I sold everything already, but wouldn't the team want the best sell price? They know something.

>> No.14967270

Chainlink has not seen any inflation of its circulating supply since its existence. A dump of 7.7 million tokens comes at 2.2% inflation. Bitcoin's stock is currently increasing with 3.8% every year and I don't hear anybody else complain about it here

Wiith an average selling price of $3 they have secured $23 million in funding. Which means Sirgay won't have to borrow money and can focus on the more important things. Like getting in Adelyns ass

>> No.14967345

>tokens being moved = tokens being sold
Show that they're being sold

>> No.14967507

Yes idiot we know tokens are moved. Nothing shows they are being sold, unless Sergey is doing it in piddly amounts of 50 to 200. Cause that is what the orderbook shows. He said CONSTANTLY dumping, show me where he is dumping.

>> No.14967648

deluded linkies.

Tell me then why is he moving them?

Love how narative changed btw

>first 700k-2,8M sold
>he is just doing that to expand his company!

>7,7M sold
>h-he is not selling at all

>> No.14967722

So you can't show that they're being sold. Gotcha.

>> No.14967750

You seem to be so sure he's CONSTANTLY dumping so show me the proof.

And you do know Binance allows OTC transfers right? But that sort of "sale" wouln't be visible, so where is he selling according to you.

>> No.14967848

>this linklet cope

So where is he moving his tokens and why?

>> No.14967860

Why does normiebase still say the circulating supply is 350 million?

>> No.14967972

You're making a complete fool of yourself.

OTC sales or to mask the address the tokens are going. But I thought you already knew where they were going since Sergey is CONSTANTLY dumping according to you. So where is he dumping?

>> No.14968123

You keep repeating a claim that you can't back up. Why is this?

>> No.14968301

If over 7 million tokens were indeed sold, how is the price staying so stable? Even if these tokens were fed in a drip-feed manner, the price would have gone down significantly...yet it is staying stable and link is consistently at rank 16.

>> No.14968395

Otc to future business partners, as in node operators and api providers. Would suggest that free service oracle talked about is being partially funded by Link. These tokens are not in circulation and will likely not be, will be used for insurance by node operators dumbasses. No node network with proven players the entire project fails. This isn't rocket science ladies.

>> No.14968425

What about the 350 million in reserve? Wasn't that supposed to be used for this purpose? Yet those tokens are untouched.

>> No.14968449

So we know that he is dumping coins and you claim he is not selling. So what is he doing with them?

There is shitload of link. He is doing it slowly to not affect price

>> No.14968476

>There is shitload of link. He is doing it slowly to not affect price
You have to think in terms of volume...7 million link is around 150 million volume, which is overwhelmingly higher than what is on binance. Even if it was being sold slowly the price would eventually reflect this, but this has not been the case.

>> No.14968498

Prudent not to use them if not necessary since some day they are going to be worth an unbelievable amount of cash, why would you use those if not necessary? I am of the belief the biggest backers of this project, the 11000 Banks that make up Swift have there hands all over holding that uncirculated supply of Link. The Rich always get richer, AB and Drunkanon both pretty much confirmed this, did you listen or too busy fudding like brainlets.

>> No.14968544

Read above, setting up a solid proven node network, we see announcements almost daily. Call it a signing bonus if you must.

>> No.14968556

Jesus this is the last time I explain this
>Binance has data to sell (price info)
>Binance DEX has data to sell (price info)
>Sergey is selling LINK OTC to Binance so they can run nodes
>Expect Binance to be setting up nodes soon

LINK is on normiebase, but yet every transfer keeps going to Binance, have you asked yourself why or are you going to insist on being a twat with your 100 stack

>> No.14968613

and the funniest thing is, swinglinkers and FUDders will get caught off guard with the Binance announcement and the price will never come back
Screencap this

>> No.14968619

I'm not claiming he isn't selling, although the fact the circulating supply hasn't changed makes me doubt it, but if he is he's doing it OTC which wouldn't affect the price on exchanges which is what you pajeet fudders are screaming about.

>> No.14968620

Imo this is bullish as can be, means the window to implementation and eventual adoption is getting closer.

>> No.14968625

Is this conjecture?

>> No.14968638

Sold my Linkies for Nano about 2 weeks ago.
Not looking back.

>> No.14968649

Lol.. hilarious.

>> No.14968705

but isn't that how an investor makes money, they see value before anyone else does?
you might think I'm on hopium, and maybe I am, but I analyze the adoption path my gut tells me it's coming soon
>same anon who told you Truffle integration was coming

>> No.14968732


WOW! And link is still 10x from its lows. Unbelievable. Institutional buyers must be sweeping up the 7.7 million. shares.

As soon as accumulation is over I see double digits. Possibly mid August.

>> No.14968735

Does this mean binance will offer a staking service? Or just they will become an node operator?

>> No.14968736

Why do people respond to absolutely retarded bait threads?
The LINK are being sold OTC

>> No.14968745

because the these coins are locked up for staking by institutional holders.

>> No.14968749

Sold mine for NOIA at release date.
Not looking back either.

>> No.14968785

sold this shitcoin for CarVertical (CV)
best decision i ever made

>> No.14968804

Thank you. The binance staking was my sentiment too but I wanted to ensure I wasn’t being delusional. It would make sense. What’s more is the margin trading. Sergey wasn’t lying about vertical.

>> No.14968805

More comedy gold. If true, not everybody was meant to make it. I am sorry Anon.

>> No.14969210


>> No.14969259

go away pajeet shill. People must learn about your scam

>> No.14969311

Ripple managed to sell 243 million in tokens OTC without crushing long interest in their coin. How the fuck is the Chainlink team too inept to sell OTC? They killed long interest with less than 10 million in movement. All because they're the type of one-solution-assholes who hammer in a screw by working in the the open, fucking market instead of in OTC where the big boys do their trading.

WTF. At this point, they're either negligent or malicious.

>> No.14970298

Wtf, think about it anon. All the autists here have been watching the dev wallets for 2 years. If they moved them to an OTC desk, or sold them themselves and transferred to the new owner, it would still all be visible on chain.

>> No.14970369

Fuck off

>> No.14970430

Thanks. Just sold 320k

>> No.14970484

Sold all mine for FTM. Doing great this week.

>> No.14971109

Or they are selling to a client who doesn't want to mark himself?

>> No.14971812

Have none of you fucking rerards heard of OTC?

>> No.14972098

funny joke pajeet

this thang ova

>> No.14972114

yeah because that op is larping
fucking kys faggot link is done

>> No.14972178
File: 378 KB, 2456x1242, 1559139882758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait

>> No.14972210

yall like panicky lil bitches