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14964330 No.14964330 [Reply] [Original]

Do market cycles apply to real life movements as well?

I feel like we're in a bear culture right now.

>> No.14964336
File: 93 KB, 596x650, 1561254550059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is a bull trap

>> No.14964347

You just blew my mind, based wojack

>> No.14964352
File: 23 KB, 425x448, 1562940422568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice photomontage u got there goy

>> No.14964354

Too true

>> No.14964375
File: 1.32 MB, 550x8800, List-no-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone unironically chart this so we can do some TA?

>> No.14964432
File: 34 KB, 780x359, Kondratieff_Wave.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going too far, opie. Turn back!
No, seriously, stop trying to figure things out!
Oh, okay, you still want to know, huh?
Damn, okay... well listen up buddy
About a century ago there lived a scientist in Soviet Russia by the name of Kondratieff.
Official state policy was that capitalism was in its last stage, a stage they called Imperialism. Key word: last. As in, capitalism was unsustainable and due to collapse any second.
Kondratieff went against this dogma by uncovering what he believed were important cycles. Not just economic boom/bust cycles, but all-encompassing socio-political-economic cycles. These waves of his spanned 40-60 years. He was eventually imprisoned and later executed by firing squad for not following official state policy.

Pic related. Note how the downswings coincide with major world events like the first industrial revolution and the napoleonic wars, the second industrial revolution and the imperialistic land-grabs of the late 19th century, the third industrial revolution and the great war and the second world war, then the financial revolution and gold decoupling with all the economic crises (oil shock, inflation crises, etc.) and now we're finally witnessing the fourth industrial revolution, or the information age; according to Kondratieff, we should be entering a downswing any day now.

>> No.14964441

Best post on biz in a long time

>> No.14964493

But the 50s to 90s had more development

>> No.14964498


>> No.14964516

Interesting how those Germans are wearing Russian NKVD uniforms

>> No.14964527

Trump is a bear market candidate who came into power during the sociopolitical crash where denial was strong and anger was brooding, "but america is already great". In bull markets people vote in soft lawyers and charismatic bureaucrats in times of great euphoria like Obama.

>> No.14964548
File: 172 KB, 640x906, 2BCfkBKbeaWmPixwJhSVFmyRxVgF1MTX51iw2kzSjzH5v79J8bvE7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. We are now entering part 4. In our case, read weak men as women voters

>> No.14964580

Stare at the charts long enough, you see the same pattern and waves in EVERYTHING
Resonance is the drive of our whole existence

>> No.14964591


>> No.14964789

It was the time of collapse though, so many governments and empires that fell because they couldn't sustain themselves anymore because in the 1960’s and 1970’s the Global Economy changed. Technologies emerged that made old style heavy industry outdated, Soviet Union being the best example, while information tech industries reached new peaks like Korea and Japan.

>> No.14964827

>we should be entering a downswing any day now.
If 2000 was the peak we are already near the bottom and should see the seeds of the next industrial revolution.

>> No.14964843


>> No.14964894

Too much strong men create hard times, so does an abundance of weak men. A good government is balanced, with a balanced amount of lions and foxes, to put it in machiavellian terms.

>> No.14964932


>> No.14965645

Yes its called strauss-howe generational theory look itnup boomer

>> No.14965785
File: 474 KB, 1532x932, temperatures&amp;history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, but we breakout parabola now, bear market is coming, global temperature is unsustainable and the sun has reduced sun spots 2018 was lowest in years
this guy has some amazing insights on using the past to predict the future, he's predicting major downturns for the west in 2032

>> No.14965860
File: 111 KB, 763x1152, spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do market cycles apply to real life movements as well?

>> No.14965893

enough with this jooz stuff