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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 1234x616, bsv_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14956888 No.14956888 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided to create a BSV general thread.

EVERY FUCKING DAY, there will be a new thread. The FUD campaign where Blockstream is HIRING PEOPLE to post against BSV is growing and people are ACTUALLY UNIRONICALLY fudding the network when a fucking 130+ mb block was just mined on it.

We are upgrading. We are building. We are creating. We are creating functional and useful apps like Twetch or Handcash, and have produced more useful services in two months than ANY OTHER COIN HAS PRODUCED IN YEARS.

I will make it my duty EVERY SINGLE DAY to NEVER let this campaign go unnoticed.

BSV marines, I am risking my life for this. If you DO NOT SEE A BSV GENERAL THREAD, create one until it is done. We are not going to SKIP any days AGAIN. The richest people are still here. No people with actual money use plebiit or twitter. They are all here. Let's make it worth our time.

>> No.14956900

it was nice when you pajeet fags didn't post for a week while craig was in court

>> No.14956913

Fuck off you filthy disgusting smelly white racist. Go clean your ass with dry toilet paper and walk around with shit stains on. Don't forget to easily let your women get fucked by every person of every race as well.

>> No.14956917
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Richfag checking in. Currently holding 4 digits. Fuck the Blockstream trannies.

>> No.14956922
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This guy is the best FUD to avoid buy BSV.

>> No.14956925


>> No.14956931
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shit vision is shit
you had a chain split today thank vishnu nobody actually uses this garbage

>> No.14956933

Atleast learn to speak english first you paid blockstream shill

>> No.14956943


>> No.14956982

get out there and build, hire people to build, whatever it takes. we're out here hustling, BSV is going to suck the entire world right up its anus

>> No.14957118

There's actually a good number of us on /biz/ that support BSV. It seems like we're made up of majority oldfags who are more mentally matured and wealthy.

The problem is that its so hard to have a honest constructive conversation about BSV, or enjoy the wins, because the BSV haters come in and try to shit on everything. It's really sad, because it's almost like they are proud of being poor, and get some sadistic enjoyment out of it. I think most of the BSV haters are actually damn near broke, and maybe playing with less than 1k of crypto.

"Pajeets, vishnu, creg"... etc etc.
It's all so tiresome, and its wasteful reading.

Anyways, you're doing the lords work anon. There are a few newfags on here worth saving. The rest refuse to realize what's coming, and they will remain poor.

If you're not on Twetch, I recommend you go there. Sure, there is some dumb normie shit on there sometimes, but also some great content occasionally.

I actually barely use /biz/ anymore. It's gone downhill unfortunately. I feel like we have too many redditors here now or something like that.

>> No.14957121
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>> No.14957157

i love bitcoin SV :DDDD

>> No.14957159
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this kills the linkie

>> No.14957165
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>It seems like we're made up of majority oldfags who are more mentally matured and wealthy.

>> No.14957188
File: 398 KB, 1440x1649, Screenshot_20190724-173406_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like we can't just filter your daily trash thread. BYE BYE

>> No.14957339


>> No.14957379

Just trying to get my 21 BSV, but life is suffering

>> No.14957394

Based and checkedpilled

Imagine fudding a chain that holds world records and just beat it's own world record again today. Likely breaking it again this weekend.

>> No.14957431

Yet you're here.

>> No.14957433
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>> No.14957455

>tfw you are a poor white man in a rich country
no excuse cumskin. shekelstein needs his TPS reports.
indian chads will inherit the worlds wealth during the second greatest wealth transfer; white cucks to indian chads facilitated by the BSV network!

>> No.14957464

>he doesn't know the blockchain requires all participants to be honest

It's a game Jews can't win. Hitler would be blushing.

>> No.14957695

NOBODY is being paid to 'fud' your shitcoin
Who in Gods name would need to pay when you've got a fud like creg at the helm already ?
When you stopped shitting up the entire board with your 'creg=le god' tier fucking inane bullshit and stuck to your new general ? People -might- leave you alone. You won't tho. Because, we all know who is fucking paid for here

>> No.14958098

fuck off greg

>> No.14958116
File: 264 KB, 978x1398, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 5.41.23 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will make it

>> No.14958191

Whatever cunt, i'll gladly not talk about creg and just the technical achievements of the protocol. It's the corecuck shills who are so obsessed with ad homineming creg as if it somehow affects the merits of BitCoin.

>> No.14958316

Seems like what they are doing is as close to what BTC was meant to be from the start. Whether that actually leads to success and growth over the long term is yet to be seen. However, it seems like a smart play to keep some on hand if it does work out. I can't imagine letting anything anyone else says keeping you from thinking critically for yourself.

>> No.14958519

I feel sorry for people who got shilled in to buying BTC after the segwit fork. People who sold their BCH and their SV can get rekt though. I paid 3 bitcoins to my mum for her old car in 2014. In a few years times retards like McCoreon and Tone Vays will be polishing her lambo because she simply held all the forks.

>> No.14958865
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>> No.14959043

Craig cried in court, faggot.

>> No.14959130


>> No.14959478
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I used to teach high functioning autists anatomy at university. One of them cried one day because they believed a small flag pin had been put less than 3cm from another structure and that made it a sinus rather than vein and they would have got 98/100 on their test rather than 97.5/100. Emotions are a strange world for autists.

>> No.14959524

mcormack won't have any bsv, especially when craig takes him to court for libel
win or lose he'll refuse to buy any out of shame or pride

>> No.14959565
File: 140 KB, 883x851, ChargedWithFraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol craig's going to federal prison. Probably for a long time too. Dipshit calvin and the nchain team, especially shadders, will probably go down with him.

>> No.14959762
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, AmauryNWO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best bit about all the core bastards who fucked the protocol with Segwit is that they all dumped their BCH at the fork and also told everyone else to do so too, their day is coming soon.
Nobody but shrewd investors had any BCH when Amaury decided to fuck with the protocol even further adding CTOR (fucking with the transaction ordering in blocks) creating the last split which leaves even fewer toxic idiots dealing and holding any BSV.
I think I just figured out why SV development is leaps and bounds ahead of those other two shitcoins...
When Craig enforces the Bitcoin trademark at the exchanges this will be the fastest 100× in the history of crypto

>> No.14959785


How do you reckon with the fact that csw is a blatant scam artist, and clearly an unstable moron?

Also, twetch is by far the gayest thing I've ever seen on the internet. Losers desperately shilling to try and get the 46 cents a 'top' post might net them. Also the endless csw cocksucking on there is downright embarassing...

>> No.14959816

read this in cregs voice while imagining you are a retarded pajeet

>> No.14959830

There are four people that hold the copyright on the Bitcoin whitepaper now. Craig would have to prove in court that he truly is Satoshi to enforce that, retard.

>> No.14959911

when he provides a copy of blacknet and emails with dave it's gonna be easy to prove
pay closer attention to the files in the kleiman case rather than his autistic tantrum moments, all of the proof is right there.

>> No.14959996
File: 879 KB, 3098x1762, CSW fake whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he provides a copy of blacknet

>> No.14959999

>all of the proof is right there.
No, it's not. He's getting demolished in the Kleiman case. The files he submits are usually fraudulent.

>> No.14960023

Its an uncensored fully functional twitter on the blockchain you dumbfuck.
Not even the smartcontract shitcoins have something like that.

>> No.14960036

Because their is no need for twitter on a blockchain

>> No.14960063

This. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to have a censorship resistant Twitter.

>> No.14960070
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, cswright-abhiyaan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]
And now For a Bonus! Watch him DESTROY a hater!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvqn87iAz8 [Embed]

>> No.14960552

>we can conclude
more like assume, just more trash from leddit
gonna ignore all the stuff kleiman provided as well?

>> No.14960578
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Save yourself the effort. /Biz/ is totally compromised by paid shill operations, nobody here deserves true and valuable information. Let them all ROT in the sea of shitcoins. They've chosen link and BTC as their shitcoins of choice. Let them have it. They are all going to be pink wojaks sooner or later.

>> No.14960814

Nice, thank you for the information
i hope that other smart anon listen to this

>> No.14960869

Craigs mother said he was a pathological lier in court. Craig wept.

>> No.14960917

What about it? Craig is the defense and the one with something to lose. If he goes down for all those charges then even people like shadders, whom they said tried to help craig access those "trusts", could get convicted also. Craig's lies will kill bsv

>> No.14961512

can you put a trip on?
I suggest 'BSV god'

>> No.14961592

Please create pull request onchain

>> No.14961609

Checking in. Stiffpilled and holding

>> No.14961629


Average bsv hodlers 35

>> No.14961717

Gab gab gab

>> No.14961740

Craig is satoshi nice digits

>> No.14961756

Craig has charges against him for fraud.

>> No.14962858


>muh real bitcorn hurr durr

>> No.14963130

You read my mind anon. You will make it.

>> No.14963232

This exactly. BSV support is what's obvious and true.

>> No.14963756

Imagine not going all in right now

>> No.14963783

>pajeet vs lukejr
imma sit this one out

>> No.14963782

>thinks there is a paid campaign for fudding BSV

bro, i literally spent my free time warning people on this bullshit scam lol

>> No.14963798

Yep, I also talk shit about it for free. If there is a paid campaign, please DM me

>> No.14963828

I don't know what's true and what's false but I've got 200bsv and 200k link so regardless of whether Craig is sats or not I will make it

>> No.14964003

used to be that cashies were the insufferable delusional morons who tried to shill their shitcoin every day but those all moved on to sv now.
bch actually sees some decent development. i wouldnt invest in it as minority forks are inherently worthless but im warming to the bch crowd.

>> No.14964021
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>fork of a fork
SV posters are always Alex Jones tier. Double distilled autism.

>> No.14964057

Everything good about BCH moved into BSV. The exact same protocol, except with 2 gilgamesh blocks and unlocked OP_Codes. After the split, BCH changed for the worse.
BCH destroyed Nakamoto Consensus, the foundation of "Bitcoin's design", by introducing 10 block reorg protection. They introduced collectivist central planning / cartel formation through CTOR (canonical transaction ordering) and OP_Datasigverify turned the design of BCH into an illegal bucket shop. Ilegal, as in, not legal. It is only a matter of growth until it is deemed time to bring down the hammer.
If these things do not convince you to choose BSV, you are communist pawn and you deserve to lose everything.
Also screencap this, because I won't be here to explain this forever and its value is hard to measure, but very valuable to say the least.
The reason why there's no "cashies" or BCH'ers left, or at the least why they're so passive, is because anyone with a shred of integrity and foresight moved to BSV.

>> No.14964072
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>I’m creating a containment bread
At least you can GET properly

>> No.14964380

Someone will make a 4chan clone on bsv and we can get back to discussing business and finance that is conducted with bsv as a global protocol. Shitcoins won't make it to be discussed on there.

>> No.14964730
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>he does it for free