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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14957792 No.14957792 [Reply] [Original]

I guess /biz/ related. Has anyone else noticed that wagies are getting uppity lately, especially on their way to the wage cage?
I was on the access road (the road parallel to the highway for non-burgers) making a right turn to get so gas so, mind you the speed limit is about 45 MPH on most of these roads. Slow for a burger.
This dude in a faggot humungous jacked up F-250 was easily pushing 70 and almost fucking rear ended me. Damn guy almost destroyed another car to swerve around me.
Why are wagies and wiggers like this?
Post funny gifs of wagies losing their shit.

>> No.14957813

I wonder the effect of based NEETs going hard at wagies online is having. Even that Amazon wage cage patent seemed to be a joke in the normie news sites which had to give wagies an inkling that they are indeed, caged wageslaves. Also all those news articles of sponsored ads showing people who got rich off of bitcoin and stocks being younger and viewed as less deserving than them has gotta make em think.

>> No.14957854

based disabled anons

>> No.14957883
File: 3.07 MB, 482x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the elected wagies are angery!!!!!111 :o

>> No.14957930
File: 682 KB, 1280x1511, 9s6fD3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what these damn boomers get for wasting their glory days on fucking each other in some dirty hippie compound and consuming drugs pushed by literal 3rd worlders.
Now half of them barely have anything to retire on. Oh, whale. At least they make for good wal mart greeters.
Pic related is probably some anon's grandma. kek

>> No.14957952

The class war is coming soon

>> No.14957967

I know this is partially a dumb neet thread, but it does seem like people as a whole are way more irritable and aggressive.

>> No.14958001

based boomer throwing zoning projectiles at fellow congress members

>> No.14958043

It is. Every wagie I have encountered lately has the feel he/she is about to go postal

>> No.14958199
File: 67 KB, 847x521, 119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk bros it's find of tiring to know everyone is always at the edge of their seat ready to fucking pop.
Is it because wagies aren't making enough or is it all the s o y they drink? Jews?

>> No.14958225
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>> No.14958273

nothing like millennials and zoomers complaining about the entitlement mentality of other generations.

>> No.14958293

It's because no one's having sex anymore unless they're in the top 10% looks-wise. Because of feminism, women no longer have to pretend to be into "lesser" men, so only the tallest fittest chads are getting any regardless of money or status which is why we now get incidents like the bagel manlet and all the people that quietly empathize with him. The only people having a good time now are the top 10% chads and the few in the 90% like me who fucked their minds up to where porn satisfies them. The rest are doing clown shit like buying huge cars and then doing donuts with them on access roads apparently.

>> No.14958325

It's financial stress majority are victims to some sort of predatory lending be it payday loans or student loans

>> No.14958362

>Has anyone else noticed that wagies are getting uppity latel

holy shit, I noticed that aswell.
Usually when I go inside the train at 6am to beg for some money after partying they are all chill and ignore me.
But the last few months they really become angry. Maybe they dont get enough sleep or something? Maybe they get triggered by the money in my begging cup?

>> No.14958405
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x800, INFLATE IT ALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enough money
Dude, just print more money lmao
>t.(((Federal Reserve)))

>> No.14958427
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>> No.14958431
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>> No.14958446
File: 1.75 MB, 375x274, fcb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it

>> No.14958463

NOTHING LIKE POPPING BEFORE YOU PEEPEE WHEN YOU shut the fuck up gay little bitch

>> No.14958509

being a NEET entails identical amounts of misery as being a wageslave just for different reasons. anyone pretending there is any nobility in either option is lying to themselves.

>> No.14958555
File: 677 KB, 546x719, 1514733814683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part time wagie and part time NEET
It feels good to go home earlier than the rest of my fellow wagies
Any way, here's a glimpse into the future