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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1495669 No.1495669 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I go to York U for accounting
>tfw overshadowed by literally every other school in the country

>> No.1495698

Name doesn't matter. I went to Uvic and UBC and Uvic was a better school despite the reputation.

>> No.1495707

Except when only literally whos recruit for accounting at York

>> No.1495714

Get a 4.0 with some good internships and it won't matter. Experience is way more important than name.

>> No.1495720

Merit and marketing yourself is much more important than the school you graduated.

>> No.1495750

just do well and transfer into Schulich. cant you do that?

>> No.1495803

Lel should have went to UofT or Ryerson

>> No.1495812

I'm going to Mohawk college, you have it even better than me

Although Mohawk is the best college in Ontario

Damn it's still probably better than York....

>> No.1495814



K high school

>> No.1495827

apart from co-op programs, there really is no difference between universities in Canada, you're fugged no matter what ::::------DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.1495961

Transfer to Ivey and don't pick a shit major like accounting.

>> No.1495973

>just grow a bigger dick lmao

I'm going into my third year. That's only available for people that just finished their first year.

I'm too deep into this shithole.

>> No.1495976

Thoughts On Bloc?

>> No.1495978

Why does York even offer an accounting major outside Schulich? It just seems cruel.

>> No.1496107

Is easier to be the tallest when you're surrounded by midgets.

Be the big fish in a small pond

>> No.1497099

>Coworker studying business at ITT tech
>9 credit hours away
>ITT folds
>Course of study not eligible for teachout
>Currently owes $120k+, non-dischargable

I'm sure your degree from York (assuming York, in Ontario,) is a bit better than many of the dumbasses in the US have

>> No.1497135

>school matters for accounting

I like these memes so much, do you fucking idiots not know what the CPA or CFA program is? Those matter way way way more than what school you went to

>> No.1497141

Going to UBC on exchange Just after your winter break.

Good school?

Engineering 4.0 here.

>> No.1497162
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>tfw 4th year Applied Economics at McMaster

already got that portfolio ringing