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File: 10 KB, 605x100, coinhour bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14956363 No.14956363 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still shill/buy skycoin? Synth is just a scammer

>> No.14956380

>Synth is just a scammer

>> No.14956381
File: 31 KB, 625x348, scammer4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has claimed that Obelisk is done since 2017, yet its not released, the coinhour bank was supposed to be ready 1 year ago, but its not released

>> No.14956385

>he doesnt earn coinhours whilst he sleeps
>he doesntbuy 1000 sky every week
>he doesnt worship the cube

>> No.14956400
File: 14 KB, 635x182, scammer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claims that they have apps with a larger userbase than netflix while having 0 apps, this was also 2 years ago and there is still no apps on skycoin

>> No.14956417
File: 9 KB, 488x136, scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were supposed to release a bunch of apps in 2017, but has yet to release even 1 app.

>> No.14956436
File: 18 KB, 631x251, CX 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CX has supposedly been working since dec 2017 but it's still not possible to write a app in CX and deploy it to skycoin, kitty cash is not done either although its a very simple game

>> No.14956458
File: 196 KB, 912x1066, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 1.26.52 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because besides Synth's inability to define deadlines, the code and systems produced thus far is exceptional and better than anything else in the space.

>> No.14956462
File: 21 KB, 572x332, its all done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had 8 development teams in 2017, but has still not managed to release even 1 app or the consensus which was done in 2017 according to synth. It was all done already in 2017 but we have yet to see any progress since 2017. The only release has been a mobile wallet app which is not exactly progress

>> No.14956510
File: 11 KB, 612x188, scammer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was never any marketing, there was no apps, no demos, there has been nothing since april 2017 except for a mobile wallet.

>> No.14956622

BBS is a working app. It's written in Go though most of these plans were set aside once they decided they needed their own programming language, CX.

>> No.14956680

Show me.
CX was done in october 2017, how come there has been no apps in 2 years? Even though Synth claimed they had several apps and even one with a huge user base?
What happened to Obelisk which was ready?
What happened to testing CX with Kitty cash?
What happened to the coinhour bank?

>> No.14956807


Skycoin has a tendency to rework projects they want to rework. The scope of CX was greatly expanded.

Obelisk is ready via internal testing. It hasn't been implemented yet. You didn't mistake Synth being emphatic for a literal announcement, did you? Using a masternode has mostly been for development convenience. Now enough has changed with the coin that additional components are likely required.

Kitty Cash is being tested with CX.

Coinhour Bank UI is in beta. The backend was finished at the time of that post.

>> No.14956823


>> No.14956930
File: 98 KB, 984x888, 1544281156500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and sky-pilled

>> No.14956944

Nice, a shitty app that isn't connected to Skycoin in anyway. So still no app then I guess.

Why has Obelisk not been released if it's ready? What are they waiting for?

Kitty cash hasnt had an update in over a year, so no testing then I guess

Coinhour bank was done 2 years ago, how is the UI in beta? How can a UI take 2 years to create when the whole coinhour bank is literally just SEND, STORE, RECIEVE?

>> No.14957148

Nah, it's a decent BBS and it works over Skywire just fine. A version rebuilt in a more robust iteration of CX would be ideal.

Because it's ready in concept, but more aspects of the coin have been developed since 2017. Exchanges also have certain requirements on how they handle consensus and wallets, etc. It's just a better development workflow.

Testing isn't the same as public updates. Not all repos are viewable nor are they all on Github. "they won't let me stand over their shoulder so this must be a scam" lol.

Because other things were more important to work on. There's more to the bank than simply sending, storing, and receiving. Now that we're nearing Skywire doing settlement with SCH, now is a logical time to focus effort on the SCH bank.

Are you sure you understand enough about code to have opinions on these topics?

>> No.14957262

Yes I certainly do.

BBS doesn't need Skywire to work, it's not an app connected to Skycoin or Skywire.
So Obelisk has only been ready in "concept" for 2 years? Exchanges surely has requirements but in general they do not care about the consensus algo as they have nothing to do with it, they just send and recieve coins so this is bullshit.
Yes working with a centralized masternode surely is a better development workflow but sooner or later the switch has to happen and it surely would be ideal to work that out before getting more users IF the project is even real.
Kitty cash was supposed to be done already and there has been 0 updates, and why would they hide the development of a simple game like kitty cash? It's not a spectacular new game that has any cool features worth hiding

Tell me what a UX/UI Designer worked on instead for 2 years as the only thing to have had any form of UX/UI during this time has been the mobile wallet which is just a basic wallet and it even has terrible UX/UI.

There is no more to the UX/UI for user of the coinhour bank, it's supposed to store your coins, send it to adress X and receive it from adress Y. The UX/UI for it could be done in a week and even if it's a bit more complicated it would only take a month at most for ONE UX/UI guy

>> No.14957337

Lol, you don't even understand how the transactions work on Skycoin generally, of course you think it's just in and out.

What gives you the assumption that a UI person worked on it consistently for years. It was shelved until the proper time to release it.

You don't have to believe me, but I know enough about the rest of your complaints to think that you're foolish. Stay poor until milestones are released, and after.

>> No.14957970

Always fucking bugs me when people don't realize things take time.

>> No.14958013

Screen shot mcgoo over here wasting his life away compiling screenshots

the life of a pointless screen shooter

>> No.14958077
File: 46 KB, 1139x918, roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
