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14952243 No.14952243 [Reply] [Original]

how do I escape Finland? I have 40k Link I want out here before end up pic related

>> No.14952253

looks pretty comfy tho desu

>> No.14952264

Could be worse. You could be a part of your Eastern neighbor. At least you have EU residency. Just sell your link and buy a train ticket to Italy lol

>> No.14952277

Why leave finland? It's still mostly white, low population, lappish qts, good myths, vast tracts of fertile land. You'd be making a mistake

>> No.14952308

Wtf. Where you gonna go? Its one of the best countries

>> No.14952310

Lmao confirmed never visiting Finland you are deluded. You cant even enjoy nature its full of fucking mosquitos during summer months everywhere you go

>> No.14952317
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this. you must start to love this beautiful country of ours, Pekka. it has its flaws but i wouldn't want to live anywhere else (aside from denmark, norway and iceland)

>> No.14952324
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I'm literally serving in military force as we speak.
I get 5.10 eurodollars per day for it

>> No.14952348

>Muh best country in the world

Suicide rates higher than in Eastern Europe, truly the GOAT country

>> No.14952365

Yikes. Iceland then. Have you seen the women

>> No.14952386
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checked max total

>> No.14952396

Absolutely not.

Somewhere where you can walk around in t-shrit year around and preferably smoking a joint or two in public space does not land you in jail or some government potential terrorist surveillance program

>> No.14952401
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>> No.14952405

Less competition for the qts

>> No.14952421

First you sell link, then you move.

>> No.14952463

US of A
I would not opt for south east asia unless you like being surrounded by shitskins

>> No.14952489

Almost everywhere in the world is like this, it's not a big deal.

>> No.14952536

Think of it as a free gym

>> No.14952565

Finland is pretty much the same as Burgerland in suicide statistics. Far away from Russia and Lithuania.

>> No.14952573
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You want to escape Finland not because of the horrible winter and the bad cuisine, but because of that fat dude?
I have been in Jyvaskyla, Oulu and Tampere. Finns are based once you break their shy cell, and the landscapes are beautiful. I know it can be bored, but trust me, life can be bored everywhere. You probable should travel abroad to have a better perspective of things, specially if you are young.

>> No.14952581

*it can be boring

>> No.14952612


Literally you are describing Spain

Shitty job market though

>> No.14952642

I can give you a job working In sweden if you promise to work hard.

>> No.14952663


Lmao another socialist piece of shit state like Finland, even more surveillance and more immigrants. Never, ever.

>> No.14952671

I'm from Finland as well but I'll write this in English.

Mate, you need to travel a bit to learn how the infrastructure works in other countries. Always when I return home I'm greeted with fresh tap water and working society. True the taxes are fucked and muslims are invading but you can still build a nice bubble for yourself in some smaller town in north, fuck Helsinki and their kike nigger lovers and communists. My plan is that if I ever make it or land some good cash from link (only 5.2k suicide stack fml) I'll be moving away from Helsinki. Only problem now is that I got a mortgage and ok paying jobs so I don't really want to downshift yet.

>> No.14952682

go back to jamaica nigger

>> No.14952710

My Summer Car 2 looks good

>> No.14952724


I understand the nostalgic-aesthetic appeal of it.

That being said, countryside like that does not exist anymore. There are not village pubs, small village stores or something like that: it is gone since 20 years

Now megamarkets such as LIDL filled with shitskins, foreigners. You get the deal. You cannot turn back time

>> No.14952768

if this was thailand, I wouldnt mind living like this

>> No.14952769

Norskie here, I also plan to leave my cunt when I make it, but only for wealth tax reasons.
Think I'll chill in the white parts of Germany, (the north east).

>> No.14952797

lol senpai I live in California and want to escape to Finland forest cabin.

>> No.14952802
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Jeeze, even Mexicans get paid more than you guys..

>> No.14952855

People in OP's pic, especially the passed out dude are your neighbors in those forest cabins

Then they sit on the cabin porch 24/7 drunk like that and go to the kioski to sit on plastic chairs to socialize with other bums

>> No.14952879

Sounds depressing as fuck OP. Never been to Finland, but going off how you just described it - I probably won't ever go there.

40k Link is 'fuck you money' in 2023. Congrats. I just hope you can hold on through the storm.

>> No.14952924

Perkele sataana

>> No.14952946

Käy homo se armeija loppuun eläkä valita.
T. 2/09

>> No.14952949

If you are a girl I'll marry you so you can get U.S citizenship.

>> No.14952968

yea but still better than stealing/robbing/drug dealing mexican and black gang members all over CA and their obese baby mommas with 19 kids leaching off taxpayers

>> No.14953193

but do they like anime?

>> No.14953361
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fuck you OP. either you're not finnish or you are some friendless weeblord living in front of your computer and blaming everyone and everything else for your indolence.

Finland is beautiful country with unlimited opportunities. You're just too bitter to see this. I promise you will be miserable anywhere you go if you're miserable here.

Only downsides in Finland are long winter and goverment somewhat fucking us in the ass. But we are still millions of muslims away from being bad country. Might aswell enjoy this country at comfy summer cottage while we can.

Also the pic OP posted is like the 0.01% of the worst alcoholic rednecks that live here.

>> No.14953465
File: 124 KB, 740x1024, IMG_6989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably beat you up for a Finnish passport
t. Your unlucky eastern neighbour.

>> No.14953504

yea Finland is the greatest country except government fucked everyone with too much gibs

>> No.14953510

Find it hard to believe, here in germanistan i got private farmers running a farmer's market and there's still private meatshop& bakery. If it's possible in the heart of immigration it should be possible to find a bubble in finland too.

Those guys look slav to me. Even got typical adidas clothing.

>> No.14953538
File: 9 KB, 236x227, de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b--reaction-pictures-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mee roskiin pappa

>> No.14953579

dude every girl in finland has a black or muslim baby

>> No.14953667

Lol finland is absolute tax and immigrant hell. If you work it’s 40% tax plus in addituon to taxes 25% of every paycheck goes towards the boomers pension payments. In every town bigger than 10000 people the centres are filled with niggers and iphone-refugers

>> No.14953805

This is what /pol/ does to your brain. Clearly a fatass who has never left america.

>> No.14953837

>5.10 eurodollars per day for it
Holy fuck I was pulling ~$4,300 a month as an E-5 in the US. Jesus christ I was rich compared to you.

>> No.14953845

Wrong. Further north you go the worse mosquitos get in the summer.

>> No.14954333

You have never been in Finland
Stay in America

>> No.14954345

>What a cuck
Holy fuck I was pulling $6,200 a month as an E-2 in the Australian Millitary, plus free food and 1 bedroom apartment the Sydney CBD.

>> No.14954349

what a cute language

>> No.14954354



>> No.14954367

>40k Link

Literally just wait a year or two

>> No.14954374

Im interested in this offer . Lol

>> No.14954462

He looks comfy and has surely made it. While you are a whiny bitch who wants to run away. Does it hurt that he is more man than you? You fag kys, thats your only path.

>> No.14954498

Sir please shut down your computer, go to Kallio and go visit hierontaa to relax!

>> No.14954511

Looks cozy. Stop complaining desu