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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14949360 No.14949360 [Reply] [Original]

Does cryptocurrency and racism/white-nationalism go hand-in-hand or is just a feature of this board?

>> No.14949368

just a teenage phase, we going to have something else soon.

>> No.14949577

What's next?

>> No.14949619


>> No.14949650

Sex changes

>> No.14949658

It's a feature of /pol/ and other reddit faggots that started invading in around 2010-2012 (but started getting worse in 2015-2016 with Trump) because they saw that people said nigger on 4chan and thought it was cool and edgy. Since they're a big board they have discord shills in every board, plus the people they brainwash.

Even though they're right about some things about jews and niggers they're mostly projecting

>> No.14949663

Decentralised hyper-hierarchical post-Liberty city-states run by their own Chainlink ecosystems.

>> No.14949799


>> No.14949867

people who like preserving and/or multiplying their wealth tend to be right wing (except to the media), right wing tend to be racist. Not that crazy

>> No.14949896

> people who like preserving and/or multiplying their wealth tend to be right wing (except to the media), right wing tend to be racist. Not that crazy

Half true, most of the people I know who make alot of money don't give much of a shit about politics outside of how it effects them financially. They certainly don't feel strongly about living among non-white people given that they all choose to live in huge multicultural cities.

>> No.14949906
File: 98 KB, 796x798, dd207477f3d99e17faec272885d4f67e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. crypto-currency is anti-semitic

>> No.14949916

>Even though they're right about some things about jews and niggers they're mostly projecting
t. niggerjew

>> No.14949917

Yes, now go back to worshipping illiterate nigger retards who rhyme over digitally fabricated noises on soundcloud, faggot

>> No.14949945

yeah but how do they make that money? probably waging, thats the big difference

>> No.14949994

Some of them, some are successful traders.

I find the traders tend to be the least likely to give a shit and don't seem to hold strong opinions about ANY event weirdly enough, I guess that's what makes them so good at trading.

>> No.14950023

then the answer is smarter people went down bigger internet rabbit holes, then became racist and found crypto and made bank with memes

>> No.14950048

Nah the ones that hold really strong opinions like "Muh I hate all niggers" are the ones that are likely to "believe" in some shitcoin and HODL it down 97%.

People who feel strongly about politics, religious people, and shitcoin HODLers all have similar mindsets.

>> No.14950127

kek, here's hoping

>> No.14950142

>the ones that are likely to "believe" in some shitcoin and HODL it
which is what was required to make it with btc and the early shitcoins, we're obviously talking pre-2017

>> No.14950194

>ruining a perfect body with a nigger tier shop
kys summerfags, sick of you 15 year old faggots polluting /biz/

>> No.14950949

Yes, just like being trans goes in hand with suicide and being black goes along with being subverted by the idiocy of your culture managed and perpetrated by another (((small hebraic culture)))