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File: 124 KB, 1300x908, Screenshot 2019-07-24 at 09.40.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14948044 No.14948044 [Reply] [Original]

>with chainlink you just win

>> No.14948058

>Not buying this obvious double bottom with august and september incoming.

>> No.14948067

we all know how this goes when a date is set.

>> No.14948075
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>> No.14948076

Yeah, win a one way trip to generational poverty lmao

>> No.14948077
File: 927 KB, 740x900, 7FE344A3-C5FA-4EF1-9A6C-B4DCEA362214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought $40 worth and now only have $30
This is why I only buy with lunch money instead of an amount of any consequence

>> No.14948100

You will also not gain much with so little at stake. You could not gain or lose by not buying anything at all. Have you tried that yet? Very safe option.

>> No.14948118

I’ve made a couple hundred off bitcoin, it’s not exactly something I take seriously but I’ll take the extra money. I just fell for link memes

>> No.14948126

>tfw bought at ICO

how am I gonna live with my losses ;_;

>> No.14948128
File: 770 KB, 2824x2721, 1545233115088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that flatlining volume

It's over isn't it

>> No.14948131

You're a flaming pussy faggot fuck off and go work a 9-5 for the rest of your life nigger

I took a risk and dumped my savings into link, because I fucking believe. I'm at a loss right now but do I care? No I'm ready to buy more faggot because when this shit moons you're going to want to put a bullet through your head for NOT BUYING MORE.

>> No.14948144

I’m sorry for you anon, I hope for your sake that link goes to the moon

>> No.14948148

It will and when it does I'll come back and laugh at your post.

>> No.14948155

If you come back to laugh at my post it means you didn’t off yourself due to the loss of your savings, so I guess that’s a good thing

>> No.14948161

I believe as well.

>> No.14948165

I got out of crypto right before the 2017 bull run because it all seemed like a big ponzi scheme with whales controlling the market. I started looking into payment processors and money transmitters and teaching myself some programming. I read some FinCEN documentation. I work in automation. I wish I had checked these boards more frequently and bought Chainlink earlier. It is something I have dumped everything I have into. It will touch every transaction in the future. It is a swiss army knife payment facilitator on steroids. Go big on this one.

>> No.14948174

Please livestream your suicide in January when it gets below $1

>> No.14948176

>doing it wrong 101
Go back, retard.

>> No.14948183


You can lick my fucking balls you dirty sissy faggots. I'm going to be rich as fuck. Enjoy your slaving away in your wage cages dumbfucks.

>> No.14948187
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I’ll pray for you

>> No.14948191

Have fun staying poor!

>> No.14948193

We just gotta hodl till September

>> No.14948200

But anon, I was smart enough to plan long term for debt free education and a well paying job. What have you done?

>> No.14948209

100% this.

>> No.14948213

Why are you offering fellatio to guys?

>> No.14948231

He’s desperate, dumping your life savings into a shitcoin will do that to you

>> No.14948260

Sure you did.

>> No.14948288
File: 33 KB, 369x368, 1563093987613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20, I sit on my ass all day and I make more than minimum wage doing whatever the fuck I do on the internet. It wouldn't even faze me if link goes to 0. My dad never had a chance like this. Neither did my grandfather or great grandfather or great great grandfather. Thats all the way back to the fucking Civil War and this, right here, is the one fleeting moment out of almost 150 years. A golden ticket the likes of which perhaps no man in my entire lineage ever encountered. I’m going to fucking seize it.

You're a pussy ass bitch who's afraid of taking risks and stay that way faggot. Also, you need to fucking go back because you reek of onions so bad the stench is unbearable.

>> No.14948316

Checked. What's your rank marine?

>> No.14948329

God damn that green line is just so perfectly straight lmao

>> No.14948336

Yeah, nothing happens, everyone sells, and then we get a massive pump a week later that takes everyone by surprise and all the swinglinkers get JUSTd.

>> No.14948339
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zoom out sweatie :^)

>> No.14948475

Even if it pumps in September it's not going up by much. It's only going to really pump when we get actual adoption going which is still a few years away at least

>> No.14948639

Same here anon.

>> No.14948679

you got in late and bought after a huge pump, meanwhile people who were on biz last year and early this year got anywhere from a 30x to a 10x out of link
the first time I bought link it was 50 cents and it dumped to under 20 cents, now it's over $2
it's only a meme to you because you bought in late and got dumped on

>> No.14948683

2 years to accumulate sub $0.50

>> No.14948695

It's only late if you think link isn't going to get an actual use case, still massively early if you think the project isn't going to fail

>> No.14948700

Literally who?

>> No.14948709

please livestream your suicide

>> No.14948731

I literally lose or gain 1000$ every time link moves by 1 cent

>> No.14949172

>Sergey proceeds to dump another 700K

>> No.14949197

That shit never impacted anything.
And judging by the cratering volume the past month, he wasn't dumping those.

>> No.14949205

42 hung himself

>> No.14949217

Oh God this is so sad and hilarious

>> No.14949222

I know that feel, kind of insane right

>> No.14949306

Every dollar I spend on Link I match in a failure fund so once I give up I won't feel like such a loser. I'll move my failure money into my savings and act like nothing happened.

>> No.14949320

ok saved for my cringe folder

>> No.14949333


Suck my cock niggers

>> No.14949358

>gambling away your life savings in a highly speculative technology
Based and linkpilled anon, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.14949438

Binance margin trading ruined it. These cunts will play any trick to manipulate the price so it only profits them

>> No.14949535
File: 320 KB, 472x636, E38A07D0-7572-40C8-9ED3-BC2BD0F6EC04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid is on fire.
We’re all going to the yacht party.
Fuck the nolinker faggots who diddle around with 0.0005¢ nonsense and jerk off to pictures of Vietnamese feet.
Smart money is in chainlink, the bears are almost shaken out, only holders remain and we know what that means.

>> No.14949563

When there are tons of shorts, the profit play is to snipe them.
So it all balances out again.

>> No.14949594

What's this pattern called

>> No.14949812

Sheeeit anon. I hope life savings means 5,000$ or something you crazy retard

>> No.14949816


>> No.14949838


Your great grandfather and grandfather would probably prefer you were poor and not lazy than a wealthy lazy cunt.

Your father is probably already a cunt, (since you are what he produced) so his opinion doesn't matter

>> No.14949881

Nice cherrypicking faggot. Now take the the same timeframe on the btc chart maybe your tiny brain can find a comparison.

>> No.14949886

Would you buy eth at $2-$4.5?

>> No.14949909

I like you. I would jerk off with you to hetero porn, no homo.

>> No.14950783

>your family would have wanted you to be a slave
Lmao. There is nothing wrong with working smart instead of hard. I work a meh junior developer job for peanuts, but I worked the past year knowing that whatever I earned would at least x3 if I put it in CL. Felt like I was making as much as the senior devs here. I probably made even more since my average buy in is like $0.60.

>> No.14950816
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>imagine being at a loss on link
I can't believe you clueless redditors actually bought our bags at $4.

>> No.14950818

Based. This anon fucks.

>> No.14950826

Absolutely based.

>> No.14950889

That’s called a descending triangle

>> No.14950890
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>> No.14950934

TIL its chainLINK i always thought it was chainTWINK, the more u lern.

>> No.14950957

Checked and linkpilled

>> No.14950985

I mean buying 200k worth at $4 when crypto is only 3% of your net worth is probably not that bad. Have sex please

>> No.14951033

2/3 in the hands of the developer
the coin is only owrth as much as the dev has trust in the project

>> No.14951219

Coping because you bought the top and didn't get in for pennies two years ago.

>> No.14951256

Congrats on making the gayest post in the history of 4chan

>> No.14951410


>> No.14951434

>gambling with money you can't afford to lose
anon, I...

>> No.14951466

everyone said this before the google/oracle/coinbase hype bubble too. In reality LINK can feed off of hype waves just as well as any other coin. Real world adoption is optional.

>> No.14951592

Slave morality, the post.