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14947560 No.14947560 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you knew about BTC in 2012
>tfw you had about 11k savings at that time
>tfw instead investing any of it you threw it away for drugs, girls and electronics
>tfw youre now a 27 year old poorfag that will wagecuck forever

>> No.14947581
File: 263 KB, 414x459, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are in 2019 and regret being in the same position as op was.
>tfw you realize that 99% of btc will be mined by 2030.
>tfw you bought 1BTC to hold for a decade to make it and retire at mid 30s.

Feels good don't be retarded op , you can still make it with btc , next stop 180k by late 2021.

>> No.14947584

You would have panic sold 100x over anyway dude trust me I bought in 2013 when it was about $300

>> No.14947598

I first heard about bitcoin when it was worth less than a cent, I was pretty active in online 'occupy' and conspiracy websites, I didnt mine my first btc until it was worth about 10c and then sold them at $1 because I thought the whole thing was stupid.
I couldve had millions of dollars.

>> No.14947834

I feel you anon. I got paid over 10k for getting in a car accident in 2013 and spent it all on my ex girlfriend and clothes. Am I retarded?

>> No.14947852
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>tfw when you fall for the BTC meme
>tfw you ignore why bitcoin is actually valuable
>tfw BCH flips BTC and you're still a wagecuck with no money to your name

>> No.14947873

It's still early. It will 10x every other year or so a couple more times.

>> No.14947890

>t. blew a 700k inheritance on a coke/heroin addiction at 20 y.o

>> No.14947906

>same position as OP but I left that money in my savings account when I could've enjoyed my life
>meanwhile my stock money doubled in that time
>I locked myself in my room and dropped out of Uni instead

Uhhh... at least you had a good time blowing your money.

>> No.14947950

>tfw you will say that about LINK in 10 years
>tfw you will regret your FUD because you thought you had validation from all the FUDders on biz
>tfw you will never know even in 10 years that all the other FUDders were actually all in chainlink


>> No.14947979
File: 54 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_11848184-stock-photo-exasperated-older-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna buy 1k ETH when it was like a dollar but I got lazy half way through the process of setting up accounts and convinced myself magic internet money would never pan out. Hate my life.

>> No.14947982

This is the true blackpill

Soon every link owning /biz/raeli will be a millionaire.

>> No.14948014

You can save yourself if you buy UND right now.

>> No.14948987

Honestly, this guy has it right. Whenever I feel bad about not having bought BTC early on, I remember I would have sold the shit for a handful of dollars cause "surely it won't go higher than this".

>> No.14948989

If it helps that makes 2 of us

>> No.14948999

Are you me? Other than the fact that Iam 28 and more hopeless than you are, tehe

>> No.14949003

its not too late op
just buy bitcoin and wait 5 years
oh wait you wont

>> No.14949025

should of sold the drugs, pimped the girls, and flipped the electronics.

or just bought btc.

>> No.14949044

you didnt even buy 1? ooofff

>> No.14949052

Story time?
I remember the First time I heard about bitcoin I was having a haircut around 2013. I came across a financial magazine which talked about bitcoin and how does this new technology work. I was quite impressed and I did promise myself to Google this bitcoin thing later. I did lurk a bit and find it quite interesting but then I did not do shit about it, I did not buy and did not keep lurking. I had a very basic understanding of this technology and I didn't invest any money because people believe bitcoin will only have a niche use, only deep web drugs and weapons buyers (silk road was big at the time) will use bitcoin and most people won't even bother. I was convinced and thus i am still a wagecuck poor fag who clock day in and day out having no hopes and future

>> No.14949055

i bougkt at 1k, saw it go down to 200 and didnt sell. if you sold you deserve to stay poor

>> No.14949069

This was me until I brought link in October 2017 for the first time

>> No.14949081

Don't worry anon. I knew btc from 2011, bought 250 of them to buy drugs from silkroad. FBI confiscated 20+ btc from silkroad. Lost another 17 to Mt. Gox. Now I have less than 20. I'm not working right now but I wish I had motivation to do anything except playing video games, reading and masturbation.

>> No.14949089

>told a friend to sell his 175 bitcoin at 200 each
>he bought a BMW for the 35k
>crashed the car half a year later without proper insurance
>he's back working at the supermarket


>> No.14949090

You know about Chainlink in 2019 faggot, do something.

>> No.14949093

No place for stinky

>> No.14949099

Have you seen the total supply?

>350,000,000 LINK

Total Supply
>1,000,000,000 LINK

>> No.14949113

literally never going to make it anon

>> No.14949123

Face-value marketcap/circulation means literally nothing.

>> No.14949139

>There was insane amounts of FUD for BTC back then
>Nobody knew it was possible it could go so high, constant thoughts of "it can't possibly go higher than this"
Let's face it, you probably would've sold near the peak of some pump that became the new ATH and then proceeded to pat yourself on the back because there was "no way it could've gone higher" and then you would probably fomo in when its value hit double of what you sold it for was.

>> No.14949146

Salty no linker bitch

>> No.14949179
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>tfw also unironically knew about bitcoin in 2012 and got really close to putting $15k in it but hesitated at the last minute

You have no clue how much I've suffered. Not a fucking clue how I feel.

>> No.14949250
File: 1.71 MB, 2172x2114, 15463380245562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you had an autistic asian friend who you stood up for when they got bullied in elementary and he told you about BTC in senior year of high school
>tfw he told you to buy it the fuck up in 2011
>tfw he lives in a 4 mil mansion
>tfw only me and his family know why he's rich
>tfw he plays video games all day and travels around the world every month
>tfw he told me to buy it again in 2013 when it was 13$
>tfw I didn't listen

>> No.14949257

How the fuck do you buy 700k worth of drugs? How are you not dead?

>> No.14949277


>tfw you knew about btc in 2011 but you were only 14 and had no money

I had a wallet for begging but never got me any, I know there were some pretty decent faucets back then though, feelsbad.

>> No.14949294

I think a lot about the indie computer shop by my house that had a “we accept bitcoin” billboard way back in 2010. Where are they now?

>> No.14949301

People with serious addictions can easily blow through $1k/day. Tolerance build up prevents overdose. If you or me did that much heroin or fentanyl at once we would definitely die bit their bodies are used to it

>> No.14949397

Damn how much do you think he sold? What else does he do in his spare time?

>> No.14949406

Make it three, a post on pol about chinese economy made me look at eth lurking on biz.

>> No.14949410

do you still go visit him at least?

>> No.14949449

>he must have spent/used it all in 1 night

>> No.14949469

dont think he was implying that, 700k worth of drugs over a few years is still a considerable amount

>> No.14949474

Personally I still have my autistic altcoins and I absolutely refuse to sell them. I have a bunch of free coins I got from that horrible trade exchange website which name escape me... started with an Y

Anyway I don't see the point in selling and I definitely wouldn't have sold even if it 10000xd I always lived off my parents money and the money wasn't a lot. My brain and this life has hardwired me to be perfectionist, indifferent, lazy, bitter, insane. Maybe if I was 8-12 years old yeah I would have trade my 100k bitcoins for a measly 500k, but at 17+ when I kinda lost all my love for life I wouldn't have even dared to sell for 150 million $$$ because that's the cost of 1 movie produced in Hollywood. I need way more than that to properly FEEL something. 150 x 150 movies then yeah I would have sold.

>> No.14949478

How do athletes who make over 100m during there career go broke before they hit 40?

>> No.14949552

sucks to be this retarded

>> No.14949596

I can relate.
Heard about it in 2011, but my GPU wasn't strong enough to mine a significant amount, so I just forgot about it.

>tfw got 300k EUR fiat from inheritance
>dont know what to do with it
>just sit at home, watch porn, browse 4chan
>kinda comfy, but I could have been a millionaire

>> No.14950264
File: 4 KB, 230x219, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, currently wagecucking. reading your stories makes me feel less alone and stupid for missing the chance of my life. thank you frens. we all gonna make it..hopefully.