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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14936388 No.14936388 [Reply] [Original]

Housing market fucked by chink investors and AirBNB.

Millienials too poor to buy houses, trapped in overpriced bubble of a rental market.

Wageslave rewards not keeping up with rate of inflation or rental increases.

Don't want to be wageslave, can't afford to live month to month, price going up income never going up.

How to unironically make it as an adult who can't move back in with their parents.

List all non dick sucking ideas below.

>> No.14936400

Which country/city are you in

>> No.14936402

Get a good job?

>> No.14936445

either lower your standards or raise your income. Depends on which one is fucked, but it's probably not your income. Unless you live in Manhattan, you should be able to survive in some kind of private residence on a full-time minimum wage job.
Now if you're only working part-time for shit pay obviously you need to find a way to make more money, otherwise you learn to live with what you can afford.

>> No.14936450


Cuck wageslave answer. The only person hiring you is someone who makes more from your labor than you do.

Furthermore, the job market is as fucked as the housing market.

>> No.14936470


shithole socialist overrun by needless immigration Canada

>> No.14936471

I replied to an ad for a really basic 900sqft 2br duplex within an hour of it being posted online. $1300/mo. The lady said sorry but they'd already received 3 paid screening applications for it, all sight unseen, within the first hour.

The rental market here is so deeply fucked that you need to pay $50 within 5 minutes of an ad posting just to have a chance to see the inside of a place. Let that shit sink in. God knows how many blowjobs you have to give to actually sign a lease.

t. western washington on outskirts of the seattle bubble

>> No.14936496

>The rental market here is so deeply fuck

this is a realistic answer for a lot of areas. people saying you can live in a private residence on minimum wage are smoking fat crack rocks or living in their mom's basement or even more likely both.

>> No.14936498

I'm 23 just bought a house no problem, rented for three years before that on minimum wage while going to college.

Not too difficult...

>> No.14936503


>> No.14936527

>I live in flyover country, AMA
Not shitting on you, I wish this was an option for me.

>> No.14936536


cool story about all the different ways you borrowed money from the man for education and shelter

>> No.14936541

Rent ain't much in AZ, I was paying 600/month for single bedroom apartment.

>> No.14936545

Nigga just get a full time job that pays decent and save up for a year and then start some sort of business of your own.. stop relying on just crypto to make you rich.. or else you will be sitting in your moms basement holding your dick when you are 50yrs old and single

>> No.14936552


dicksucking wageslave answer

>> No.14936559

>Don't want to be wageslave
>Cuck wageslave answer. The only person hiring you is someone who makes more from your labor than you do.
Imagine being a poorfag who is so entitled to ezmoney that he cannot fathom the concept of making money for other people so he can make money for himself.
Beggars can't be choosers nigger

>> No.14936579


just looking for answers that don't involve being cucked by some dude wearing khakis for breakeven nickels

>> No.14936580

>dicksucking wageslave answer
What is a non-dicksucking wageslave answer? Seems like you're all I WANT THIS GIBSMEDAT but you don't want to do anything. What do you contribute to society that makes you deserving to be paid enough to buy a house?

>> No.14936584

Okay well I suppose it's better than the alternative. Not going to get far complaining how unfair everything is.

Just remember things could be a lot worse.

>> No.14936588
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>List all non dick sucking ideas below.

"What's 1+1? And don't say 2, give a real answer!"

>> No.14936591

everybody who was not born rich had to be "cucked" by some dude wearing khakis for breakeven nickels at some point. But ok you're too good for that.

>> No.14936598


I was looking for something actionable not. "Get another job der der der how didn't you figure this out"

Bunch of people posting in here working jobs that don't even give them benefits cause the economy is fucked and they're too stupid to realize it lmfao.

>> No.14936611

>I was looking for something actionable
uh okay how about this:
1. Acquire skill;
2. Get paid for skill

>> No.14936620


You must be an economist. I'll go talk to Warren Buffet about scrubbing toilets immediately I'm really good at it.

>> No.14936642

How much do you believe you should be compensated for? I'm an entry level engineer making 70k, I am pretty comfy.

>> No.14936658


That’s a pretty shitty salary kiddo

>> No.14936661

> I'll go talk to Warren Buffet about scrubbing toilets immediately I'm really good at it.
Well do it. Or are you too good to scrub toilets?
The only real answer you're going to get is: unless you're real lucky, you will only get paid in proportion to the amount of contribution you put out to the public at large.

>> No.14936663

>Housing market fucked by chink investors and AirBNB.
no, it's fucked by printing money out of ass also called commonly (((Inflation)))

>> No.14936670


Living in Snow Mexico you'd be lucky to find something paying 30-40k without first having to shell out snow pesos for the "qualifications" to do remedial shit work.

People ITT saying acquire skills like the workforce isn't full of the most incompetent idiotic diversity hires to ever fucking exist.

>> No.14936691

First 6 months on the job, it's not like I should be making a lot.

>> No.14936699

nigga you retarded as fuck.. Yeah everyone wageslaves at some point in their life get over it.. stop expecting others to hand you out with schemes and ideas to "make it".. faggots like you forever stay on /biz/ crying about how they can never make it because the "system" is fucked.. never once looking at yourself and realising that maybe you're the lazy pathetic cocksucker.

I wageslaved for 3yrs and saved up money and now I make $150K a year working for myself.. ofcourse I would like to make more but atleast I dont come on here and cry about how I cant afford rent. Please OP do us all a favour and order some rope from ebay and neck yourself

>> No.14936708

you're looking for excuses. You're lazy. You don't want to put the work in. You're like an unironic nigger. You demand way more for wait what the fuck are YOU even? If a diversity hire can BTFO you out of a position the problem is (You)

>> No.14936716

Can you move?

>> No.14936718

Stop whining and take some advice. >>14936611 is right. Those are the two steps. Obviously there are more details but that's the high level.
- Find a problem that people will pay you to solve
- Become good at solving that problem
What skills do you have that you can build on?

>> No.14936722

let me get this straight. you don't want to get a job because you don't want the guy on top making money money than you make from your labour. and im going to assume you neither have the capital, skills, nor experience that would enable you to create a business that takes advantage of other peoples labour?

so you're fucked. you just want someone to throw money at you for no reason at all?

>> No.14936752

Any retard can go to Fort McMurray and make a shit load of money. Granted its an awful place to live, if you have the discipline to not blow ur money you can easily save really well. Do that for 1-2 years then go to school/training or start a business.

>> No.14936783

This is the kind of guy who would be fucked no matter the situation going on in the world, he is a massive nigger.

>> No.14936882
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Just buy a house. Lol

>> No.14936917


Pretty much this. Asked for no dicksucking, waveslavering, or cuckery and ITT it's just a bunch of waveslaving dicksucking cucks being like "join our shitty cult as a level 100 pleb"

>> No.14936922

fucking digusting, no one even minds being a mortgage slave anymore these days, in eastern europe when someone mentions buinga house they usually mean buying it with with straight cash or building your own, in the west millenials are getting so fucked by the money printing jews that they are happy just to save on some shitty downpayment

>> No.14936956

I guess your options are pretty limited, you should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.14936957

Where in AZ and what does the complex look like?

>> No.14936979


GIBSMEDATS are getting gentrified out. it's working as intended.

>> No.14936986


ITT "just buy a housers" like the national average of years you'd have to save for is 13...

And that's the average, not the number for responsible adults paying rent (I've been renting for nearly a decade) with bills that actually make the average of 13 years MUCH GREATER

>> No.14936995

live in a cargo van with propane heating

>> No.14937001

put yourself out there and make some friends faggot, i met a dude last year and we became friends. my lease ended for my place so i asked him if i could rent a room for 300/month, he said yeah, im basically there by myself most of the time and when hes back from work we will hit the bar and get our diccs succed by WOMEN!

>> No.14937008
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I was in Tucson, I would imagine it's a little more now.

>> No.14937018


sounds amazing

>> No.14937036

this. chainlink is for stuttering fat retards who will never make it.
i never thought i would give a zoomer props but hes str8 shittin on niggas squads in this bitch nigga yee

>> No.14937038

Very based

>> No.14937043

Hey OP do you have a job? Do you have a degree? Do you have a skill?

>> No.14937045

My parents paid off the house after 10 years of purchasing it in 2003. Toronto btw. It’s the economy and chinks that is destroying everything around us and making life hard.

>> No.14937048


including a bunch of jew loving cucks ITT

>> No.14937064


I addressed the chinks in my OP but people seem to think its a non issue. I'll just save up for 21 years so I can downpayment into a mortgage slave.

>> No.14937074

Get a gf you can put up with so you can have a two income household. Seems like biz neets can’t realize that in order to make it, you’ll need a qt3.14. Link isn’t going anywhere, so yeah. Get on it faggots.

>> No.14937121

I like when you faggots choose to lump yourselves with normies when its convenient

>> No.14937126

> blames all his problems on chinks, jews and wageslaving cucks
> does not want to do anything himself but bitch and moan
kys already faggot

>> No.14937140

nah dude, OP wants money for free.

>> No.14937155

>link isnt going anywhere
t. nolinker

>> No.14937161


sorry I meant to post about investing my allowance on LINKIES.

i already pay fucking rent... i already get money....

from working....

>> No.14937194

you're a fat, stupid, lazy nigger who's just looking for that one weird trick to get out of actually putting in the effort to acquire something, whether be it physically, intellectually, or monetarily. I mean you haven't even answered the question of "what do you do" which tells me you're NEET as well. Why do you keep avoiding that question? Your non-answer basically was "muh diversity hires."
and what makes you so special that you should just be given a home?
>from working
What job

>> No.14937268

alright. now that we've learned that you are a wageslave. that's not too bad. at least you're putting effort into something to get something back. if you're looking for a get rich quick scheme that actually works when you have zero capital, skills or education there is one. you've already discovered the obvious one which is 'investing' in volatile cryptocurrencies. but why not just go straight for the throat? go gambling at a casino. shiet, if you got any talent you could learn poker.

>> No.14937303

then move you fucking retard
or just bitch on a Nicaraguan Cattle Herding Forum

Fucking faggot

>> No.14937394

I'm looking to make 300k per M starting salary, any suggestions?

>> No.14937442

So that's what the daughter of the president of the USA is up too.

>> No.14937874

Some people don’t want to live in a crack house

>> No.14937985

Actually rent is too high because woman work. Couples can pay twice the price for the same place a single person can. Couples are too dumb to rent a place they can actually afford and instead decided to burn one’s whole paycheck on the “nicer” place. This drives rates up like crazy.

>> No.14938031

Don't regurgitate the "chink" myth. Don't use that racial slur ever again. Holy fuck I shouldn't have to say this. Common sense!

>> No.14938032

Just remember the jews and boomers did this. They import 1 million foreigners per year plus 50 million illegal immigrants are squatting here. In your case, Asians have bought all the property on the west coast and are using boomer children as rental serfs

>> No.14938073

If you're white then move to the prairies and leave your garbage mindset behind. We arent a socialist country, there is good money to be made here if you are smart and driven. I just put a 26% down payment on a place today and still have over 100k in crypto.

>> No.14938116


then tell me why Chinese people bought up all the property in Vancouver, refuse to live in it, and it now takes people 29 years on average to save for a downpayment to live amongst junkies and homeless people.

>> No.14938120

Don’t listen to these people. They are at work and hating their life. The wagie always needs a way to cope. They will be thinking about how “they owned you in this thread” all day even tho most people are skimming their cope posts. They are the perfect jewish slaves, willing to work for little, pay all extra for taxes and housing, then watch Netflix in their cuckshed until sleep time

>> No.14938130


"we aren't a socialist country"


>> No.14938154

You’re a boomer and jew apologist. Disgusting slave mentality

>> No.14938163

Move in with some divorced chick who took the house. That's how I rolled back in the day.

>> No.14938172

No it’s illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, and rich Asians using North American housing for capital flight

>> No.14938173

Out of state flyover tuition more expensive than in-state Cali 4head

>> No.14938249


>> No.14938264

and defend the system that enslaves them

>> No.14938300

Renting at 24 until 27, bought 5 bedroom house in UK. People who can't sort housing out on this board are normally retarded fatty burgers that refuse to work for anything, but expect it all the same.

>> No.14938365

>dude just live in the boonies and commute with your gas efficient, perfectly functioning vehicle
>dude just get a better job
>that easy bro!

Gas boomers

>> No.14938415

home vacancy rate is less than 5%. using statcan data, it's average compared to other cities. hell, Edmonton has more empty homes than Vancouver.

>> No.14938456

and all that could be fixed byt not printing money and having 0 inflation
inflation is the sole reason why young people will be slaves till they die and their children (if they can afford a family in tthe first place) will be homless

>> No.14938554
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expensive homes + student debt + women acting like men + easy porn access with strange fetishes + more automation = no families

it's a troublesome future

>> No.14938641

Go to the WGU website and set up an account. Apply for financial aid, then get a loan to cover the rest. Get a bachelor's in a science or business field. You can get your BA in 2 years or less and only owe maybe 8k. Get a job making 50k minimum, pay off loan, enjoy life.

>> No.14938645

+ rockstar expectations
everybody seem to think they are the chosen one

>> No.14938674

>dude just move to a cowtown 1 hour away from work and with only 1 grocery store and half a hardware store
fucking americans

>> No.14938679

Ok. Find the nearest community colleges. Hopefully you have a couple less than an hour away. Find their job postings. Apply for anything that comes up. Janitor, data entry, library staff. Oh lord library staff. Anyway, these places are run by morons and they're typically swimming in cash as long as there arent a bunch of blacks on the board of trustees siphoning it off. Any job at one of these places will pay at least 2x minimum wage. Probably more. As long as you show up and aren't an asshole you're set. If you can get a job in the library you'll be able to dick around on /biz/ all day as there is nothing for library staff to actually do but the institutions have to keep up appearances.

>> No.14938793

I want to press her arches into my face.

>> No.14938936

>Only skill is scrubbing toilets
So you have no skills and want to make more money than unskilled labour will get you?


>> No.14939352


turn your sarcasm detector on

>> No.14939511
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>> No.14939524

If you're in Vancouver or Toronto you need to be a no car wageslave living in a run down old apartment 1 BDR.

I walk to work to save the $3.

There's no easy way to make it these days thanks to central banks and debt monetization by our government eating into the value of our labour every second of every day.

>> No.14939551

Those things happen because of capitalism. Capitalists want to hire immigrants because they offer the same skills for lower pay. Rich Asians are welcome because they infuse capital into the system. Where were you when you realized capitalism doesn't care for color except for green? You can't enjoy the fruits of capitalism when it benefits you and cry when it fucks you raw without taking you to dinner first.

>> No.14939995

That’s a funny way of saying the limitless influx of chinks and poos have fucked the locals not lucky enough to have generational wealth/real estate, but ok comrade

>> No.14940011

5/10 max. nothing special.

>> No.14940112
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Buy bitcoin and wait for the correction.

The keynsian ponzi scheme is ending economies are barely growing with 0% interest.
The correction will come in the 2020s and cryptos will be central to this.

>> No.14940121

I'm so sick of this fucking "just start your own business bro" answer. Shut the fuck up. With start up costs, overhead, a 90% fail rate, and most markets completely saturated, you can go eat a fucking dick faggot. I guarantee less than 10 people on this whole board actually sustain themselves with an entrepreneurial endeavor.

>> No.14940133

They didn't get here on their own. Take it a step further and realize it's the Jewish owned government that ultimately gets them here in the first place.

>> No.14940192

Become a professional bank robber?

>> No.14940260

The imports are just another symptom. CPP and OAS are screwed due to demographics, perpetual growth didn't happen so they are trying to manufacture it.
Soon it will be time to ditch the big city, get your bullets ready.

>> No.14941506

It's not a myth. You even from canada? Chink chinky chinky.

>> No.14941544

At what percent would you consider it to be not socialist? We arent anything like Sweden or Denmark.

>> No.14941902


dude was definitely chinkposting

>> No.14942544

i just got pol pilled

>> No.14942564

i think the most hilarious part is that the amish wil still be kicking along the same as ever, laughing at our retardation for ruining our selves/ allowing ourselves to be ruined

>> No.14942702

Get good at the most popular televised sport in your country and you'll make 300k in less than a week.

>> No.14942724

Yes but not because their religious insanity , but because THEY DON'T USE THE SYSTEM NOR DEPEND ON IT.

Cryptofags will also thrive in the 2020s tough at some point governments will fight back.

>> No.14942731

Gas all boomers

>> No.14942774

>Housing market fucked by chink investors

has to be Canada. I knew it in my heart the moment I read the first line

>> No.14942784
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be mindful, "the correction" you speak of that will come in 2020 is BSV related

>> No.14942833

Fort McMurray is dead now. You're 10 years behind the times.

>> No.14942859

Hey buddy, fellow leaf here. It's doable but you need to be creative and that means:

1) willing to move
2) don't care what other think, your pride is what keeps you paying 1.5k/MO for a cuckoo
3) engage in job arbitrage agressively

You can buy a livable sailboat boat for 5k and dock it for 4-5 months of the year for 1.5k, 4k if you're in Toronto but still beats rent. Cold months you pay 300/Mo to store and move to a cheaper cost of licing province.

Plenty of crown land up north, as a leaf cities you're entitled to use it for 2 weeks of the year - but nobody is counting so homesteading in the forest is viable. Did this for a month before it got old.

Classic live in your car option. You'll look and feel like shit but it's cheap. Or be a tent warrior.

Any indigenous blood? Could go live on a reserve and work outside of it.

Shipping jobs are brutal but you won't be paying for food or rent for 8 months and get a lump sum 70k pay cheque, maybe consider it if you have nothing to leave behind. Beats the "join the military" meme and pays just as well.

Idk, literally just start writing ideas down and see what sticks.

>> No.14942904

Now wait just a minute, I was told Canada was a utopia and Trump was ruining everything for everyone. You mean ass raping taxation actually hurts someone's spending power? NOOOOO, REAAALLLY?

>> No.14942928

Burgers pay more in tax compared to us leafs.

>> No.14942931

Ok so, basically, you want actionable information that requires no cock sucking, no wageslaving, and immediate returns?

A. that doesn't exist
B. when that DOES exist, people pay top dollar for it, you want it for free from the local mongolian cryptocurrency larping forum?

Ok, here's the closest to it that I have the patience to giving out today.

How GOOD is your credit?
Do you know how to turn debt into profit?

You mention the housing market sector, ok.
Do you understand wholesale? Know what a subject to deal is? BRRRR?

First and foremost, get your fucking personal finances straight first. It's a linear sequence, and it's not fucking rocket science.

BUDGET FUCKING EVERYTHING then > increase earning. Can't increase earnings anymore? Then reduce expenses. Done reducing expenses? At that point, and only after that point, tax avoidance will give you the best return.

Understand the importance of scale.

You can't scale effectively on hourly rates, there's only so many hours you can work. Identify your areas of competency, then figure out a way to do that for a living. Not getting paid by the hour of work, but by performance.

If your performance is what scales your earnings, and not the amount of hours, your earning potential becomes uncapped.

It's only when you learn to figure out all of the above, and put it together into a business model, that you can begin to think of being able to beat them at their own game.

>> No.14942996


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not right at all, whatsoever.

>> No.14943070

Starting a business needs more start up capital than just 4000-5000 USD. You are looking to have maybe ten times that so you don't get fucked if you need bank money. Also need to recognize some market trends etc..

>> No.14943195

it would be either canada or melb/sidney. all of them wide open gaping pussies still being raped by chingchong retail investor ding dong

>> No.14943240

What Stocks / Sectors do well when the housing market goes down?
My strategy to achieve boomerhood is to pick up a house once the California economy takes a shit. I work for the State so my job is very safe until a Civil War breaks out.

>> No.14943265

None of them
See: 2008

>> No.14943422

thread has gotten slightly more useful once people stopped telling me I'm a lazy cunt for wishing to explore options beyond stealing money out of a till at Wendys or some shit

>> No.14943452

>complain about socialism
>then ask for free handouts while rattling off racial slurs
Lmao what? I would bet my entire life you are below the age of 18

>> No.14943520


Nigger, do you know where you are? Go back to Red dit, faggot.

>> No.14943539


Eh kinda, yes and no, it's complicated™

These days, banks are actually SEVERELY over regulated as far as lending goes, precisely because of how much of a colossal fuck up 2008 really was.

Until then, well, in the early 2000s and around the housing boom up until 2006, the stock market was significantly dependent on the housing market, and it was tied up to it, primarily because of mortgage-backed securities.

That all more or less ended when 08 happened and by 2011, literally everyone got an assraping one way or another.

And in the meantime, the Dodd-Frank Act happened, the S.E.C ended up with another 5 or so new regulatory offices, so by and large, the housing market doesn't really drive the US economy at all.

These days, it's really fucking hard to draw the line on what effect the equities market would have on the housing market and vice versa.

If equities go into a really strong bear market, which some might argue we're soon to see as people are banking on the market being on a late cycle by now, BECAUSE REASONS.
Eh, broadly speaking, you could expect to see the housing market cooling off some as a result, but how significant of an effect that would have, is anyone's guess.

They're not directly correlated anymore.

>> No.14943665


where did I ask for a single handout?

>> No.14943710

That's to bad, I was hoping to build a nice hedge for a downturn. Right now I have a index fund heavy strategy. There are reverse REITs but I haven't tried those yet.

>> No.14943730

Oh you want to explore options? Fuck it, fine, I'm feeling generous today, so I'll give you one more idea.

You know what's the easiest way to make 100 dollars? Charge someone 100 dollars for your "how to make 100 dollars" course.

Extrapolate from that, then THINK.
How can you scale that?

How can you multiply your earnings from it, without MULTIPLYING the time investment?

Can you frontload a time investment on it today, and have it become a passive income in the future?

When you figure that out, you know how to make money. Then take action.

>> No.14943902

They absolutely do not but believe whatever helps you feel nice, eh?

>> No.14943912

She looks like she has cancer.

>> No.14943922

this. it should be illegal for chinks to buy residential houses in america

>> No.14943975

if you have a high paying job in canada you get taxed like 60% and your income ends up being middle class level so thats not really a solution for OP.

the key is to tap into the system. get a lower middle class paying job so you can go on government benefits, then earn cash on the side with some sort of ingenuity.

this way, the rest of wagecuck taxpayers pay for your healthcare and housing and food costs, while you are free to save all cash income as pure profit. this is what the immigrants do, you need to wisen up. the system is collapsing so you might as well get yours before it fails. go on benefits, start a lawn mowing business on the side, mow lawns for cash, then in winter, transition to snow clearing and shoveling driveways. all that cash money then needs to be converted to precious metal or tangible goods like dry goods or firearms. then when you have enough saved up, migrate to the USA where you can purchase a home and watch the inevitable collapse of canada from afar, which will eventually happen to the USA as well but at least youll be 90-100 years old by then

>> No.14944016

I don't have any experience with reverse REITs, so I'm not going to talk outta my ass and pretend to know enough about them.

Last I've seen from Cali, that market is white hot as it is already, horrible time to get in now. But if you wait for a downturn as you mentioned, specially if you already have investments, that could be a very interesting idea in the next few years.

When you're finally positioned to buy, I would suggest a couple of things. One, you NEED to find a wedge deal. Two. there's a saying in the real estate business, "you make your profit when you buy"

Generally, I strongly advice that when looking at real estate, you buy locally. That is, if you don't live in Cali, you're generally better off buying wherever you live, no agency will ever look after your investment as well as you will, but if the deal is right, and you're smart about your money, you can make a killing, even if you expect a cut in returns due to management fees.

>> No.14944022

shut up you lazy nigger

>> No.14944023
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>1 - have low income to get bennies
>2 - work the shittiest labour jobs you can find because they pay cash
>3 - ???
>4 - profit!

>> No.14944176

That anon sure gives GENIUS advice doesn't he?
For anyone else that doesn't want to be absolutely retarded:

Depending on where you live in the US, in some States (read as, california), assuming you're on the TOP tax bracket? You're looking at, uh, over 65% in taxes.

>37% federal income tax
>13.3% state income tax
>15.3% for social security and medicare taxes (self employed)

As I stated on a previous post, here's how2money

When your broke as fuck: figure out how to save
low tax brackets: figure how to make more
higher tax brackets: figure how to pay less
highest tax bracket: figure how to tax write off FUCKING EVERYTHING. At this stage, tax avoidance gives you the highest return possible.

>> No.14944269

Much better advice than “pretend to be poor then be poor.”

>> No.14944278

Try doing that in a major USA city, where literally half the population resides: large cities. "What every house is .4 million minimum?" Out of City options are even more expensive if nearby...

>> No.14944285


Same for me, a little older. Bought first house at 24. 250k for a 2600sq fr 4 bedroom house. In Houston

>> No.14944295

lol no, world population is increasing.

>> No.14944359

You two somewhat restore my faith, if not on humanity, at least on this board.

Next step, both of you look up "house hack", and look into duplex / triplex / quad units, start saving towards the next one, targeting one of those categories, do that for a few years and laugh your way to the bank having complete financial freedom by the time you're 30.

>Try doing that in a major USA city
That's the first problem right there, how bout you don't.

>> No.14944459

>Get some meaning in your life that helps you endure the suffering
>The left is causing disarray in our social fabric

Why don't any of these such "woke" fools talk about the real economic issues that we face as a society.

OP- there answer is that there is no real answer. Start a business meme, learn opsec or invest in Link. probably the only solutions i got for ya, bud.

>> No.14944535

Based and redpilled. Cucks are in this thread boasting about suck Boss Schlomo's cock.Slavery is a mindset

>> No.14944624


>> No.14944953

>They are the perfect jewish slaves, willing to work for little, pay all extra for taxes and housing, then watch Netflix in their cuckshed until sleep time
They better get to bed soon! Sleep time is only 4-5 hours for the average wagie. OP sell weed or wax. You need some startup capital and network to get clientele but if you don’t have a connect I’m sure you could find good wax on the deep web and that stuff eventually sells itself. I know 20 year olds that make 4x what the average college graduate wage cuck does living a baller NEET lifestyle literally laughing at ragie wagies daily.

>> No.14944959

Work harder

>> No.14945172

Most of the people who graduated college with me don't even have jobs and it's been 6 months. I really think it comes down to the individual and most people are just fucked.