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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 375 KB, 2400x1800, roundup-TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14943809 No.14943809 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens , finally struggled to get 130ETH. Will that be enough to stop wagecucking?
How many years should I wait ?

>> No.14943976

literally just don't touch it for 10-15 years, then you can retire happily

>> No.14944139

$1,500 end of year.

>> No.14944219

What will ETH be in 2030? Will it be worth more than Bitcoin long term?

>> No.14944706

Should I risk more and keep buying every paycheck?

>> No.14944717

I can imagine bitcoin in 2030 but not sure about eth, maybe im a bitcoin maximalist.

>> No.14944721

I would

>> No.14944909

I see the most number of developers are on ethrereum

>> No.14944915

Next top is around 5k, you'll make 630k

>> No.14944936

Sell at $400, highest it will ever be ever again in October

>> No.14944941

Sell before eth 2.0 lol

>> No.14945008

Ethereum dumps at every code upgrade sorry to burst your hopes and dreams

>> No.14945023

Almost certainly. I think there is going to be a huge clampdown at some point on cryptocurrency. Just the actual currency, things that have utility will be fine. LINK and ETH will consume probably 80% of bitcoins mcap. The reason is that BTC provides no extra service or utility other than currency. It will be made illegal as it is devaluing US currency. In order to not stifle innovation things like LINK will still be allowed to operate in the USA. LINK is closer to a taxi medallion (something you buy for the ability to run some type of service on a network) than an actual currency.

It will be an absolute bloodbath and it will be beautiful for all those who have an IQ above 110.

>> No.14945091

Gee I hope so. I've got about 200 ETH.

Holy fuck I'll practically be dead by then.

>> No.14945123

>It will be made illegal as it is devaluing US currency.
The only thing devaluing the dollar is...the dollar.

>> No.14945637

govt cannot control bitcoin

>> No.14946164

Btc is the most over rated ponzi around. ETH 2.0 is real and has a future. You don't have to be autistic to understand where the space will be. It will mature and they finding out all ready that btc is a basket of tulips.

>> No.14946179

no one can it's so censorship resistant you can't even transact unless you pay 100 dollars and wait a week

fck yeah bitcoin

what are ur favorite sips fellow tech savvy boomers? =)

>> No.14946183

The question is, how low will BTC have to go before coins with actual utility become decoupled and no longer dependent on BTC price?

>> No.14946210

this is the only reason im not leveraged long on ETH; BTC crashing (which is absolutely warranted) would BTFO ETH (and everything else) in the short term

have to wait for adoption to drive price rather than the BTC ponzi

>> No.14946211

We may see a nice spike with ETH 2.0 phase 0 staking. In 2021 with ETH phase 1 and beyond into 2022+ with full ETH 2.0 with sharding and virtually every problem solved, it will flip BTC.

>> No.14946258


>> No.14946400
File: 262 KB, 1984x1056, 1521519258187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ETH is gonna do poorly in the short term (next 6 months or so) but after that there's going to be a point where ETH swallows up the market cap of dozens of other shitcoins and becomes a huge force to be reckoned with. I don't think many people on /biz/ understand how ETH is going to change the world.

>> No.14946517

Btc maximalist btfo...

>> No.14946527


Exactly man all the signs are there that because bitcion has zero utlity if ETH can truly become a programmable store of value despite all the memes and shit this is the surest best in all of cryptospace.

>> No.14946576

ETH is literally communist. You're all going to starve.

>> No.14946644

Some talking heads like buffet, gates, tech CEOs will buy up some promising utility coins and then start telling normies how much of a scam btc is. Mad money will have him Cramer saying buy on eth sell on Bitcoin. Going to happen sooner than you think.

>> No.14946692

What does this mean for 0xBitcoin? It brings the properties of Bitcoin, but as a coin on top of Ethereum. If Ethereum is adopted by many institutions, it makes perfect sense to do business with a trustless mined currency no one is the owner of. It's one of the only tokens that can survive a bloodbath.

>> No.14946775

it means it's still garbage

"mined currency" as if mining is ever preferable to staking; did you drink the bitcoin koolaid?

0xbitcoin, like the real bitcoin, is a subset of ethereum and it's worse in the overlap - there is no need for it, it's obsolete

>> No.14946782

I think this will happen even without intervention against bitcoin. The utility value will grow to eclipse and eventually absorb the purely speculative value of btc

>> No.14946972
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>It will be made illegal as it is devaluing US currency

lol. making it illegal doesn't stop people from using it or thinking it has huge value. how much illegal shit do normal people do every day and find valuable in their lives? in the united states from 1933 to 1974 it was illegal to own gold as an investment. did gold stop being valuable?

>> No.14947083
File: 340 KB, 1418x980, mining_mindblown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it means it's still garbage
>"mined currency" as if mining is ever preferable to staking; did you drink the bitcoin koolaid?
>0xbitcoin, like the real bitcoin, is a subset of ethereum and it's worse in the overlap - there is no need for it, it's obsolete

man, you don't get what mining is about at all. mining is about letting anyone "buy" a cryptocurrency right from their electrical outlet. it's the ultimate distributed DEX. the miner can prove they did the mining because the only way to generate a winning hash is to convert an approximately known amount of electricity into waste heat. it's irreversible. it's unfakeable. that's why people value mined cryptocurrencies.

by mining, you are proving that you've destroyed something of value, and your reward is a certain amount of Bitcoins (or 0xBitcoins or whatever) whose value is approximately equal to what you destroyed. that's what mining is about.

if you are just staking some shitty tokens that were created during an ICO, then you are just playing games with some monarch's or team's fiat. and it's often the case that the monarch/team in question can devalue the currency at will.

Bitcoin is digital gold. 0xBitcoin is digital gold on Ethereum. your zuckbucks are just digital dollars.

>> No.14947213 [DELETED] 

No institution will want to hold it and it will become worthless. After ETH passes it up it's over. All scams like btc and nano will still be run by corecucks and reddit fags but soon the networks will become so easy to 51 percent attack they will go to 0. Stop making any comparison to gold. Btc is not digital gold. Calling it digital horseshit would be too nice. If no one wants to buy my horseshit at least I can grow some plants in my yard. Btc does nothing. The value of digital goods in most vidyas are less likely to go to 0 than btc is. You can't do shit with btc except look at your balance. You fell for the tulips (actually you can still plant tulips and exchange with Mommy for gbp, so it has value, NVM). I'm actually glad that btc is so fucking retarded though. I think smart people with lots of money heard about it, quickly realized how stupid it was, and wrote off the entire space. Gave me and others so much time to accumulate link and eth.

>> No.14947291
File: 67 KB, 850x360, based_toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No institution will want to hold it and it will become worthless. After ETH passes it up it's over. All scams like btc and nano will still be run by corecucks and reddit fags but soon the networks will become so easy to 51 percent attack they will go to 0. Stop making any comparison to gold. Btc is not digital gold. Calling it digital horseshit would be too nice. If no one wants to buy my horseshit at least I can grow some plants in my yard. Btc does nothing. The value of digital goods in most vidyas are less likely to go to 0 than btc is. You can't do shit with btc except look at your balance. You fell for the tulips (actually you can still plant tulips and exchange with Mommy for gbp, so it has value, NVM). I'm actually glad that btc is so fucking retarded though. I think smart people with lots of money heard about it, quickly realized how stupid it was, and wrote off the entire space. Gave me and others so much time to accumulate link and eth.

this is what everyone has said about Bitcoin from the start. good job repeating the same rhetoric that's been blasted at Bitcoin by all normie fags and redditors and CNN experts since 2011, while the price of Bitcoin has risen 10,000x.

also, go educate yourself on the tulip mania. long story short, it probably barely happened. almost no one was affected except a few traders. it created or refined some of the most important financial instruments we still use today (futures and options). and equating Bitcoin to those tulips is using a crystal ball. people said the same retarded "omg the toolipss" stuff about stock in internet companies in the dot-com boom. but now look at FAANG etc. the fact that you can relate tulips and some other thing in the same sentence does not mean that you can make sound predictions.

i suggest growing at least one brain cell before trying to talk again.

>> No.14947348

all pic is saying is that you can't cheat mining, which funnily enough is the reason it's useful as an incentive to go with the flow, which is the only property we are actually interested in here - let me cue you in, STAKING DOES THE SAME THING, YOU FUCKING RETARD XD

boomers are so fucking good at double talk it's crazy; so many irrelevancies and grandiose descriptions of what is essentially a huge nothingburger

case in point:
>if you are just staking some shitty tokens that were created during an ICO, then you are just playing games with some monarch's or team's fiat. and it's often the case that the monarch/team in question can devalue the currency at will.
literally nothing said, just drivel

>> No.14947351
File: 70 KB, 718x369, ETC Anime Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't make it with ETH, you will only make it with Ethereum Classic

>> No.14947353
File: 89 KB, 512x515, 0xbitcoin_ultimate_dex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ultimate DEX

>> No.14947387

>misinformation campaign
you are the biggest cancer of modern society

>> No.14947460

>>if you are just staking some shitty tokens that were created during an ICO, then you are just playing games with some monarch's or team's fiat. and it's often the case that the monarch/team in question can devalue the currency at will.
>literally nothing said, just drivel

guess you couldn't understand what i said.

staking doesn't say anything about where value comes from. it just talks about a way to put some fraction of your holdings at small risk in order to earn a bit more.

ultimately, value is just in the eye of all the holders. the problem is that there is a huge correlation between any given coin being stakeable and that same coin's value being at risk of debasement by a monarchy (e.g., the ethereum team). this is a threat to value. the holders may realize that at any moment. ethereum will always face this threat, but it is fine to use it as gas, which is what Vitalik has said it is over and over (not to be thought of as money).

pure PoW mineables certainly face threats to their value, but devaluation by a monarchy is not one of them. 0xBitcoin is a pure PoW mineable and it's going to let Ethereum secure its network. that's what's brilliant about it. it doesn't matter if Ethereum secures its network via staking or PoW mining or what.

what are some of the protocols with staking that you care about?

>> No.14947473
File: 52 KB, 903x960, i_thot_hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>misinformation campaign
>you are the biggest cancer of modern society

are you capable of sharing any actual information? do you have any actual points? i win every time you say something dumb like this.

>> No.14947494

more like 50$

>> No.14947555

>staking doesn't say anything about where value comes from
which doesn't matter; we are interested in creating incentive to go with the flow - bitcoin mining costing electricity is not an inherently positive property for any reason; bitcoin doesn't get value from the fact that it costs electricity to mine, that's just what secures it - this security is the value, and that security can be achieved in a much better way: staking

>the problem is that there is a huge correlation between any given coin being stakeable and that same coin's value being at risk of debasement by a monarchy
no? right now the opposite seems to be true with a 10x issuance reduction estimated relatively soon, and there have even been talks of deflation eventually - how does this align with your claims about debasement? they don't, it's drivel - the broad community is FOR low inflation and the current trajectory IS low inflation, so your postulations are baseless and retarded

>> No.14947568

>I win because I say I win

>> No.14947733

>case in point:
>>if you are just staking some shitty tokens that were created during an ICO, then you are just playing games with some monarch's or team's fiat. and it's often the case that the monarch/team in question can devalue the currency at will.
>literally nothing said, just drivel
ehh, that was actually meaningful criticism that you just wrote off with no justification

>> No.14947763

how is it meaningful criticism? it's a misunderstanding of:
1) who can change Ethereum
2) what the community wants

it's typical baseless bitcoin fud

>> No.14947782

Ethereum will NEVER reach a new all time high
The 2017 ICO scam phase is over

>> No.14947791

moreover mining doesn't say anything about the ability of any team to "debase" a currency, which is ultimately his point - so yep, retarded, just like you, for falling for it

>> No.14947825

wait, so please explain how somebody could debase something like 0xbtc.

>> No.14947826
File: 14 KB, 128x128, 100think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which doesn't matter; we are interested in creating incentive to go with the flow - bitcoin mining costing electricity is not an inherently positive property for any reason;

there is no "inherently positive property" or inherent value in anything. you need to understand that.

>bitcoin doesn't get value from the fact that it costs electricity to mine, that's just what secures it - this security is the value, and that security can be achieved in a much better way

you got it exactly backwards. the fact that 0xBitcoin mining has no purpose, other than proving you believe it has the value of the electricity you provably consumed to mine it, is the entire name of the game. think about this until it makes sense to you. then you won't be so confused about "butcoin wastefulll!" and will finally get the rules of the game everyone has been playing since january 2009.

the fact that Bitcoin also secures its network with mining actually makes it less pure than if it were only about proof-of-belief-in-value. but you can't be mad at satoshi about that because there was no global distributed provably secure computer to run Bitcoin on at the time. now there's Ethereum, so 0xBitcoin can outsource network secure to that. again, Ethereum is just a utility. don't think of it like money.

>no? right now the opposite seems to be true with a 10x issuance reduction estimated relatively soon, and there have even been talks of deflation eventually

"estimated relatively soon", "there have been talks", etc. ... you are proving my point that the chance of debasement is nonzero. in the case of Ethereum/Ethereum2, it's great that the monarchy is trying to be responsible and keep the perceived probability of debasement low.

another thing to think about: staking is about moving value around inside the system. mining is about moving value into the system. probably worth thinking about this. i'm not saying you're actually retarded, i just don't think you really get this stuff yet.

>> No.14947858

Have you heard about wBTC? This won't only kill 0xbtc but also change the dynamics of BTC itself. Trading derivatives on the ETH network. It'll be glorious and all people with at least 32 ETH in December 21 have a good starting point to never have to work again (smaller amounts can be staked as well, you just need a provider like rocketpool). The ETH ecosystem will be huge

>> No.14947876
File: 315 KB, 476x810, very_smart_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you heard about wBTC? This won't only kill 0xbtc but also change the dynamics of BTC itself. Trading derivatives on the ETH network. It'll be glorious and all people with at least 32 ETH in December 21 have a good starting point to never have to work again (smaller amounts can be staked as well, you just need a provider like rocketpool). The ETH ecosystem will be huge

hahahah. wBTC is a centralized joke. it is not BTC it is IOUs for BTC. kyc is even required when wrapping.

pic related

>> No.14947879

Nothing, 0xBTC is going to the trash bin.

If you need BTC but want to trade on the ETH chain, there's WBTC now - look at who started it: https://medium.com/renproject/wrapped-bitcoin-wbtc-a-bitcoin-token-community-project-started-by-bitgo-kyber-and-republic-599c9abc8139 and a bit lower down who supports it.

This is true BTC on ETH, as every WBTC is backed by one BTC held in custody.

>> No.14947882

wbtc is not crypto where you keep the keys over your assets, it's like a stewardship where you have to trust some organization

>> No.14947911
File: 44 KB, 800x450, actual_smart_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every WBTC is backed by one BTC held in custody

two of the most important aspects of a cryptocurrency are that it's 1: decentralized and 2: trustless.

wBTC is neither of these. people will use it, the same way people will keep their crypto at coinbase. but if you don't have the keys, if you have to beg someone to "pwease wrap my Bitcoin 4 meee", it's not crypto and it's not yours.

>> No.14947934

>being this braindead
Nice bait. Kys brainlet

>> No.14947935

Someone else holds your keys so you can interact on the Ethereum blockchain. It's not Bitcoin on Ethereum. Stop supporting centralized authority over your money.

>> No.14947973
File: 198 KB, 1016x722, Schermata 2019-07-24 alle 09.30.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine holding an unscalable pro refugee useless shitcoin
Enjoy holding your bags for the rest of eternity along with reddit

>> No.14948000

You realize this was $1 just a couple years ago right?

Put that money into something new. I suggest UND.

>> No.14948009

ETH will no doubt be the first coin to take over BTC. Will be interesting to see what the second coin will be.

>> No.14948021

>thinking this is a solid rebuttal
Have sex

>> No.14948041

Probably BCH and than LTC. Both sometime next year.

>> No.14948074
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>> No.14948081

>Holy fuck I'll practically be dead by then.
What? Are you 60 years old?

>> No.14948108

Who's this guy again? sminem?

Who cares that the dev mentioned refugees or that a bunch of betacucks buy too?

>> No.14948163

This is what everyone should do while BTC didn't reach new ATH:

-> 100% BTC Portfolio
-> BTC tops out, altseason begins
-> Sell into FIAT and highcap ALTs
-> Sell ALTs into BTC for longterm BTC hold after pump
-> Wait 12-18 months and buy more BTC from FIAT

-- repeat --

-> 100% BTC Portfolio
-> BTC tops out
-> ...

>> No.14948223

>two of the most important aspects of a cryptocurrency are that it's 1: decentralized and 2: trustless.
Arguably, the most important aspect currently is market adoption. BTC scores high here because first mover advantage, and WBTC will do well. Normies are coming and they are using Coinbase and want scarcity and brand recognition.

No one except for a couple of neckbeards cares about 0xBTC.

>> No.14948266

it doesn't take people long to start appreciating trustlessness and nondebasabililty if they get gox'd or venezuela'd. it does matter, we do have the ability to choose better stuff. it's not neckbearding not to want your savings to be stolen

>> No.14948302


I'm currently accumulating BTC to buy more ETH.

>> No.14948365

you are probably right, that's why i'm (almost) all in on ETHPlode

>> No.14948473

>it doesn't take people long to start appreciating trustlessness and nondebasabililty if they get gox'd or venezuela'd.
Great thing all DEXes are using ETH then. BTC doesn't even have basic smart contract capabilities, you might as well try to sell sacks of coal trustlessly.

>> No.14948532

It's non arguable.
If something isn't both
a. Decentralized
b. Trustless
it's worthless from a tech purist standpoint, which is the only standpoint that should matter

0xBitcoin is a funny shitcoin that's never gonna pump (the proof is in the price) sorry folks but you'll be bagholding forever. Also it's flawed from the start, since PoW isn't primarily about distribution, but about network security, which 0xbtc doesn't do on its own.
WBTC isn't trustless, automatically worthless, while it could be an interesting investment vehicle only a madman would hold WBTC instead of BTC long term.
RSK isn't trustless, and they don't plan on being, for all my maxis here tonight of which I'm sure there's many

>> No.14948545

>this consensys tier shill thread AGAIN for the 1000th time
no pajeet, you will not. contact your handlers and ask for a new script

>> No.14948808

i've only got 165 hold me biz

>> No.14948842

>from a tech purist standpoint, which is the only standpoint that should matter
For neckbeards. In the real world, people don't care.

>> No.14948914

>In the real world, people don't care
yes, that's why the top 2 cryptos aren't decentralized or trustless.
Oh wait, they are, both, accounting for >70% of marketcap.

your low iq is showing

>> No.14949078

Or XRP. Those are all old coins with an incredible brand.

>> No.14949900

I just turned 30. I'm already down $82k on this crypto ponzi.

>> No.14950356



god. just think for a second. you should be trying to figure out what’s the next next thing. not the next thing. find small projects with little getting in their way, tiny market caps, sound crypto (actual crypto) fundamentals. learn blockchain stuff on a very technical level so you can actually evaluate what has good fundamentals. invest a little money and a lot of time. listen to technical people who are building, not pumping. investing time means getting into the community and helping to build. write docs, help normies get started with it, make instructional videos, write code or learn how.

do this consistently across a few of your favorite projects, and that’s how you will do well. not by doing this thing where you are constantly looking at whatever you can shill tomorrow. “pump it bros! dump it bros!!” all fucking noise and a waste of everyone’s time. majority of people operate that way and never make it. only a tiny minority of ppl get rich that way, just idiots with blind luck who think they figured something out until they can’t repeat it.

>> No.14950461

except being the best isn't always all that important with tech, like look at the betamax compared to VHS.

Christ, look at all of apple's products compared to the comparable products where you get better hardware for less money.

What often matters is what's got a catchy name, what's shiny and pretty, and what's easy.

Seems like BTC and ETH are the safest ways to play, they're the best known and most "trusted"

but what do I know, I'm down fucking 30+% in ETH right now.

>> No.14951045
File: 325 KB, 2366x1262, bitcoinchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except being the best isn't always all that important with tech, like look at the betamax compared to VHS.

it's not about the best tech. that's not what i'm saying. but look at both of your examples, and think through the point you're accidentally making: both were absolutely solid on fundamentals. it's not true that betamax was objectively better. betamax had picture quality. vhs had longer playtime, lower cost. it's a famous case study in product engineering. i guess you're implying vhs was shiny and shitty while betamax was great but boring, but you lack context.

also, i'm not saying every promising crypto project you get involved in is guaranteed to be successful. so don't just pick a single one to work on.

for the projects lower down your list, the ones you're not as excited about but still are very technically solid, throw a little money at them and keep an eye on them. get involved more if they merit it later.

again, look for the technically sound projects that might have a future (vhs *and* betamax to use your example) and help to build them. with crypto, it's possible to do that. if you want to talk about shiny, grat. help the technical people with aesthetic stuff and by doing smart and truthful marketing (not pumping). help make a better website, help write better docs, do any of a million other useful things.

do you know how fucking unsexy Bitcoin was back in the day? it was not fucking "shiny". i was practically begging people, actual technical nerds, to get into it and most of them didn't. but i did my small part, was fortunate, it paid off for me. (you'll claim i'm larping this, which is fine. if you know about Bitcoin, you know there were a lot of people in the situation i'm describing. early evangelists who wanted the technology to succeed, but were constantly shot down by people who could have joined in. meanwhile dumb-fuck /biz retard type guys were trying to get rich on stupid scammy non-crypto shit, stuff not for neckbeards.)

>> No.14951051

I bought BTC in 2013, LINK @ ICO, REN in June, 2018, QNT in July 2018, UUU in Nov 2018. That should tell you I know a thing or two.

I got burned too many times buying the next next big thing - they might or might not come to fruition at some point. My VEO, snowblossom, VRSC and NYZO are testament to that - if you even know the names.

It's not wrong to buy into smaller, promising projects, but the real money is made with normie-coins.

>> No.14951212

>Bitcoin is a funny shitcoin that's never gonna pump (the proof is in the price) sorry folks but you'll be bagholding forever.

>> No.14951241
File: 84 KB, 894x548, pow-anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought BTC in 2013, LINK @ ICO, REN in June, 2018, QNT in July 2018, UUU in Nov 2018. That should tell you I know a thing or two.

that's great. i'm glad you spotted those early and made some money. but be careful not to be fooled by randomness. that fact that you said "That should tell you I know a thing or two" is a major red flag.

you bought BTC in 2013? i mined it in late 2010 through mid-2011. i gave a handful of talks on it (same talk, several venues) and taught nerds how it worked. i am not insanely rich today, but it changed my life. of the other projects i have gotten involved in, some have been successful and made me more money, others have petered out, others are still underway. nothing has compared to BTC, but i don't expect that level of success to happen again.

0xBitcoin is cool. it is a simple idea and little is standing in its way besides lack of adoption. (this is what i told people about BTC.) i like the idea, i like the community, i like that it could help people. i don't go around making guarantees about its future value or trying to pump it. i am in the community doing my small part. getting on /biz and countering 0xBitcoin hate is just community service.

>> No.14951523

Curious as to why you aren't insanely rich despite being in since 2010

>> No.14951613

ive been in since 2009 and im poor because i spent all my profits on drugs when i was a teenager and i had to pull out stacks to pay for bills

>> No.14951626

potentially, if they dont fuck up eth 2 next year

>> No.14951638

>My VEO, snowblossom, VRSC and NYZO
the difference between these and 0xbtc is that 0xbtc is using a proven mechanism and is already integrated into an ecosystem that theoretically has a need for it

>> No.14951689

Imagine spending hours every day writing walls of text about some teenage pageet scam coin. Fucking imagine it!
You. Are. Retarded.

>> No.14951703

>Curious as to why you aren't insanely rich despite being in since 2010

it's pretty simple. i mined with CPU in late 2010 around the time the GPU arms race was starting and actually never solved a block with CPU, which was statistically slightly unlikely. (i was solo mining.) i was having fun. it wasn't about the money.

a couple months later i got a GPU that would stably mine. solo mined without any blocks, but was still happy just letting it run. later i joined slush's pool and did get some BTC. even later, around april 2011 when phoenix miner came out, i ramped up my operation and had about 30 GPUs (radeon 5850s iirc, might be wrong) in about 7-8 rigs. was still mining in slush's pool. that's where i got the majority of the BTC.

i lost some BTC when an exchange went under, possibly they exit scammed but they claimed they were hacked. i didn't care at the time because the BTC were worth maybe $100. today it would be worth a lot. it used to bug me a lot.

again, what i mined was not a huge amount compared to other people who were more dedicated. i was pretty laid back about it and definitely started out as a nerdy interest, not any kind of way to get rich. NONE of us could have known it was going to blow up like it did, though we always used to say stuff like, "what if Bitcoin one days is the size of the economy of Kenya, how much would one be worth?", stuff like that.

as the price of BTC mooned i diversified. BTC was like 99% of my net worth. i put a decent chunk of it into more traditional investments, some into a house, some into new crypto projects as they came up, just a few BTC here and there, like iirc i put 5 BTC into augur and similar amounts into other projects. BTC value outpaced most of them (and obviously the traditional investments were not expected to gain value fast).

it's important to capture gains. BTC could absolutely have tanked back to zero at any point. look up "kelly criterion" for one model from a completely different domain.

>> No.14951706

imagine being able to write but not read

>> No.14951784
File: 180 KB, 971x565, goodadvice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine spending hours every day writing walls of text about some teenage pageet scam coin. Fucking imagine it!
>You. Are. Retarded.

thanks but i'm also immune to this. see my experience with approximately infinity people telling me BTC was stupid. i don't know the future of 0xBitcoin and neither do you. if you think you have a magic crystal ball, you're a fool.

0xBTC is simple but technically sound. it adheres to all the real cryptocurrency principles (it's actually decentralized, actually trustless, actually open, etc.). it is native to Ethereum, which i think has a great shot at being the standard global provably secure distributed computer, so there's no limit to the utility if it takes off.

in short, little is standing in the way of 0xBTC short of adoption. that's true of all projects ... until maybe it's not. unlike you, i don't use a crystal ball to call the future, like "it will definitely fail1!! it will definitely pump!!!". i just invest my time in solid projects where it seems like i could help and also benefit.

>> No.14951806

>ive been in since 2009 and im poor because i spent all my profits on drugs when i was a teenager and i had to pull out stacks to pay for bills

that sucks man. sometimes you have to do that stuff. life problems are real and they happen when they happen. no one could have known for sure BTC was going to do what it did.

>> No.14951823

yeah, and i let my boomer family members discourage me a bit when i tried to explain the potential i saw in BTC. i'm just happy that now i feel like i have the experience to discern important projects from the mountain of garbage floating around

>> No.14951850
File: 16 KB, 200x200, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is done

ETH tech is shit, no develop, no nothing

EOS is fastest blockchain, thats a fact
EOS coming even faster and more scalable september when EOS 1.8 released

look at charts at the moment

EOS + 11.30 %
ETH + 2.7 %

its just matter of time when flippening and EOS become # 2 coin

>> No.14951872

>0xBitcoin is cool. it is a simple idea and little is standing in its way besides lack of adoption.
And this is exactly why it will fail. No one needs it, it doesn't even secure its own network and fulfils no need.

I don't see 0xBTC fulfilling any need others aren't filling better.

>> No.14951882

the number going up doesn't mean it's being more utilized dude

>> No.14951929


No one is buying your shitbags.

>> No.14951938

the fact it doesn't secure its own network is actually a positive. think about the value of immutability. if all BTC gets minted and securing the network is no longer profitable, things grind to a halt. that isn't a concern with 0xbtc.

additionally, consider what gives PoW crypto value over generated tokens. that electricity spent to mint the token had to be allocated from somewhere, even if some chinaman is getting his power for free, that energy is still expended and "exchanged" for your crypto.

being immutable and trustless, and compelled to have a >0 value through energy allocation pegs it to real value, and that real value is essentially being held in ethereum and able to be swapped for other value.

for ethereum to become a fully decoupled financial ecosystem, which it is before our eyes, it needs this native >0 value peg, name one thing that does this better

>> No.14952158
File: 92 KB, 967x573, secure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And this is exactly why it will fail. No one needs it, it doesn't even secure its own network and fulfils no need.

this "it doesn't even secure its own network" shit betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what PoW really is. with Bitcoin, PoW is mostly not about securing the network, unlike what retards commonly believe. PoW is about making it possible to prove that you used a roughly known amount of energy and therefore spent a roughly known amount of money to "buy" the Bitcoin from your power outlet. it's the ultimate distributed exchange.

another way to look at it, same implication, is that you irreversibly "destroy" or "consume" some electricity, and this demonstrates, in a mathematically provable way, your belief that the Bitcoin you're mining has the same value as or more value than that electricity you paid for. you would only spend that if you think Bitcoin is worth that much or more presently and probably in the future. those are the actual rules of the Bitcoin value game. that's what PoW is actually about.

using PoW to secure the network actually weakens Bitcoin's value mechanics a bit. because it means the hashing is not entirely wasted; it is not as pure a demonstration of proof-of-belief-in-value. that's why with Bitcoin you also get the transaction fees.

>> No.14952251

>yeah, and i let my boomer family members discourage me a bit when i tried to explain the potential i saw in BTC. i'm just happy that now i feel like i have the experience to discern important projects from the mountain of garbage floating around

how about this. for a stretch in 2015 my USD cashflow was constrained, so i used to cash out around 4 BTC every month to pay my rent. (rent was like $1400.) i thought it was incredible to be paying my rent at like a 97% discount (or whatever) on what i'd paid to mine the BTC originally. lol. could have bought another house if i'd kept all that BTC. but it was the right choice at the time, given the data i had available.

>> No.14952280

VERY hot take on BetaMax.

I will reread this when I'm less tired and more capable of critical thinking

>> No.14952518
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>> No.14952873

>I got burned too many times buying the next next big thing - they might or might not come to fruition at some point. My VEO, snowblossom, VRSC and NYZO are testament to that - if you even know the names.

buying is ok. but better is to get into a project and help build it. you might not be that useful at first but you can get better.

also, i think it's incredibly important to develop your technical skills to the point where you can evaluate a project's technical fundamentals by yourself. it's really bad if you are just consuming ICO roadmaps and other slick marketing. that is how people get burned. reading the whitepaper doesn't count as evaluating technical fundamentals unless you are doing an extreme technical deep-dive on it.

i'm guessing you probably got burned because you were essentially trying to bet on racehorses. instead, invest yourself into projects, put in a lot of time building and only a little money buying. you are not going to get burned that way, even if some projects don't pan out. (and they won't all pan out, that's how it goes.)

overall, just do less ICO hunting and stuff like that. improve your skills and join projects and help build. if you are a bit technical, this means studying the code and maybe writing some scripts to do something useful for the project, even if your contributions are pretty basic. if you are nontechnical, then at the very least carefully listen to the technical chatter of the people who are building stuff and asking "why?" and "how?" questions until you know the technical stuff well enough to answer 90% of the incoming questions in the #development channel of the project's discord.

in time, you can quit trying to bet on racehorses. just be helpful and make shit happen.

>> No.14953347

>no develop
Stopped reading right there