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File: 183 KB, 1200x1194, 1563852720577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14932805 No.14932805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Crazy how most Americans think this is funny and will still 'vote' for 'him'

>> No.14932838

Holy shit is he that stupid? That's a hot air dryer
lmfao fukcing Drumpflet literal fucking 40 iq retard

>> No.14932854
File: 73 KB, 480x480, falsesong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It IS funny and i WILL vote for him again
Keep America Great 2020!!!

>> No.14932868

hahahaHAHAHA what the fuck?
at first i was entirely on the trump wagon, and even went through the delusion stage when it became obvious that he was a shill for israel and the gun lobby
but now that i can look at him with clear vision it's just so hilarious
his blind followers will play this tweet off as "4d" chess, but he's actually so senile that he thinks that a fucking new age tech hand drier is a urinal

>> No.14932880

Glowing or actually retarded
An impressive feat

>> No.14932898

Haha that’s HILARIOUS. But in all seriousness we can’t let him get the nuclear codes

>> No.14932920

Why the fuck is liberal ass fag fucking Reddit here?

U guys couldn’t succeed without us huh

>> No.14932927

wow trump really is retarded

>> No.14932935

Had a nostalgic chuckle

>> No.14933005

TOP JEJ! drumphlets literally SEETHING right now my dudes!

You know what that means bros. When theres blood in the water we must strike. I just donated $100, who is going to match me?

>> No.14933036
File: 68 KB, 668x712, thisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.14933059

aaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it blolw piss erry where ahahahaha

>> No.14933413

>we will no longer surrending this country or it's people to the false song of globalism
Well that was fucking lie

>> No.14933421

How do I short fake presidential tweets?

>> No.14933466

how do i short this lame ass meme

>> No.14933490

Wtf I love Trump now.

>> No.14933518

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary.

>> No.14933913

Word. Fuck reddit, fuck libs, fuck demoncrats, fuck joos
Trump 2020

>> No.14933914

Thanks just voted 100k times for democrat.

>> No.14933918

For a moment I doubted the meme, but a burger could never tweet 'fucking'.

>> No.14933959

dunno how she is any better i mean less retared more evil

>> No.14934035

Trump has been more of a progressive than Obama and HRC could have ever tried. You mouth breathing retards are so worried about orange man pwning libs that you are blind to see he is doing everything you voted against and doesnt give a shit about his base. He is more worried about saving opiod addicted street monkeys than the people who voted for him about to be replaced by brownies. He is a pacifier to conservatives. I didnt think he would be worse than Obama, but he is. Him talking shit about BTC was a bad move too. He just reaffirmed how much of a dumb boomer he really is

>> No.14934136

>A shill for the gun lobby
I fucking wish. He's a retarded Boomer that doesn't actually believe in the 2nd amendment.

>> No.14934181

he's not wrong.
whoever invented those and replaced the good ol piss collectors should be locked up

>> No.14934222

>a shill for the gun lobby
>"take their guns first, ask questions later"

>> No.14934521
File: 75 KB, 448x538, 1555187002517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is you.

>> No.14934577
File: 302 KB, 2000x1125, D3CCA7DB-BB36-4342-93A1-D28AA35F3FA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14934698

Fuck i love Trump. He is truly the greatest. How do you want to top him? Only Hitler comes close but he‘s dead.

>> No.14934845


>> No.14935049

You have to understand. The man cannot just come out and say “Its the Jews!”. I think his cartoonish love of Israel is actually waking people up. Not sure if its planned or not, but its happening.

>> No.14935091

YangGang is the future

>> No.14935860

Lol you know it doesn't work that way right?

>> No.14936091
File: 42 KB, 625x351, b83eef2b053d5379d8dc1681fc9584d9d202b970883d2dfd259deac15f56d225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14936433

Kill yourself you retarded piece of shit 4d Q believing trumptard faggot. Trumps a massive Zionists who was choosen to become president primarily to subvert whites by riding the coattails of the national movement. Him becoming president was the absolute worst thing for white Americans. Promotes faggotry, mass immigration, loves Isreal, Christ cuckery, capitalism all while pacifying the population intl thinking we’re winning BIGLY! If Hillary won we’d of seen riots and people would’ve awakened to the (((schemers))) who control our world, the final exodus would’ve commenced.

Woth Trump most whites think they’ve got their anti-establishment guy and they’ve defeated the evil establishment of the Clinton machine and America is on the uptrend. When the reality the opposite is true, everything is just show for goyim. All politicians are buddy, buddy with each other in secret as they all work togeather for the same masters interests at our expense. Republicans like Trump are controlled O.P to make people think the democracy system works.

The only person who truly is authentic in politics is the man who calls out the Jew. Fuck your trump cuck optics. Politics is a sham because they control everything and will always get what they want out of any of the choosen presidential candidates. The only way we get what we want is through force. otherwise our future is nigger world with Jews on top for enternity.

>> No.14936530

You're an idiot and will be first against the wall.

>> No.14936593


>> No.14936910

>unironically shilling for greater israel
hello shlomo

>> No.14937105

I can hardly wait to vote for him again - literally counting the days! TRUMP 2020!

>> No.14937119

Imagine the seething limp-wristed faggot who typed all this shit lmao