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14931251 No.14931251 [Reply] [Original]

Comfiest hold besides btc

>> No.14931328

dont worry, I am.

>> No.14931369

Good fren, we’re going to make it

>> No.14931411

if green id we all make it

>> No.14931543

I really like Monero, but I think it's a pretty risky investment because it's so good at what it does. There's a good chance that it's just going to be banned.

>> No.14931555

Drug dealer crypto so I will pass

>> No.14931583

Literal who coin for drug dealers under the premise of anonymity. Even though the future blockchain future that ties in with banks has to be tracked and accounted for because of taxes and other shit ? Pleaaassse. It's always been BTC, ETC and LINK for the future. its future is not guaranteed.

>> No.14931587

That's a bad sign?

Bitcoin got big because of drugs.

>> No.14931636

Why am I not accumulating the thing I bought for $1 and sold at $300?

Kek. Imagine still buying pre-2017 trash that we mooned and dumped instead of literal new moonshots like SNTVT.

>> No.14931655

I like to build wealth and monero has continued to lose value for almost 2 years
its going down to $5 - $25

>> No.14931672

subtle ETC shill, I like it.

>> No.14931709
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mfw people are still ignoring XRP.

>> No.14931776


I like the idea behind ETC but no.

>> No.14931823

all crypto dreamers say the same shit.

>> No.14931849
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40% Bitcoin
40% Monero
20% Zcash

Feels comfy af

>> No.14931929

If Zcash switches to a sonic-trusted set up I'll sell all my Moneroj for Zcash. Otherwise XMR all day baby

>> No.14932572

friendly reminder that monero already peaked
you guys are holding a dead coin rn

>> No.14932627

You don't hold monero brainlet, you just use it for its intended purpose and drop that shit.

>> No.14932729

every day more monero shill threads on biz. bearish af

>> No.14932949

uhh because it keeps going sideways or bleeding out despite having an obvious use case.
seems like there's an exploit we can't see and somebody is dumping enough that it never rises but not so much it drops.
no way it never moons otherwise.

>> No.14932968

>open source
>guys there is totally an inflation bug
Never trust biz

>> No.14933149

doesn't DUSK basically make monero obsolete?

I'm sure it'll still be used for a couple more years, but idk why you would use it 2-3 years from now

>> No.14933326

Is Zcash a better option in the long term than Monero? I keep hearing talk about Zcash being the number 1 private crypto despite monero having more real world use

>> No.14933400

>banning a decentralized crypto currency
>being this new

>> No.14933429

No Monero is lightyears ahead in terms of tech and adoption, literally nobody uses Zcash. Also Monero has one of the highest number of devs along with Ethereum

Nonetheless I suggest to keep some just in case. roughly 10% of my portfolio is ZEC, the rest is BTC and Monero

>> No.14933436


>> No.14933438

FATF guidelines on privacy coins:

>Section 4.5.3 states that exchanges are not per se banned from using privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies but will need to comply with the same BSA regulations they comply with for typical cryptocurrencies. We believe that this is possible. Exchanges need to know their customers but they do not have a black letter law requirement to know the customers of their customers. In other words, a bank needs to know who you are but they are not obligated to know the name and address of people that you pay using cash you withdraw from your account.


>> No.14933467

why zcash? if its for privacy i hope you know that there are only 1-3 fully private transactions on zcash every day. what a joke of an anonymity set lol
no, and its a shitcoin
>optional privacy

>> No.14933533
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SAFEX is Monero but with a marketplace build on top, will be released very soon and will kill all crypto plus amazon Alibaba eBay and Etsy.

>> No.14933553

>will be released very soon and will kill all crypto plus amazon Alibaba eBay and Etsy.

>> No.14933601

Because the market is irrational as fuck that's why I hold a bit of Zcash, it's one fouth of my XMR

I know about the initial inflation bug i know about the dev reward (ending in 2020) etc...this coin will still moon because it halves exactly like bitcoin and has a hard cap of 21 million coins.

>> No.14933930
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>holding a coin you know is shit

>> No.14933974

based off the whitepapers I've been reading I'd say DUSK will give monero a significant run for its money.

from what I've read DUSK is basically the ETH to monero's BTC.

>> No.14934000

What is Tari

>> No.14934138

what is legal compliance

>> No.14934179

>legal compliance
I think you're missing the point of crypto bud

>> No.14934241

a protocol that allows me to do compliant + non-compliant transactions is more valuable than one that can only facilitate non-compliant

>> No.14934254

stop shilling your shitcoin here, statist scum

>> No.14934256

also, what is private proof of stake

>> No.14934273

isn't that what we're all doing here?

at the very least my shilling could make you some money, damn.

also haven't heard any reasoning as to why DUSK won't make Monero obsolete within 5 years. it's simply a more sustainable/broader/efficient solution

>> No.14934294

BNB is the comfiest hold in crypto

>> No.14934297

Try moon3d instead and get free rolls

>> No.14934327
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SAFEX is better than Monero

>> No.14934366

I am, average price now $62

>> No.14934380

Unironically 50/50 DUSK/BNB

>> No.14934433
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holy shit look at all these shills

>> No.14934451

This will either be delisted from every major exchange or continue to be used as a honeypot. If you withdraw this from any major KYC exchange the government will be keeping a very close eye on you.

>> No.14934492
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holy shit can you breathe and type at the same time??

>> No.14934531

your shitcoin hasnt even launched yet, keep coping

>> No.14934585
File: 8 KB, 314x153, 0_KsHxBAt-9AiX7jbR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is not good as SAFEX

>> No.14934594

that's kind of the fucking point dumbass

I'm positing that DUSK is a much better investment opportunity than monero, precisely because it's still early days.

stay poor, you giant turd burgling faggot

>> No.14934666

Dont wanna FUD here but Monero XMR is absolutely-guaranteed-100% the first crypto that will get banned by coming US government regulations. Seriously this thing, as much as i admire its tech, is literally the WTC on September 10th 2001 right now. You all know from his recent appearance that Mnunchin is well aware of Crypto and legislators are no longer clueless noobs as they were in ˋ17. They have anonymity coins on their table and Monero is on spot #1 for receiving the ban, only followed directly by ZCash and other anonymity coins who are a pain in the ass to law enforcement for years.

>> No.14934729

...enter DUSK. literally all the benefits of monero, with the added benefit of checking the regulator's boxes

>> No.14934867
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>don't wanna FUD
Did u read what this Anon said:

>> No.14934918

Oops meant

>> No.14935497

u mean like Fluffy talking with 5 lawyers in all top countries to create a legal framework for Tari?

>> No.14935798
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