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14928933 No.14928933 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difficulty:risk ratio on drug dealing, /biz/? I don't do drugs but I'm starting to think that peddling them might be a good business

>> No.14928956

If you keep a low profile, practice the right precautions, and don't get greedy, the risks are low. Selling weed to your friends in small amounts really won't flag yourself as a big threat to law enforcement. But once you start trafficing and making thousands someone is going to pick up the trail you're leaving.

The most important thing is to just set a goal, like $50k, and then once you make that much you just quit, discard all your drugs, destroy all evidence and move on

>> No.14928975

It will work out great, until it doesn't (when you get shot by a rival dealer or arrested).

>> No.14929368
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Drug dealers deserve the rope for pushing shit on to kids who grow up all fucked in the head because some anon couldn't get a real job
>hurr durr it's their own choice to do the drugs
yeah no shit but drug dealers perpetuate a global industry of death from where it's sourced like coke from Pablo Escobar's ghost and heroine from the Mexicans or even fucking Xanax from the jew doctors.
Seriously go fuck yourself or wait till you get your door busted down by the cops and you'll be rotting in federal prison for the rest of you life.
Then in your jail cell you weep as you realize it all could've been averted.

>> No.14929412

are you a nigger OP?

>> No.14929431

t. straight-edge super faggot loser incapable of fun and with no friends

>> No.14929460

Oh will you shut up? It doesn't matter if all dealers, or even all drugs, in the world vanished. Junkies will still find a way to get their kicks. There's no fighting it, so you might as well profit off of it.

>> No.14929464

Or just stop hand to hand after you establish quality. Patience is key but 50k is just insurance.
Although you do heed great advice

>> No.14929471

The risk is all dependent on where you live. If you live anywhere south of the US you risk getting your limbs hacked off by cartels.

>> No.14929480

>muh kids
go back to plebshit moralfag

>> No.14929503

Or just stop hand to hand after you establish quality. Patience is key but 50k is just insurance.
Although you do heed great advice

>> No.14929513

Can you smoke PCBs?

>> No.14929565

I say $50k because it's a low amount. It's so, so easy to get wrapped into the drug trade because of the obscene profit margins. You grab some stuff off of the dark net, flip it for 200% mark up and make a ton of money. Set a goal, a low goal, simply because it keeps you grounded and honestly, you should be using any money you make as an investment into something serious and stable. How many people are rotting in prison right now because they got greedy? Prison changes you and what you lose there you won't get back

Going to Prison is not the goal. Get in, get out. Reminisce about it in you're retired in your 40s , skimming 2% off your Vangaurd funds.

>> No.14929567

obviously low difficulty and high risk

>the risks are low
dont kid yourself
one of your customers gets busted and rolls over on you to get off free
ive seen this happen so many times
ive seen someone setup for a single joint in USA
i saw an undercover get a wagie job at hooters and bust and ask the dishwasher if he could get him an "eighth of dank". he didnt even deal drugs. he drove across town to buy an eigth and pinched .8g out of it and sold his coworker 2.7g of bud and got arrested for possession of marijuana and sale of marijuana.

>> No.14929576

That's more of a /pol/ mentality. Reddit wants to destroy the nuclear family and embraces the bluepilled pacification that drugs offer.

>> No.14929603

t. degenerate dude weed bros

>> No.14929624

The risks are not low. If you're in a really shitty setting or urban shithole, maybe it can be slightly justified.

Otherwise it's not worth risking a clean record for some drug income. Drug people get treated like shit in the justice system and society, and all you need is to cross paths with the wrong cop (they're everywhere) to fuck your shit up

>> No.14929651

Cope harder faggot
Addiction destroys otherwise decent lives

>> No.14929654


99/100 times drug dealers are busted because of an investigation brought by law enforcement. They build a case on you over time, get a warrant, then knock down your door and confiscate everything. Stuff like what you're saying is rare.

>Selling drugs at your place of employment
Extremely low IQ

>> No.14929759

thats not true for where i live
here they get users to roll over on dealers and dealers to roll over on other dealers
a single bust turns into many busts because almost everyone snitches
it happened to so many people i know
you get caught and they tell if you if you setup 3 dealers youll have no charges
or you get busted trafficking and you setup 5 other dealers and you get probation
this is how most dealers get busted where in the counties around me in the US

>> No.14929802

Drug dealers don't encourage kids

>> No.14929830


ah yes... kids... you know those reliable folks with good discretion and lots of money... surely a drug dealer's most favored customer.

>> No.14929862

Duno if b8 but cartels have never controled the d a n k .
I went on a few drives for my plug when i was desperate, never again. One week after i came back from colorado his main driver got busted driving thru arizona with 100
Moral of story get retards to do dirty work
And have a legitmate llc
You gotta be kang, you gotta make everyone your pawns.
A long time ago a few people praised the guy who was appointed "stash house" by head hancho kang. When he got to big he had to separate.
Your loyalty has now earned you all the risk and responsibility. Its all so ass backwardz the nighood mentality.

But yeah heres to fuxkin 4 2 0 blaze that shit trumpet 42020 andrew yang for vice pres so i can get that ubi

>> No.14929912
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>in USA
lmao stfu retard which city and state now. This sound like the time those faggot cops set up that absolute innocent kid.

>> No.14929937

southern USA

>> No.14929944

>not where i live
t. Small ass hick town confirmative

>> No.14929965

HIDTA in one of the top 20 metros in USA
high intensity drug trafficking area
i probably narrowed the area down enough for you to easily know exactly where im talking about

>> No.14929970

Passed a D.A.R.E table leaving specs last year, weed has been removed from dares "bad list" btw

>> No.14929994

It really doesn't matter if this person is telling a fake story. They're the giving the right warning about the danger a small time dealer would be most likely to face. You can get ratted out at any time by a customer who gets busted for something else. It's not worth it for that reason mostly, and it happens all the time.

>> No.14930031

ahh yess, lets completely forget about the countless beer ads on tv paid for yours truly, anheuser, miller etc

>> No.14930086

i just read this nonsense, gr8 b8 m8
>comparing the american/canadian weed market to coke trade and xanax jew pol you probably need to smoke some fuckin indica bruh lolz
you know this is a weed thread right

op please tell me you were not considering mexican brick dirt schwag doo doo bobby brown.

>> No.14930136

link me this top 20 list i cant find

>> No.14930194

This is the truth, sounds like it's based on personal experience. A friend of mine got busted and locked up for a few years because a customer ratted him out when the police broke up a party. He told me almost verbatim what you've said. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

>> No.14930222


but it really doesnt matter where because what i said is true. when someone gets caught and rolls over theyre called a confidential informant. im surprised that you didnt know about this.

>> No.14930347

>when someone gets caught and rolls
That assuming they are acting wreckless in the city and rat. Thankfully i never dealt with low iq ppl. Tl dr the chances of this rico shit happening is even less in a major city and it all depends on how solid you your people. But once it gets to town its already sold out and it never came anywhere near kangpen

>> No.14930384

im not talking about RICO
im talking about a user getting pulled over speeding and getting caught with drugs (just an example)
they take him in and offer to let him go free if he sets up 3 deals with 3 dealers
nothing to do with RICO or kingpens

>A friend of mine got busted and locked up for a few years because a customer ratted him out when the police broke up a party.
like this, he knows what im talking about

>> No.14930406

and you actually dont even have to set up "dealers"
they will let you set up your "friends" by asking a friend to get you a sack of weed and of course you pay them
do that to 3 people and you get off scot free

>> No.14930424

ive made my point and dont want to argue
youve made up your mind and will do what you want
im done with this thread and done discussing this
good luck anon

>> No.14930505

The kangpen only trusted two drivers. If driver ever got caught he aasked for his attorney paid for by kangpen. Once in town it goes str8 to a stash house signed in the pawns name. Driver leaves. The king The bond between the drivers and boss is key. I know people rat but we minimized those risks with loyalty and fuckthis peace blqze i5tttttt

>> No.14930520

If you can only have fun when blown out of your mind, you might be broken or just plain boring.

>> No.14930530
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What's there to argue? Think about the average citizen in the modern world. 30-40 years ago I would agree with you. Selling drugs is stupid and is only for the riskiest of risk takers. But now, you're living in a world that is slowly falling apart. Wages are falling. Immigrants from the turd world are clogging up every system. You're looking at 50+ years of employment. Do you want to wagecuck for the rest of your life? This is an honest question. Fiscal responsibility can take you far, but not *that* far. For those at the higher rungs, investing, saving and scrounging can let you retire early. But for those at the bottom?

It's a risk. All things in life are risk and drugs are just another one. You take calculated risks. You set a price goal and you stick to it. You keep to yourself. You have a burner phone. You don't have any friends. You know the rules, statues and laws like the back of your hand. You're paranoid as fuck. That's how you have to be to make it. Can you still go to jail? absolutely. But for some the small chance of jail-time is worth it if you can have 20+ years of freedom when you retire early. It's just another option. Nobody is forcing you to take it

>> No.14930816

how would you even find customers as a dealer? your drug-tied social net is bound to grow no matter how discrete you are. look up what prison life is like and then make a decision.

>> No.14931096

Don't bother. Crypto is like drug dealing but way easier. Buy TRV before the Asia boom.

>> No.14931813

depends on the drug and your country/state laws
also your age and social circle

i personally would never break a law that would put me in prison because i like to walk around outside and not be held down and raped but i presume the harder drugs are more profitable to sell.