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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14927939 No.14927939 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, goys, kinda drunk
Let's be honest, life wouldn't be as hard as it is if we all had more money.
But what is money? It's a fucking weird ass concept where we've all allowed ourselves to be enslaved by Mr. Shekelstein.
It's like the childhood innocence is beaten out of us during high school and we either become 1 of 3 things
>Failed Normie i.e. NEET or 4Chinz autist shitposter

How can we create Liberty that the likes of Jefferson and Washington wanted? I feel like we waste our days on meaningless shit like getting drunk, smoking happy herbs or doing shit shilled by fag Joe Rogan like
>muh DMT
This is also a confession thread. Post green texts and sad stories throughout your /biz/ Adventures.

>> No.14927956

>I feel like we waste our days on meaningless shit like getting drunk, smoking happy herbs or doing shit shilled by fag Joe Rogan like
Nah that’s just you

>> No.14927972
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All money is is a representation of the value of other things, if we didn't have currency we'd just barter. Money as a concept isn't an invention of the jew or any other malicious force, though they of course manipulate it. Currency is a naturally occurring phenomenon if societies get big enough.

>How can we create Liberty that the likes of Jefferson and Washington wanted?
What do you think liberty or freedom even is? You have to answer that question before you start chasing after it.

>> No.14927998
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well, true. Grad school really is like a prison. Between research, homework, and part time (((job))) anything past that is very demanding
Really wish dweebs on a Danish Grandmother's Knitting Forum would stop being so cynical.

>> No.14928001

money is debt, did you never wonder where new money comes from?

>> No.14928036

Money is nessecary for our world to exist. But in the grand scheme of things, who really gives a fuck. We're all gonna die.

>> No.14928089
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It's a fair point. None of this matters, but that doesn't mean you don't matter to someone.
Idk man I think growing up kinda poor in America really gives you a different perspective.
It ain't race man, it's what family you were born into and how you can manage money.
As cringe and populist pilled as that sounds, I think the upper crust genuinely looks down on us plebs and would want us gone ASAP.
I think we need honest representation. Honest men. None of these sluts that currently run congress. Have you seen what Joe Biden does in public? Weird shit, mang.

>> No.14928146

You know the whole point of drinking is to forget shit like this.

>> No.14928256
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I like how Liberty is represented as a concept
It isn't a single person, it's a higher level of thinking that not many can grasp until they risk their lives for tomorrow.
Idk 4chin might argue that trying to secure a better future for your kids is cucked somehow.

>> No.14928287
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If you know, you just know.


>> No.14928291
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You're too drunk.

>> No.14928345
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Escape the normieism and become a United States Marine. Pic related: is me.

>Marinefag here

I love the adventure I've taken on. As a sergeant, I make more than 1.2k twice a month after taxes, social security, and a 15%retirement contribution. Also, I live in the barracks — which means I spend nothing in living expenses. I also get muh discount everywhere I shop at.


>> No.14928376

I just want to write short stories on a beach or in the woods without having to worry about what bills I gotta pay, who I’m in debt to, or where I’ll find money to eat

>> No.14928418

Dont we all. Make the money, then just retire and do your own thing. Its your life in the end. We will make it fren

>> No.14928509
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more like not drunk enough

>> No.14928519
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I have a degree so you'll be saluting me

>> No.14928544


>> No.14928673

Part of me wishes I joined the Air Force like my dad. Ok pay, decent benefits and it has structure. I thrive in structured environments.

Scored a good bit above 90 on the ASVAB about 14 years ago. Local army recruiter tried hard to get me to join by showing up. Coast guard recruiter sent a photo copy of a photocopy of a scanned at an angle photo copy of a recruitment letter.

Still considering AF as backup plan at 35 years old and I miss going on base. Last went on base last summer to visit a friend.

>> No.14928699

>How can we create Liberty
You can't. The world can only chain you with debt or anxiety. True freedom is found only in the light of Christ.

>> No.14928749

Fixed that for you

>> No.14928831

My guy, you're the ultimate normie. Fag.

>> No.14928851
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God damn I didn't know I was surrounded by a bunch of defeatist boot lickers
Well, lads, here goes down another shot.
Fireball doesn't taste THAT bad

>> No.14928871

Hello norman

>> No.14929008

Fiat money is debt. Banks loan money into existence. They can do this as long as they have enough reserves which are loaned (into existence) to them by the central bank. For smaller countries the central bank will usually hold loans from the (((IMF))). The loaning of money keeps accelerating so there's enough money to pay interest. It's a Jewish system that is guaranteed to collapse.

Faggot. If you're going to be wrong about everything and be a nihilist, you should just kys.

>> No.14929042

>booze, weed, DMT
those arent hobbies anon, go make a game with some friends or learn the piano