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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1492714 No.1492714 [Reply] [Original]

Judging by this forum, in 5-10 years the crypto markets will be much bigger than they are now and will take significant share from traditional markets.

Literally holding $1000- $2000 of any cryptocurrency or a selection of crypto currencies will make you a millionaire in 10 years time.

>> No.1492724

Ethereum will get rekt by regulators

>what a great idea! now anyone can sell illegal securities

this will be banned

>> No.1492737

Crypto is literally inpossible to regulate.

There are already functioning decentralised exchanges, if the government tries to regulate the centralised ones people will just start using the decentralised ones.

Torrenting and media piracy has been illegal for a while now and it's still going on.

Welcome to the future

>> No.1492754

>decentralized exchanges

Any decentralized exchange involving fiat requires centralized money transfer services which can be regulated

>> No.1492757


>> No.1492803

Not really, you can buy bitcoins with cash.

You can also exchange goods and services for bitcoin.

>> No.1492882

>decentralised exchange
yeah how exactly would that work?
>Any decentralized exchange involving fiat requires centralized money transfer services which can be regulated

>> No.1492900

You fucking retard, a decentralised exchange for trading cryptos not crypto - fiat.

Anyway, fiat will die off as more people trade goods and services directly for cryptos

>> No.1492962

Uh no

Google "crypto market cap"

And look at the hundreds of dead in the water coins

Then click a coin from say top 10 to 50 on market cap and look at the ptice over time

Holding any random bunh of coins just guarantees youll lise money slowly

>> No.1492970

Why is he so fucking punchable?

>> No.1493006

He's a smart kid, but I wouldn't want to be him. I prefer to stay behind the camera's, not in front of them. If I made some new revolutionary crypto-currency I'd definitely not give away my identity. Just take my money and live somewhere nicely away from the plebs, buy hookers and invest.

>> No.1493033

I know everyone is laughing at OP, but he's kind of right. Some of these currencies will be worth billions. But a 10,000% increase for ethereum? That's laughable. No fucking way. There is too much competition and Ethereum is already bloated for what it does now. There are also a small portion of investors holding the majority of it, which is the downfall of so many coins.

>> No.1493057

> judging by this forum


>> No.1494070

because he's literally the only person in the world you could beat up you pussy.

>> No.1494700
File: 175 KB, 500x375, 1465865485455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, watching bureaucrats, pseudo-intellectuals and old people in general getting their panties in a bunch over scientific and technological advances is always funny as hell.

In my time, we've had the pleasure of witnessing
>videogame butthurt
>decline of religion butthurt
>internet butthurt
>portable computing butthurt

And more episodes are bound to arrive soon:
>VR butthurt
>automation/AI butthurt
>space exploration butthurt
>SETI butthurt
>cryptocurrency butthurt

Good times. Meanwhile I'll just hoard bitcoins.

>> No.1494807

I think it's more because of his completely dim, uncomprehending smile that's practically begging to be wiped off his face, but nice projection weakling

>> No.1494821 [DELETED] 

STEM is the future of America. Embrace it.

Tourism is a meme.

>> No.1494822 [DELETED] 
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forgot pic

>> No.1494825

remember that time when BTC was being shilled in /b/ and /g/ back when it was a few cents each?

10 years from now will be the same thing over again, lotsa NEETs getting rich, and nocoiners will be coping harder than ever before

>> No.1495175

kek. let the butthurt flow!

>> No.1495218
File: 2.62 MB, 600x338, 1468244780932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judging by this forum