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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14921772 No.14921772 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ bros, I have a quarter million in cash that I want to use to buy crypto. I can’t just deposit that much into my bank account and then buy shit from coinbase or Gemini either.

What are my options?

>> No.14921789

Nice try FBI.

>> No.14921799

Buy $1 of Bitcoin, in cash, from 250,000 people

>> No.14921862

i send you 10 btc and you pop moneys in post to my house

>> No.14921865

I’m srs. I was using lbc for a while but now they require kyc.

Like that wouldn’t take forever

>> No.14921866

I run a group in Seychelles. We can do whatever you want

>> No.14921877

you realize that crypto has $0 value? all the money is held by exchanges, private companies

>> No.14921892


>> No.14921900

FBI can just seize exchange's bank accounts for not paying taxes

>> No.14921907

Care to elaborate?

Crypto has value to me tho

>> No.14921919

Wtf are you going on about?

>> No.14921922

ya. to seize them assets !

>> No.14922295

lol everyone is fbi
Nice try Terry Davis

>> No.14922333

>I can’t just deposit that much into my bank account and then buy shit from coinbase or Gemini either.
You literally can, which is why this LARP sucks

>> No.14922356

Send your cash to me and I'll take care of it

>> No.14922376

How do you come by a quarter million in cash?

>> No.14922390


>> No.14922391

You can speed it up by buying $2 of Bitcoin from 125,000 people. The math checks out.

>> No.14922398

prolly drugs

>> No.14922416

i think he's saying it isn't clean money

>> No.14922442

Any transaction over 10k requires a form to be filled out and sent to the irs. I can’t do that.

>> No.14922453

btc atms

>> No.14922460
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1. Find any decentralized exchanges out there that doesn't have KYC
2. Pic related & also buy a fuckload of silver bullions
3. Lurk moar

>> No.14922501

same poster here as >>14921866

pretty cut and dry. it's a wealth and asset management group registered in seychelles. we'll hold your money, give you a bank account (if that's what you want), or you can put in trades through our corp account, which is what people generally want.

make no mistake, this is not illegal, and we don't do anything illegal. we have corporate accounts with several exchanges (standard practice) and our clients give us their money and we execute trades on their behalf contractually (standard practice) and we take a small percentage based on how much you're staking with us (standard practice)

>> No.14922532
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Fuck off you thieving niggerloving kikes

>> No.14922612

localbitcoins face-to-face

>> No.14922626

ross ulbricht, sentenced to life in prison for trafficking marijuana, in addition to other drugs. now that marijuana is becoming legal across that nation's union, it's arguable that if silk road happened 30 years later, he would've received no marijuana trafficking charges and might've received a lesser sentence.

>"fuck you, you can't do this"
>get sent to prison for life
>30 years later
>"ah yeah, if you did what you did 30 years later, you would've been a free man"

absolutely insane. these laws aren't being written and voted upon by individual citizens. they are being constructed by interested parties with profits to gain or losses to incur. not sure why you have such a kneejerk reaction

>> No.14922658


Fucking moron

Ulbricht got done for running a massive smuggling platform not selling weed, and also trying to pay for hits on people

>> No.14922721


Yeah but most of the stuff he was charged for was entrapment by the fbi

>> No.14922728

lbc requires kyc now

sounds sketch dude

>> No.14922741

If you live in New York I'd be willing to meet you and just do a simple transaction

>> No.14922742

I'll do it for 10 percent

>> No.14922797

yea.that assassination is what did him in. but that was a setup. they fooled ulbritch into thinking the guy was informing on him when he wasnt so ulbritch paid a undercover cop in btc to do the hit on the guy and they just used that against him.

>> No.14923808

please read into how it really was.
the hitman stuff was never part of the trial, it was a setup by the system.
they forced the wife of a forum moderator (which they caught) to stage snuff images which were used to entrap Ross

>> No.14923862

OTC huobi

>> No.14924039


>> No.14924263

You need a lot of friends with some savings. They buy the crypto you need and send it to your wallet, you give em cash.

>> No.14924370

found the indian scammer

>> No.14924391

see even fbi know that cash is what criminals use. But the media keep saying crypto holders are sex trafficking nazi's.

>> No.14925372

>sounds sketch

The fact that im running ops from a free market nation seems as sketchy as someone on an anonymous forum asking where he can make crypto trades in the hundreds of thousands of USD without central banks knowing or IRS tracking. I'm sure you've got reasons as do we all

Same Seychelles guy here btw

>> No.14925514

Pay the income tax on it. You don't have to say where you got it. Yes, they will probably report you to law enforcement and they might crawl up your ass with a microscope to see if they can find evidence of your illegal activity. But if the illegal activity is all done and there is no trail left, and you don't do something stupid like talk to the cops or lie about anything and you pay your taxes, you should be okay.

>> No.14926492

If you're not a Mr. Fbiguy then pay your taxes on that, then put the rest in real estate.

>> No.14926639

Idk how I would begin to explain how I got the cash desu. Not drugs btw but I’m sure still illegal.