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14919912 No.14919912 [Reply] [Original]

chainlink will go down as the next VET, NANO, ICX
change my mind

>> No.14919921

no you are right
link is the next bitconnect

>> No.14919925

>T. 110 IQ big boi

>> No.14919936


Well first tell us what it would take to change your mind.

>> No.14919969

but nano will unironically hit $100 eo2021

>> No.14919988

why would I want to change your mind? you can stay poor for all I care

>> No.14920006



>> No.14920028

i just can't believe we are in 2019 and 2019 is almost over, link have been around for almost 2 years now (in september we celebrate 2 years), and you people still don't understand the importance of link, and why the whole blockchain market needs link....this is fucking serrious dumbfounding...i am literally shocked.
chainlink is not just another shitcoin project...it is the only project that allows smart contracts hosted on the blockchain or on a DAG or whatever decentralized system to access external data in a trustless way. meaning you don't have to rely on 1 entity to give you the data, but multiple entities will give the data.

chainlink is in another league it's blockchain agnostic, meaning it doesn't give 2 shits about THIS or THAT tech, it just fucking will be implemented on ANY system.

>> No.14920033

I don't want to, would rather you didn't buy.

>> No.14920042

noone uses that shit retard
erc20 shitcoin

>> No.14920065

Lots of buzzwords there big guy

>> No.14920105

>muhhh retard
seriously at this point the retard is you.
google is right now running a node on testnet you nigger

yeah? right? it's too hard to process for a retard like you

>> No.14920109

its their only way to delude themselves that it has values

>> No.14920120

t. bought the top

>> No.14920121
File: 9 KB, 224x225, bearboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's very close to that point. Sergey has fucked up majorly dumping in a Bear market with the Tether mistake. I'll Liquidate my stack if the thing drops to 1.60. I'll have made a minor, pathetic profit, but it's my out price at this point.

I never thought I'd have to think about it potentially getting this bad, but that's okay.

>> No.14920128

lmao dude, i have 100k link and bought in december 2017 and dcad through all of 2017, i'm just bored

>> No.14920141

lol retard then why hasnt your god changed his speech in his whole time or why does hebuse the same slide and add logos to make it seem like its worth something. your coin was a PnD
>muh sergey just dumped 700k in two weeks but it doesnt mean he is exiting even tho he scammed before
die whitey

>> No.14920152

Sure ya did pal. Enjoy this scam going to zero lmao

>> No.14920153


You gonna answer me or are you just here to fud?

>> No.14920161

We don't care if you buy faggot. Spoon feeding days ended in 2018. Make up your own mind.

>> No.14920182

so u had 20k to throw at this project lol

>> No.14920187
File: 177 KB, 608x305, 1563644314160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a FUCKING ERC10 TOKEN! Jesus....get the Facts straight you absolute RETARDS!

>> No.14920203

Thats your job dumbass. Each one of the coins i listed has the exact same structure. Make announcements get "partnerships" (tim draper, vet?), And then dump and die a slow agonizing death

>> No.14920208

yes, why? i understood the extent of link back in 2017...when i read the whitepaper.
also the assblaster larps helped alot.
i mean you only get 1 chance at making it. back in the time we didn't have all those partners and blogpost, we just had swift and the toilet conference.

>> No.14920226


Every business ever does what you listed. You’re obviously just here to fud because you didn’t get in early enough. Bye faggot

>> No.14920259
File: 426 KB, 1901x1080, wensmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even know i'd fomo the shit out of link if i had more cash.
microsoft is literally going to announce soon.
they WILL ANNOUNCE, there are many videos of sergey saying they work on bletchley criplets, and check pic related.
i mean u'd have to be a complete retard to not go all in link RIGHT NOW.

who cares if it dumps again?

link under 100$ is a steal.

>> No.14920349

hahaha you dumb fat virgin this shitcoin will never come anything close to $20 $50 let alone $100

>> No.14920366

everyone had a partnership with microsoft AZURE. means absolutely nothing
seething bag holder detected

>> No.14920378

cope more retard i already made 240k$ stay poor retard.
i don't even need to convince a retard like you, i prefer you stay cucked.

people who'd listen they'd listen, i know there are people liek me looking for the opportunity of a lifetime and i'm here to guide them and fuck fudders like you in the ass, while waiting for the singularity

>> No.14920443

lol i actually put money in real investments, cant wait for your coin to drop sub $1 die broke filthy swarth
and lol my house is worth much more then your stack and your life

>> No.14920560

wow, congratz retard, you realize anyone can invets in link yes? there is no special bareers for retards like you.
you just need to understand that there wont be another chainlink.

you need to re finance your house and put it all in link retard.

>> No.14920581

not spoonfeeding you, faggot

>> No.14920628

no need to do that, why dont you refinance your shithole studio apartment

>> No.14921011

Chainlink hasn't announced any partnerships. Its always the 3rd party that announces it. And it also has 10x more than those 3 projects combined.