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14918568 No.14918568 [Reply] [Original]

>been a NEET for 2 years
>be perfectly healthy and get absolutely no cold, flu, or other health related illnesses (used to fall ill all the time when I used to go to college)
>meanwhile wagecuck parents get flus atleast 3 times a year, get diarrhoea from eating out, and suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure

Who would have thought that wagecucking is unironically bad for your health?

>> No.14918591

yeah because they actually come into contact with other human beings genius
Your immune system is shit and if you ever go outside you will die like the mayans died when the europeans invaded

>> No.14918600

It's a good thing you never leave the house, your parents obviously passed on some inferior genes.

Being a NEET is kinda like self induced eugenics.

>> No.14918808
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wagecuck cope imagine actually taking orders all day and in the small part of your day you're actually allowed "free time" (you're still on the clock) you defend your slavery lmfao just be a bitch for someone else your whole life and don't even dare expect a payout when you're 65 like you watched all of the boomers get

>> No.14918828

'Murricans are such kids.
You'd like to not work because it's for "someone else" (not that there exists any other type of working) while others work at all times for you. Hmmm.

>> No.14918881

>complete misdirection
>continued poor coping strategies
>probably all in on LINK @3.50
we can all make assumptions, europeans are such cucks.

>> No.14918904

You meant to respond to someone else's post.

Kind Regards,

>> No.14918945

They made the mistake of raising your useless ass

>> No.14918984
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>actual deflection
>still doesn't know why the butcher, baker, and the brewer do anything at all
>assumes other people work for him because this is his locus of control; he works for other people.
>doesn't work for himself or transcendent notions of family and its extensions but for his boss and landlord
>probably allows his boss to engage in prima nocta with his girlfriend (male)
you meant to hit the books plebian

>> No.14919017
File: 1.70 MB, 308x224, 1550867158317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what time it is buddy, time to get off break and go back to stocking those new york convenience store shelves. you know you only get 2 15s and the 30 is mandatory, right?

>> No.14919041

dumbfuck. if I'm going to spend my precious time enriching somebody else, it's going to be somebody that I want to help. wagecucking is about selling your time to people with whom you don't relate, completing tasks that don't mutually benefit you or people you care about. wagecucks are surrounded by people but they have no community. they don't share a principled vision with the people around them, they exist only to serve an increasingly brown, sick, psychotic culture.

>> No.14919087

>if I'm going to spend my precious time enriching somebody else, it's going to be somebody that I want to help
Yeah, right. The society should care about who you want to help.
>wagecucking is about selling your time to people with whom you don't relate
No, it's about making society function.
You typing on your computer or phone, using internet, living somewhere. Presumably, all that was not built and maintained by people who knew you and wanted to specifically help you, so cut the bs, kid.
>wagecucks are surrounded by people but they have no community
That doesn't follow.
>they don't share a principled vision with the people around them
That doesn't follow either.
>they exist only to serve an increasingly brown, sick, psychotic culture
Right, you don't seem to exactly oppose that culture. So, you're part of the demand for that culture. You're welcome.

>> No.14919125

The cope is real. Hope you have your alarm set wagie!

>> No.14919157

But I have more than you ever will :(
What does that change?

>> No.14919433

you are an imbecile. not all work is wagecucking, and you get to decide which people you want to help with the fruits of your labor. wagecucks almost as a rule don't experience more than the vague notion that their work 'like, helps society.'
>that doesn't follow x2
those aren't arguments, they are definitions based on experience
>the people who built the infrastructure that I'm using did it for me hurrrrr
you're a clown. the people who first created these things did it because they were working on an idea they found interesting, with people who shared their vision, in the hope that they could benefit the people that they know and love. even the most philanthropic person derives their attitude from the love they share with the people closest to them.
also, i pay minimal taxes (thanks usa), i don't participate in or condone mass culture, i make my own art, and i 'sell my time' to a community of people who I respect and genuinely want to help.
kys you unprincipled collectivist brainlet

>> No.14919460

For real though, aging is a bitch. Especially if you don’t take great care of yourself.

>> No.14919495

>not all work is wagecucking
Ok. Use only the results of the work that aren't "wagecucking" (whatever that means in the language that's been programmed into you).
>those aren't arguments, they are definitions based on experience
Judging by the way you communicate, I wouldn't give them any relevance.
>the people who first created these things did it because they were working on an idea they found interesting, with people who shared their vision, in the hope that they could benefit the people that they know and love
Fairy tales now. People in the past - good. People in the present - bad.
>i don't participate in or condone mass culture
Yeah, you don't buy groceries and don't use internet. Mass culture for you is just the things that you don't like and happen to be able to not use. Nice.
To sum it up:
'wagecucking'; 'kys'; 'brainlet'
I don't need to talk to an NPC anymore. Don't bother answering.

>> No.14919514

im neet too, and like yourself also stay healthy except for the rare occasion i end up leaving the house. i usually end up sick after those days

>> No.14919698

-People in the past - good. People in the past - bad
you don't understand what I'm talking about, that isn't the claim. i can see that you are unwilling to have a discussion in good faith. disappointing but understandable coming from somebody who apparently only 'understands' things from the top down.

>> No.14919957

man I just left home yesterday after a while and got a summer cold
fucking normies and their diseases