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File: 97 KB, 1111x813, in_worst_student_loan_servicers_image_1_slr_ranking-5bfd73f646e0fb0083fbd72d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14918376 No.14918376 [Reply] [Original]

if they're all BASICALLY run by the government?

>> No.14918391

Illusion of choice

>> No.14918406

this. the same reason why there are only a handful of millionaires in the US and everyone else is literally borderline homeless. the illusion of prosperity.

>> No.14918408

Ahhhhhh feels good to be European with free (no capital F ahahahahahahah)university lmaooooo I just failed an exam today but idgaf if it takes one semester more or less. How can you even cope in a non-cringeworthy way at this point?

>> No.14918411

>run by the government
>allocated a fuckton of tax dollars and insurance for free by the government so they can give some to the actual individuals in Congress via lobbying
Two entirely different things. The main difference is who is the master and who is the slave.

>> No.14918437

Capitalism turns to garbage when the rich don't want to produce anything but debt

>> No.14918448

nobody knows exactly why, but follow the money and you might find a clue

>> No.14918458

>I’m 16 and never took an economics course or even bothered to look up some credible statistics

good to know retard, and nice completely unrelated false equivalency that has nothing to do with the illusion of choice

>> No.14918466

the rich rarely ever produce anything. its the entrepreneurs that make stuff. like elon musk. he started paypal with nothing. now hes building rockets and selling shitty electric cars to dumb rich liberals in california.

just look at any trust fund baby. no ambition. all they do is play and when they get bored they do the hedomism thing. they are of no use to society. just one of the many reasons why inheritance should be banned. if you didn't work for it you don't deserve it.

>> No.14918471

>everyone else is literally borderline homeless. the illusion of prosperity.
god i hate you

>> No.14918495

name calling isn't an argument. go back to pol.

>> No.14918506

Because your country sucks

>> No.14918507

>disagreeing with the notion that the vast, vast majority of americans are almost in the same level of property as homeless vagrants makes you a /pol/tard
back to /r/latestagecapitalism you fucking autist

>> No.14918514

>wahhhh I inherited nothing so it should be illegal

yup, 16 confirmed

>> No.14918520

>rich people always lose their money in 3 generations because they're not actually smarter than me
>rich people never invent anything otherwise they'd be smarter than me, so they all get it from their family
You are so hateful, do something with your life so your pride doesn't depend on illusions.

>> No.14918522

yep no argument confirmed

>> No.14918529

I hate this stupid shit so much. It's almost single handedly destroyed our society and ruined our people's confidence in our system. Because going to school costs so much thanks to these too big to fail faggots normal people that were dumb enough to buy the top of the ugliest and most predictable market chart of the past 40 years can't get ahead and exceptional people are dissuaded from reaching their potential. It's even a factor in why our healthcare is so expensive. The average doctor has to gamble nearly $200,000 in tuition for a chance to earn their doctorate and must be paid accordingly. Because of that, not only do we have a relatively low rate of physicians per capita, but unironically 50% of our physicians are foreign-trained pajeets and 80% of our doctors are highly paid "specialists"-few general practitioners. The Higher Education Act of 1965 is one of the single most harmful pieces of legislation that has ever been penned in this country.

>> No.14918537

>you said retard so I’m going to ignore your entire point

go back to rebbit you pathetic excuse for a human being

>> No.14918540

awww little trust fund baby got twiggered? boo hoo.

>> No.14918550

awwww poor welfare check collector got twiggered by the entire middle class? Boo hoo

>> No.14918551

why exactly do you not have 95% of your salary (not that you have one) siphoned off into a sub-saharan african village?
seriously, why are you not doing this?

>> No.14918563

>you have to be a well-off demographic to not want that demographic oppressed
Are you some sort of leftist activist?

>> No.14918565

what salary?

>> No.14918575
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>> No.14918581

>i inherited something, so it should be legal
kill yourself faggot

>> No.14918584

wow, I am utterly shocked that you both live and think like a lazy nigger who’s so unmotivated and useless that your only purpose in life is to leech off of taxpayers as much as you possibly can

>> No.14918592

>(not that you have one)
why aren't you taking out a loan right now and giving 95% of the loan amount to a small african village?
don't you feel bad that you, top 1% of all trust fund babies, were born in an environment rich with high-valued cultural traits, entirely loaded to the brim with high value capital (which means YOU are worth more, trust fund baby), good infrastructure and decent education?

seriously, do the needful. you were raised by privilege and contribute nothing. sell your testicles to SCIENCE and give the proceeds to non-trustfund babies, like those in the oh so poor african nations - the true ubermensch

>> No.14918596

"work hard so my children can have a better life" is literally the foundation of civilization you retard. Your parents failure to be civilized gives you no right to taint society.

>> No.14918597

>wealth people earned through their own hard work should be passed on to the government and welfare monkies over the person’s family

kill yoursef, Jamal

>> No.14918599

ma fellow euronigga, enjoy paing 50% taxes once you re grown up

>> No.14918682

>i deserve to have a better quality of life than everyone else because i inherited money for doing literally nothing

>> No.14918695
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imagine if the government suddenly changed the laws so anyone could default on a student loan. The pure chaos of a broken industry flipping upside down and actually vetting student loan candidates before giving out 6 figures

>> No.14918732

being loved has rewards

sorry that you're so poor

>> No.14918885

>doesnt want poor people to get welfare for doing nothing
>gets mad when poor people hate trust fund babies that get money for doing nothing

it's the same thing you idiot.

>> No.14918917

imagine paying your student loans and not buying more chainlink

>> No.14918950

epic bait xd

>> No.14919117
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Why are Europeans such colossally ignorant dunning-kruger retards?

>> No.14919140

no retard, welfare monkey's like you are stealing form hard working people. Trust fund babies are just spoiled.

>> No.14919235


Nope I'll move to you debt free and dump the salary for everyone

>> No.14919285
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>be britbong
>go to uni for free
>get pissed every day and shag birds regularly
>enter /neet mode/ after graduating
>put all my money into link and bitcoin
>retiring EOY

who knew life would be this easy

>> No.14919378

> british women

>> No.14919502

You realize that it means nothing, right? The buying power of what is left is what matters.
And the simple fact that you can go into crippling debt for medical reasons even with a good insurance makes the US system retarded.
What really boggles my mind is that you fight each other over who should foot the bill (for education, healthcare etc) without addressing the real problem, that you are allowing the private companies that you let in charge of monopolistic system to constantly overcharge and underpay you to death. Most US citizens are basically slaves.

>> No.14919573
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>tfw i'm one of the navient federal complaints

>> No.14919609

I've argued that idea with myself a lot and came to the conclusion inheritance should be taxed at 0% up to one million dollars per child and 100% past that. The maximum anybody should be allowed to start with is a million.

He's really not wrong and the things you're implying are mostly truth

>> No.14919621

The problem isn't private companies, it's the bastardized mix of private and government we have. If it was purely private then hospitals would need to be transparent about their prices to attract customers. Instead we have government required healthcare oligarchies. On the other side a purely socialist medical system would work too, but there can't be any private companies involved.

The same applies to student loans.

>> No.14919643

He's not the one importing labor, the rich are, the rich have decided that the slave making continent needs more of everyone else's money to pay for them.

>> No.14919788
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>british women

...are the most beautiful women on gods earth. nothing better than a pint and a curry down spoons with a bird then ever so romantically whispering in her ear that you wanna smash her back doors in


>> No.14919830

>if they're all BASICALLY run by the government?
What? This is literally asking why are there multiple banks.
> over 7 Million
> a handful

>> No.14919946

Not all system can work on pure capitalism. The concept of having to shop around for a cheap hospital is laughable and can only lead to subpar treatment unless you overpay, and it's downright impossible on an emergency. Healthcare can only work ethically with transparent public management and homogeneous cost and level of service.
The problem is not only economic but technical, good medicine needs centralized management, otherwise you only get a fragmented subpar service. One of the major indicators of success in medical operations is the number of yearly operations made by that team, you need centralization to organize the flow of work to big specialized structures, to divert easier problems elsewhere, to manage the intervention time in emergency care etc.
We can argue about education and public transport, but on healthcare any other system simply does not make sense, it cost more to get way less.
Of course, obtaining a really efficient and transparent public management is not easily done too.

>> No.14919980

Felate a shotgun commie

>> No.14920691
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Shopping around for hospitals is what most people with serious diseases do right now. The market would correct inefficiencies such as charging 400 dollars for gauze, or trauma centers in poor neighborhoods that don't pay for treatment. Don't get me wrong I'm all for a full on socialist system, but it has to be that and not a bastard child of Republican and democrat "bipartisanship" of special interests

This isn't about what the best option would be, it's about how to make medical care more affordable

>> No.14921148

A lineage is a single entity. You don't get that because you descend from people who don't get that. That's why they didn't sacrifice to make you richer, as you won't for your kids.

>> No.14921566

Drain every last drop of blood from students, then get them to sell out and start whoring their ass on backpage for money, then fuck em and give em your herpes, them raise the interest rates midway through the loan so now theyre donating their diseased blood to make a buck
Then work em so hard they either get cancer or an hero, milk em all the way AHAHAHAHA

>> No.14921966
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Shove your socialism bullshit up your ass. Europe's current system is built on the foundation of unsustainably positive market conditions created by US military hegemony and weak market protectionism that has created a negative feedback loop wherein US companies spend billions in FDA approval fees to develop new medications (60% market share) and US customers directly pay for European and Asian firms to develop what new pharmaceutical what they're able as they charge their own at prices they wouldn't break even on. Despite the US paying 3 times more on average for drugs if not way...WAY more in some instances, drugs in general still make up a substantial portion of European healthcare spending in these countries that have few chronically sick fatties to begin with. When the US starts protecting the pharmaceutical market the way it's protected steel and other industries you're going to wish that you could go back to "only" paying 50% of your paycheck to the government. The European system is an inefficient fraud on its otherwise healthy people that would not survive the awful market conditions of the US, whether the exploitative trade practices of supposed allies or the 60 year "refugee crisis" invasion of goblins

>> No.14922526
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 0BC6DC00-947E-49A1-B5BB-68F5F239445A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally in crippling debt by default the second you start working you idiot. It being more sensational to go into medical debt in your 60s and have to pay $500 a month than it is to be living under circumstances in which you're paying $800 a month the moment you start being paid more than the bottom 15th percentile until the moment you die isn't a strong endorsement of the European system, which again, can only be maintained under the most fortuitous market conditions in history which are owed primarily to US military strength and political weakness

Forcing doctors into debt under inflationary government student loans-if they bother to try and become one at all (again, 50% foreign born/trained doctors-they're not) under those conditions-are not symptoms of a "free market". I should be able to buy pharmaceutical drugs from international sellers on something akin to amazon, forcing both European and American firms into a market correction, I should have (and only recently do https://abcnews.go.com/Health/hospitals-forced-publish-price-lists-long-secret-analysis/story?id=60676332)) have full disclosure on what costs what before I step into the building and (You) should not have to be taxed like World War 2 never ended so that some ignoramus can go to an abstract art college for free*

>> No.14923157

>making it this obvious that you were raised by a whore of a single mother

must feel bad