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14916803 No.14916803 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink Token Burning

Plenty of oldfags here and other Link-whales. We all know Chainlink is going to hit $1000 or even bigger numbers. It is just a matter of time. We have all literally made it.

I've been thinking about this, and I think we should make a similar site to Linkpool, but instead of staking etc. we make a smart contract or something similar where we lock like huge amount of Link and burn it. Basically they are locked either through some guarantee that nobody can access those tokens ever again without quantum computing or similar. The key is divided between participants and everyone just burns it

Think about it, this way the fucking Plebbitors will never get to buy or linkies, we force the price go higher artificially. We guarantee Link's success (remember the 17 decimals).

Everytime the team/sergey would like, sell 700k links, we could also burn 700k tokens. SEriously why the fuck aren't we doing this?

>> No.14916876

Just let the plebbitors buy in? What's the point?

We don't sell 1 Link to Plebbit: we sell them fucking 0.0001 Link

>> No.14916902

Why would anyone want to participate in this ridiculous idea? Sounds like you're wasting a lot of money

>> No.14916948

Well it kinda makes sense if every holders burns 10-20$ worth of LINK for example

>> No.14916957

We burn them gradually as the price rices

Let us example we have $200k worth of Chainlink at the moment, the price doubles so that we have $450k worth Chainlink. We decide to burn $50k worth of Chainlink locked in nodes so that the plebbitors cannot access them

We create shortage and the worth of tokens is $800

This time we burn $100k of tokens etc. etc

the plebbit still has to buy in and we are just creating more shortage and winning. we just win

>> No.14916963

>we we we we we we we
>follow me
It is so tiresome. Get out moonbois, back to twitter, where you belong

>> No.14916967

Haha sure thing my man! Let’s all “burn” our tokens we’ve been holding for 2 years! How about you tell us how many links you hold faggots? Here’s a wild guess sub 30k

>> No.14916978

> people are going to pay $1000++ to sign a smart contract

totally going to happen, bro. All in!

>> No.14917661

I've already sent 1.4 and .88 LP shares to the ETH burn address, so I've already done something to ensure there are always LINKs being lost.
The ETH price heartbeat has already earned it 3 LINK.

>> No.14917692

Nice bro. It will be years until reddit fags like OP realise the burn/stake contract has been in place for ages

>> No.14917697
File: 58 KB, 642x690, sergeychess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys haven't done this still? I've been sending 5k LINK to a burn address every week to reduce circulation. Back in 2015 I did the same thing with Bitcoin and in 2016 with ETH. This shit works. Jesus christ how many newfags on biz.

>> No.14917703

thanks, sold 700K

>> No.14917714

>Chainlink Token Burning
ill burn 50 of my 1622 linklet stack.

>> No.14917717

So... you want people to send thousands of dollars worth of tokens to an address, so that it can never be accessed again...

>> No.14917725

OP burns fiat money to fight inflation

>> No.14917735

Never selling is practically the same, but good effort based retarded anon.

>> No.14917758

Closest to Zero IQ I've yet seen.

>> No.14917767

Lmao this is so fucking stupid

>> No.14917796

you guys really should do that! but for my tokens its to risky what if i send them to the wrong adress and a redditor gets it

>> No.14917802


Great idea OP you go ahead and burn your link tokens first

>> No.14918467

You're the dumbest person on /biz. There is 0 incentive for private individuals to burn tokens. The market effect of burning vs hodling is exactly the same. So why would anyone throw away their tokens when they could just hold them with the exact same results?

>> No.14918484

lmfao OP low IQ confirmed

>> No.14918486

Burn them to fuel the Shadowfork

>> No.14918511

The more cope threads I see popping up, the more I am reassured that this shit will drop below $1.

>> No.14918524

Thanks, burned 100k

>> No.14918538

goddamn OP is literally retarted

>> No.14918547

OP you go first, I'll give you a burner address

>> No.14918580


I do not WANT the price higher. For now.

>> No.14919175

If you burn some of your tokens, you can help to prevent the price from climbing when you eventually sell and give someone else their own reason to increase the price

>> No.14919226

Great job anon. You start burning yours

>> No.14919243

yeah yeah, so we burned like 1 milly tops and then sirgay drops 750m link in circulation

>> No.14919485

Wouldn’t work, prisoner’s dilemma

>> No.14919498
File: 37 KB, 794x772, 1560822061367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats OP this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this board. Dumber than all the "stay poor" pajeets. Dumber than that guy searching how to shoot up his office on his work computer. You actually thought this thread was a good idea, and that you were smart for thinking people were dumber than you that would willingly burn their own crypto. Bravo.

>> No.14919576
File: 16 KB, 317x300, 820268AE-7876-440B-BCF3-BB9223C5B888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14919900

Unironically kill yourself RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.14920002

>Dumber than that guy searching how to shoot up his office on his work computer.
He got fired for that one, aye?

>> No.14920037

Someone was going to get fired, ultimately.

>> No.14920052

how about you invest in a token where you dont get exit scammed by its creators instead of cucking yourselves to fund his scam

>> No.14920060

If chainlink hits 1000$ at any point in its lifetime, I will go to France and bail the boys out of prison

>> No.14920059

Shit man! We all just gotta send our link to you, then you'll burn it! You'll make us all rich! FUUUU
What's your ethereum address so we can send you our link?

>> No.14920123


Hey, is that like McAfee saying he will eat his own balls on tv if bitcoin will not hits the hundred thousands (which of course it never will now)

>> No.14920136

your a FUCKING RETARD right? everyday, some basement dwelling idiot tops the previous days savant with something new and stupid -> Like clock work. Uses the word "Whale" when refering to ie: 100K/150K in tokens when there are 1 Fucking Billion of them. Your a Gnat, a mosquito at best. Sergey has 650 Million at his disposal you insignificant worm. You actually think that ANYTHING you could possibly do ... has any bearing on the price? Fucking delusional! Go back to your mommy's basement, eat some tendies ... and masturbate to cartoons you fucking loser.

>> No.14920163

>bail the boys out of prison
Who are the boys? The bogs?

>> No.14920207

You know who I mean