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File: 362 KB, 500x500, Craig-Wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14909512 No.14909512 [Reply] [Original]

Apologise in 3 days

>> No.14909537

>Apologise in 3 days
is this when he apologizes to the court for lying and begs for leniency?

>> No.14909570

I'm very sorry that you're such a fraud.

>> No.14909578

not on binance
don't care

>> No.14909634


Literally no one believes this guy. The only question is whether he’ll see jail time.

>> No.14909706

Eat shit

>> No.14909728

Just look at this nigga's face. He has the scamiest face since that biconnect spic.

>> No.14909730

>b-but I will market sell 800k btc in 2020
literally announcing his exit scam in Antigua while market selling 800k bsv on retarded bagholders

>> No.14909764

unfortunately he won't because nothing is provable. he can go on talking about the tulip trust (shamir shared key) forever and no one can ever know if hes lying or not. thats really the beauty of this whole scam.

>> No.14909807

These dont sound like apologies...

>> No.14909895

I along with my entire discord is going to dump our bags during the Quasar update.

>> No.14909990

Please. Someone. Explain.

If Craig is Satoshi, why won't he sign the genesis block? Why won't he move 1 BTC? It's so fucking simple it's retarded.

>> No.14910077

>b-but tulip trust
who is owning the keys?
>here is the list
these are umbrella companies opened in 2014, 2 years after the tulip trust
>b-but, b-but...* scream and cry to the judicial court *
>b-but hey Ira, do you actually want some big cash? Let’s keep court documents private and let’s find an agreement to keep your mouth close and dismiss the case
Ira get big money, judge dismiss the case
>you see? I won, I am satoshi, you will see, next year, maybe never, my daughter will inherit the tulip trust

>> No.14910118

>nothing is provable
irrelevant. He is (obviously, deliberately) obstructing the Kleiman Florida court case and refusing to comply with court orders to provide information. Even in the (unlikely) event, any of this horseshit 'Tulip' setup bore any resemblance to the truth, he would still be liable for contempt. This nonsense would still have been setup of his own accord and free will with the apparent purpose of preventing access by others. tldr, whether he tells a court to fuck off, hes not telling them anything, or spouts forth this mountain of bullshit (+ obvious forgeries etc) - its still non-compliance, its still contempt, and its jailtime for convict creg

>> No.14910230

he did you idiot. ask john matonis, gavin andresen (man who satoshi gave the github keys to) say he signed for them.
Just because he won't do your poor ass a favor doesn't mean he hasn't signed often.

>> No.14910316

how low, i'll place my buys ready, ill take your bags bitch boy

>> No.14910330
File: 30 KB, 640x723, 93B49B27-4ED1-4935-8224-F1FE14D4A8E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he signed for gavin
>private key is locked in a tulip trust

>> No.14910349

You know it's easy, sign the fucking blocks. Sign the fucking blocks.
Didn't I make clear enough?

Imagine the state of bsv fucks reassuring him to prove himself in court.

>> No.14910356

>"craig doesnt need to stoop to your level and prove he is satoshi"
>"regardless, craig already proved it to the people that mattered!"
>craig goes to someone that matters (the court) and submits a document arguing he is satoshi
>court asks for proof
>craig doesn't provide any


>> No.14910406

>Craig signed a message that I chose ("Gavin's favorite number is eleven. CSW" if I recall correctly) using the private key from block number 1.

>> No.14910422
File: 23 KB, 460x366, 060C70A1-CEB6-4B69-832E-A1BD11AC4001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig signed a message
So tulip trust is bullshit and he is lying to the court

>> No.14910444

these CSW threads are just trolls trolling trolls, right?

>> No.14910447

no retard, he said everything mined from block 70 and onward went into the trust

>> No.14910457


>> No.14910480


>> No.14910484
File: 328 KB, 771x664, Gavin_Being_Mistaken_Again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a laptop 'an assistant' purchased, and produced freshly wrapped. While creg produced a large white rabbit with his other hand and shouted abracadraba! But it's certainly possibly I was fooled, yes
Occam would say - its all bullshit

>> No.14910501

But what about all those other dates you posted where nothing happened?

>> No.14910545


>> No.14910629

he only said that because ledditor screeching
some people can't handle it

>> No.14910670

this stuff is better than an movie anyone could dream up. he's such a bad liar it's funny.

>> No.14910673
File: 22 KB, 332x1024, A2255B91-C8FD-459E-BE5A-C601815311D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edit old blog posts to include bitcoin bullshits
get caught by webarchive
>muh greg

>> No.14910745

>x5 just on the breakout of the bear trend
>didn't even start the uptrend properly yet
who's really cope posting here?

>> No.14910886
File: 211 KB, 435x385, Craig-Steven-abhiyaan3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]
And now For a Bonus! Watch him DESTROY a hater!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvqn87iAz8 [Embed]

>> No.14911522

I'm guessing Ira has big money behind him asking him to take the case all the way. If not his lawyers would have settled already

>> No.14911655



so tired of these BSV fuck boys. can't wait until they lose all their money so i can laugh

>> No.14911719

They're paid shills though so they'll just lose that job

>> No.14911723

only disappointment and seething awaits for you i'm afraid

>> No.14911945

Greetings men
what we have here is an opportunity of gold. a great possible victory if you might think
have you ever looked at a token or coin and thought to yourself that you would have purchased it if it was early btc? i know what it feels like to buy the early stuff - i am a big holder myself actually
and when i look at craig and do my own research into him, he is definitely the maker of btc
all of the signs are there for him to be the true mind behind the excllent product. so if you had this hope in the past, you may wish to consider what you have not been paying attention to up until this time
me? i am all in
if you are smart you will be also

>> No.14911954
File: 43 KB, 500x750, 1547240387418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



my sides.

>> No.14912035

craig can't unlock shit on the 31st. if there is a shamir share he needs other keys to unlock it. it's all a scam but keep dumping your money in if you want.

>> No.14912388

Csw already swore under oath in court he also mined on a laptop not connected to tulip trust you absolute retard.

>> No.14912416

He also swore to the validity of those forged documents he submitted

>> No.14912463
File: 17 KB, 550x532, flat,550x550,075,f.u7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if the real thing holding bitcoin from mooning is bsv and bch scams

>> No.14912568

“No,” said Wright. “You have put documents I don’t recognize.”
>“Documents you produced in discovery?”
“Yes, from other machines in my organization.”
Sees ? Its them 'other machines' in creg-land wot keep submitting forged documents. NOT creg. Oh nos. I hope he has made this point very clear to the Judge, otherwise, there may be misunderstandings, and they could mean po' creg getting convict. Again.

>> No.14913055

Watched his Oxford Union talk on youtube. Even if he isn't scamming he is absolutely delusional, dishonest, and mentally unstable.