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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14908540 No.14908540 [Reply] [Original]

Pi network just hit 150k engaged miners after only 4 months. No other crypto in history has grown this fast. You still have time to join as an early bird and build your π holdings before it hits exchanges and the next halvening at 1M. Conservative estimates value π at around $10-$20.

>Literally click a button once a day in the app and you get free money. That's it. (Current start rate is .49 π/hr)

>You can find the download link, whitepaper and more information on their website


You will need an invite code to log in the first time.

Use my invite code and we can hodl in a huge group for huge gains.

Referral code:

>> No.14908588

use invite code seancasey
I'm always active 24/7

>> No.14908717
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Reminder that:
-"teams" in the app just means "number of people you invited"
-mining "teams" ONLY benefit the inviter
-security circles ONLY benefit the inviter
-the ONLY way to earn more than the base rate is inviting others yourself

-all invite codes give +25% mining bonus to inviter and invitee
-anyone claiming higher % are bullshitting you
-security circle bonus maxes at 5, and your inviter counts as one
-if you invite 4 then add them to your security circle you get +100% mining bonus

-Pi Network is pre-mined, the "mining" is just a faucet

-using the invite code
will make anime real

>> No.14909826
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Use your (((free))) resources and start earning Pi Coins on your mobile phone. Get involved in a cool project from Stanford university and get rewarded for being a part of it.

What to do next?

Download Pi Network from Play Store or App Store to try it!

>Pi is a new digital currency. This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets.
>Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.

Ambassador code for frens to get 25% mining rate bonus! Use code:


Again, it is early stages, making it ideal to get in and accumulate :)

Godspeed anon

>> No.14909860

Use code TheWranga because I'm always active and desperate for gains so you will always get your 25% bonus.

>> No.14909896

>conservative estimates value pi around $10-$20
Nice try buddy. More like $0.005 max.

>> No.14909922

Senpai here. I joined the Pi Network when we were less than a thousand. Still mining every day. Don't get fooled; nobody on /biz/ can boost your earning rate. The only option to earn more is building a reliable team of people who are always mining.
Do yourself a favor and use the code zippo to join Pi Network. I will not weaken your earning team by inactivity.


>> No.14909940

Use invite code jayzus

Always mining

>> No.14909970

>Conservative estimates value π at around $10-$20.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
Will be worth 10 cents at best

>> No.14909987
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>> No.14910016

I have 2k+ pi but let's be real here

>> No.14910039

so you're gonna sell em for a measly $200?

>> No.14910476


gotta see development ongoing and see how the project reaching new milestones. I personally wanna get as many Pi as possible, so I can set up my node for it. That can be done before we are able to sell the coins. :)

>> No.14910507

i have no idea what's going on but as long as pi is as easy as tapping a button, i'll keep mining it.

>> No.14910511

If this actually gets to 10 million users (likely) and gets listed on exchanges, the sheer amount of normies (lets say at least 3 million) buying and spending it could give it a solid initial pump.

P.S. Use code WestenMike to get in now

>> No.14910536

Use code jj3321 and I won't the Bogs about your financial negligence

>> No.14910546

No one is gonna use this trash pajeet.
This isn't even "mining", the only thing that is getting mined is your data.

>> No.14910676

Do you think normies use exchanges? Unless this gets on CB it will go absolutely nowhere.

>> No.14910697

not sure about 10million users, seriously. best thing to do is get in early and see it unfold
read whitepaper, brainlet

>> No.14911463
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Some guy in the comments of the playstore said that if you change the clock you get more coins, which would make this whole thing fake, what do you think?

>> No.14911733

WTF ITS TRUE. Looks like this is a confirmed pajeet scam.

>> No.14911867
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Someone please acknowledge this, people are freaking out in the chat.

>> No.14912314

There's 150k users you retards, and it's still client-server based at the moment, of course it's not going to phone home every second. It synchronizes with the server once a day when you begin mining. If you try to pull this shit, the server will refuse to sync because your system time is out of sync, and if you keep trying you'll probably get flagged as a hacker and banned.