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14906481 No.14906481 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically, say you are a 26-year-old male in North America, working at a high-stress, high-pay (but unfulfilling) job. If you came across an unexpected windfall of $300,000 USD, would you:

A) Pretend nothing happened, keep working at the high pay/stress job and just let the money grow by adding to it. Maybe retire a few years earlier than normal, but no change to lifestyle.

B) NEET it up. Move to a LCOL place and just live off the interest (around $12,000 USD a year with a safe withdrawal weight of 4%). Pursue low cost hobbies/interests/entrepreneurship/sports/volunteering whatever.

C) Do a combination of A) and B). Take a part time barista-esque job for 10-15 hours a week that is low-stress to pay some of the bills, letting the windfall compound over time.

Thoughts /biz/? What would you do?

>> No.14906506

D) stop referring to the death of a family member as a "windfall"

>> No.14906519

All in physical silver RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, then buy crypto after the tether collapse and silver moon

>> No.14906531

E) buy chainlink for 300k

>> No.14906546

Invest the $300k in LINK whilst maintaining your job for a few more years then retire with over $5

>> No.14906565

C, part time to keep it growing for 3-5 years then B.

>> No.14906576

Live off of interest and Uber drive on the side while trying to start a business or just studying shit that is interesting to you.

Life is too sort for that job. These are the best years of your life you don’t wanna waste them working.

>> No.14906718

All of the above. Save it, get a less stressful job, maybe in a lower col area, but not just 15 hrs/wk.

>> No.14906755

Invest it in a diverse but focused portfolio and continue working. Just because it’s a lot of money right now doesn’t mean you can live on it indefinitely.
10% in growth equities
20% in value/dividend equities
30% in precious metals (ideally gold)
40% in fixed income assets like corporate or treasury bonds

>> No.14906955

all in bitcoin, continue to work as a software engineer investing 50k/annum

easy path to retire by 30-35

>> No.14907233

I would acquire a 1-1.2M rental property and wagecuck for 5-7 years+, and then find an easy boomer tier job, and have a net worth of $1M+ by then.

>> No.14907251

honestly...are you white? if so there is only one choice and you know what it is...otherwise do whatever

>> No.14907756


step 1.) buy 1 btc, 10,000 LINK and 32 ETH
step 2.) retire next year

>> No.14907776
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This anon has the right idea

>> No.14908320

It was not the death of a family.

>> No.14908986

No idea what this means

>> No.14909033


He means pay reparations to the black population that your slave owning ancestors oppressed for the last 1000 years

>> No.14909083

>around $12,000 USD a year with a safe withdrawal weight of 4%).
You are deluded if you think you will get a 4% interest return rate anywhere.

>> No.14909128

If im working a high paying job 1-2 years salary wont change anything.

>> No.14909221

less than 1% of the population in the new world owned slaves
of that 1%, 45% were jews

jews ran the transatlantic slave trade, and bought slaves from arabs and africans

the likelyhood of a "white" american having a slave owning ancestor is about 1 in 10000

on the contrary, it is far more likely that white americans had indentured servant or conscript ancestors from ireland, oppressed by brits(in b4 >irish >white)

>> No.14909254
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>> No.14909256

Don't tell a god damn person. Spend $3000-10000 on what you want. Make sure you have the taxes put aside for it.

In order: Buy a reliable car for cash, pay ALL your debt and never go into debt again, get a mortgage if you don't have one, put 6 months of living expenses into savings account, pay off mortgage early, then put it all in VTSAX.

Continue wagecucking until you have $1mil+ in VTSAX, then live lean on 4% of your portfolio a year and do whatever you want. If you want a family get that shit to $2mil.

Feeling like gambling and under 30? Fuck all of that boomer shit, all in Bitcoin, don't touch it until you break a million, eta 1-5 years.

>> No.14909442

Citation on the Jewish slave owning? First time I heard that t. Zoomer

>> No.14909586

why are you even asking for a source? we both know you are going to settle on whatever the fuck you want to believe, scraped from various 1st page google search results, after you recoil in horror (per your indoctrination setting) when presented with information that isn't from socially acceptable sources

just live your life and don't worry about it

you won't be worldly enough to actually hate anybody for a good reason until you are in your early 30's at the earliest

>> No.14909633

Some combination of invest it, and buy real estate when housing crashes

Keep your job and keep saving. Who the fuck could live off 300k other than a basement dweller?

>> No.14909655

300k is simply not enough to live on unless you want to dip into the principle.
you could buy some preferred shares and get at least a 5% yield on it. or buy some dividend stocks/etfs or do both.

>> No.14909675


>> No.14909752


>> No.14909858

this only applies to ethereum kiddies:
convert $300k usd to DAI, supply DAI to Compound protocol, earn 13%/yr, keep working and retire in 5 years

>> No.14910065

What a garbage response.

>> No.14910413

C. Invest most of the money in an index fund. Put about $30K of it into Chainlink. Move to a cheap town, rent a comfy room for $3-500 per month, and get a chill part time bartending or bookstore job that covers rent and utilities. Once Link hits $100 you can sell half, pay taxes, and move that to the index fund. That should take care of you for life as far as upper middle class NEET lifestyle. If Link hits astronomical numbers you'll be rich.

I'm getting about twice that much in a windfall and doing the same thing except I'll already be able to live fully off the index fund until Link moons. I might get a comfy side gig but I'm a musician and fiction writer so it's not like I can't stay busy without a job.