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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 124 KB, 430x600, 1471339124768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1487835 No.1487835 [Reply] [Original]


www.trumpcoin.com <--- Brand New & Improved

TrumpCoin ANN Thread


>Community member makes video and spicy memes.

TrumpCoin tipbot! /u/mags tip

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
@raexno92 and @TrumpcoinG are community contributor handles.

www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
>SCC filling

When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of DJT for President of the United States. By using TC, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and
demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin
becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


Spread the word and MCGA!

>> No.1487879
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, Make Aiur Great Again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1487884

I'm so hype for this update. MAGA

>> No.1487899

When's the update coming?

>> No.1487901

RIP Dread
press F to pay your respects

>> No.1487908


>> No.1487909

Let me guess...this is the real last chance to get in right?
3 weeks ago was the pretend last chance before """takeoff""""

>> No.1487910

f goes in all fields

>> No.1487911

No one knows. Hopefully soon.

>> No.1487920
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>> No.1487921

Assuming everything is already dead the next line doesn't even apply.

>> No.1487922

Next summer solstice

>> No.1487931
File: 10 KB, 842x674, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last chance to get in!!!!

i barely understand crypto but make it great again!!!!!

don't know what the update is, don't know when either, but it'll be SOON!!!

>> No.1487938



>> No.1487939


>> No.1487941

can you mine trumpcoin?

>> No.1488122

You don't mine trumpcoin. You can stake it, however, by storing trumpcoin in the official wallet. The amount you get per interval is proportional to the amount you have in your wallet, 2% of your total wallet value every year.

It's a pittance, but it's something.

>> No.1488139
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Shops gone..for now

>> No.1488149

As treasurer was temporary, we should expect another vote?

>> No.1488172

Shall we vote on when to have the next vote?

>> No.1488181

Interesting proposal. Let's take it to a vote

>> No.1488251
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>> No.1488253

Come on devs, dont let us down

>> No.1488391

at least there were some signs of life last night finally

>> No.1488399
File: 23 KB, 1018x237, 1472950037887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM NOT DEV GUY - Reposting from previous thread:

Hey folks, dev team guy here. I'm not really "authorized" to make this comment, but I feel it's important to do so right now.

The reason you haven't heard much from us lately is because we're in the process of finalizing some VERY monumental things that were on our bucket list. Actually, one of the items we're working on wasn't even on the table until just recently. This particular development is... hmm, how can I say it... YUUUGGE!!

If you're not sure what we've been spending our time on, you can go back to the roadmap Signal laid out and see what I'm talking about.

Rest assured, when we do make the announcement (which will come very soon), this project will take off - even probably beyond everyone's expectations.

This isn't just hype, folks. The recent development I alluded to earlier is unimaginably significant!

Continue to hold onto and accrue more Trumps because we've only just begun. If you haven't bought any yet, now would be a great time to do so.


>> No.1488403


>> No.1488430

F...full speed ahead, r...right guys?

>> No.1488456

>that's actually a dev


>> No.1488472

ikr, the english isn't broken enough for it to be a dev

>> No.1488475
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Maybe he is, maybe hes not. Just reposting. The same guy posted again later calming people down when people were expressing their concern about trump fund. Other than that he didnt post anything more.

tl;dr: >I want to believe

>> No.1488481

I think he made this thread. Going by the title and having spoke to him before.

>> No.1488513

Well I guess it's time to transfer my TC to c-cex and yobit. This isn't going anywhere.

inb4 hue low energy fudder to teh moon just wants cheep coinz

>> No.1488521
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Go ahead if you feel this way, but why now, before election? Even if the devs got murdered this coin will most probably rise in price later. Just saiyan.

>> No.1488545

Well I think the update might come this week due to the recent developments, like the shop which was visible for some minutes and the missing bio

>> No.1488565

>like the shop which was visible for some minutes and the missing bio
what is this? i missed this

>> No.1488574

A shop was up for a short time at trumpcoin.com last night. Showed some t shirt placeholders. Dread/Colin bio isn't shown anymore so maybe the temporary treasurer has completed his role.

>> No.1488626

Is that the Challenger

>> No.1488629

No it won't, Trumpcoin's theoretical value from being used as a fundraiser isn't showing any signs of being achieved. We're two months from the election and we haven't even made news on /pol/

>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins then. Ill wait and see how events will unfold, who knows, maybe ill become rich, if not - too bad. No risk no reward.

>> No.1488691

This, desu. I'm in this ride for the long haul. I'm slightly down from my initial investment, and I really don't see myself losing anything on this venture. At worst, I'll break even.

Even if I do lose money, such is life. It was worth the risk.

>> No.1488699

Honestly, the fact that the coin is still so stable is a good sign. I've been holding a while and getting nervous myself, but I'm determined to wait it out. But I assumed there would be more weak hands selling out by now. I want to buy more but nobody is selling cheaper yet

>> No.1488715

The volume will never be enough to take a big dump. Stop wasting your time with this shitcoin and wait for a top10 coin to dip and buy.

>> No.1488729

It went to 53 in one day, on a rumour

>> No.1488752
File: 897 KB, 245x250, WhatTrumpCoinDoesToYou2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ball of steel bros. Its a wild market, and things like trumpcoin can explode to outer space in an instant. MAGA and MCGA

>> No.1488954

I'll be holding for a while longer aswell m8. I wonder whether one of them posted about the shop last night.

>> No.1489053


>> No.1489260
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>> No.1489263
File: 2 KB, 395x22, 5531e1c6c11722f5484b5effd1471bc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir I really want to buy some trumpcoin at this price. This is a picture of my order.
Please somone help me out I am indian who support trump thank u sir

>> No.1489271
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>> No.1489299

apologize for bad english.
where were you when Dread is kill? I was having smegma butter and toast when pajeet call me and say
Dread is kill
- no

>> No.1489369
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>> No.1489468

Shouldn't it be updated to say Trumpcoin is turning neets into poorer neets?

>> No.1489622
File: 868 KB, 1500x1972, 1471867265954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it should be updated to say Trumpcoin is turning neets into fudder murder machines. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.1489627

I wouldn't say poorer. The price of TC has remained relatively stable for a while, so NEETs still gonna NEET.

>> No.1489635

We have another thread talking about how volatile the markets become during election season. I can't wait for the first presidential debate when Trump destroys Hillary.

>> No.1489830

why is why wallet not syncing? I've left it on for a day now

>> No.1489860
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>tfw 61 days until the election
I hope that they have some media coverage lined up behind the scenes. I don't know if we have enough time to get mainstream appeal

>> No.1489870


What? Idk what exchange you're on but there should be a buy button somewhere. I don't think I understand you.


It can take a while. mine took a couple days I remember.

>> No.1489877

he's pretending to be a shit skin and he wants someone to fill his order at a then cheapest then market price

was Dread /our guy/ ?

>> No.1489888

it says 301 000 remaining, that sounds like a lot

>> No.1489915

it has to download the full blockchain, from day one, in proof of stake all nodes are full nodes and take turns generating the next block

>> No.1489935


what happens in 5 years when you go to download a fresh wallet?

>> No.1490013

Is it making progress or is it stuck on one number? If the former just wait.

>> No.1490160 [DELETED] 

That's how crypto works.

>what happens in 5 years when you go to download a fresh wallet?
Bitcoin blockchain is 98GB right now.

>> No.1490222

For what "legal" reason are they being so quiet for? This is starting to really piss me off.

>> No.1490289

difference is, in proof of work coins, only a few people act as full nodes and need to download the whole chain. The rest use light clients.

>> No.1490334

thank u sir for reply
I am sorry for my english
that is on c-cex exchange and that is my buy order I listed sir
I ask if someone want to sell for that price sir
I really want to buy for that price see you understand, I support trump really ok
thank u sir

>> No.1490375

Dude stop. It's offensive.

>> No.1490379

They could have an exclusivity agreement with whoever is going to report on it or they don't want to tell us before they're ready or they are playing us. Who knows.

Chicken is using his Twitter to say superPAC at the end of the month but I wouldn't rely on anything he says.

>> No.1490394

If what he says is true though, we have much more waiting to do..

>> No.1490484
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I think if they were playing us they would post small "updates" and hints to keep the community hyped and price up so they could dump their coins on us before posting "sorry folks it just didnt work, kthxbye". But if they really have something big prepared, the wait will be worth it in the long run. And yeah >>1490394 waiting sucks major ass.

>> No.1490499

You should all just truss a little more. A new dawn is coming. Truss.

>> No.1490504

sir I apologize but I don't see what is offensive
I ask simple favour that all I support trump greetly we love trump

>> No.1490508 [DELETED] 

I am Indian you cunt fuck. And anyone who speaks like you won't figure out how to be a tripfag.

>> No.1490513

Exactly, its not like anyone here has a better investment alternative yo

>> No.1490526

My friend the market is difficult
the persons want a higher price today
tomorrow will be new possible
I wish you all the good luck my friend

>> No.1490551
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>> No.1490552
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High levels of truss!

>> No.1490554
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>> No.1490558
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>> No.1490564
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>> No.1490588

I reduce ask price to 1000 trump sir, an increased buy price to 0.00008163 so we will see, thank u for reply

>> No.1490608
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>> No.1490612
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>> No.1490630
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>> No.1490633
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>> No.1490634

All I'm saying is consider all possibilities because we don't know what they are doing.

>> No.1490638
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Sure m8, thats a good approach.

>> No.1490665

you are welcome dear friend, please continue to use the designated streets

>> No.1490855

sir how does this work i copy this trump adress
and people send to it?

>> No.1490907 [DELETED] 

But you can't receive coins until you've verified your wallet by sending 200 trumpcoins to the verification address.
That system was put in place after the coin switched to proof-of-stake to prevent miners from dumping large amounts of coins.
After a few minutes you will receive all your coins back plus the verification incentive which is set to 40 trumpcoins. Basically free coins.

The verification address is: TJsjXM4pG7qDe5Y5nMfM7NkKWDKz2kBLJq
You can verify all of this by searching through the forums but I've compiled this all here for easy access.

>> No.1490913

Do not listen to this poster.

>> No.1490919 [DELETED] 

Well then enjoy seeing all the coins being sent into the void because the wallet is unverified.

>> No.1490929

Complete and utter bullshit, he's jewing you

>> No.1490935

You are retarded. I guarantee you I have been holding and performing transactions with TrumpCoin longer than you. There is no such thing as a "verification address." Stop trying to turn this into another shitty scamcoin.

>> No.1490953
File: 1.83 MB, 360x240, 1471295652983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake poos trying to get free trumpcoins? How strange

>> No.1490963

the verification incentive is actually up to 30 coins fyi

>> No.1491089
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>> No.1491222
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>> No.1491241

sir why you do this

>> No.1491245

it is a joke my friend please do not fall for the jokers in this board. good luck to you my friend

>> No.1491249
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Vegeta! What does the counter say about the future price of trumpcoin?!

>> No.1491295


>> No.1491310

Did anyone ever make a based Tyrone video for trumpcoin yet?

>> No.1491319
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Youre Vegeta? No? Stay quiet then and let grownups invest.

>> No.1491324


typical financial decision of a neet who thinks dbz is cool

>> No.1491327



>> No.1491330


>> No.1491333

on the fencer. pretty close to putting 5-6 btc into trumpcoin.

Can anyone link me to the official trumpcoin white paper for Trumpcoin?

Also, a breakdown of the proof of stake algorithm, which algorithm is it using? Stake weight? coin age? The usual breakdown.


>> No.1491336
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>these threads still exist

>> No.1491338
File: 39 KB, 365x457, 1472675932402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my kamehameha fucker, not online and see what happens.

>> No.1491400


>> No.1491403

If you need more info try the bitcointalk or the contact form at trumpcoin.com

>> No.1491408

not seeing a white paper.

you can just type the proof of stake responses in this thread too

>> No.1491409
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>> No.1491442

You can just read the thread. I doubt there is a white paper, but you can search through the old threads to check

>> No.1491488
File: 258 KB, 1699x1080, HappyTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that some fresh OC?

>> No.1491493

Na it's an old one

>> No.1491502

>no white paper
if there is I have to "dig" for it...

>nobody involved knows how the proof of stake works
Monero it is then.

Appreciate all the replies.

>> No.1491510

>any of us are involved in the development

At least you found your chance to mention monero, good for you m8

>> No.1491520

hahaha monerocucks will have to sell their wifes to break even

>> No.1491537
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Like you didnt already knew that would happen. Was nice of you to help him though.

>> No.1491781

??? is Monero mentioned a lot or something?

>> No.1491833

At works Trumpcoin will become worthless and you'll lose your entire investment. It's very likely actually.

>> No.1491838


>> No.1491857
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>> No.1491900

The only reason why I haven't sold yet is because sending the coins to an exchange is too much effort.

>> No.1491919

Im new to /biz/ but could I just keep buying and selling the coin throughout the day or does crypto not work like the regular stock market.

>> No.1491942

You can do that yah. Some guys make alot of money. It's high risk, high reward. Getting in early is pretty low risk though. Also no limit on trades per day.

>> No.1491947

I actually plan on doing more of it if I can at least get a cozy investment fund off TC here.

>> No.1491991

If it's so likely, why do you spend your time FUDding here? After all, it's GOING to fail, right?

>> No.1492017

Ok cool. Appreciate the help my online friend.

>> No.1492369

I checked the thread when I woke up and nothing then checked their profiles and they've all been online


>> No.1492408

You're assuming I have a motive to cause it to fail. I don't, I can't short Trump nor do I believe it's anything but a scam
I'm just here to laugh at you.

>> No.1492421

It's already near worthless nigger and some of us got in when it was less than a cent so not much to lose.

If they are scamming they are doing a terrible job of it, look at the volume


>> No.1492424
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>> No.1492469
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>> No.1492508

Alright fellas let's break this down.

Theory 1: The dev team has failed.

This makes no sense, because they at least would be shilling and bolstering the forums to try and raise the price as much as possible until election day.

Theory 2. They've succeeded massively.

This is the only reasonable (and I mean that, this isn't some "truss" optimism naivety) scenario.

We know they didn't all die in some gay asphyxiation orgy because they still are logging in.

The fact that they aren't so much as saying " lol moon soon guys " means they don't need it our support. Which means whatever they have ready is gonna rocket up the price regardless.

But I think they are still legally unable to make an official announcement, so, instead of propagating hype to keep the price up, they are letting it drop to maximize their own profits by buying the cheap weak hand coins.

I think they mightve even lied about something negative to drive the price down, it they hadn't shared their real identities, considering how shitty that would be of them.

Tldr : fuk the devs, moon soon

>> No.1492512

Yeah sounds reasonable

>gay asphyxiation orgy

Top kek

>> No.1492517
File: 330 KB, 1024x1024, 1473409128542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget about that youtuber guy (forgot his name), who namedropped trumpcoin at the end of his show. He contacted the devs to interview them about trumpcoin, and its on hold now(i suppose). I think devs wouldnt just pass something like this, so if such things are on hold it might mean that they really have some huge shit prepared.

tl;dr: we moon, have some ivanka

>> No.1492519


>> No.1492521

Will ivanka peg me for 10 TRUMPs?

>> No.1492523

This will be like 5000$ in some weeks, but i dunno how much she would charge

>> No.1492525

You get 1 pump per 1k trumps

>> No.1492527

I did not know that, makes even more sense in that context.


>you'll never give Ivanka your seed

>you'll never take the kids over to see Grandpa Don at the White House

>> No.1492530

I think someone messaged him as well regarding it and he didn't reply. Maybe try again

>> No.1492531

>ywn walk through the same corridors as some niglets did

>> No.1492537

Christopher cantwell

>> No.1492548
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah thats the guy

>> No.1492554
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>makes even more sense in that context.
Thats exactly my thoughts, if things are bad they wouldnt turn down the chance to shill the coin, BUT if they have some massive shit prepared they would at least postpone the interview in order to avoid trap questions.

>> No.1492560

I could activate my power. ...you see I have the special ability to cause any stock or crypto to increase exponentially whenever I sell my holdings. I'll miss the moon ride bros, but at least you guys will make. Future chads it's up to you now...


>> No.1492566


gah I wanted to start that at 3:22. REEEEEEEE

>> No.1492573
File: 54 KB, 800x519, h9rpbrlwwdyxdj7xwvn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry it starts at 3:22 when you copy and paste the link. It wont work in the embedded window tho.

kekd, you must believe in yourself to overcome this curse, this is the chance, were gonna make it brother! MCGA!

>> No.1492579

Out of curiosity, what legal requirements would prevent them from saying anything?

>> No.1492627

Mini update from dread!!

>> No.1492629
File: 281 KB, 2048x1536, Donald-Trump-AFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something keep your mouths shut until our release or else our agreement is no more

Im sure someone here will explain it better.

>> No.1492647
File: 81 KB, 1880x839, mitebcool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mite B Cool


>> No.1492670

Well assuming other parties have become involved (the Chinese, Alex Jones etc) then they want their own share obviously, and buying all at once would drive the price up. So there may be an agreement to allow them to buy X amount slowly before the update. This would also explain the dev silence without assuming they are just trying to maximize their own profit.

>> No.1492685


His hint "you better call"

Saul? Are there any well known Saul's in crypto?

>> No.1492693

Or rather he's a lawyer. Any famous lawyer/crypto currency dabblers?

>> No.1492709


My uncle Rick is a lawyer, they call him "Slick Rick"

>> No.1492717
File: 21 KB, 405x350, Donald_Trump_leads_opinion_polls-405x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe any well known Saul`s in Donald Trumps team?

>> No.1492722

Maybe this guy?


>> No.1492734

Bob Odenkirk confirmed

>> No.1492748

They got Dan Akyroyd or someone else from ghostbusters working on TC now? Sheeeyit

>> No.1492752

t-to the moon...?

>> No.1492781

Based Dread has been the most reliable even keel member of Trumpcoin since as long as been here.
The way I read it, he's basically confirming they have hired an attorney to be Treasurer, which is huge fucking news.

Anyone else buying a bit more today? Before the explosion...

My Friday just got so much better, so an update was finally posted.

Gonna be a comfy weekend lads!!

>> No.1492832
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>> No.1492836

I usually don't add to a position I've already committed to, but do you really think it would be worth the risk to purchase more?

I-is it happening

>> No.1492840

Disregard "Sage", that was left over from a previous thread

>> No.1492847

whats the best exchange to buy trump with usd

>> No.1492852

You can choose between yobit and c-cex, both are shit.

>> No.1492863

Can you feel it lads, the high energy? This is the calm before the storm.

>> No.1492888

Should I buy $1k in Trumpcoins? Will I be rich soon?

>> No.1492897
File: 236 KB, 1200x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and I'd say so, that announcement confirms we are gonna make it. I've put in around $2000. Currently got 51k trumps.

>> No.1492899


>> No.1492929

A few more days for the real update

>> No.1492931

>Future crypto endeavors
what did he mean by this?

>> No.1492959
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>> No.1493002
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Please Trumpcoin. Moon and win the election for Trump

>> No.1493005
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>> No.1493013


Part of signals response - I have put a ton of research into how we can and cannot use this money and what we can and cannot do as far as Super PACs are concerned. Turns out, we can do a lot more than we originally thought and we can actually cause some very significant changes at the federal level for the benefit of crypto - ALL cryptos - through our cause.

I understand that many are anxious, I still need a few more days before a real announcement.

>> No.1493018

If the replacement has done this before then he could have been involved in the bitcoin PACs that were previously formed

>> No.1493028

I may or may not know someone on the dev team IRL and all I can say to this reply is


>> No.1493040

Can you start linking the graph on Bitcoin

>> No.1493046


It could be Richard Wagner then or Allan Stevo

>> No.1493115

Chicken also gave up his 100k so now the trumpfund is back to 200k WEW

>> No.1493122

reread the post brother, he gave up 100k (of the 200k) and that's what we have in the fund.
still plenty of maga money!

>> No.1493144
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Is that good?

>> No.1493147

Look at stevo twitter page and where he writes. I'm not sure about Wagner's credentials

>> No.1493305

Give us some hints dread :D

>> No.1493427
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>"you better call"
>Better call saul
Lawyer confirmed

>> No.1493451

You think it will hit $50 and beyond?

>> No.1493456

Breaking Bad is reddit tier (I'm sorry it's true)
However, better call Saul is Patrician as fuck.

Dread confirmed as a kino watcher.

>> No.1493473

Breaking Bad revolutionized television drama.

>> No.1493498

you gotta go back

>> No.1493506

No u. Breaking bad was great. Breaking bad memes references are reddit tier

>> No.1493508

Why? America disagrees with you. Do you know how difficult it is for a series to achieve and maintain 5 stars on Netflix?

>> No.1493527

Do you know that the star rating on Netflix is based on what the Netflix algorithm thinks you will like? There is no shared rating system

>> No.1493532

False, my dad works for nintendo

>> No.1493536

I almost fell for this b8 until I saw the netflix 5 star argument. Almost got me.

>> No.1493555
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>> No.1493663

Dayummm really hyped my niggaz

>> No.1493740
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>> No.1493845

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden. Want to advertise? Buy a banner /biz/ targeted banner ad: https://www.4chan.org/advertise?selfserve

This thread is against the rules. I hope you and anyone shilling this shit gets banned.

>> No.1493854
File: 108 KB, 728x90, TrumpCoinCryptoPAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the ads that was on biz/pol a few weeks ago.

This is just a crypto discussion on the crypto containment board. We good boys and dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.1493856
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>Coping when there is still time to buy before the moon launch

>> No.1493867


This is a fucking scam and you guys are supporting it. If this was truly good, you guys wouldn't need to shill this shit 24/7. This is shit.

That made me gig, congrats anon.

>> No.1493869

You have to go back

>> No.1493876

I think allan stevo is our guy lads. Re-read dreads update and search for guy. He fits the description of ex bitcoin pac treasurer, is a journalist and has been involved in bitcoin stuff

>> No.1494089

talking about anything is a form of advertising. that rule is open to interpretation and i would say that the generally accepted view is that saying "buy my product, it's great" is unacceptable and against the rules.

the Robinhood general is daily advertising for robinhood, it shows what the benefits of using robinhood are. the Gamemaker discount thread is advertising. there are threads for Sia, Monero, Eth, Poloniex and AMD if you have a look at the catalogue.

if you go over to /ck/, you'll see a million threads all of which are advertising. people saying "i prefer X" is advertising for brand X.

if the thread is so offensive to you, you can always leave. there are plenty of places for you to go. i'm sure your CTR supervisor will have a list of places for you to target. you won't get any traction here.

>> No.1494271
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>> No.1494274


>> No.1494309

>theory 1: Dev team has failed but this makes no sense as they've never tried shilling on forums


Oh the ironing! Did you ever consider maybe this latest "update" which is weeks late might be the final pump and dump?

I'd really like to hear what law prevents investors from hearing about their investment from those who manage it. Because I'm relatively sure there are entire bodies of SEC laws about investors must hear about their investments from those who manage it.

>> No.1494318

Now near Trumpcoin's current value to worthlessness depends on how much you've invested.

They're so late on this supposed update I'm left to conclude they couldn’t do anything at all. What this small market of buyers think is irrelevant.

>> No.1494419

>Because I'm relatively sure there are entire bodies of SEC laws about investors must hear about their investments from those who manage it.
Do the SEC define holding crypto as an investment? the 'devs' aren't in sole control of the coin so i would argue that they don't have any legal duty to inform so called investors. i think even calling cryptos an investment in legal terms is a bit dubious. if i am outside of the US, why would US law affect me? the trumpcoin llc is US based, but trumpcoin is decentralised.

>> No.1494469

Damn the fudders are getting nervous

>> No.1494473

And so am I.

>> No.1494482

Everyones nervous desu

>> No.1494484

still quiet af out on the trump front. 8900

>> No.1494488

Signal is supposed to hive an update in a few day so lets be nervous until then

>> No.1494498

>supposed to hive an update in a few day
You mean two weeks ago?

>> No.1494521

You either take signal on his word that he hasn't been posting due to personal reasons or start worrying. If nothing comes in a few days then it's time to call him out on there and not just here.

>> No.1494523

Yeah, he didnt deliver but i think they really just had a delay, i give him a second chance because they did a great job until now

>> No.1494526

Any of us that know about it that want to be in already are. There's no confirmed PAC yet and nothing solid enough yet for new money to enter.

>> No.1494587

Well maybe new money is entering quietly without anyone noticing it, comrade...

>> No.1494728
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gogo moon

>> No.1494735


>> No.1494757


>> No.1494787
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>> No.1494918
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>> No.1494955

bitbobb likes what he sees

>> No.1495222
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>> No.1495291

Monday or.Tuesday then? That's got to be the limit for a few.days

>> No.1495320

Yeah would say monday

>> No.1495609
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>> No.1496168
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>> No.1496195

So many days
No activity
No september happening
I am going to dump my 100k

>> No.1496201
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Bye, try not to hang yourself later

>> No.1496261

>another "lol im gonna dump" post
We've seen enough of those already. Never happened.

>> No.1496271

Which exchange? I want to buy :)

>> No.1496373

Last post from Dev (signal 7)

"I have put a ton of research into how we can and cannot use this money and what we can and cannot do as far as Super PACs are concerned. Turns out, we can do a lot more than we originally thought and we can actually cause some very significant changes at the federal level for the benefit of crypto - ALL cryptos - through our cause."

Umm don't know why everyone's waiting for the big reveal? He just admitted its Super PAC.

Up to you if that will mean $$$, but that's what the next updates going to be.

>> No.1496378

We are waiting for it to be shown here - http://www.fec.gov/data/Form1Filer.do?format=html

Then see how they plan to market it, make it easily purchasable, get on larger exchanges and what the PAC will do. In under 60 days.

>> No.1496380

And also how they will appeal to the lolbertarians that are prominent in the crypto world. A lot has got to happen in a very short time. I truly hope they have big things planned.

>> No.1496446
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Well see. If half of what they promised is true, this whole thing is gonna moon. As always, no risk no reward. MCGA

>> No.1496448

yup, new high profile experienced treasurer, and a superPAC at the least. If they have even more its going from huge to YUGE.

>> No.1496453

Trumpcoin will be a formative experience for you guys. Hopefully it will teach you how scammers run things in the crypto world so you can avoid them in the future. One example is vague promises of doing something amazing that is left unspecified, like here >>1496373

>> No.1496473

I guess we will see, anon B^)

>> No.1496499

Yo guys, old PC's motherboard died but the hard drive was OK.
Have a new PC now and have installed the TrumpCoin wallet on the new hard hrive, but I also have access to the old had drive.

How do I get my Trumps to this new wallet address?

>> No.1496506

Theres a guide somewhere on bitcointalk. You need find and replace the wallet.dat file with your old one

>> No.1496507

Maybe, let's see what happens

>> No.1496517

Hillary clinton has collapsed after a medical episode. This might be it, boys.

>> No.1496525
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>> No.1496535

ok thanks m8. I'm not familiar with bitcointalk, can anyone link me?

>> No.1496546

Alright. Go to C/Users/((you))/AppData/Roaming/TrumpCoinV2 then replace the wallet.dat file with your old one.

>> No.1496573
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>> No.1496591

The chinese

>> No.1496645


So she's pretty much done after this? Is this a good thing for Trumpcoin if Trumps wins by default.

>> No.1496655

i'll give it a try, thanks man

>> No.1496656


>> No.1496660

Worked, and for anyone else who needs it, here's how it should look:

>> No.1496772

They need to release whatever they have asap and keep up with the pace of her downfall just in case imo. It's great if they have been preparing but now's the time for high energy

>> No.1496789

>release whatever they have

they already have

Honestly, at this point even if the stars align, and somehow a PAC is attached this rock, a real exchange adds chumpcoin, and some fiat to trump mechanism happens.. nobody cares. Life's too short to be waiting on this. Give up now, admit you're wrong, and I'm right, and maybe at some future time you will have a chance to redeem yourselves.

>> No.1496803

>admit you're wrong, and I'm right

Who are you? One of those superb thread bumpers I've heard about?

>> No.1496864

Damn, son.


>> No.1496927
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>> No.1496999

>redeem yourselves
Lmao why are you taking this so seriously

>> No.1497001

He is very autistic and beta autists tend to think they have authority, when in fact they don't even have the balls to invest in TrumpCoin

>> No.1497005

The Art of the Deal - looking past the sale.

We already know Trump has the presidency in the bag. This isn't some pump and dump coin, it's bigger than that. Once the campaign is over, the treasurer is free to spend the Trump fund (PAC) as they like. The last update hinted at making changes on a federal level. Can you imagine how great it will be with a well funded, pro cryptocurrency lobbyist in a Trump administration?

>> No.1497015

>Can you imagine how great it will be with a well funded, pro cryptocurrency lobbyist in a Trump administration?

That sounds awesome m8. Hopefully they have the foresight to push for this BIG LEAGUE CRYPTO

>> No.1497061


holy.....man, I know thats a stretch but if that actually happened. I literally just got goosebumps.

>> No.1497118
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And you guys call me autistic.. ahh haha..

Anyway, just popping in to toss a little derision and reality onto you goddamn crypto geniuses in here. Honestly I ain't around that much anymore cause it's all gotten so tedious and, frankly, boring.

You can tell that even the hardcore chumpers are just kind of going through the motions now. There's no heart in it anymore. You can feel the knowledge of defeat creeping slowly into the awareness of the dim witted. Coming up on mid september now.. where are incompetent and unqualified devs? This thing never even had a chance, that's the simple truth.

>> No.1497140
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>> No.1497192


You'll miss the ground floor launch of under $1 but hopefully you'll see the light and catch on when the $1-5 auxiliary booster kick in. but seriously it's well worth the risk to have at least a couple of Trumpcoin at this point. I can't think of any other cyrpto with it's kind of potential

>> No.1497222
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>> No.1497327

And what stops me from applying that logic to other assets? I could say any crypto, stock or asset has tremendous upside and very little downside.

>> No.1497417

>10 posts by this ID

Go find another thread to shit on you troll. No one is forcing you to buy this coin. I'm not going to waste time debating how market forces affect stock price with you. If you don't believe in the principles behind this project then don't support it, it's that simple.

>> No.1497484
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So whats up with Trumpcoin? Been holding since June. When is it going to moon? Will it be endorsed? There are only 2 months left till the election.

>> No.1497698

Signal posted Friday and said he needs a few more days for an update. Going by that, it shouldn't be later than tomorrow but who knows.

>> No.1497779

Nice deflection mate. Let's me honest, it's because you have no idea why Trumpcoin supposedly has a lot of potential and little risk.

>> No.1497781
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>> No.1497822

Trumpcoin uses teth tokens and has programmable dapp features wich is in itself very valuable. Also trumpcoin is a legal llc and is on its way to becoming a programmable superpac :)

>> No.1497851
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Please update today!

>> No.1497855
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>Trumpcoin uses teth tokens and has programmable dapp features
>Also trumpcoin is a legal llc and is on its way to becoming a programmable superpac :)

comedy gold

>> No.1497911
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> you never got your trumptokens

>> No.1497913

:( did he run out?

>> No.1497920

i hope so m8

>> No.1497963

I dunno, I sent him a request and he never responded. Someone else said he mightve ran out.

>> No.1498055
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soon just give me few more days plz its really coming yuuuuuge update but i cant tell just yet itz still secret!

>> No.1498107

Damn, fudders watch this more closely than those of us that want it to succeed

>> No.1498295
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Really makes you think

>> No.1498386

I just wanna know if it's today!

>> No.1498433

Price prediction please?

>> No.1498435

hundred bucks a coin

>> No.1498441

It's okay, The comunity outreach Depradation just needs a few extra weeks to answer your question! don't worry the answer to your question is gonna be YUUUUGE!

500 a pop after the update! just a few more weeks, we had some delays but we can't tell you why and what the update is bcus its still a secret!

>> No.1498443


>> No.1498468
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>500 a pop after the update!
Dont get cocky, Pajeet.

>> No.1498583

More people should post on there with me. Ask them.

>> No.1498858

suaviest of the team when it comes to busines(dread) left for a reason me thinks...
>the. increasingly nervous trumpcoiner

>> No.1498974

Well theoretically someone far more experienced and well known is replacing him, and unlike chicken, he's not so proud that he can't realize this is a good thing

>> No.1499011

you know. you got to ask yourself why hasn't the price tanked after the delayed update? why are all the wallets with 10000+ still holding and even accumulating more trumps? It's almost like some of them know something is up. This is when whales are made people...

>> No.1499173
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Well I guess we always have tomorrow. R-right fellas?

>> No.1499486


>> No.1499518
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Man the cope sure is getting thick around here. I know I don't gotta tell you who's doing the coping either.

>> No.1499562
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Should trumpcoin be a neo-nazi coin now? Get some MSM or Clinton campaign coverage?

>> No.1499676
File: 722 KB, 1417x821, screenshot-123981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over lads

>> No.1499686


>> No.1499692


>> No.1499693

does anyone know if I should invest? just starting and noticed were on a low streak, any hope of pick up?

>> No.1499709

No. Do not buy any trumps until there is evidence of a pac.

>> No.1499717

so until trump acknowledges us?

>> No.1499732

If the update is good then consider buying. If there isn't an update then don't buy unless you think the election day will effect the price.

>> No.1499789

Literally buy high the post.

>> No.1499817


>> No.1499821



>> No.1499835

We need a new thread soon

>> No.1499848

Literally you can't read. I wrote CONSIDER. I wouldn't recommend anyone getting in right now.

>> No.1499974

If you want to maximize your money, take the risk and get in now. Not even that big of a risk, they are still cheap. If you wait until PAC confirmation or Trump acknowledgment then you'd better be there the literal moment it's announced or you'll miss that rocket forever.

And considering a superPAC is basically confirmed, youd be an idiot not to buy at least a few now. If you don't, you'll want to at least buy some rope for when you kill yourself for missing out. just put in what you can afford to lose and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1500014

>basically confirmed

>> No.1500018

but not really confirmed

>> No.1500159
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$1 per coin if update goes well.

$5 each if we get media mention

$50 if Trump endorses, China becomes a player, gets mainstream media attention, or something huge.

>> No.1500217
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t-the update is coming soon, r-right guys?

>> No.1500224

not long at all

t. kek

>> No.1500389

Bump for moon

>> No.1500409

Thread has reached bump limit

>> No.1500411

Reading comprehension comes in handy. Signal said they discovered they could do a lot more with the Super PAC than previously thought. Not "we might be able to make a superPAC".

>> No.1500448

What he meant is that they might be able to do more with the SuperPAC in terms of fundraising. Until Signal7 gives the green light on that and the coin is listed (or we have some kind of official acknowledgement) Trumpcoin is not a PAC...yet.

Is it a risk to invest? Absolutely. However, I would ignore the fudders (there seems to be 1 or 2 that hang around here quite a bit). They post alot more than supporters.

It is a gamble. It is the potential upside of Trumpcoin that is the exciting part. If Trumpcoin does reach PAC status and gets a media mention, Trumpcoin is going to explode.

>> No.1500478

if you truly want trumpcoin to pump and succeed 6ou have to stop waiting for the devs and road map shit.

You think ether fags, just sit around waiting for planned ether updates?

nobody owns trumpcoin, every single person in this thread can do as much for TC as anyone on the """"""dev"""" team.
So go do it... if you havent faced the fact that signal7 is either lazy, lying or both you're a retard - but that doesnt mean TC can rise a bit...

But stop waiting for signal to step up as a good leader of this coin, it's not going to happen

>Signal was a mistake

>> No.1500501

>chicken tier writing style

I read his post. I'll be more optimistic when it's listed on the FEC website.

>> No.1500508
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>> No.1500548

who /increasinglynervous/ here?

>> No.1500557

So, New thread? Would do it but im on phone, and fuck posting from phones in general.

>> No.1500558

I just want to be a Chad bro *sniff* pls trumpcoin. moon

>> No.1500561


>> No.1500730

Come on devs, dont disappoint us

>> No.1500748
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>tfw the calm before the storm
>tfw getting comfy

>> No.1500773



