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14907880 No.14907880 [Reply] [Original]

so it seems like I wasted 7 years of my life for a master degree in politics. there are no decent jobs in science that can reasonably make enough money to invest in crypto and eventually make it in the next years, which is my goal. what now? what possibilities do I have to find a job where I make at least 3-4k per month with that bullshit degree?

>> No.14907956

>master degree in politics

what things do you know, specifically? can you graduate without having the same political views as your professors?

>> No.14907985

I got my associates degree in political science and I knew after the first semester it was a bullshit degree. Honestly, just don't anticipate to get a job based on your degree. I'm studying to be a cloud engineer now because of nepotism, you should try that.

>> No.14908039

Go into politics then. If you are a burger, then I'm sure there are some options for you. If you understand politics pretty well or whatever the fuck you studied, then go that route. I'd say it would be pretty fun to larp as some bureaucrat.

>> No.14908065

>Master in politics
Makes us two.
I went into sales, do campaign work during elections and work as a night security guard.

>> No.14908085
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Nice meme degree.

>> No.14908102

is this really all made-up bullshit or did you learn anything useful/tangible?

>> No.14908131

The only thing political science degrees teaches is being able to ingest large amount of bullshit in a short period of time and selling that bullshit. Also a bit of statistics

>> No.14908293
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sure it is. since Bologna, the university is no longer a place of exchange and controversial discussion, you just swallow huge amounts of texts/theories and puke them out in exams and papers.

sounds reasonable but I cant afford another study

you cant make money in politics here, unless you are 15+ years involved in a party. also I dont feel represented by any of the huge partys

kek, I also worked as night security to finance uni. what do you sell fren?

this >>14908131

>> No.14908381

also where do you live and what kind of campaign work are you doing? how do you get those campaign jobs?

>> No.14908391

Fundraising, which is basically selling emotions. I'm representing NGOs and charities and shame rich Boomers into donating for a cut of the donation. Ironically during elections I'm doing the same for my national right wing party and shame Boomers for donating to NGOs and charities instead of helping their country.

>> No.14908409

unironically crypto business. I made my BA in social studies, totally useless. Im now working as a client manager on an american exchange and make 3k/month

>> No.14908451

Western Europe.
Joined my national right wing party in '15 and went to local meet ups, was always present when there was free food conferences and networked. If you can be a false snake and be able to walk and talk straight after liters of beer liquor and wine, you can make it.

>> No.14908503
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Political science is not a science you absolute idiot. Enjoy serving coffees.
Learn to code. Do math. Lift. And clean your room

>> No.14908591 [DELETED] 
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not bad but I think its too late for that. there are thousands of applicants in crypto business now, who are way better qualified than me.

sounds legit, thank you anon.

Im a total brainlet in coding and math because it wasnt teached for years on my school back than..so not a possibility for me

>> No.14908637
File: 501 KB, 910x914, faRpJqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad but I think its too late for that. there are thousands of applicants in crypto business now, who are way better qualified than me.

sounds legit, fundraising and lobbying could be a thing for me. thank you anon.

Im a total brainlet in coding and math because it wasnt teached for years on my school back then..so not a possibility for me

>> No.14908779

You need a strong liver and can't be too much of an autist, at the very least be able to contain it when interacting with people. It is a bit like hunting, single out the weak from the herd, injure them and bleed them out.

>> No.14908993

Ill keep that in mind. I found a job application for oil lobbyists in Brussels. maybe I'll apply for it. sale outdated technologies to deluded boomers sounds great imo.

>> No.14909103

facebook and LinkedIn are your best friends. People love to feel special and talk about themselves. Talking in questions is also a good way to get information that can be weaponized, the art is that fine line between creepy and interested. Make sure to know everything about the history of oil industry, the milestones and current technical evolutions if you get an interview. Forget all the reality and corruption that went on in the industry for the last 200 years. No /pol/ talk!

>> No.14909119

also degrees and education is a meme. making contacts is all you need to make career

>> No.14909155

You're doing it wrong. When you get a degree in anything other than finance, STEM, or law, you are basically getting a piece of paper that will get you into the right rooms for you to find opportunity.

Take a job, make frens there. Go to every event. Talk to people, be nice and friendly and affable. Try to remember every person's name and one random fact about them, so when you meet them next time you can say "Oh yeah you're X from so and so's party, aren't you super into sportsball/game of thrones?" People love that shit.

Do that enough and you will find the $200k a year job, but it does take time. In the meantime get whatever job you can and do it at least passably, but remember the connections you make are by and large more important than how well you actually do your job.

>> No.14909176

Alternatively go work on an oil rig and make like $75k starting.

>> No.14909190


>> No.14909234


>> No.14909265

for sure you will never have an high paid job unless you get lucky and join EU parasites in Brussels (they have tax free salaries)
you may have a chance since with a 100% accuracy you are a decerebrated leftist eurocuck that abused parent money for years on MDMA
society doesn’t need you, also we don’t want to fill Europe with low IQ unskilled shitskins

>> No.14909281

a decent advice on /biz/ ???
what the actual fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14909394
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you helped me a lot with sharing your experience with me, I appreciate that. I will definitely try to go for that job.
sometimes I forget that besides the bunch of brainlets there are also many legit anons here.

>You're doing it wrong. When you get a degree in anything other than finance, STEM, or law, you are basically getting a piece of paper that will get you into the right rooms for you to find opportunity.

I havnt looked at it from this perspective, but you and western europe anon are certainly right. I think I have to drop my impatience and make contacts first. I hope I have enough time until the golden bullrun though lol.

Im an unifag, hard handwork is nothing for me. Im honestly with that.

anon I..

>> No.14909431

Im surprised too that I got so many decent answers but it makes me kinda happy and Im unironically a little less concerned about my future now. Sometimes and only rarely, biz unfolds its ancient magic of anons helping eachother in every way.

>> No.14909520
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You are welcome.

>> No.14909529 [DELETED] 

surprisingly accurate. instead idc at all what the europe society want or not as long I can make money and have a decent life. also I wasted the money mostly on weed and it was my own

>> No.14909595

surprisingly accurate. instead idc at all what the europe society wants or not as long as I can make money and have a decent life with my family. also I wasted the money mostly on weed and it was my own

>> No.14909617

honestly you have three choices
work as a cashier in eurospin
move to brussels where you will find other parasites like you, it’s the most culturally/socially fucked place in the world because of retarded leftists that talk bullshit about multiculturalism and then they rape middle class with taxes (while getting tax free salaries and doing lobbism for multinationals) to flood the city with niggers and north africans

>> No.14909627

b-but I did it that way


>> No.14909673

>b-but I did it that way

>> No.14909726
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well if these are my choices Im choosing option three.

>> No.14909794

good choice, good luck anyway
if you choose a good neighborhood like ixelles you will enjoy life for sure, bxl was a great city before nigger invasion
but avoid bxl midi, bxl nord and city center like plague

>> No.14909808

anon, your stupid ideology stands between you and making shitton of money. who cares about moral integrity if you have to stay a poorfag forever with it. OP is doing right.

lmao couldnt care less about you believing it or not. meeting the right people is how I made it

>> No.14909945

I make a 6 figures salary even without selling my soul
and i hope my kids will grow in a better world than what we have today
you cares about money today and not about your kids tomorrow?
then low IQ niggers, pee and human shit on the streets is what you will get
I don’t like morals, but I love my kids

>> No.14910300

youre right with that, Im sure contact anon is just overacting. what do you do for a living?

>> No.14910358

engineering stuff, consultants are very well paid before getting cucked by a crazy taxation

>> No.14910441
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going to sleep now and dream about my link and shitcoin portfolio to moon. Dont be afraid to continue the discussion and keep the thread ongoing. I'm sure there are many unifag anons in the same situation.

>> No.14911095

Hey guys I'm 22 with a contract job.
I'm getting my master's in healthcare admin will be out of college by the time i'm 23
I just want to know from some old fags what to avoid after graduating and getting a real job