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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14901736 No.14901736 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14901741

I don't have to.

>> No.14902018

Yeah but Link has outperformed bsv by a lot. I’ll stick with Link over a gay boomer coin

>> No.14902032

Normies really dont get it yet. Craig bought up nearly all of the supply. This means he can literally make it pump to 1 mil this year. Scarcity is real.

>> No.14902051

Bitcoin SV is doomed to begin with just because of its name. A normie would stay away from it thinking its a ripoff just like how we would stay away from something named Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin X, Bitcoin Anything, Bitcoin Whatever.

Normies would buy Bitcoin. If they choose to buy Bitcoin-sounding coins, they would buy something named Litecoin. Now that's a unique name. I myself don't care about Litecoin or BSV but names are very important. Bitcoin SV is a stupid name.

>> No.14902056

creg lied in court then cried. read the transcripts. its over for this scam project.

>> No.14902060 [DELETED] 
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Get out of this larping coin.
oh you inbred and loves empty blocks XDDD

>> No.14902062

they didnt take his coins though
scarcity is intact, this is how BSV will moon

>> No.14902080

scarcity means jack shit....look at you, totally unique yet worthless.
demand is what determines value. bsv has almost no volume....we're talking like $15k a day volume on many exchanges.

>> No.14902092

There are millions of worthless NEETs like me and it is very easy to make more. Ask your mom.

>> No.14902094 [DELETED] 
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wtf did I just read?
Are you okey??


>> No.14902097

>millions of worthless NEETs like me and it is very easy to make more
Never mind, not scarce either then....

>> No.14902107

No one is going to be "buying" BSV in the future, retard. You just use it without knowing what it is. It's fucking plumbing. You think instagram thots and other internet users know what IPV6 is? No, but they all use it. Fucking retarded arguments by people who think 6 months into the future max.

>> No.14902156

Does it have a different use from BTC?

>> No.14902166

it actually works, kek

>> No.14902200

it has the same and much, much more

>> No.14902213
File: 30 KB, 634x342, picture 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its got big blocks

>> No.14902219

reminder withdrawals of (BSV) tokens from Binance will continue to be supported until 2019/07/22 at 10:00 AM UTC.

>> No.14902220
File: 87 KB, 634x342, big blocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wrong picture

>> No.14902289

>Craig bought up nearly all of the supply.

fuck off pajeet, not gonna buy the bags of a certified scammer.

>> No.14902309

You don’t wanna help fund craig’s Legal team?

>> No.14902361

Its 128x more useful. 2024 in 3 days.

Also op codes so multiply by 3x at least. Today.

>> No.14902379

Nobody of significance will use it though because of the clowns that run it. Biggest blocks in crypto, down the toilet because of calvin and craig

>> No.14902495


>> No.14902512

>You don’t wanna help fund craig’s Legal team?

i'd rather shit in my hands then clap.

>> No.14902523

Yeah and no one uses binary and the internet cuz Alan Turing was gay.


You realize all hash power from btc that doesnt go broke will migrate to bsv right? Good luck even framing it as wrights coin when his pool has 0,2% totalhash and slush, btc.com and all the other corecuck miners are forced into it, cause its the only sha256 chain left, retard.

>> No.14902542 [DELETED] 


True words.

>> No.14902563

That’s a weak argument. The point is that bsv is more of a service than a system and no corporations will support it or utilize it. After seeing Epstein go down, people won’t want shit to do with bsv just because calvin looks like he could be a perv also. I’m not saying he is but it sure looks that way and that’s his own dumbass fault

>> No.14902628 [DELETED] 


They are all of the same group.
It's hilarious.

>> No.14902634 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 293x428, Curry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and scam someone else pajeet.

>> No.14902665

classy edit right there

>> No.14902742

corporations follow the consumers
consumers follow the next new thing
genius nerds with ideas create the next new thing
nchain have just provided a platform for independent inventor geniuses to build their ideas on, completely free and they are allowed to use their patented intellectual property as long as it's on bsv
you don't know whats about to happen dude really
bsv is bitcoin+eth rolled into one but 100x better because it has the space to handle the transaction volume (btc and eth are gimped with low tps)
for just one example, chainlink, do you think eth could handle the volume of tx from one industry that linkies are dreaming they will take with a max of 15 tps and no solution to increase it in sight?
craig and nchain just took the restraints off of bitcoin put on by blockstream and allowed it to grow in whatever direction people want to take it with their ideas

>> No.14902799

Yeah but that makes it something other than a peer to peer cash system. calvin and craig are the death of bsv. Nothing you can say is going to help it.

>> No.14902826

>something MORE than JUST a peer to peer cash system
fify and why is that bad?

>> No.14902836

It “changes the protocol” and makes craig look like a hypocrite

>> No.14902987

Suck my balls "weak argument" piece of shit cocksucker hows that for an argument walking piece of human garbage.
Ahem. Dont forget to buy bsv, kids.
Also BTC has literal pedophiles, didnt peter todd JUST get hit with actual pedo charges? Point is you can smear anyone, except people only bother to attempt to smear bsv. Because its the only system that's a threat.

>> No.14903103

nah, nchain are phasing it in right now as satoshi said, 2gb soon

>> No.14903124

it doesnt change the protocol you stuttering retard they reactivated op codes which blockstream had taken out of BTC. plus massive scaling so the entire world can build on BSV blockchain. all you retarded core trolls will neck yourself next year once Craig fucks over the entire market.

>> No.14903668

Stop talking about BSV on /biz/ these morons don't deserve it. I'm serious. Leave them to fucking rot in the ocean of shitcoins.

>> No.14903718
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Biz doesn't deserve a shit coin where 96% of its transactions allegedly come from fucking weather reports.

What will happen when 2 gig blocks are introduced? More meterology on the the blockchain.

>> No.14903797

funny you mentioned that linkie, that weather app. each dataset is an oracle and actually decentralized via the data being stored on chain and no memecoin scam involved, just the reputation of the api like the real world. this could have been something chainlink could handle, but not much else with the amount of tx generated onto eth
luckily it's on bsv instead and the tx are comfortably handled, and working as intended. and it's just the beginning of the adoption we're about to see on bsv
enjoy your bags

>> No.14903842

If scarcity is real then buy XBC, only 120,000 in circulation, only 1 million will exist, so really one XBC should be worth around 175 BTC, plus you get 20% annual return for staking.

Just saying.

>> No.14903857

hey pajeet, did you swap "DYOR" to "Just saying." recently?

>> No.14903884

You got it so wrong pal.

>> No.14903903

>imagine buying shitcoin at ATH

>> No.14903924
File: 58 KB, 1175x429, 54BDB949-3805-4FF7-BABF-34EB83AA7DC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from a marketing point of view "Bitcoin SV" is a holocaust. You dont want that.
You want to have "Bitcoin" and thats it.
I think Calvin/Craig understand that. I do not know their progress but i would estimate they actually do pic attached RIGHT NOW.

>> No.14903953

I am balls deep in SAFEX, and I am financially ruined

>> No.14903957

this is like the worst understanding of business i have seen in a while. go back to watching your cartoons

>> No.14904240
File: 816 KB, 400x398, sides in orbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'd rather shit in my hands then clap.

>> No.14904644

Nice burn

>> No.14905401

lmao the level of delusion in this 'infograph'

>> No.14906216


>> No.14906302

>Believing faketoshi

>> No.14906340

I mean making bitcoin a data storage service vs being a currency.