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14895817 No.14895817 [Reply] [Original]

A story of hyperinflation in the Weimar republic, AKA we're all gonna make it:

A more telling contemporary account of the scourge of inflation in post-war Vienna is given in the diary, greatly overladen with explanatory translation for English-speaking readers, of Anna Eisenmenger. As the ex-Imperial Army drifted homewards, armed and in revolutionary mood, and as the food shortage of the war years turned to famine, this middle-class widow found herself progressively turning to illegal practices to keep her family going — a war-blinded son, a tubercular daughter, a son-in-law with amputated legs, a hungry grandson, and another son who had become a Communist. She began to resort at enormous expense to the Schleichhcindler — the smugglers — for the most basic foods which, despite ration cards, the State could no longer supply. 'Hamstering' — hoarding — though an indictable offence, became no more than commonsense. Pitifully aware of her family's lowering standard of living and social status, Frau Eisenmenger was nevertheless lucky in having investments which in 1914 brought her nearly 5,000 kronen a year — equal to about £200.

She recorded that in October 1918 when she resolved to cash 20,000 kronen worth for immediate use, her bank manager advised her earnestly to convert all her money into Swiss francs. However, private dealings in foreign currencies were illegal, and she decided that to break the law against the hoarding of fuel and food was enough. 12

I must make myself believe [she wrote] that I am really far better off than hundreds of thousands of other women. I am at least immune from material cares and can help my children since I have a small fortune, safely invested in gilt-edged securities. Thank God for that! She also had a substantial quantity of her husband's cigars, which could be traded for meat or other food as the opportunity arose: an important enough means of survival even during the early months of the post-war blockade.

>> No.14895833

But the country was now deprived both of Czech coal and Hungarian food; and within a month of the end of the war Austrian currency began to lose its exchange value at a far greater rate than before. By December 1918, when all businesses were forced to employ an allocation of demobilised soldiers whether or not extra staff were required, bankruptcies were common. That month Frau Eisenmenger's legless son received 35,000 kronen in 'caution money', which he decided to keep safely until the value of the krone increased again; but in the meantime he converted it into War Loan. In December, too, as an anti-inflationary measure, all paper money had to be overprinted 'Deutschosterreich'.

Frau Eisen-menger, who took what remained of her 20,000 kronen to the bank to be stamped, recorded the first evidence she heard that ruin lay in front of her: In the large banking hall a great deal of business was being done … All around me animated discussions were in progress concerning the stamping of currency, the issue of new notes, the purchase of foreign money and so on. There were always some who knew exactly what was now the best thing to do! I went to see the bank official who always advised me. 'Well, wasn't I right?' he said. 'If you had bought Swiss francs when I suggested, you would not now have lost threefourths of your fortune'. 'Lost!' I exclaimed in horror. 'Why, don't you think the krone will recover again?' 'Recover!' he said with a laugh … 'Just test the promise made on this ao-kronen note and try to get, say, 20 silver kronen in exchange'. 'Yes, but mine are government securities: Surely there can't be anything safer than that?' 'My dear lady, where is the State which guaranteed these securities to you? It is dead …"

Discovering that her son's War Loan had already become unsaleable, Frau Eisenmenger was then induced to exchange her government securities for industrial shares. Her grandson developed scurvy.

>> No.14895845

Two days after Christmas, the first food train arrived in Vienna from Switzerland. The prices of the new food, strictly rationed as it was, were four times as high as the previous official prices. Other food was hardly available for money, and could be obtained principally by barter. 'Panic bids defiance to all legal decrees', runs the diary entry for January 1, 1919.

Even the most respectable of Austrian citizens now breaks the law, unless he is prepared to starve for the sake of obeying it … The fact that the future is so uncertain has led to stagnation in industry and public works, and swelling numbers of unemployed supported by the State … yet it is impossible to get domestic servants or indeed any sort of workers … Heightened class-consciousness is daily being instilled into the manual workers by the Socialist government, and, in heads bewildered by catchwords, leads to an enormously exaggerated estimate of the value of manual labour. Only in this way could it come about that the wages of manual workers are now far higher than the salaries of intellectual workers.

Even our otherwise honest old house-porter is demanding such extravagant sums for performing little jobs that I prefer to do the heavier and more unpleasant household work myself … I survey my remaining 1,000-kronen notes mistrustfully, lying by the side of the pack of unredeemed food cards in the writing table drawer. Will they not perhaps share the fate of the food cards if the State fails to keep the promise made on the inscription on every note? The State still accepts its own money for the scanty provisions it offers us. The private tradesman already refuses to sell his precious wares for money and demands something of real value in exchange. The wife of a doctor whom I know recently exchanged her beautiful piano for a sack of wheat flour. I, too, have exchanged my husband's gold watch for four sacks of potatoes, which will at all events carry us through the winter

>> No.14895862

… My farmer had hidden the sacks of potatoes under straw on top of which he placed some apples. The apples were duly stolen, but the potatoes reached me safely … I had to give the porter half a sack as hush-money … When the farmer's eyes rested on the grand piano at which Erni [her blinded son] was seated improvising, he took me aside and said: 'My wife has been wanting one of those things for a long time. If you'll give it to me, you shall have all you want for three months

Although the misery of Austria was more immediately and directly the result of war, the pattern was to be repeated almost exactly in Germany. In both countries rapid inflation caused homegrown produce to be withheld from the urban markets, with hunger and anger the inevitable result. All Austrians, but especially those with savings, watched horrified as the value of their money fell, Frau Eisenmenger among them.

She noted early in 1919: The State has been obliged to put 10,000 kronen notes into circulation — each equivalent to two years' income from my capital. A suit costs about six times what it was in 1913, but some things like food are a hundred or two hundred times as much … Paper clothes are being sold. Never had I dreamed it possible that one could purchase so little for 10,000 kronen … Jealousy and envy flourish in this atmosphere, and if one has procured some harmless article of food, one is careful to conceal the fact from one's fellow men

>> No.14895877

Hunger reigns inexorably and selects its dumb and uncomplaining victims above all from the middle classes …

Spring saw no alleviation of the troubles of those with no political leverage to bargain with. Not only Austrian peasants and profiteers took advantage of their helplessness. Furniture, fittings, pianos and carpets were being bought up wholesale by what were known as the 'gold-currency' people — the occupying Italians, the British, the Americans. The last valuables of countless houses flowed on to the market, no one warning their owners not to part with goods whose intrinsic value remained unimpaired.

The Viennese [commented Frau Eisenmenger], handed a large bundle of kronen, still thinks he has grown richer, without taking into account the enormous rise in prices resulting from the Zurich quotations which come as a fresh surprise to him every day. Where the German looked to the New York and London rates, Vienna's eyes were on the Swiss franc.

Twice a day we are all forced to await the quotation of the Zurich bourse. Every fresh drop in its value is followed by a wave of rising prices … The confidence of Austrian citizens in the currency administration of the State is shaken to its foundation. The State which is perpetually printing new banknotes deceives us with the face value … A housewife who has had no experience of the horrors of currency depreciation has no idea what a blessing stable money is, and how glorious it is to be able to buy with the note in one's purse the article one had intended to buy at the price one had intended to pay.

>> No.14895890

In November, a year after the Armistice, Frau Eisenmenger wrote that her position was alarmingly worse, the financial situation beyond her understanding. The krone, at 25 Swiss centimes the previous Christmas, was now quoted at one-twelfth of a centime. Her shares, however, were going up. Gambling on the stock exchange had become the fashion — the only way to avoid losing all one's money and perhaps to add to it. Many new bankers were giving people advice, the flight from the krone governing all transactions.

'Meanwhile,' Frau Eisenmenger wrote, the large numbers of unemployed, their passions fermented by the Communists, are seething with discontent … a mob has attempted to set the Parliament building on fire. Mounted policemen were torn from their horses, which were slaughtered in the Ringstrasse and the warm bleeding flesh dragged away by the crowd … the rioters clamoured for bread and work … Side by side with unprecedented want among the bulk of the population, there is a striking display of luxury among those who are benefitting from the inflation. New nightclubs are being opened. These clubs have the further effect of greatly intensifying the class hatred of the proletariate against the bourgeoisie.

On December 15 1919, Frau Eisenmenger recorded that, whereas the downward movement of the krone in Zurich had gone on, 'the value of my industrial investments is rising to an extent which seems to be incomprehensible and almost makes me uneasy …" Her daughter was able to make two dollars a day at the American Mission, which could be exchanged for 400 krone, only 100 krone less than the monthly pension of a retired privy councillor.

>> No.14895908

Former civil servants and officers are undoubtedly the poorest of the poor in Austria today. They are too proud to press their claims, can get no employment. Thus it happens every day, again and again, that elderly, retired officials of high rank collapse on the streets of Vienna from hunger. Frau Eisenmenger let a room to the gentleman from the American Mission — just as Garbo's father in The Joyless Street was able to do — and received for it ten times the rent which, in accordance still with the wartime rent restriction Act, she herself paid for the whole flat. On a now slender quantity of negotiable cigars, on her daughter's earnings, on that rent, and on the diminishing real income from her burgeoning shares, she tackled the first months of 1920. Speculation on the stock exchange has spread to all ranks of the population and shares rise like air balloons to limitless heights … My banker congratulates me on every new rise, but he does not dispel the secret uneasiness which my growing wealth arouses in me … it already amounts to millions.

What was happening to Austria then was simply a foretaste of what was to come to Germany. The plight of Frau Eisenmenger and her family would be repeated a thousandfold in every town in both countries. The torture of Germany's middle classes, however, was more lingering, and more intense.


>> No.14895909
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the german race must perish

>> No.14895968

what's the story behind this image and its source? one night a few months back it was posted here and I spent several hours going down that rabbit hole, it was pretty trippy. Unfortunately I was high as shit that night and I've forgotten 99% of it.

>> No.14896025

Yes, it was my post you speak of. i actually remeber your post as well, you indeed commented you were really high and couldnt figure out the website. I'm not here today to give you a full rundown, but bassically between probing other timelines, time travel war's, and ETI interference the conclusion is we will run out of basic biological support systems in 100-200 years and the picture indicates the start of that. This is the darkest civilization of humanity unlike our brothers in the stars. The website has been proven valid, this is inevitable.

>> No.14896068

What’s the website?

>> No.14896099


>> No.14896102

right wing schizos have been screaming about hyperinflation for 20 years now lol

>> No.14896109

Based op, monitoring this thread and will comment more later

>> No.14896199

And it may take 20 more, I dont think so however. I think bitcoin is a little too convenient, a little too steeped in spook history, and a little too counter risk with the current system for it to be anything other then the lifeboat they will inflate to dump the penalty on the poor once again.

>> No.14896271
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>buy gold

>> No.14896301
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tldr bitch

>> No.14896379

That's the one. Damn, they're still as active as ever.

What're your thoughts on Chainlink? You may have seen reference made here to the delphi discord. Some of them believe there is an occult/illuminati type connection to Chainlink.. essentially, that they too have a vested interest in LINK, and are helping to ensure that it succeeds in a world-changing, Bitcoin kind of way, which explains how things are moving so quickly now for Chainlink.

>> No.14896511

When star brothers? 20xx?

Yummy... chantilly cake...

>> No.14896746

there is the original thread I mentioned. It has a lot more info on the FL stuff if you're interested.

>> No.14896856

whats the pic of?

>> No.14897823

Thanks OP, this is really interesting. Where did you find the Fraus journal.

>> No.14898257

I believe that chainlink is playing an important part of the elites plans, for various reasons I believe they want the 4chan/pol mindset to become the new class of wealthy and have made such happen. Do not be mistaken, these are evil people and they will own you, but for some reason they have a vested intrest in your financial success for their plans

>> No.14898296 [DELETED] 


It's a part of a book.

>> No.14898302

>world is becoming overpopulated with less-than-worthless shitskins
>the people autistic and socially shunned enough to understand what needs to be done are highly concentrated on a racist anime imageboard
sounds pretty straightforward tbdesu

>> No.14898320


It's a book.

>> No.14898496
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just tell me which shitcoin are you shilling

>> No.14898560

>"The future belongs to us"
Who is "us"?

>> No.14898617

adurrrrr... so i just gotta HODL, right boss?

>> No.14898900

>probing other timelines, time travel war's, and ETI interference
Was a good thread but you just lost me. Why do you have to be a schizo?

>> No.14898959

Trust me, I am used to it. I know it sounds like brainlet tier schizo nonsense, I happen to know it is true however and there has been much effort in keeping such talk in the realm of science fiction and conspiracy so people like me will never be believed, it is real however. Manufacturing the collapse of a civilization so you can profit from it in the future is an onus some follow.

>> No.14899078

the only thing with 'FLATION' you should even consider is ETHplode.

>> No.14899122

>The website has been proven valid
Not looking to be spoon fed, but any crumbs you can drop about how it's been proven valid?

I found several threads on various sites that investigated and were unable to find anything disproving it, however that's different than proving it valid.

>> No.14899347

Time travel isn't possible for many reasons, but the simplest one is that there is absolutely no way to not end up out in space after travelling back in time, because the earth moves. So does the solar system, the galaxy, and, here's the issue, the universe. The universe runs on continuousness (or being unmeasurably close to it, at least). Time travel isn't continuous.

>> No.14899464

In the mechanical sense yes it is impossible. It is merely data however, data is accessible in many more ways then just merely experiencing it.

>> No.14899646

Good read so far OP. Thank you for posting

>> No.14899707

At the rate bees are dying (40% of all the population this year), it doesnt sound too farfetch'd...

>> No.14899874
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>Time travel isn't possible

>> No.14899893

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14900019

so what's the deal here, these are the schemings of extra terrestrials trying to forcibly guide Earthling societal development? also i call bullshit on PoW being insecure

>> No.14900536

A combination of what the ETI's want us to know about ourselves and what the elites of humanity have planned for us.

>> No.14900585

Didn't read never selling

>> No.14900603

Time travel is possible and always has been. Look up time dilation, dumb cunt. You just cannot travel back in time.

>> No.14900606

>I am incapable of trading the market and reading fundamentals the post

>> No.14900741
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yes you can
you just need more energy than there is in all of existence

>people here cant produce infinite energy

>> No.14900799

Nice story, OP. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how this scenario has never happened with the worlds reserve currency, do you see a situation where something similar happens, but it’s actually good for the US as foreigners flee their shit currencies for USD? As much as I’m sure USD and fiat is long term trending to zero, I don’t see hyper inflation taking place in the US. maybe a 50% devaluation over the next ten years? Which would still be dramatic.

Also, what’s your endgame when your investments shoot up? I’ve been considering what I would do, I think buying up some land is a good use of it. Maybe useful land, like a farm or some shit

>> No.14900806
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d-d-does m-m-meme energy count anon?

>> No.14900816

Yes, yes it does anon. E t h p l o d e.

>> No.14900956

>worlds reserve currency
>can never change
Kek, do you expect soldiers to take their payment in dollars if the FED goes full retard with bail outs and QE, and god forbid the dems win 2020 and try to buy their way out with the muah poors.

Enjoy your hunger years. I know from my gran gran what is coming and have been hamstering for 4 years now, non perishable food, ammo, guns.

>> No.14901078

A friendly word of warning to people who are a bit too smart to believe the narrative, but not smart enough to realise their own fallibility -
Once you start believing you have found out a hidden and amazing secret, let say time travellers or extraterrestrial contact, you can easily be dragged down by confirmation bias and circular thinking.
It doesn't even matter if you can rationally say "sure, I am aware of these issues and have been double checking and thinking over everything". You are still only going to go in circles, unless you have an inner source of clear doubt, scepticism and the ability to understand you're way over your head.
Your sanity is your most valuable resource. Don't go down the spiral into disbelieving anything that didn't come from your mind. Turning your scull into an echo chamber is a way to experience schizophrenia without even carrying the genes responsible for it.
Fight the urge to believe firmly in your own mind. Embrace your limitations. Realise you are a naked monkey.
Only then can you start dragging yourself painfully towards the truth, rather than fall in the seductive traps and pitfalls on the way there.

Hyperinflation would be pretty bad btw.

>> No.14901187

Excellent write up. I really enjoyed it.

>> No.14901328

Mind is very fragile. Be very gentle with it.

>> No.14901485

tldr for a brainlet pls, fren

I own 1000 qnt suicide bag, might buy some link soon

>> No.14902376

World War 3 will start on April 9th 2062.

>> No.14902458

>run out of basic biological support systems
do you mean the systematic destruction of nature?

is there anything that can be done to navigate such an era?

>> No.14903052

is that windows 10?

>> No.14903090

all this time travelling bullshit, just tell us what to buy to make it if you know the future, and please dont tell me LINK

>> No.14903134

my nuts too. be gentle with them

>> No.14903148


>> No.14903226

I’ve been getting this feeling too. It’s great, I’ll open up some nightclubs in the dystopian weimar-nouveau

>> No.14903230

Be a farmer with a ton of guns

>> No.14903247
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>virgin round-earther

>> No.14903779

>only price in USD, no marketcap or 24H vol
> win 10
Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit on that

>> No.14903994

Yes, the destruction of our biosphere is a huge problem.
I have heard that certain beings are working to collapse our technology so completely we will be reverted to neolithic modes of functioning, I am not aware of any other possibilities for averting such a future currently however.

What you are describing sounds like textbook nuerotic thinking not insanity. I would also argue without supporting structures in your argument you are falling into the same traps you clearly said not to in your writing, you also seem to be preoccupied with the same logic structures you are lacking, so forgive me for disregarding your shot at my mental stability and intellectual capabilities.

>> No.14904102
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>The universe runs on continuousness
Not true
Look at the granular nature of quantum mechanics and planck’s constant

>> No.14904108
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>> No.14904119
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>Realise you are a naked monkey
I’m not a monkey

>> No.14904139
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>so forgive me for disregarding your shot at my mental stability and intellectual capabilities.
They always hurl and spit their “concern” for you like a venom
They become pre-occupied with your state of mine and then work to (((inform))) you of their concern
They say they want to help you
But what they really want to do is help themselves
The fact that they’re still in denial of that fact should tell you that they’re not to be trusted whatsoever

>> No.14904199

Op, is quant based?

>> No.14904213

Why do people always show this pic of windows 10 set to 2026? I will be so sad in 7 years if this is still the OS version floating around.

>> No.14904854

its gonna be the windows XP of 2026

>> No.14904924

I'm not here to shill coins, I happen to believe anyone holding crypto will make it as long as its not a totally blatant scam coin, I know the macro plans for crypto but not which coins in particular are being used to craft that future.

>> No.14904969

this is the only picture that has made me cringe in 2019

I cant handle it

some dude desperate to sell his bags actually thought this might help

hey props for trying

>> No.14905224

Their plan is to never replace Windows 10 which is why they're putting general consumers through rolling release hell. In 2026, we'll still be on 10, but by that point the 10 would be scrubbed off and it'd just be called "Microsoft Windows"

>> No.14905314

Hallo Bruder,

Tipps was für Nahrung du wo besorgst / man am besten herbekommt?

>> No.14905376
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based, he warned us, we just didn't listen

this plus "Limits to Growth" by Meadows

>> No.14905381

In 2026, I'll still be running Win7

>> No.14906075
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OP please another story, or more redpils this thread is the most interesting thread on here for a while now, and I'm sitting here in a room alone with nothing to do. This only temporary but you wouldn't believe how much entertaining and enlighting it is to read your posts. More about what etis are, and really anything you are passionate about. If you have the time fren

>> No.14906214

Based and computerpilled

>> No.14906245

>Believing (((Einstein’s))) theories.


>> No.14906248

I hate reading white papers....

>> No.14906470

Please tell more, I'm deeply interested.

>> No.14906496


>> No.14906534

Learn to enjoy reading, it's worth it.

>> No.14906729

what do you do about the security shortcomings of this strategy: there will be no security patches meaning that if there is a security bug found in the code it will be implemented in vulnerability scanners/malicious code. Win7 will be as easy to hack as win xp is today.

>> No.14906754

Ok I am happy to share. There are different types of ETI that we know of in the univerese. There are some biological entitys that exist/will exist/have existed that we know of, one such is refered to as the denebians. The Denebians are a highly evolved species and as such have a very advanced grasp of life and the morals behind a species that will allow the genetic line to continue and evolve to become a higher state of being. Another species we know of is called the giselians, these species reside outside of our observable space, in a parallel reality as you might understand it that we refer to as the brane world.

The Denebians are the source of our morals and religion. Such an advanced species is morally certain to avoid interaction with a lesser species to avoid cultural and technological contamination from the higher species, using what we currently know of this species we have combed historical records and found records of contact by these species in the gnostic gospels under Norea, daughter of Noah's, encounter with "gods" in the plains of ishtar. We believe they could not avoid such contact with humanity and because of the circumstance behind contact with such a higher species it inevitably turns into a lecture of morals and ideals. When you ask a higher species wether to killing or imprisoning your enemies is the correct choice the only correct choice is to educate them on the true morals. We believe the denebians have played a part in humanitys development beyond merely middle eastern religions but if such we have no record of it. Much of the stories are covered in myth to protect the knowledge as well which makes it hard to determine where the truths are contained.
The giselians are a different case however and contact you directly through dreams. We do not know if they reside only in the brane world and how evolved these species are compared to us if that could be measured at all.

>> No.14906812

Hmm...will I continue to use an outdated OS that no longer gets security patches or will I use an OS that has security holes built-in as a "feature"

What I'll actually do is just run *BSD and keep a Win7 machine (disconnected from any network) for playing My Summer Car and various RPGs I missed over the last 30 years from GOG.com

>> No.14906930
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actually based.

>> No.14907210

But what are their plans for us?
As I see it now, a lot of chaos is spread through ideological governance. Psychological warfare, subversion and control are becomming the building blocks of the world. A lot of practices are plain bad, but I won't believe they are in control of idiots, no rather the smartest are on top.

Is this a cleansing?

>> No.14907586

I think we will cleanse ourselves and move on through times, it's a long learning process with an endgame, but I have no idea what it is. I feel that when generations get old, we all grow a bit bigger spiritually to make things better.
This is really very interesting stuff desu, will read more about this. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

>> No.14908242

You are right on many accounts. Control is the main imperative of the elites, control through an oscillation of complacency and change is how they do it. The macro plans for the next 100 years that I am aware of is; crackdown on digital infastructure and privacy, introduce the highly disruptive technologies developed in secret to confuse and disorient the older generation, a breakdown of social saftey nets for old and young alike, and a general reverting of the lower class to a primitive jungle state to dissuade anyone else from taking their claim.

>> No.14908480
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By all means, go on.
Forgotten languages is spoopy!

>> No.14909199

what do you think of the Iran situation? a little odd that trump has anti-crypto tweets, U.S / UK pressure on Iran at the same time that Iran supposedly introduces a gold-backed cryptocurrency

>> No.14909539

Crypto is slippery. If I had to guess it is BRICS finally understanding what crypto could provide them and what libra really is, along with an understanding from certain parts of the US gov what crypto means for them. Antisemitism has had an astronomical rise the last 10 years that coincides very perfectly with the rise of bitcoin. I do not believe that to be a coincidence.

>> No.14909664
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>> No.14910142

>anti-semitism and bitcoin

The link being what? Jews controlling the financial system? And btc effectively being a hedge against the current status quo

>> No.14910504

Yes, my opinion being that the jews are a compartmentalized segment of a much larger picture that for many reasons happen to be in a perfect spot to take the fall for the current system, banking being the major reason. This is just my thoughts however, the only thing we can assuredly know is that crypto has been deployed to collapse the current economic system, wether they have a part or role at all is merely just speculation on my part. Considering the elites pyramid tip seems to sit somewhere between entirely dysfunctionally lucky and ruthlessly collaborative I feel it is safer to bet on compartmentalized jewish control of the banking system rather than total control of the system as some suggest, which naturally would extend such control to speculative cash burners as media and education, thus the dysfunctional aspect i mentioned of Jewish linked government taking up on bitcoins true proposition of destroying banking recently and the dynamic of government agencies playing a very large hand in creating the bitcoin system, both goals seem to be at odds but I believe one is clearly a higher caliber of play which i believe exposes at least one of the heads of the beast that is our masters.

>> No.14910583

I realized some might not take up my meanimg behind the last sentence. I believe the agency's behind the rise of bitcoin, namely 3 letter agencies of which CIA and NSA have been confirmed to have a hand in. I believe these agencies are playing the game at a much higher "table" then the banks, thus why I believe you have that dichotomy of the banks recently pushing against bitcoin because they see what its ment to be, yet seemingly loosing when bitcoin itself is a government creation by the government that supposedly supports these big banks and seemingly supports this Jewish conspiracy, which I believe to be a sham and we are currently seeing the jews being fed to the wolves so the true elites can install the new world economic system.

>> No.14910594

You appear to love reading, so read this:


>> No.14910617

genocide when. please elite senpais notice me

>> No.14910707

>I know the macro plans for crypto
can you tell us more about this. no need to mention any coins

>> No.14910746

>changes time on pc
>alters some values displayed on the site
my sides

>> No.14911615


>> No.14911629

he still uses win10 in 2026

>> No.14911705


>> No.14912807

Last bump

>> No.14912893
File: 21 KB, 903x567, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are some of the reports on the bottom without links?