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File: 118 KB, 500x527, when-you-make-eye-contact-with-white-people-they-do-42717340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14899915 No.14899915 [Reply] [Original]

I just moved from an all-white town to a majority mexican city (Tucson). The experience is so much different. I'm at in-n-out and normally my order is always right, I get a plain ass burger and they still fucked it up. The fountain drink machines dont work so nobody can get drinks. There are mexican kids running around the restaraunt, like wtf keep control of your kids. It's no wonder Mexico is the way it is. Inability to providw quality service/products and an inability to raise their kids.

>> No.14899925

you should start a blog bro, talk about your feelings and opinions

>> No.14899946

Shouldn't have moved retard

>> No.14899973

Was for university. I only have to endure this shit for 3 years.

>> No.14900532

Based spics. I bet you're that same retard who spams about them on double chan r9k.

>> No.14900892


>> No.14900899

shouldnt have done that you stupid nigger

>> No.14900903

student loan money into Ethplode and you'll probably make it in 1 year. Good luck anon.

>> No.14900921 [DELETED] 

>118 KB PNG
>I just moved from an all-white town to a majority mexican city

Lol what a retard

>> No.14900936
File: 25 KB, 267x320, 173E1476-0ECA-4747-970D-99F0A397BD8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14900949

tell you these "lower races" are all like that.
niggers, hispanics, arabs....all uncontrolled and shit @ working, keeping their cool and self control. hitler was right all along

>> No.14900953

It's the uneducated and poor. White people do this shit too. I'm embarassed by white people my whole life. I'm from southern cali and am more attractive with a bigger vocabulary than most so to me whites are holding me back. I go into manage a bunch of black and mexican housekeepers I can't white people making me look bd on TV at lunch. Every day my casino has Trump making us look stupid on TV. This idiot and his fat midwestern supporters are making us look bad to thw whole world. I know you probably can't travel but when I do I have to defend my country that we actually still have intelligent people here. Obama sucked dick but at least he garnered respect from the world.

>> No.14900963

>Obama sucked dick
>but at least he garnered respect from the world.

>> No.14900976

Libtard detected

>> No.14900986
File: 362 KB, 220x140, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Hitler))) killed more white people than any minority, and yet you still worship him

Daily reminder that (((Hitler))) gave the Japs and Arabs honorary Aryan status and wanted the Japs to wipe off Austrailians.

>> No.14901034

I can already picture OP shouting this post to his phone in portrait video from the driver seat of a truck

>> No.14901094

jesus what shit decisions did you make that lead you to needing to move to tuscon

>> No.14901140

>Obama respected
Kek what a joke, your king nigger and his tranny wife are a laughing stock of the whole world

>> No.14901214


>> No.14901264

based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14901283


>> No.14901306
File: 86 KB, 1024x629, droppped_this_kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14901312

go back to twitter you degenerate faggot

>> No.14901324

>a laughing stock of the whole world
That is that child rapist Trump you're talking about. I hate Obama. Didn't end the wars in Iraq, never raised min wage (bush did in 07), didn't make any psychedelics or weed legal, didn't hit the private prison, war machine, banks, pharma, gun or oil industries with the fines they deserve for destroying americas political system, no medicare for all, no real money in solar or wind energy jobs, didn't curtail federal reserve powers or start consumer advocacy groups. Obama was a white republican, sincerely a white kid from california

>> No.14901337

what is the deflationary currency that pays dividends? I saw it on here earlier but forgot the name? blue logo

>> No.14901381

Trump and Clinton rape children together and you retards play party politics. libtards durrr, ok buddy. I might be liberal but I would never run a budget deficit like the republicans. Clinton was a shitty pres like Obama but at least he ran the country at a fucking surplus. Republicans are poison around a budget, they literally can't control themselves. Nixon fucked up so bad he had to abandon the gold standard. He should have been convicted of treason for destroying the dollar.

but but but republicans are fiscally conservative and spend less

shut the fuck up you old ass boomers with your fox news facebook posts. Studies show you can't distinguish when you're being lied to.

>> No.14901404

>Not making your own food at home.

Never gonna make it.

>> No.14901450

>at least he garnered respect from the world.
lol no he is on the same level as bush

>> No.14901558

Do you guys travel? That was literally the best part of pres Obama. You guys have never had political discussions with other nationalities or fucked chicks in other countries? Bush is a literal dummy and everyone knows it. History will look at him as Cheney's puppet. At the time he ran for pres everyone called him dumb. I remember this shit because I traveled the US back then. You guys can shit on Obama, I love doing it but do it right.

>> No.14901574


>> No.14901743

>I just moved from an all-white town to a majority mexican city (Tucson)
thats where you fucked up OP

>> No.14902036

slavs and mutts dont count as white

>> No.14902040 [DELETED] 


Guess what they put in your food because they see you as racist.

Good luck with sickness

>> No.14902063

>Obama sucked dick but at least he garnered respect from the world.

no he didn't.

t. canadian

>> No.14902111

no one has ever cared what a canadian thinks. And when you compare him to other presidents during my life time, he was very respected. They fly trump baby balloons when he visits other countries. You people are really dense, it's because of your political and racial biases I bet. Most of those come from your fear of losing your wife or job. Or fathers fear of losing his wife or job

>> No.14902430 [DELETED] 


I tried anon

>> No.14902479


>> No.14902947

>I might be liberal but I would never run a budget deficit like the republicans.
Based and austeritypilled

>> No.14903050


Reminder that Jews are white and the holocaust was white genocide

>> No.14903300

Thinking NPC's are people 2019.