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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14898874 No.14898874 [Reply] [Original]

This hold is getting unironically hard my fellow marines.

>> No.14898890

> imagine being a biz autist but not dumping to coinbase normies

> not gonna make it

>> No.14898892

thats all you have? lol

>> No.14898893

Market sell everything right now or you will kill yourself when this shitcoin hits sub $1

>> No.14898894

Sell and get on the ONE train before it does a link

>> No.14898904

We have the same amount (almost), right the fuck on.

I don't think it's that hard of a hold. Worst case scenario, $10 EOY.

>> No.14898912

Impressive. I bought more.

>> No.14898953

I could have held $450k in my hands. Almost half a million fucking dollars. But it's not going to $10, it's going to $100 this year. Fuck, imagine selling $10 million for half a mil. That's what keeps me going.

>> No.14899006

Yeah my portfolio nudged just over $500k when LINK peaked, and I went on a couple day bender to celebrate. We're unironically going to be rich, can't fucking wait.

>> No.14899041

Why not diversify 20% into BTC?

>> No.14899193

we were/are so fucking early bros. my hands and feet will remain inside the vehicle at all times because there is no way in hell that mr sergeys wild ride is anywhere near over. coinbase was a taste, but i did not sell all my belongings and move into my car to accumulate at $0.20 just for a fucking taste. i need the whole goddamn thing.

>> No.14899218

Nice bragplain OP. Sell and count your money if you want

>> No.14899221

Guys is there hope for me? I only have 3.5k links :(

>> No.14899248

because anyone can make up their holdings.

>> No.14899260

Anon all these fags are lying Chinese or pajeets. They lie to pump up link. I think it will dump more but good luck with your holdings

>> No.14899263

I honestly don't understand why you wouldn't offload 10-20% of your stack then... There are so many good projects in crypto that you can get in early on, many of which are not shilled on /biz/ much. Actual gems. I would suggest selling off a bit when we go up in August/September.

>> No.14899266

How can they pump a 1bil marketcap coin tho

>> No.14899290
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> I would suggest selling

>> No.14899301

alright man
that's why you're getting dumped on and im making gains for the bullrun in august

enjoy it

>> No.14899302
File: 377 KB, 750x742, 1563325909930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you're just a coping newfag

you do realize link was below 25 cents for quite a long time? why is it so hard to believe that people who made decent gains in 2017 (but didn't make it) threw 10-20 grand into link?

you would've went all in on link if you were around for assblaster as well.

>> No.14899335

>$20k principle
>10k link

kill me

>> No.14899343

This is the reason because jews are successful people and you just a gambler.

Soon you will understand that node operators can buy LINK at $1 to Chainlink team

>> No.14899350

look at it this way, you could have no link

10k is enough to make it anon.

>> No.14899373

Is 3500 enough bro :(

>> No.14899417

depends on what your definition of making it is, where you live, and your current financial situation

all i can say is be ready to hodl a few years. 10k is minimum to make it in the short term. in the medium-long term, who knows?

>> No.14899478

>node operators can buy LINK at $1 to Chainlink team
I'll just operate a node.

>> No.14899488

Meme like LINK come and go here, crypto is a market where you ride and jump.

>> No.14899502

OP is a fucking idiot. And by 'idiot' I mean the stupidest motherfucker on planet Earth. Take out some gains and put it into BTC or ETH or Gold. You're banking all your hopes on a moonshot that is likely not going to succeed.

>> No.14899506

>come and go here
except link is the one project that's survived, literally, in terms of price but also in terms of FUD. compare link to all the alts from 2017.

if you can't differentiate valuable projects like chainlink from shitcoin fotm p&d's, you'll never make it.

>> No.14899520

lol idiot i told you to cash out. the only thing you did with your hodling was to keep the price up for this fat Sergay fuck.

He dumped his 700k stacks on you like a bird shitted on a peasants head. idiot.

>> No.14899540

I hate working but I can only afford 3.8k LINK.

>> No.14899553

just sell when it hits 5 or 6 USD and move on, there's literally no guarantee with link. There's plenty of idiots who hodl and get burned in the long run.

>> No.14899898

Imagine being so greedy a half million on something that cost $40K isn't enough for you. Kek.

Sell now, and all-in PNK.

>> No.14899926
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>> No.14900515

Sold less than 10% at $4.30, still have a lot left and a great feeling have money in the bank.

>> No.14900531

>TIL biz is delusional as fuck

>> No.14901994
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>> No.14902035

I don't even want to look at my Link stocks no more. I'll check again once people start shit posting in mass about chainlink

>> No.14902048

Jokes on you, I made it past the dopamine highs and lows

>> No.14902053

75,001 linkies and haven’t sold a single one. I’m thinking about selling 10% at $10 so I can neet it up but why bother when we’re going $100+?

>> No.14902073

I've got 20 linkies and im holding bois, am i gonna make it?

>> No.14902132

Why aren't you posting on our site anymore rafael?

>> No.14902187

Enjoy your gains when link is 1000$ and you sold everything for muh gains

>> No.14902678
File: 360 KB, 600x580, 8AE348AA-83F9-45F5-B2D4-84FE76099AB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you retards actually think you’ll make it? You spent tens of thousands of dollars on something that’s going to be worth 0.

>> No.14902689

1. sell half
2. go short 3x with that half
3. dump another half
4. ???
5. profit

>> No.14902700

you deserve it. Sergay himself dumping every day 700k batches. there is no news. if there is any he wont. but he is doing. bagholders like you burn hard. remember hype will fade away with in few weeks, getting aion, ven, icx vibes.

>> No.14902731

Paper losses, paper gains. It's just numbers on the screen till you sell, remember that.

>> No.14902767

No he is not you fucking imbecile

>> No.14902790

when did you guys buy in?

>> No.14902821

Anon, I...

>> No.14903958

First stack at $0.17, average is $0.40