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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14896638 No.14896638 [Reply] [Original]

G20 about to rule on bitcoins that are used for illicit transactions. They will be seized - Two options either bitcoin value will increase over time due to scarcity or anons will pump shitcoins and avoid bitcorns and inevitable bitcorn massive dump due to risky assets. IMO too many bad news for cryptos, can't see a pump happening anytime soon until we know what orange man and DOJ /G20 will try to do to cryptos as they definitely are a threat for Federal Reserve hegemony. https://cointelegraph.com/news/virgin-bitcoin-most-in-demand-crypto-that-is-regulated-differently

>> No.14896676

Nice FUD but even brainlets know by now that no one can stop bitcoin because its decentralised. You cannot seize bitcoin unless you destroy the internet.

This might work better if you spam it on mainstream shit like twitter, but people here generally know better.

>> No.14896688

Lmfao how they going to seize something that exists in my mind

>> No.14896690
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>mfw when LINK has been downgraded to a G10 coin

>> No.14896693

That would reduce the supply by like 80% lol. The majority of coins i imagine were used for something illegal or mixed up with other coins that were used for something illegal at one point. Imagine banning us dollars that we're used for drugs at some point lol.

>> No.14896705
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how u know this

>> No.14896730

>Decreased supply
>Similar or increased marketcap/demand
>Price is going to decline sire

>> No.14896748

Just broke 11k so fuck off with weak FUD everyone else is making money here

>> No.14896764

Holy fuck. kys

>> No.14896771
File: 6 KB, 208x251, 1560038416742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like upticks and demand is way lagging what it has been in the last months...

>> No.14896907

Fuck yeah. I am waiting to invest in jewcoins when they come available. Get the G20 approved jewcoin when it comes out at the templeexchange when it comes out.

>> No.14896921

Imagine the smell

>> No.14896969

First of all, come and take it faggots. Second, any kind of crackdown or regulation is just going to good for us as it will likely increase prices.
I'm not interested in actually holding ZuccBux, but the fact that a corporate entity like Faceberg is trying to get in on this is pretty bullish IMO

>> No.14897137

Do you really think Governments can't control the physical infrastructure enough to bring Bitcoin to a halt?

>> No.14897275

They would need to destroy everything else in the process.

>> No.14897288

all they need to do is block protocols and isolate/monitor power usage there's multiple on-ramps that they could target to break the network

>> No.14897293

Also strict regulation on fiat on ramps and off ramps will just result in people avoiding them. It may even result in people simply avoiding fiat altogether.

>> No.14897312

Yeah that's bullshit, even the Chinese couldn't do it and they have an intranet. Monitoring power usage is fucking hilarious though. Wont effect proof of stake cryptos at all LOL

>> No.14897327

>It may even result in people simply avoiding fiat altogether
try selling that idea to investors lol. Outside of Disneyland, Disney Dollars are worthless

>> No.14897354

This is good news for XMR

>> No.14897357

Damn, look at her quads and that thigh gap. No doubt she rides like a dream.

>> No.14897362

local in person meets become a thing again if they kill exchanges

you can't kill a protocol btw it'd just morph too much

doesn't matter about monitoring power usage coins come from china as it is anyway

>> No.14897409

>Outside of Disneyland, Disney Dollars are worthless

If Disney dollars where on a global blockchain, they would be getting shilled on /biz/. Cryptocurrency has a fundamental mechanism that makes it behave like a virus that grows off of human greed. Even the regulators themselves are probably already infected.

>> No.14897443

How many Bitcoin will be left?

>> No.14897466

Didn't the USA sell tainted BTC in an auction? They won't ban anything. They will find a way to cash in on this tainted business and sell you notes that they're ''clean for usage'' again. Most politicians are corrupt af! As if they actually give a shit and aren't thinking of a scheme to squeeze money out of it for themselves.

>> No.14897555

>Outside of Disneyland, Disney Dollars are worthless

Come to think about it. The most funny thing about your example is that there is almost certainly going to be a Disney Dollar coin in the future. There will even be a Chuck E Cheese coin too. There will be a Microsoft coin integrated into the operating system. There will be an Amazon coin too!

And all of them will hold real world value better than fiat. Fucking dumb asses like you are going to be in complete cope mode the entire time until it dawns on them that Disney Dollars actually do have value outside of Disney Land. LMFAO