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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14894126 No.14894126 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm really worried since last link conference. Sergey just wasnt the same, it's like his legendary stoicism had led way to some sort of candid optimism. Is it possible the glownigger got him? Has he been replaced by a reptilian double or whatever thing like that sorry I'm not really familiar with all this x shit. Are there some people from x on this board that could help investigate? Oh, and also link conspiracy thread I guess

>> No.14894128

we were making fun of him again

>> No.14894154

No, he’s just not stressed out anymore bc he knows he made it. Link $100 eoy

>> No.14894161

god i want him to spank me bad

>> No.14894164

Sell sell sell

>> No.14894186

he's the richest man on this planet

>> No.14894200


>> No.14895107
File: 46 KB, 1024x917, 1560590258647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks there's only one Sergey
> he thinks they have waited this long to approach him

>> No.14895114

we're gonna make it like next month

>> No.14895495

Did anyone catch the part before he spoke at this conference where he farted audibly while talking to potential investors and tried to blame it on someone else? Seriously, how unprofessional is this guy? He has venture capitalists in suits considering investing in him and he rips farts mid sentence talking to them while wearing a plaid shirt.....

>> No.14895518


source of video please

>> No.14895549

It means he's getting more confident.
It means there's hot shit brewing beneath the surface.
It means $100 eoy isn't a meme.

>> No.14895570
File: 315 KB, 1758x770, isda-cdm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyperledger and quorum confirmed
>libra on the slides
>"I can't comment on that but they would definitely need oracles for their payment system"
>in depth slides about derivatives
>ISDA is part of Accord Project
>pic related
>PSD2 coming
We really are going to make it marines.

>> No.14895605

Imagine having every public appearance you make filmed and criticized by a bunch of autismos on an anime forum.

>> No.14895614

He's just not stressed anymore and he can be himself. The hard part is over, he's already succeeded. All the crypto use cases that people have been talking about for ten years are going be put into action because of him and he's already onboarded the biggest companies in the world. He doesn't need to reach out to network anymore, everyone will just come to him.

>> No.14895628

unironically this. the network effect has started and the hardest parts for him are done

>> No.14895767
File: 189 KB, 600x637, 1549926071933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the Sergey body doubles
Elementary my dear newfag

>> No.14895959

His power level has finally been revealed for all to see. And it's fucking 1 billion.

>> No.14895960

He's a billionaire, he doesn't give a fuck

>> No.14895980

He's confident because he knows we all made it.
These next few months are going to be amazing.

>> No.14895990

>he doesn't know about Sergeys body doubling

>> No.14896070

It's a nuance

>> No.14896134


I'm Sergey's Reptillian body double, AMA.

>> No.14896214


>> No.14896235

It's a tulpa doppelganger, birthed into existence by the memes themselves. Real Sergey is trapped in the black lodge, currently.

>> No.14896394
File: 70 KB, 526x634, Mike_(2010s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, only reasonable answer, how can we get him out of the lodge?

>> No.14896478


>> No.14896513
File: 35 KB, 968x681, twin-peaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count on me, I never underestimated their power

>> No.14896733
File: 70 KB, 1024x512, aiportraits_1563628446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the face of someone from a poor background who was able to
- earn 32 million in ICO
- millions in VC funding
- Sells almost daily 700k tokens (earning 2 million every trade).
- And got hundreds of millions tokens still to sell

The guy is laughing because he already made it. It was never about the solution or adoption. It was always about getting rich. Acting like a poorfag with his flannel shirt to give people the idea his mind was only on the tech. At this moment he probably already paid all his company debt and he could walk away any moment like a rich man and there would be nothing you could do about it.


>> No.14896924
File: 21 KB, 512x512, aiportraits_1563664077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
