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14894912 No.14894912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did she deserve it?

>> No.14894921

Women have no right to exist.

>> No.14894935

dude weed lmao

>> No.14894938

beta uprising now

>> No.14894944

Scotty strikes back

>> No.14894951

what happened?

>> No.14894954

Get off this board, you have a mental disorder please get help

>> No.14894961

they always deserve it

>> No.14894979

you have to go back faggot, and kys.

>> No.14894987

stop posting gore and post some actually shocking shit you retarded coward.

>> No.14894988

Neck yourself

>> No.14894993

wtf is this?
what happend?
who is this?
and why is this on biz?
and why are you such a retard to ask whether someone deserves this?

>> No.14895007

Found the insane Fantom shill

>> No.14895008

>guys wtf. i came here from reddit bc of chainlink, but, b-but how can u post such cruel things... i cant even, im literally shaking right now....

>> No.14895015

It doesn't matter whether she deserved it, she had it coming. eventually one of her beta orbiters was gonna snap desu.

>> No.14895026
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>> No.14895027

Who dis

>> No.14895032

yes, but no, you can set the stage for your own death, set all the conditions for someone to kill you, you may not deserve death, but you can very much see it coming, and you still do nothing to prevent it.

>> No.14895033

Thot didn't deserve death, but she was asking for it.

>> No.14895037

who is this

>> No.14895054

I hope you die a more miserable death than this you fucking psychopath. Seek help.

>> No.14895055

A beating would have sufficed

>> No.14895061

Stop posting this on /biz/ fuck you there are at least the other boards dedicated to this kind of shit.

All women are whores but you need to fuck off.

>> No.14895063

>post some actually shocking shit
Affordable housing

>> No.14895072

isn't the guy with the red beard a cult member who fucking died because he injected silicone into his balls?

>> No.14895078

three other*

>> No.14895086
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well.... yea, but the guy was sick too. They both deserve to stop existing so in a sense this whole drama is good for the society.