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14882298 No.14882298 [Reply] [Original]

What are REAL ways to make a passive income of $1000 a month?

>> No.14882316


Have a shitton of cash and put it in dividend stocks or buy real estate and become a landlord

Every other answer is a meme

>but I’m poor

Well yeah, Why do think everyone else wagecucks

>> No.14882323

be born a woman

>> No.14882330


>> No.14882335

> "and this is anon's room"

>> No.14882366


>> No.14882380

Amazon mturk

>> No.14882384

>he's an "entrepreneur"

>> No.14882391

Whats the point of life if we just have to wage cuck till we die then? Are there no alternatives or ways we could possibly not exchange our limited time on this earth for wage cuckery?

>> No.14882394

been selling cds since 2002, bought none of them

>> No.14882400

Worst answer in this thread. You'll make pennies on the hour. Fucking idiot

>> No.14882407

Not very noice goys. Im asking a real question here.

>> No.14882408

Rent out a house or two. Do a term deposit (e.g. $600,000 at 2% pa gives you $12,000 annually).

If you want to face reality, you need to accept that you're not going to be able to earn $1,000 each month passively unless you're already rich, or get very lucky with investments (which you won't).

>> No.14882413

You think you're the first person to ask this question? You need to eat and there's no free meal.

>> No.14882465

or transition if you're feminine enough

>> No.14882478

I see what your saying but there STILL has to be some way to do it. Most people are NPC's. The average normie does'int even think of their future. You know how much trillions of dollars is casually thrown around throughout the world/ disappears? $1000 a month is a very TINY amount (and realistic). There has gotta be a way to do it.

>> No.14882479

Vote yang

>> No.14882480
File: 21 KB, 423x245, 1562770057759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stress this enough


>> No.14882484

>or transition if you're feminine enough
not this

>> No.14882524

you're not supposed to tell anyone that you did it

>> No.14882538

Vote Andrew Yang

>> No.14882554

>landlord raises your rent $1000 a month
Whatcha gonna do about that?

>> No.14882576

Acquire $600,000 worth of durable goods. According to the government this should inflate by %2/year. So just sell off 2% every year which will be around $12,000.

>> No.14882582

Yang wont be president. KingZog will probably be re elected.

How much money do you need to start doing that to make a sizable amount back from the dividends? It it easy to get into?

>> No.14882652

As I said, you're not going to be able to earn that unless you're already rich. I can't give you any advice outside of investing, but in order to earn $1000 monthly you'd need to always be on top of the market and be the early bird. Coins going over 1% in a month happen all the time, so you could invest $100,000 to make $1,000 monthly. But that plan itself has issues because you'd be back to $100,000 at the end of the month, assuming that the coin actually went through with its at least 1% increase. Crypto is unpredictable and unreliable like that, but it's possible to survive. You need to account for tax as well. You need to be very skilled though to do this, which you can become if you're willing. It's possible to slowly make your way up to at least $100,000 with a small amount of money as long as you get lucky.

I'll telling you truthfully that you won't get anywhere in life unless you put in the work to get your foot in the door. From there on its a snowball and you keep accumulating as long as you don't make big mistakes.

>> No.14882763

ez, it takes about $20k to get $100 a month from many of the good yielding stocks right now, and the growth is exponential from there, as long as you keep investing

>> No.14882790

become a popular faggot on instagram and make paid promotional posts

>> No.14882797


>not arb trading
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
>not shorting OKeX

>> No.14882807

because its more guaranteed than gambling shit coin that the IRS will tax you for

>> No.14882829

It's not gambling. Its easy money. Most people are lazy or don't know how to use dex so they dont bother. You can make serious profit

>> No.14882833

Hey mom, there's a linkie in the backroom
Hope it's not the FUDers from discord
You used to feed me breadcrumbs
As if Sergey's presentations were boring
We all know conspiracies are dumb
What if people knew that link were real

>> No.14882840

Dropshipping might still work in 2019 but i doubt it
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.14882856

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.14882864

how much stocks do I need to live off the dividends

>> No.14882873

like 400k probably

>> No.14882888

This guy is right. At first you gotta wage, then start your own thing, start small.

>> No.14882890

2 million

>> No.14882985

Start a small online business and sell it or buy one

>> No.14883044

Move to another landlord who ddidnt raise the rent

>> No.14883061

Buy Link

Or keep crying about wagecucking for the rest of your life

>> No.14883067


Here are your options:

Be Pewdiepie, or Mark Zuckerberg, or some person who randomly got famous and profited from it. If this doesn't work, then it's back to the wagecuck factory for you

>> No.14883069

25 BTC in BlockFi

>> No.14883072


>> No.14883239

thats a lot of btc to hold in something else

>> No.14883308

Not passive and you'll be lucky to make $20

>> No.14883328
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He will be president if we all vote for him dum-dum.

>> No.14883399

imagine being the loser who thinks this

>> No.14883429
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>I have no drive so other people can't improve either

You're pathetic, imagine what girls think of you with that mindset, cringe

You get what you pay for, and unlike crypto, stock trading requires you to harness your inner boomer to make gains

>> No.14883469

What other options do I have then?

>> No.14883488

think outside the box

>> No.14883510
File: 40 KB, 485x273, 1535314117521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landscaping in one of the states that is currently being flooded, with boomers liking their grass cut constantly. Grind it out, save up and then start your own business. Eventually you'll be able to sit on your ass.

>> No.14883517

Damn wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, good arbitrage

>> No.14883524

step 1: be rich

>> No.14883541

he said $1,000 you fucking grainlet.

>> No.14883543

Working a real job for about ten years, saving up money and then choosing one or more of dividend stocks, trading stocks/options/crypto, collecting rent, etc.

>> No.14883573

purchase 10k chainlink in december 2018 and wait 10 months

>> No.14883582

someone will always need to do the dirty work so the others can enjoy a better life, unless robots overtake that wagecuckery.

human greed also never stops, so even if people manage to get out of this misery through robots, the system will just chain them up even more in cosumerism so they can profit off them.

the only way to escape this is to escape the system, meaning leave to a place that is less influenced by it (which is hard nowadays) or to outsmart the system (meaning outsmarting your fellow citizens) by finding some financial loophole, filling a business niche or just getting lucky with money.

>> No.14883591

for passive income? none until you have money to leverage. just funny to see bitter autists that think everyone who made it got lucky

>> No.14883597

I fucking hate indians so god damn much

>> No.14883608

Don't think they can even sign up for mturk

>> No.14883624
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Claim you have super depression and other triggering mental retardation criteria for govt disability

You also get a nifty card for a few hundred bucks in food

>> No.14883632

DeFi with 100k worth of DAI on Compound.finance.

>> No.14883638

Rental property using first time home owner mortgage for minimal money down

Fill with tennant

As they pay of mortgage refinance taking appreciated value of house out to put down on other rental property



>> No.14883646

>enlist in the military for 6 years as a linguist to get paid (relatively) big bucks out the gate when you finish language school
>get a VA loan and buy a house when you can move off base
>when you PCS, buy another house with VA loan
>rent other house and pay down the other
>get into a cushy contracting job
>enjoy government benies and owning two properties

>> No.14883754

>sell bath water

>> No.14883767

buy $180k worth of AT&T

>> No.14883864
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>implying you can just magically summon 1k a month tomorrow without substantial resources

>> No.14884020


>> No.14884193


>> No.14884251

div stocks are for idiots retards and suckers. divs get cut and stoks crash harder than income. Buy bonds for passive income. government bonds in countries with large militaries and white men in charge

>> No.14884298

that's why you buy dividend aristocrats

>> No.14884310

sell weed

>> No.14884312

Start painting maybe in a couple hundred years someone will say you did a good job

>> No.14884341

It's like a game and working for other people is the tutorial level. Getting stuck on the tutorial level means you suck at the game.

>> No.14884342

i must escape otherwise i kms

>> No.14884416


>> No.14884639

What if I have $1m worth of link and I want to be able to quit my job and spend $30k/mo without having to work anymore?

I want to spend $5k/mo on living expenses and $25k/mo on escorts. What do?

>> No.14884811

you already made it

>> No.14885072

~1 million dollars of XLM gets you ~$250 a week with inflation if you join a inflation pool.

>> No.14885115

How much do you even need to live comfortably every month? 1.6k?

>> No.14885240

Probably 2k per month unless you already own your home then maybe like 1k a month if that.

>> No.14885247


plant a money tree

>> No.14885262

Where do you buy the seeds

>> No.14885273

The best plan is to buy a low-cap staker with a future, like Kleros / PNK. Wait until it 50x, iron hand, sell 1/4 of it to recoup, then either wait and stake forever, or buy more if it re-traces 50-75%, then wait for run 2, which most have if it's a good runner and solid project (see also, market cycles)

stake, be wealthy. sometimes, it really is that easy (see also : those who staked NEO from $1 up to $100+)

>> No.14885295

your moms pussy

>> No.14885301

How much are they

>> No.14885340

About 2k per month would be perfect. BUT 1k is ideal and enough to justify to myself its not worth an heroing just yet. And I dont think 1k is a lot to ask for.

>> No.14886398

Buy a business

>> No.14886410 [DELETED] 

BitGreen Airdrops in their Discord! only 21Million max supply
Stakebase listed them as their pair (BITG)
20/10% incentives means 5 friends/family staking PoS into BTC makes the service free.



>> No.14886472

So, become a jew. Got it.

>> No.14886505

Just get on disability

>> No.14886506

Is this a bot pushing its product?

Fuck off! If I had that type of money why would I even ask in the first place?

>> No.14886532

do these do porn?

>> No.14886541

no real way which isnt a meme. Try adding two zeros to that number and maybe you can consider it

>> No.14886562

How would 1 do that kind anon? Does the gov still give disabled people Internets?

So Id need $100,000 to make $1000 per month or are you saying Its all a meme unless Im earning $100,000 a month?

>> No.14886578

Pretty funny how all the fucking low IQ doomer cunt show up in thread like this. You fucking idiots.

There are many way to make bank from home pretty easily. Seeing all this fuckingcunts posting doesn't make me want to give info. But there is one very obviosu way that you'll find on sutdent forums/makingmoney website, available from almost everywhere. If it's not available in your contry, use a VPN and the help of the chinks.

>> No.14886587

It's not truly passive, but it's 100% risk free.

>> No.14886631

sorry didnt read your op well. You should try to increase your income to 40k/year at least before considering passive income, or just gamble your paycheck in crypto like the rest of poorfags here

>> No.14886654
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Crypto market... Then real estate... Crypto Mining... I could share some links to get a poor fag started.

I am still a poor fag... BTW. Just starting in crypto now.

>> No.14886692

Droppshipping is not secret and only for scum

>> No.14886717


>> No.14886729

Does this involve me sucking penis? I have a feeling your talking about me sucking penis.

>> No.14886737

Would appreciate as many links you got my fellow poor fag.

>> No.14886766

plz share

>> No.14886769
File: 8 KB, 236x238, bobby oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is (almost) everyone here talking about investing (gambling) or giving people huge sums of money to get a tiny percentage back?

the best passive income isnt fully passive! thats only for the very wealthy! the best passive income is SEMI-passive, you work a lot, weeks or months to create something, then you invest moderately in its upkeep while reeping the long term benefits

you need to get creative for this kind of thinking but if you have what it takes you can generate significant semi passive income for years or decades

dumb zoomer shits i bet thats why almost all your ideas suck, shame noones going to read this since im late

>> No.14886792

i read this

>> No.14886811

Run a Minecraft or Rust server and charge money for priority/VIP spots

>> No.14886837

>weeks or months to create something
like what?

>you just need an idea bro
slim chance you are going to have this one-in-a-million idea. otherwise you're in the same rat race as everyone else, trapped in the everlasting circle of "weeks or months to create something" over and over again. and that's essentially wageslaving

>> No.14886844

this but unironically

>> No.14886857

Are we fucked then my guy? be honest. Trapped in this never ending cycle of wage cuckery till the day we die or are to old to enjoy the fruits of fractions of our labor that the jews allow us?

See you say that but you provide zero examples. Also Im still very here and responding/ reading post.

Is the profitable? Sounds like you would have to be a popular E celeb type guy and then start a server and promote it. Otherwise why are all people who play those games not doing it?

>> No.14886876

>Does this involve me sucking penis? I have a feeling your talking about me sucking penis.
Keep's telling me I am too spamy....

>> No.14886892

two types of people: people who think, and people who do

>> No.14886901

make a pastebin with the links plz

>> No.14886914
File: 1.91 MB, 533x750, 1560500925804.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to look at your life and your potentials and see what the best shot is you can take, the opportunities are different for everyone, some things you can do that i cannot, some things i can do that you cannot, it is those things that are worth going for

a lot of people today are expecting payoff for no skillsets, that is indeed very unlikely. if there is nothing you can do better than others, then you dont have a chance. refining skills that allows you to do this is crucial.

you dont need a uni degree, you dont need to even be an adult or finish school (though in my case, i am early thirties, but my skillsets have evolved so much that i can generate great value in little time)

my passive income plan is not for you, but it is what works for me. in short i take a profitable reputable solid business that has no online presence, i create presence along with a premium website for selling a product, generate an adwords campaign to lead traffic to the site, and get sales/conversions. from the generated profits, i take a cut. i only make money when others make money, but my products are good, so i deliver and get it back. its good to grab them by the balls by managing the adwords campaign and hosting yourself, to protect from treason.

either way, after everything is properly set up maintenance is just a few hours of work per month which makes the whole situation highly profitable on an hourly basis after original set up

what skills will you refine that would allow you to create a surplus in the economy large enough for you to take a happy bite of? that is your personal path, i cannot choose it for you. there is no "do this to get rich quick" scheme, it takes work, planning, and creativity. easy come easy go too, if you get lucky with investments you might as well get unlucky later and lose a good chunk of it. better to look at this from the perspective of thinking of what you can actually PRODUCE

>> No.14886918

You need about 400k to hit those net figures from divifrens.

>> No.14886926
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>> No.14886948

I never told you that once. Just asked if what you were referring to involved me sucking dick.

That makes zero sense. Stop that cryptic shit and say straight what you mean.

Dude you literally just make a website. Don't act like your all knowledgeable and wise. Stop calling it a product too. Its not real. Nothing tangible. If shit hits the fan your worthless. But! I do appreciate you telling us and the advice never the less.

>> No.14886964

not passive but have you tried online poker?

It's not as easy as some years ago, but you can still make some money. Just start small.

>> No.14886977
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls-laughing-at-link-bagholder-idiots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre never gonna make it brah

you dont understand the value of what i said and are just some lazy dumb shit looking for an easy fix. you wont find it.

what im doing in terms of how much i get for how little i do is milestones above where youll likely ever be, maybe you can take a lesson

> just make a website
i dont sell it, its an investment, they dont pay me for it, i am owner in profits

>Don't act like your all knowledgeable and wise
i am, you fail to appreciate the relative value of what i am explaining, im not saying make websites, but it is a one big effort thing, and then mostly passive income, im sorry if it doesnt fit your princess ideals of glamour

> Stop calling it a product too

> If shit hits the fan your worthless
i most likely have several times the actual real life skills as you including farming and shit

>> No.14886988

again, things like what?

do you have any examples?

because everything I can come up with is either a) getting lucky and hitting a jackpot, e.g. a successful Android application that later on needs little maintenance, or b) something where you have to repeat the cycle again and again to a point where it is not passive (or "not fully passive") income anymore, e.g. a successful Youtube channel

to me you sound like the average boomer who lucked out but now ascribes everything to his "hard work and talent", completely disregarding the other million people who tried literally the same thing as him with the same determination but failed simply because there is no demand on the market for a million people who do this thing

>> No.14886989

I actually don't know how to play. Last I heard online gambling was illegal as well.

>> No.14886992

>what im doing in terms of how much i get for how little i do is milestones above where youll likely ever be, maybe you can take a lesson

>> No.14887001

A few would include investing in property, providing real-estate backed loans or starting a business that works on it’s own, ie: drop-shipping, ad revenue for a blog/vlog, writing an ebook etc

Last one isn’t passive but it’ll require little capital and some work. Long story short, the only sure thing is having cash to invest in safe things, such as real-estate backed loans at interest rates of 8-9% per annum. For example, $200,000 loaned out at 7.99% interest for a year would generate $1331.66 a month, assuming there are no fees incurred from lack of payment or penalties set by the terms. (more money)

My goal is passive income too. I ought to get a better job to stack more cash...maybe sales. $42k saved so far

>> No.14887007


>> No.14887008

also based

i think really you make money by taking other people's money. that is probably as simple as it can get. you provide them with what they want and all of that and a good product, but ultimately you're taking their money. the hard part is figuring out how to do that efficiently which like the anon said there probably is no one fit solution desu. he probably runs a fucking youtube account too kek

>> No.14887029

Has anyone had any luck with instagram accounts that just steal reddit memes?

>> No.14887040

Most people who play are kids who can't operate a server, but have mommy's creditcard. It might not work, but that's why you gotta invest in trying out ideas. Most won't work, but when you find something that generates income, you're set.

>> No.14887041

that all seems like a pointless grind. one algorithm change and its all over and you invested thousands of hours into something that no longer does anything

>> No.14887048

Pretty based in and of itself

Maybe true 100% passive income simply does not exist. Maybe the only realistic options in life for us poor fags is to simple have been born a nigger and collect welfare or be born into a hyper rich family like the rothschilds. That or a shit ton of luck or something memey like a yt channel. Or a combination of the two.

>> No.14887051
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> examples
i dont want to go into detail about my niche too much, but it deals exclusively with high value goods. and i mean really high value. but not houses or cars. just one sale is already money. iz mah territory and im not going to give too much details about my niche.

> e.g. a successful Youtube channel
they still get revenue from old videos, every day their passive income grows. get fully passive income out of your head, you didnt inherit a billion usd, you wont ever get there, think semi-passive

> there is no demand on the market for a million people who do this thing
then dont do something there is no demand of, idiot. do something people need or want. the fuck is wrong with you. do you think someone is going to give you a million dollar idea here on a mongolian basket weaving forum? think for yourself, see the big picture.

also my last 3 projects have had 100% profitability rate, and all of them are from the last year. i am able to CONSISTENTLY generate profits. i dont get lucky, kid, ive got fucking aces

grow up and start listening instead of being a demanding cunt who wants everything fed to him for free. you want something, even passive income, youre going to have to work for it

>> No.14887055

Ideal situation would be a bit that downloads the top reddit posts of a sub every so many hours. Then there are some websites that let you schedule and semi automate posting to insta. So then youd hopefully get it passively. Pay a bit up front for some fake followers and youd be off to a good start

>> No.14887063


>> No.14887073

Some gay shit all the fags are posting and a little more help. I am not into spamming... like them. But, whatever helps each other out. I will be trading over $130 soon. FYI

>> No.14887081
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forgot link like dumb faggot.

>> No.14887084

My goodness, Boxxy. Where does the time go. Is it too late to stop browsing here?

>> No.14887088

could work but again even the fake follower stuff, i think they have figured all of that out by now and make it so your account is just not seen as much or w.e.
just have to create something good i guess

>> No.14887099

Holy fuck you will need to kys in the next 5 years because you aren't able to get anything

>> No.14887104
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You're stuck here forever remember!

>> No.14887113

you literally can't stop

>> No.14887124

Thanks anon!

>> No.14887182

Frig off randy
Been here since 2011 from sensation-seeking beyond internet porn and I haven’t been disappointed. 4chan is unironically full of intellectuals that merely pretend to be retarded

>> No.14887190

Well I work at a Fish factory, and I have an steady jncome of about €1100, but I'm 20 so when I'm 30 I'll make about 2000€.

>> No.14887209

>Dude you literally just make a website. Don't act like your all knowledgeable and wise. Stop calling it a product too. Its not real. Nothing tangible. If shit hits the fan your worthless. But! I do appreciate you telling us and the advice never the less.

Mate, he did give you a great advice, with proper language and you respond with this?

>> No.14887374
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Was I Just young or Boxxy's acting was way better than the current twitch thots and youtubers. Really can't tell anymore the brain fog from wagekeking is too strong.

>> No.14887448
File: 816 KB, 1155x1317, 1447998591214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxxy's got more talent in the tip of her baby finger than all them nappy-headed twitch prostitutes.

>> No.14887468

Everyone knows this was true.

It all becomes a haze over time friend. Even irony evetually turns into truth. I've been here for longer than I care to admit too. Even things that were once cracks at newfags like "I remember Jessi Slaughter" are now old enough to be established members of our website trapped population.

>> No.14887472

thank god no one beheaded during her time right?

>> No.14887508
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Or, all who opposed her would fall to my blade!
Believe it or not. Belle Delphine and Indigo White. Are the only love chance we have left for humanity. Maybe I am just a trendy bitch. But, they do make a half-decent Boxxy replacement. Not like Cracky Chan... Not like Cracky Chan.

>> No.14887517

have a capital of 200k

>> No.14887522

>they do make a half-decent Boxxy replacement

No one will ever replace here, she is a symbol of a simpler time. A time fondly remembered.

>> No.14887538
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, thatsbait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14887539

Vote for Yang.

>> No.14887545

Yeah, well. That bitch ain't ever coming back and she left all us poor cucks hanging... You're right she can't be replaced. But, let's not an hero about it.

>> No.14887573

This. Too bad the time traveler that was on here earlier said warren/Harris gets the dem ticket. If that comes true tho, then that means there’s a slighter higher chance that he wasn’t larping and to hold link, bsv, btc, eth, etc.

>> No.14887582


>> No.14887599

You want to hold BTC, and eth long term if you can... Time traveling is complex. Done it once or twice myself. I know at some point for sure bitcoin hits a million... believe it or not learned that from one of my time traveling tips. Take it for what you think it is worth... but it's going to happen in the next 10 years.

>> No.14887639

1000$ a month you say? Easy if you got the money. For example, Recession is coming and that would be a perfect time to buy stock of a company that you know isn't going to go anywhere but instead is going to build on the future, AT&T, Google are good picks but I personally invest in AT&T as they own all internet and lines in the USA and the government uses their service shit for NSA and all other types of shady shit. For example if you have 250,000$ and put it into AT&T right now at 32.79 you would have 7624 shares. The quarter payout for dividends will be like 0.54 in the future so 0.54x4=2.16 annualy. 7624x2.16$=16,467$(-12% Single filer tax)=14,490$/12=1200$ a month but you get dividend payouts every quarter so every 3 months you would get 3622$. Or you can go into real estate but that takes effort.

>> No.14887655

Also to add, In the future things will be very different so you could make $1000 a month or more staking LINK or just by cashing out ETH, BTC or LINK and becoming a millionaire and living on that money. My advice would be to buy LINK and ETH and in the future do staking. Who knows that the future will be like but it will involve crypto so there's a start.

>> No.14887675

How does staking work?
Is it like mining?

>> No.14887693

Staking is just you putting up your crypto to help validate the blockchain and for a certain amount you put up you get a percentage of all new transactions like on whatever you validate. Though the plan is to get rich and invest in crypto and then in the future sell most of it(But keep some stored away to stake or have as backup) and put it into dividends or real estate if that even exists in the form we know of it today. Who knows in the future we might be living in cramped dystopian apartment blocks we'll just have to see. I predict the future will be relatively the same as to today but we will have more problems and we will have very very smart tech.

>> No.14887733

staking 32 eth

>> No.14887759

this but unironically
except more if i have it

>> No.14887799

You can earn up to 5000 USD a month in passive income running a EDGE stargate. Monthly cost for a server of this sort would be probably around 200-500$, so there it will be massively profitable.


>> No.14887835

yeah, that WOULD be nice, if you wouldn't have to buy a $100k stake in dadi/edge.

>> No.14887866

Well a annual ROI of close to 50% on your stake is unironically the best ROI of all the stuff talked about in this thread. Add to that the expected value increase of the token price, right now its wayy undervalued at 4M marketcap.

My strategy, if I were to get a stargate, would be to buy maybe around 25k worth of dadi/edge now and wait for the value to increase. A 4x would give EDGE a marketcap of 16M, which is still undervalued considering they already have 6M in client revenue confirmed coming to the network. In the meantime you can run hosts and gateways for some nice passive income, you won't be able to quit your job yet though lol.

>> No.14887891

Proof of that 6M revenue number? Seems like you just made that up

>> No.14887916

Yeah, I lied. Its 6.2M actually.


>> No.14888067


>> No.14888073

>I predict the future will be relatively the same as to today but we will have more problems and we will have very very smart tech.
shit, no way - are you a seer bro? incredible

>> No.14888694


Just invest in cyanide/argon/helium and be free of wagecucking

>> No.14888703 [DELETED] 


>> No.14888811
File: 123 KB, 1080x1041, 48a1f426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know anon, investing is more than just chasing moonshots. You spend money today so you can have more tomorrow, and sometimes that takes time.

Dumb zoomer

>> No.14888847

>Base requirements: - 2x quad-core+ @ 2.80GHz+, 128GB RAM+, 2TB SSD+, 1 Gbit/s+
yikes, who has that kind of hardware lying around

>> No.14888892

obviously, If you are going to earn $5000 per month, you will need to make some hardware investment or just host in the cloud. Not that hard to figure out.

>> No.14888994

You apply to SSI for depression.

>> No.14888998

>Just starting in crypto now.

Starting in a bear market… What did you buy?

>> No.14889028

NEET here. I made $6k this week with my passive income technique. I do next to nothing. I’m not telling you how I do it though because I don’t want competition. Find your own method or wagekek.

>> No.14889070

is it legal or not?

>> No.14889077

That link is fishy. He copy and paste that same shit in every thread and the same 3 people always reply with the same shit.

>> No.14889087

Stop being lazy. You are the result of me me me me me me entitlement. No, I'm not a boomer, born in '97. Work to make money, and then make your money work for you.

>> No.14889101

So you run a meth lab and let a nigga do all the work so he can finance his addiction.

>> No.14889209


> go to irak
> get shot
> die

>> No.14889216

Lmao this guy just created a fake TrueChain ERC-20 token and is selling them himself on ForkDelta. He's just stealing your ETH lol.

>> No.14889229


this fucking indian NIGGER. the EXACT same replies too.


die in a crash fag

>> No.14889255
File: 673 KB, 1200x738, MV5BNzg1NzA2NjAtZWUwYy00NjNhLWFjOGMtNDVjZmI3NTYyNTdmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Own 10k link
2. Stake for 10% per year
3. ????
4. 1000$ per month at 10$ per stink.

>> No.14889359


>> No.14889484

I always thought it was a meme. I respond to it sometimes too.

>> No.14889806
File: 452 KB, 1346x724, 1561990376955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather die than fill out another survey on there for a quarter

>> No.14889845

install barely modified wordpress for boomers
they always think they need a website for their business, hobby or association

they don't know anything technical and won't learn, they will be happy with minor involvement on things like menubar item order and colors or the domain name choice

like anon said above, host everything yourself so they can't go away and replace you with some neighbor's son or cousin who's into webdev

ideally find a boomer group where nobody really care about the website but regularely want content update they won't do themselves even thought wordpress would let them connect and upload stuff

not anyone money since it's the group money, and nobody really monitor what you do because the responsability is diluted in the group

agree on a monthly fee of a few hundreds and just take an hour a month to copy paste some word files they mailed you on the website or some pdf or image they want up

you can also use webservices of mass mailing newsletter and bill them for maintaining their contact list and mail the list a regular newsletter they write and send you by mail, you then paste it on the mail webservice and hit send (2mn)
making them collect addresses for their newsletter keep them busy and involved, you just get the final list and paste it along with the newsletter content on the web service page and send

same for content update, you just paste it on wordpress from their word files or whatever, maybe shop and add/recrop a bunch of images from free images databases

>one time few hundreds or even 1k for a custom wp install
>took you 30mn
>regular billing of random shit depending on their budget and desire for stuff like newsletters, homepage update etc
>regular billing every year to renew your service and maintain everything or let it die and move on to a better client

you can easily convince two boomer a month they need a $500 wordpress install and then bill random easy to do stuff for a year

>> No.14889912

Join military, get fat and get sleep apnea (verified by sleep study), attempt suicide and get sent to the nuthouse, and start complaining to the pcm about backpain. Leave the service and try to get 100% VA disability. That's $3.4k bennies plus free healthcare and other benefits!!

>> No.14890041

how to:
>create an account on a web hosting
>get domain and hosting for a client
>hit auto install wordpress
>configure the wp theme, name, add some content from the client
>pay yourself the $30 or so for a year of service
>bill the client 500 to 1k

>use newsletter services like madmimi, create an account and ask the client to gather some email address for their newsletter or put a form on the wp to gather emails
>paste the email list in the mail service, pick a theme and format it a bit, hit send
>bill the client monthly for newsletter sending

>ask the client to mail you some word files or whatever with content they want on the website
>paste on wordpress and bill them

with one or two install a month (1h work total)
you can easily make one k, actively hunt for boomers wanting a website and a webmaster for updating it's content every few weeks or so and you can make a crazy amount of money without typing a line of code

>use automated wp install on host plateforms
>use automated photoshop actions for cropping editing their images
>use automated mailing websites for newsletters
>use free themes you barely tweak and scripts you copy paste for the design and look
>copy paste their content into wp and the newsletter and hit upload/send

literally doing nothing but providing a service and keep them happy

>> No.14890106

keked loudly

>> No.14890166

doing this will allow you to work approx one day/month and keep approx 5/6 clients and websites active on your hosting account
making 1-3k/month

also nothing keeps you from working more on a project you like doing some proper scripting, css customisation or even coding a static from scratch
or doing some additional print work like business cards, posters and flyers, custom logos etc

and don't forget to also be the guy they calls when whatever goes wrong with their printer, os, phone etc so you can bill them some more for additional computer installation or basic repair, backuping, conselling on hardware to buy etc

meanwhile some code monkey is pissing code like a pajeet 8h a day on some startup slaving for his boss and making the same amount of money you make in a day

>> No.14890189

What about mobsters putting me out of business like in the Sopranos

>> No.14890218
File: 35 KB, 474x296, joining was never easier.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14890245


Leave your humanity behind, teach yourself how to animate, start making furry porn animations and comics. Open a patreon. Enjoy your dirty, soul-crushing waterfall of money

>> No.14890268

Stable way- the stock market (if you know what you r doin ) and real estate.
Unstable way- crypto.

>> No.14890326


I should also mention: the more fucked up shit you're willing to create that other artists won't, the faster the money will come. You'll hate yourself and won't ever truly be able to spend away the shame, but results are results

>> No.14890373

double checked, kek approves. Getting a edge gateway is unironically a smart move if you have the cash for the stake. You can basically stop working as soon as you have a stargate. Infinite neetdom achieved.

>> No.14890645

Making niche websites and monetizing them. It would take a long time and many websites to reach $1000 dollars monthly but it's a nice method if you're willing to spend time on it in the beginning, and they just keep generating money. There are also many other similar methods, maybe check out Blackhatworld for inspiration.

>> No.14891075


OP if you are a poor 20-something, put a good 5-6 years into a career with upward mobility. This is to get some surplus income. You really have to start here if you are just the average joe. I'm assuming you are white.

take my meager example. Was 26, no bachelors degree, waiting tables. Fuck this.

Put 6 years in tech support (hard wagecuckery) rose to manager, got a job at fortune 500 company managing their call center 70k salary.

Now I have excess income to begin the next phase, which is work towards that passive income to escape perpetual servitude. See ideas already posted above, I'm currently trying my hand at some of this crypto shit. Not sure if it will work but the point is it's a shot.

Don't do anything stupid in the mean time like impregnate some dumb bitch because she will force you into wage slavery the rest of your life and probably leave you anyway, this incidentally is how to get passive income if you are a female.

Mine is by no means best example, but it's a baseline any retard can do if you really can't figure another way to get started.

>> No.14891289

That’s 360k/year. Even with modest investments you will be broke in 3 years. Perhaps consider uglier prostitutes.

>> No.14891331

I'll vote for him. If he can't save us, no one can.

>> No.14891336

It always cracks me up when anons do detailed math on absolute shitcoins. How are those OMG returns doing for you? Kek

>> No.14891342

How are you supposed to know which companies hand out dividends?

>> No.14891348
File: 216 KB, 2527x1440, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a massive faggot.

Never gonna make it.

>> No.14891356

I'm actually earning a lot more per month on my edge founding node than in those docs, as are most other FN holders. If anything, those earning numbers are even too low.

>> No.14891552

Create an online course and market it yourself. It takes time up front, but then you can sell the same course repeatedly, to different people, and effectively make passive income then.

>> No.14892460

I bought stellar Lumens at a super low and it blew my roof. It's all about watching the market and knowing where the low dip is and where the high dip will end. I turned $10 into $18. %80 turn over. And, I did it with other cryptos and my returns weren't as good. XRP and Bitcoin gold a linked. So, Bitcoin Gold lows are going to push XRP high because investors have to use it to buy BitCoin Gold... if you figure out how that trend works you flip flop the money around that.

>> No.14892828

>it would take a long time and many websites to reach $1000 dollars monthly

Holy shit, this board has gone to hell.

Blackhatworld is shit. If you have a decent SEO knowledge you can make it.

I've a single blog with roughly 30 posts up and at the 12 month mark it's making me $1500/mo.

Tho whole 12th month I was doing nothing but playing video games and scratching my balls.

Or you know...

>be a stupid shithead and buy property


>> No.14892845


Anon.. I... just, what?

>> No.14893132

5k monthly is all I need. Uh yeah I'm edging uh yeah give me those gains dadi...

>> No.14893218

i make $1000 per month passive income.. require s less than 15 minutes work per day..

i made millions in 2017 so 1k p/m is fucking peanuts and 15 mins is a lot of time to waste as a rich guy who can spend that time fucking hoot girls instead. i use that income to 100x leverage trade on bitmax for fun

>> No.14893271

>buy cardano
>sratr staking cardano when shelly releases later this year
>3-5% staking rewards is the estimated average return
>completely passive and very easy
>Incentives in the context of a cryptocurrency are ways of encouraging people to participate in the protocol, follow it faithfully, and behave in a way that is in the best interests of other users and the system
>Participating in the Cardano protocol incurs far less computational costs than participating in Bitcoin. Nevertheless, having slot leaders online when it is their turn to create a block or to participate in the election process is important for both the security and efficiency of the protocol.
>When we talk about incentives, we mean monetary incentives in the form of Ada. In exchange for participating in the protocol and supporting the efficient operation of the system, stakeholders get rewarded by a certain amount of Ada.
>However, there are other types of incentives as well: factors such as idealism or morality or the general desire to “do the right thing”.
>The aim is that monetary and moral incentives should align perfectly. However, this ideal is not always achieved.

>> No.14893297

how did you get people to visit your blog? how do you monetize it?

where do you find clients? tbqh most companies have websites these days

>> No.14893298

tell us how or stop bragging fag

>> No.14893326

Can you at least tell us where you hosted your blog?

>> No.14893352

There was a thread on /lit/ awhile back where some guys talked about writing erotic novels and selling them as ebooks for 99¢ on Amazon. They claimed to sell a few thousand a month. After some research, turns out erotic novels purchased by women are the single highest selling category by volume on Amazon kindle. Worth considering for sure.

>> No.14893379

Literally a simple question

>> No.14893521

literally google it

>> No.14893593

Buy a sports betting website. The one I own makes about 5K a month and I pay Costa Ricans 75 cents an hour to run it for me. If you're morally ok with profiting off gambling addicts and can pay out the occasional "losing week" it's the way to go.

>> No.14893799

>where do you find clients?
boomers are everywhere, lazy mode is parents friends and network
less lazy mode is random people you know from this generation, friends parents etc
active mode is actually showing up in shops or at random boomer events and advertise yourself casually, the punchline is "don't you think this project deserve a proper website/online presence/visibilty on the internet etc"
boomers are very faithful and reliable clients because they have money and are habbits creatures, once you have them used to thinking about you for every "computer and internet" related issues, they contact you and recomend you to their friends
also women can be good target, even if they tend to be poorer/less impressed by technology/more prone to stop the collaboration and keep their money
best target possible is some older lady managing the money for some association of rich boomers, like some arts shit, or intelectual shit, if she sees you like a son figure and spoil you signing checks from the group money, it can last for a long time and everybody else involved forgot about it, but you're still getting paid for basically almost no work, after a while it's more about being there and them finding confort in the possibility of getting a young and nice tech savy guy dealing with their problem when they occurs. like opening an attachement or copying something
we underestimate how technologically inept the boomers are
once i spent about 3h on the phone with some dude trying to unzip a file he got in his mail box

>> No.14893926
File: 49 KB, 640x640, FB3F4D8C-FCF2-4413-9E22-25089667C70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join Military
>Report every single injury
>Get out
>Follow up on those claims at the VA
>Get 3k a month, tax free for the rest of you life
It isn’t hard.

>> No.14894006

again, the really ideal situation is when the money is collective and abundant, boomers tends to live at the surface of things, like women, not knowing what happen in the backstage and not wanting to know about it or learn, what they want is someone doing stuff for them because they consider paying someone else and not learning/bothering a social status things aka i buy the ability to not give a shit about something
this give a desire for the "idea" of things rather than paying attention to what's underneath or how things works
typically, a website is an idea and like a new bathroom, they don't care if it's durable, well crafted or if the wiring have been done properly
all they see is a new toy to impress their friends with
you can be this toy and get paid for it, the "tech savy young dude" at ease with everything computer related who formerly worked for companies currently have some time etc
and like with every boomer things, the actual amount of work or quality is irrelevant, it's about shaking hands and feelings, feeling they can trust you and rely on you for this "magical" computer stuff (even if everything they think they need is one google search away, free, or would take 15mn of learning with a tutorial)

>> No.14894091

Rental property. Live in it and rent rooms to 3 other dudes for $350 each. They'll pay your mortgage.

>> No.14894455

Just start up a blog bro

>> No.14894546

4% rule
$12k * 25 = $300k to get $1000 a month (before taxes)

>> No.14894558


>> No.14894559

Buy pinball machines, restore them, lease them out to shitty barcades and what not

>> No.14894703

write erotica for horny middle aged women, or train a neural net to do it for you.

>> No.14894929

Stake a shit ton of currency on proof of stake cryptos.

>> No.14895010

thanks anon

>> No.14895211

At the same time the value of the USD will also be inflating at nearly the same rate so this is a completely stupid idea. If you want higher returns invest in the stock market where you can reliably get 6-10%.

>> No.14895335
File: 84 KB, 700x714, 1531637502474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why isn't everything given to me waaaaah
>video games LIED to me!
Find a way to kill yourself that doesn't destroy property.

>> No.14895372

No because if you didn't waste so much time and or money, like chasing get rich quick schemes, you'd have nearly 7 figures by 40. The idea is to start waging early do your 20 years with your head down and then make it.

>> No.14895616

What about flipping websites?

Or buying websites and just holding them until the revenue from them pays off your investment, and then the revenue going forward is just pure profit

>> No.14896225

>buying websites and just holding them until the revenue from them pays off your investment, and then the revenue going forward is just pure profit
then nobody would be selling the website dumbass

>> No.14896325

Start a business. It won't be passive until years later, you will work harder longer than 40 hour weeks for a long time so make sure it's something you're interested in.
There's your answer. You may not like it but that's what peak performance looks like.

>> No.14896986

Somebody is making a living off doing 12 cent/hour gigs.

>> No.14896997

Hi, Carlisle.


>> No.14897034

by contracting you mean 6C0X1? or you got contracted?

>> No.14897081

>nuy 840 linkies
>ait a year
>you now have 840k
>sell and put in account
>1k a month for 70 years

>> No.14897148

>my blog makes more than zero dollars a month
I don't fucking believe you. Post a link.

>> No.14897198


Look up a stock on a site like Yahoo Finance, for example Microsoft (Stock symbol MFST). It will show on the summary page a dividend yield, in this case 1.35%. This means that they pay a dividend equal to about 1.35% of the stock price each year.

>> No.14897263


>> No.14897369

Eth staking

>> No.14897512


>> No.14897539

Buy property in Ukraine and rent it out to hohols

>> No.14897549

Buy NEXT, get best returns ever

>> No.14897839

That's not entirely true.

Maybe someone no longer wants to put in the work it requires to run the website, and instead just wants to sell it off for a nice pay day.

People do sell profitable business sometimes you know. For a variety of reasons

>> No.14897963
File: 9 KB, 447x349, 5DF6605A-6959-4F20-9341-B8F955F7DA64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14897981

Based and capitalismpilled

>> No.14898200
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1563388663634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSA civilian contractor
>going to Iraq
Hi, Bill

>> No.14898593


>> No.14899076


>> No.14899091
File: 1.82 MB, 1084x1180, 1558632273006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell otm options, hedge.

>> No.14899282

kek this

>> No.14899306

Post such as this are annoying. Open the door, come out of your hermit shell. The money is all around you

>> No.14899337

delete this

>> No.14899415

1,000,000$ deposited at 1.2% interest a year

>> No.14899433

win the lotto and buy a shitton of stock with good dividends

>> No.14899454

Unironically, Amazon Flex delivery driver.

>> No.14899466

I only say this due to the fact that it requires barely any physical output at all.

>> No.14899701

$1mil in a good savings account or like $500k in stocks

>> No.14899713

>there's always that faggot who says join the military

>> No.14899834


>> No.14899860
File: 272 KB, 680x636, 1562470438538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just asked for 1k income, didnt mention expenses

>> No.14899945
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, OSmaxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14900009


I waged slaved for 20 years and ended up investing my money

because of this I became a sort of an outcast, my friends blew it on the brand new phones,brand clothes,partying, and luxury vacations

now they resent me somewhat because i'm not struggling as much as they are

if life thought me anything is that 90 percent of people suck ass with money

>> No.14900040

Cute duck

>> No.14900168

If in the EU try get a forestry grant. Sell timber down the line. Eventually you'll make money

>> No.14900325

is it web based?

>> No.14900370
File: 58 KB, 995x373, 0*Ui-M2rFPNfWFHIuc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dividend stocks, or else raising a herd of ostriches. One female ostrich yields one egg per week at $40 per fresh egg. 10 females will yield you well over $1000 per month after deducting for feed. Or you can raise the chicks which sell for thousands after a few months.

>> No.14900400

So assuming you've got a fair bit of money (say $5m), what should you invest it in for maximum passive income while still staying safe against inflation or stock market crashes?

Dividend stocks only pay a few times a year and real estate gets relatively low returns. Should I put the money into a managed fund that aims to pay out every month? Should I just aim for capital gains and then slowly sell it for income?

>> No.14900478

Working for a few years and saving about $100k. Then put that money in a savings account and collect the interests.

>> No.14900514

That much money would need to be split between REIT's, Life insurance, div paying stocks. Whole life insurance pays more than stocks usually but allows special tax exemptions in the US

>> No.14900534

Why life insurance? I don't plan to die.
And what's the advantage to REITs over actually owning and renting real estate?

>> No.14900540

Think youre off by a decimal place buddy.

>> No.14900563

dividend of at&t is 6% annually. 200k would pay out 12k dividends.

>> No.14900678


>> No.14900691

Whole life insurance can be cashed out and used for tax advantaged loans

>> No.14900702

Real estate and e-commerce. That's it. With more, you can live off of apr interest, but you would need like 300k+. Really, the first 2 I said are better. Apr stuff will give you like what.. 7% a year? Garbage.

>> No.14900817


>> No.14900846

Literally UND. Have you not heard? You didn't read the whitepaper?

>> No.14900941

You should go all in Safex Token and retire in a year.

>> No.14901225

Suck 1000 passive dicks for $1 each, passively.

>> No.14901428

There's no way you actually think that would fool a single person. Death is the only answer to the tranny question.

>> No.14901611

You can do it with stocks and 10 k. The secret is to only buy stocks that go up and buy low sell high. The rest is common sense. Trust me you can get rich doing this or selling premium on options. I haven't seen anyone mention that.

>> No.14901618

What country do you live?

>> No.14901684

>do these do porn?

You philistine.

>> No.14901699

That's 1K a month in passive income.

>> No.14901703

selling options seem so dangerous tho

>> No.14901712

it is

>> No.14901721

so this is why elites are flooding us with millions of central americans

>> No.14901792

make kids. find a woman and make lots of babies. feed them and keep them alive and in about 12 years they will be able to do work for you for free

>> No.14901817

what if you already have sleep apnea

>> No.14901828

>how did you get people to visit your blog? how do you monetize it?

I get the traffic from Google, through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I monetize through affiliate marketing and ads.

>how did you get people to visit your blog? how do you monetize it?

Hosting has nothing to do with it, honestly. Just make sure you're not on BlueHost or any of those shit tier shared hosting providers. Go for VPS.

>I don't fucking believe you. Post a link.

No one in their right mind would create more direct competition for themselves. There are people that make 5 figures a month with blogging. Just google some "blogging income reports" for more info.
Mine is just baby steps so far, and that's because I have a 9-5 job + some mental health shit to deal with. I could be at least twice as productive.

>> No.14901898

what do you use for blog host. wordpress? im not good at webdev unfortunately so would need cookie cutter sites with everything in a GUI for building

>> No.14901983

got any links or sources that you found best for learning about SEO? like how to do it? i know basic stuff like putting keywords in the header or title of page with HTML but thats where my knowledge ends

>> No.14902058

Mark zuckerberg definitely works hard. He's an immoral civilization destroying jew but he's industrious about it.

>> No.14902128

Get multiple low paying work at home jobs and outsource each one of them

>> No.14902190

I own one rental property. Bought for 160k, rents for 1250. My prop tax is 600 a year. I have no mortgage and it's all profit. Real estate is the least complicated way to go. Still some minor work though. I'll buy another this year. Another in 2 years, then sell my house and buy 2 more and be retired. 10 year plan.

>> No.14902247


Wordpress is the CMS (content management system). Yes, my website is on wordpress. It's super easy to set up.

>get a cool looking free theme with good reviews

>> No.14902273


Sure, look up Income School on YouTube.

They'll try to sell a course, but the free info in their videos is more than enough. Watch as much of their content as possible.

The videos from the last 3 months are more generic, but their older content is good.

Also "lazy ass stoner" on YouTube. This guy also provides some quality info.

Aaaaand bonus: look up the juststart subleddit

>> No.14902385

If blackhatworld is shitty forum for SEO then which one is good? Don't tell us it's reddit... Real making money people must hang out somewhere else. Perhaps some private paid forums?


>> No.14902405

just be pewdiepie bro

>> No.14902507


See, this mindset will drag you backwards.

I hang out here, I hang out there. I enjoy communities for their respective value.

JustStart has tons of valuable information if you want to learn something about making passive income websites.


This forum will teach you how to churn and burn websites and as soon as Google's algo update comes rolling, your site will be dead.

They preach linkbuilding ferociously, and though it helps it's nowhere near as important as they sell it to be.

It's just selling backlinks is still a moneymaker on its own... But nothing more.

For the record: I did not build a single link to my website. I have also never done blackhat SEO and have success in some pretty competitive niches.

>> No.14902667

> just google some "people trying to sell you bs ways to MaKe MoNeY OnLiNe 4 SiNgLe MoM$!"

>> No.14902750

This is flying way below biz's radar. Lets keep it that way and not talk about it here please.. at least until I have finished accumulating enough for a stargate. Thanks.

>> No.14902792


>they will try to sell you shit, but this does not mean they're not making bank.

I would not mention them as I'm obv not advertising anything here. But I understand your skepticism.

>> No.14902838

Back to leftypol you faggot

>> No.14903617


>> No.14904130

wow great advice. why not just say work hard and persevere? follow that and you'll succeed!

way to generalize with such sage advice. i'll surely be a millionaire now.

>> No.14904184

Buy 9708 XBC
At today's price that would be 60k
20% annual return gives you 12k
1k monthly
Don't you love proof of stake?

You're welcome.

>> No.14904529
