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14878569 No.14878569 [Reply] [Original]

How can you all obsesses about making money when their is starving children in Africa, trash in the ocean, and the ice caps are melting?

>> No.14878584

How can you obsess about terrorist incels when you're not sucking my dick?

>> No.14878631

how can you bosess about starving children in Africa, trash in the ocean, and that the ice caps are melting when you have zero

you retard

>> No.14878654

I heard biz was gonna start turning plastic into oil for profit, so you can check that one off your list of things to worry about.

>> No.14878657

>need money for food
>need money for awareness advertising and clean up crews
>need money to move society off of fossil fuels

That's why. You should probably shower more often

>> No.14878672

some of us have a realization that in order to allow our ideas and views to actualize in this world - we would require a large, large, LARGE amount of capital to do so.

Not saying I'm a good person or anything - but if the money I feel would be enough in order to tackle all these issues was obtained - around 100-500 Billion - better things could be done.

The reason that amount is so high is based on the fact in order to create these ideas into companies, you need capital. But if you don't manage it properly and keep reducing your buying power by funding these companies - you'll lose your key to the possibility to continue and be sustainable. If money could - off compound interest - multiply itself to compensate for the spending - you'll never have to worry about whether you have to close up shop and call it a life because your well dried up.

That's my outlook.

>> No.14878695

Woah....for a moment I thought I was on HN

>> No.14878711


>> No.14878712

The thought of starving noglets in Africa torments me—specifically the thought that they aren’t starving fast enough **dabs**

>> No.14878738

>How can you obsess about terrorist incels when you're not sucking my dick?
it's the same logic lol

>> No.14878753

I know a bitch like that who went to Africa and shit.

She was very fuckable, but she'd ALWAYS say she'd never have white children and she'd rather adopt a black kid because there are too many people on earth... so i lost interest.

Meet her years later, she actually has had kids with some white liberal...

My point is, liberal women are like buying crypto at the bottom, because once they lose their ideology, then they pump out white kids.

>> No.14878767

>starving children! oh no, let's feed then
>....25 years....
>africa projected to top out at 4 billion people, almost none of the counties have food security

Congrats, you've created more starving children

>> No.14878770
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>> No.14878798

Wh**te wo**n aren’t worth the trouble. They’re like promising shitcoins—sure, it could work out if you’re lucky, but why not just go for the guaranteed value (Asian women/Bitcoin)

>> No.14878841

Honestly I want to make more money so that I can donate it to charity. I have a goal of donating at the very least $100k in my life, but if things go well in investing and business I will go a lot higher.

>> No.14878861

Like a 93 year old man once told me
"Broke people can't do anything."

>> No.14878903

holy shit dude, have you ever even met an asian woman? they are bitter as fuck as super demanding.

>> No.14878926

not like theres a shortage of ice caps

>> No.14878975


>> No.14878981

sounds like you already donated to the biz charity of link

>> No.14879040
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because the homo sapiens is a disgusting cancer only interested in spreading (evolution at its finest). add to this that psychopaths flourish in capitalism because they are literally incapable of compassion and therefor are great to generate more money through the suffering/exploitation of others.
basically we are doomed to live in the worst shithole imaginable and it will only get worse

>> No.14879086


how can you all obsess about chasing likes and hearts when there is kidnapped kids by the elite, dumped in the ocean, pineal glands from penguins?

>> No.14879099

not all of us care about that shit

likes and hearts? I don't use facebook or instagram - not even snapchat. Normie tier shit.

>> No.14879148


>> No.14879190
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Don't care lol. 95% world depopulation when.

>> No.14879590
File: 270 KB, 971x1302, 6CF0181E-AC32-4D8F-8D42-EC79F6B446C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism bad!

kys r*tard

>> No.14879730

you reading comprehension is garbage

>> No.14879754

I'm confused, has this XX or XY Chromosomes

>> No.14879781

You need a shit ton of money to solve those problems. Also only 2 of those are problems and 1 might not be solvable even. Ocean trashing most important and africans least important.

>> No.14879839
File: 523 KB, 2080x1456, klima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but 1 seems not to be a problem, the ocean cleaning will be a big effort, and ebola hopefully take care of the third

>> No.14879842
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Who cares?

>> No.14879850

>How can you all obsesses about making money when their is starving children in Africa, trash in the ocean, and the ice caps are melting?
only people with money could solve any of those problems.

>> No.14879860

Someone else's problem, not mine

>> No.14879864

that's Kristen Schaal, you moron

>> No.14879879

None of that shit affects me. Making money does

>> No.14879913

she totally fooled me.

>> No.14879920

What is a Kristen Schaal. A Schaal keeps you warm in Winter as additional clothing. As Surename I'm smelling (((them)))
Seriously get some culture

>> No.14879966

>starving children in Arfrica

Fuck I have been hearing this shit for three decades now. How about you stop feeding them so the exponential growth curve stops?

>> No.14879973

We need to organize resources and reduce corruption using public trustless ledgers to save the melting african trash children.

>> No.14879995

about the starving kids. Just stop making then you can feed.

>> No.14880014

Send more food to Africa so no one buy food from local farmers and no one have work.

>> No.14880297
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Because I care about myself more than I care about starving children in Africa, and I don't feel bad about it at all.

>> No.14880345
File: 44 KB, 555x475, 1563157634529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown Id

>> No.14880627

>their is starving children in Africa
Pretty sure starvation, at least the rate of it, is at all-time low
>trash in the ocean
some norvegian boy is onto solving that, also it's a very modern problem and requires modern solution, some eneering/science gizmo instead of hoping that tons of people would suddenly share your values without being pressed into it (even though again a lot of people are trying to do better)
>the ice caps are melting
as far as my limited knowledge goes, debatable: we don't have historic records about temperature fluctuation that is long enough to precisely evaluate that right now things are at all-time low and it's humanity's fault and even then it's non-asia humanity's fault. Also, and this seems too brainlet to be true but also plausible, even if ice melts won't mass stay the same and with taht there won't be "more ocean" to engulf everything?

Overall though the savior complex comes from too good of a life where you are not struggling to scrape by, I'm not there and even if i was casually removing yourself from a genepool doesn't seem like something sensible. I will do my best to keep the planet system going but I also believe that it is here for me so I will use it to somewhat reasonable degree.

So there, tons of modern problems that are getting modern solutions and also there can be an argument that "you can influence stuff more from a higher position so i will do more good with more money" which may be true.

>> No.14880714


I don't give shit about niggers. Trash in the oceans is all due to pajeets being sub-humans and ice caps melting is a meme.

>> No.14880816

>some norvegian boy is onto solving that, also it's a very modern problem and requires modern solution, some eneering/science gizmo instead of hoping that tons of people would suddenly share your values without being pressed into it (even though again a lot of people are trying to do better)
The lion's share of the problem could only actually be solved if the Chinese could just be pressed into cracking down on all of the plastic-dumping that they let their businesses do, honestly. That's where literally more than 90% of the shit is coming from. Cleaning up what's already out there is important, but we'll always be playing catch-up until we force those dirty chinkerchonkers to get their act together.

>> No.14880889

>because the homo sapiens is a disgusting cancer only interested in spreading

Then why does every western country have birth rates lower than 2.1? Fucking retard.

>> No.14881033

African children will breed like rats the second you feed them, making more hungry mouths to feed. Fuck them.

I am concerned about all the plastic in the ocean though. Wish i could do more for that.

>> No.14881205

I love this community and its values

>> No.14881677

90% of the plastic in the ocean comes from 10 rivers. 2 are in africa, the rest in asia.

more third-worlders starving is unironically the solution to the plastic problem.

>> No.14881934

Capitalism and the free market is one of the only things that are truly fair in this world. Not being able to realize that must be painful

>> No.14881956

Jesus, fuck you both.

>> No.14882004
File: 314 KB, 1081x995, 1563488450628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW CAN YOU OBSESS ABOUT PEE PEE WHEN THEY'RE (THERE ARE) POO POO shut the fuck up gay little bitch.

>> No.14882048

Cause I don't give a shit.
If I could make them starve more to increase my stack I would

>> No.14882076

Look at this. This is your brain on nazism. They always claim to want to help people and that Hitler did nothing wrong he was actually fighting for a better world but when the chips are down. THEY WOULD KILL CHILDREN FOR FINANCIAL GAIN.

>> No.14882663

Please fucking go work at McDonald's you beta cuck

>> No.14882716


>> No.14882748 [DELETED] 

The ice caps are expanding you stupid fucking idiot faggot fuck faggot fucking fuck. Nigger

>> No.14882926

>They always claim to want to help people

Yes they want. To help their own people. Fuck you (((kike)))

>> No.14883903

Miss Hippy Chick I care about starving africans which is why I will use my wealth to engineer unstoppable viruses to kill 99% of them so the remaining have enough to eat. I care as much as you do.

>> No.14883974

The sooner some of us figure out how to survive without the planet the better. Billions will die

>> No.14884032

Why? Genuinely don't understand.

>> No.14884599

I dont care about starving niggers. But im all up for protecting the enviroment.

>> No.14884620


>> No.14884625

need money to live

>> No.14884675


>> No.14884707

I see this kind of profound ignorance all the time.

>durr this company spent 6 million dollars spreading awareness of starvation in africa but couldn't just feed the starving people!1

It's hard to feed like 200 million food insecure people with 6 million dollars you stupid fucking idiot. There's a reason companies spend so much money on advertising and building brand awareness.

>> No.14885150


Fucking shithole

>> No.14885991

Imagine the smell

>> No.14886009

Excluding the natural resources there is really nothing of value in Africa. There's just niggers and ebola.

>> No.14886264

all we have to do is love each other

>> No.14886268

Remember Kids:
to melt 1 kg of ice the same amount of energy is need as for heating up the same kg from 0 to 82 celsius

>> No.14886310

These points are best used to counter other normie opinions. For example, when someone tells me they dont drink out of water bottles because of BPA's and fluoride I tell them tons of africans died last year from not having water at all.

>> No.14886335

But you are the normie.

>> No.14887462
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Homo homini lupus est. The sooner you realize this, the better. The whole roman empire was based on this principle, political ideologies are irrelevant.
And then we have retards like this guy to profit from @lmaoing your lyfe

>> No.14888524

Takes money to fix all those problems, bitch
Now go wash your hair stank ass hoe

>> No.14888634


>African children are starving because africans cant create society

>95% of trash in oceans comes from five rivers: (nile yellow indus ganges and mekong)

>Antarctic ice volume increased over the last 50 years, arctic up 50% from 2012 low.

>> No.14888666

good laugh OP

>> No.14888674


>> No.14888754
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I make money so in the future i will be able to open a charity entity to help poor white children and white children who are sons of single mothers, ṕreventing then from getting raped by fathers-in-law. Single mothers usually have a lot of short relationships so it's quite common for at least 1 of them to be a child rapist

>> No.14888788

Those things (some) are what makes me want to have money. Do you think kikes will ever starve or die from natural disasters? If I help those people for free the probability I'm fucked increases