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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14874881 No.14874881 [Reply] [Original]

The anime industry just had the biggest tragedy ever to happen, perhaps just second to the Japan bubble pop, I've heard that animation studios have of course investors to please and it seems to me that this could be a time to invest, how can I find the company that owns Kyoto Animation or other studios on the stock market?

>> No.14874899

God i hope they all burned slowly and lots of art they had prepared is lost forever. Cringe anime is pathetic and weebs deserve pain.

>> No.14874933

Even successful anime studios make shit profit. Most operate at a loss. I don't think any are publicly traded anyway. Terrible investment.

You seem to have made a mistake. This is 4channel not reddit

>> No.14874972

>This is 4channel
muh 4chan culture
Fuck off, degenerate.

>> No.14875015
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I remember reading thet the companies owning animation studios where doing amazingly while the animators starved, they pay them fuck all so they can easily recuperate the investment and please investors, and now that the animation industry just took a gigantic hit I think this would be the great time to invest

>> No.14875034

You could also try going back to /pol/, they're very accepting of redditors and newfags like yourself. They might even be impressed by your 4 digit portfolio

>> No.14875045

Just admitted of being a Redditor holy shit you are a retard

>> No.14875072

let's do it /biz/
let's save the animes

>> No.14875088

>God, I just can't stop sucking cocks and jerking off to drawings of women made by gooks!
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14875107

anime is for weak escapist faggots. Move to japan already and stop living in fantasy land

>> No.14875112

My big fat R*ddit cock must scare you, shrinklet.

>> No.14875138

Why is this our thing again? I thought we just loose money?

>> No.14875212

because anime has real 2d girls backing it
this stuff is just backed by thin air, donny said it himself

>> No.14875250
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That 2D>3D faggot

>> No.14875259

Anime is great. It repels normalshits and newfags like yourself. When I think about how many people like you have been scared off this website permanently by a naked cartoon child, it makes me want to jerk off again and again.

>> No.14875260

> "reeeee /pol/!"
You know where to go back to with your onions tears abouy cartoon artists.

>> No.14875291

Uh oh drumphy needs his safe space. This is an anime website, I'm exactly where I should be.

>> No.14875320

fucking BASED

>> No.14875323

Not an anime board and really showing your reddit status with drumpf. Really visualize your coveted artists scared in a corner as the fire surrounds them then begins to catch on them as they scream horrifically. All the planned art vaporized away.

>> No.14875413
File: 41 KB, 400x536, deruntermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It most certainly fucking isn't, and this exact shit is why you're a fucking loser who's gonna get the rope.
I'll kidnap and rape every single member of your family in order from oldest to youngest, I'll then pin them down to a dentist's chair and cut their back open, proceeding to bend each one of their ribs back towards the ceiling, all while they're awake and placed on life support to extend the suffering. Their screams will be recorded and played during the procedure for the next one. I'll then hang your little angels all over the forest outside my cabin, like decorations that are always watching me. I'll save you for last, and you'll have to listen to the compounded recordings of your family members' bloodcurdling screams.
I'm sure you'll look forward to that.

>> No.14875458

That is that gayest shit I've ever read in my life friend

>> No.14875468

Link to news on why the industri took a hit? Haven't heard about this

>> No.14875483

The blood eagle is hardly gay, you poor little naive thing. You may wish to watch your back for the next couple of weeks.

>> No.14875560
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>you may want to make an effort to associate anything bad that happens to you to a fucking basement dwelling scrawny white kid on 4channel
>because you're as mid-functioning autistic as me and you look for any dots to connect to find some meaning in your vapid life

>> No.14875572

The absolute state of /pol/fags. You are a true fedora tipper

>> No.14875588

>You are a true fedora tipper
>"When I think about how many people like you have been scared off this website permanently by a naked cartoon child, it makes me want to jerk off again and again."
>You are a true fedora tipper
>You are
I despise people like you, hatred with a violent passion.
I'm not saying all of this shit for shock value.
I will make you suffer for your broken genetics.

>> No.14875602
File: 1.68 MB, 1080x1920, 1318939438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I listen to the 21st century nazi with his degenerate tattoos, or stick to my pure (but still erotic) virgin 2d girls who are emotionally appealing and will never leave their physical prime... Mhm... Tough choice, Anon. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to lick and kiss my screen for 5 minutes and frantically rub over this image with my thumbs... (realistic 2d VR robots when?)

>> No.14875635
File: 309 KB, 350x622, 1318939438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why the image scaled up this much.

>> No.14875636

Imagine becoming a murderous edgelord because of some cartoons lmao

>> No.14875670
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I don't have to. Be scared, be afraid, you pedophile scum of the Earth.

>> No.14875672

imagine fapping to childish cartoons, truly sad existence

>> No.14875691
File: 2.04 MB, 480x480, 8EDB3CC41BC64889B9E417FF521B43DE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentralized oracles are the first step to making anime real. That's what Sergey told me anyway

>> No.14876458
File: 342 KB, 450x550, 1563396101450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derr derrrr cringe cringe zoomer zoomer u are cringe durrr