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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14871770 No.14871770 [Reply] [Original]

>go back
no, go forward
Plebbit has much more crypto content these days than /biz/.

>> No.14871775


/Biz/ Has better memes

>> No.14871793

/biz/ would actually be good if it didn't have so much shilling, the threads about making money and talking about life are funny. And rebbit always buys higher than /biz/

>> No.14871826


>> No.14871886

I don't like that mascot. Far too childish.

>> No.14871899

reddit is for groupthink faggot children

>> No.14871903

It has more content, but less quality. If you want to hold bags together with wagies, go ahead.

>> No.14872083

I'd rather hold bags with wagies then with autistic neets in moms basement. At least wagies can dollar cost average and pump my bags.

>> No.14872124


at least here i can call you people niggers and say that the mods are retarded, i would get banned for that on reddit in 5 minutes, it's just an extreme example but expressing opinions opposite to reddit's on reddit may bite you back on your ass, everyone can see your comment history and you may even possibly get doxxed, we're all anonymous and that's good, that's the basis of pure free speech

>> No.14872134

Yeah the only bad thing on 4chan is spam but that's kind of hard to avoid when so many normies browse and the jannies don't get paid

>> No.14872137

then go back and dont return

>> No.14872170
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Force stinky linkies into their own general (none of them talk about the technology except nulinkers)
Filter "pi" and "minepi"
Gas all frog posters

Would improve this board vastly overnight.

>> No.14872190

Biz has made me $100k while I would sit on like 5k now if I gave a crap about sentiment on plebbit. As I said, go ahead.