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File: 1.10 MB, 4608x3456, 1546058834420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14860561 No.14860561 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you moved into a van yet /biz/?

>> No.14860575

I'm not gay

>> No.14860599

same thread yesterday. enjoy shitting in your car. fuck off nigger

>> No.14860643

Im buying a Winnebago Boldt 4x4 soon as i mek eet

>> No.14860659

Living with your girlfriend > Living at home > Living in your office > Living in a van

>> No.14860928
File: 135 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 18-07-2019 à 21.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living in a haunted house rent free

>> No.14861085
File: 2.52 MB, 512x640, hurryupwagie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After im gonna make myself some money im gonna buy a van . Living the comfy life somewhere in the city mountains or on some beach somewhere .

>> No.14861128

lmao wagies are like cattle

>> No.14861209

>hot as fuck all day
>have to sit in the library like a hobo

>> No.14861262

Because I enjoy having sex with women, you disgusting lot lizard.

>> No.14861600

Even cattles have better conditions cause of animal rights activists .

>> No.14861629

>living like an ultra poorfag
>individual bottled water

>> No.14861633

I keep getting suggested van videos. I own a house so I don't know whats going on. Why are people living in vans all of a sudden?

>> No.14861649


>> No.14862057

i keep telling jewtube i don't want to see that trash and they never care to use my feedback for suggestions
fucking propaganda machine

>> No.14862125

is this real? looks like a comedy movie scene.

>> No.14862134
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically move into a "luxury rv", however the ones I like probably cost more than a house.

>> No.14862143


How is her channel so big with only 2 videos?

>> No.14862151

Kiketube promoting niggers

>> No.14862157

nice job you're a thincel and your bilateral symmetry is fucked because you lift like a moron

>> No.14862336


>> No.14862391

Why the fuck you gotta be such a racist faggot asshole? Fucking kill yourself already .

>> No.14862422

I would literally be cooked alive if I did this, it's too hot and humid for that shit where I live

>> No.14862445
File: 6 KB, 315x160, jewtube-niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck you gotta not ever have an argument and spout communist buzzwords instead? Pic related, lynch yourself nigger.

>> No.14862460

if it had wheels maybe you could move it somewhere else cooler....just a thought.

>> No.14862463

Fuck off faggot
Racism doesn't exist and using the word "nigger" certainly isn't racism. You want real racism? Then look no further than white genocide all over the west. Go the fuck back home you fucking ape

>> No.14862464


>> No.14862476

I need my living space to be bigger than a jail cell

>> No.14862479

You can attach AC to that and run it off a generator, or buy one with big swing open doors, but yea its still hot I had one of those just in the yard as a kid and it didnt make it any better just opening it up, big hot metal box

>> No.14862481

hello 911 yes my house was stolen

>> No.14862482

Because I have a house.

>> No.14862489
File: 1007 KB, 2048x1367, IMG_20190718_172107_235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14862502
File: 104 KB, 1558x376, racism-fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism does exist, its supported by science. Harvard says its foolish and absurd to deny one race is better than another

>> No.14862512

Sending you back to Africa is supported by science too

>> No.14862514
File: 97 KB, 556x720, 1563279321250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no arguments with racists >>14862445
subhumans . I try to argue with you subhumans , its worthless . KILL YOURSELF .

>> No.14862517
File: 198 KB, 1142x896, brain-size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bam. Racial difference quantified, niggers have smaller brains. Tip of the iceberg, I got another showing intelligence is between 50-75% heritable for example.

>> No.14862534
File: 81 KB, 600x377, niggers-race-iq-brain-intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you have an average of below retarded IQ, below 70 in Africa. Only when you mix 30% with whites like American niggers does that rise to 85. Racism is fact, racism is science. Youre just a science denier, the science is settled, nigger.

>> No.14862537

Looks comfy .

>> No.14862546

Looks claustrophobic & boring. I would literally spend my days trying to be anywhere but in there

>> No.14862567

None of you must live up north, good luck surviving in a van when its -30 out

>> No.14862570

imagine the smell

>> No.14862573
File: 726 KB, 450x1035, IQ-Related-To-DNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence is 50-75% heritable, some say higher at 85%. Niggers are dumb because they were born with smaller brains, we know this. There is no debating with racists, youre right, because its not a debate when the facts are already known. Its just one side spreading communist lies because it supports their world view and the other demonstrating them wrong.

>> No.14862595
File: 348 KB, 540x558, 1544238376269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, maximum overcomfy

Playing WoW on that tiny-ass keyboard would be annoying as fuck though

>> No.14862597

i would low one of these to camp and travel in, but living in it is fucking stupid.

>> No.14862599

rome built fuckin colosseum 2000 years ago this guys are still living inside a hut. Let that sink in.

>> No.14862607
File: 46 KB, 500x500, interracial-crime-niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-white scumbags will "defend" this using muh racism accusations

>> No.14862623
File: 420 KB, 584x602, niggers-the-wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers cant even into the wheel, they dont even have aqueducts.

>> No.14862759

>neanderthals having the largest cranial capacity on the list


>> No.14862842

Here we go again, tell me about how if brain size mattered that whales would have achieved space travel now tyrone, they lack a lot of other human DNA and arent the same species, but I guess niggers arent either huh.

>> No.14862959
File: 299 KB, 1000x667, timbuktu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do some research racist, Africans managed to survive in the harshest environment on the planet, the Sahara, they built nice things there like the pyramids or cities like timbuktu and meroe (there are lots of others, the sahara is a mysterious place). You have to visit the central Sahara anon, people there are tougher than the rest of the world combined.

>> No.14863215

the bulk of people living in the sahara are berbers n shit like that, of semitic, not nignog origin

>> No.14863250

because I like shitting in toilets in privacy and I'm willing to pay for it

>> No.14863259

What about all of the big rich African empires like mali and Ghana? Its easy to look at the way it is portrayed now (which isn’t all huts, look at Nairobi or the many other cities) and say oh wow its all shit and they have been living like this forever. But anywhere that is wartorn and and mismanaged for decades or centuries will start to look like a shithole (Afghanistan for a semi recent example). I know that likely nothing will change the mind of this kind of thinkin because it’s more about the fact that they dont look like you and have been used as a scapegoat by powerful people, but if you actually learned about the history of these places you might be more empathetic to people that are just trying to survive. History has showed us that any civilization can fall and people can regress immensely given the right circumstances (colosseum builders). Learning about it probably wont change your mind about the people but it might give context to shortcomings of the area.

>> No.14863265

Do cops knock on your window and tel you "oi m8 it's illegal not to pay rent to the rich get the fuck outta this deserted parking lot"???

>> No.14863301

Parking lots are private property and cops don't do anything unless the owner tells them to

>> No.14863371

Even niggers are smart enough to not live in the Sahara, but here you are, dumber than they are.

>> No.14863382

>no shower or shitter
>every day is a struggle
>all to save $30k
Just get a boomermobile.

>> No.14863546

>go work out
>shit and shower
>or just shit outside like half the world

>> No.14863595

there are plenty of towns that have ordinances that don't allow people to camp in parking lots and the police will fine if you try.

>> No.14863617

Its brain size to body. And whites have the same sized body's as blacks.

>> No.14863710

i can't drive

>> No.14863722

I want a house I can raise a family in someday. Van while saving money could work, but not a permanent solution.

>> No.14863750

gayest comment of the year goes to you

congratz anon

>> No.14863773

>retail wow

>> No.14863796

Be a good goy and live in your car or a tiny home. Goyim don't need a big house, it's wasteful

>> No.14863812

Comfy xps