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File: 685 KB, 3968x2232, https _s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com_psh-ex-ftnikkei-3937bb4_images_9_7_7_4_21754779-4-eng-GB_Cropped-1563442118京都のアニメ会社で火災20190718174448695_Data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14860552 No.14860552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14860563

Have to spend money to replace burned things

>> No.14860576

Some japs got toasted. So what?

>> No.14860580

never have nerds as your customers or once you fuck up their favorite anime they are going to kill all of you.

>> No.14860694

Bullish on railroad stocks.
Bearish on anime stocks.

>> No.14860959

He wasn't a customer. He was some train nerd faggot who got mad that an anime popularized some trainspotting area he liked to go in, and they also did a cover of some song related to trains which triggered him. He was a faggot who hated anime so he went and torched the studio over it.

>> No.14860986

Call him a faggot all you want but the man had balls and fought for what he believed in.

>> No.14861017

Nah he was just mentally unstable and got mega triggered and threw a massive shitfit. This fag deserves to be hung.

>> No.14861060

K-On! and Haruhi Suzumiya are my favorite white supremacist cartoon series and I actually feel a bit saddened by this unironically

>> No.14861061

You're just coping with the fact that you'll never have the courage to fight for your ideals.

>> No.14861101

Director of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star, Full Metal Panic, Nichijou, and Clannad is dead, sad day for Moechads

>> No.14861115

You know literally nothing about me or what I've done.

>> No.14861120

listen to this shitter queer trying to shit post cuz he's mad he's a virgin. fuck off shitter and quit trying to derail the thread cuz you're a sad queer in life

>> No.14861135

Fuck is this confirmed? I know the K-On director escaped and survived thankfully. But I don't think anything about the others was confirmed.

>> No.14861144

Nothing of note, presumably. Why else would you be on the shitcoin board?.

>> No.14861153

He unironically will.

>> No.14861158

A-at least we still have based Dogakobo. Truthfully KyoAni hasn't done anything up my alley in years.

Yeah he's dead

>> No.14861165
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"Missing" AKA burned to death and under some rubble somewhere

>> No.14861184

what he believed in was shit

>> No.14861189

You call act of terrorism "fighting for your ideas", hung yourself fucking nigger

>> No.14861191

Read some of the biggest guys in the market were in there.

Might have a longterm impact on what shows are made in general. If they can't replace their superstars the industry might suffer as a whole. Company can't fund experiments when your main income just got cut.

>> No.14861192

And thus the war between train incels and anime incels begun

>> No.14861211

They're probably the most well known TV anime studios that is active

>> No.14861214

>He was a faggot who hated anime so he went and torched the studio over it.
The most based man on earth.

>> No.14861246

Jesus fucking christ. He didn't deserve to go that way. He did so many good shows.

>> No.14861271

Man all of this shit could have been avoided if the japs weren't so shit at shooing one away, as in giving a simple fuck off followed by a beating but no instead they let him drowse their workers as if nothing will happen.

>> No.14861399

He's a faggot, a retard, and a selfish coward.
You're also a gay retard that's why you sympathize

>> No.14861430

Says the guy watching Japanese cartoons

>> No.14861588

believed that song cover is plagiarism and that it is forbidden for others to visit his loved train station
absolute state
this is why all biz will make it and build first colony on mars

>> No.14861712

This is wrong. I just looked it up and it's confirmed he made it out.

The K-On and Tamako Market director is safe. The Haruhi, Clannad, Nichijou, Chuu2 and Hibiki Euphonium director is safe.

So far the only director unaccounted for (aside from minor 1 show directors) is the guy who did Full Metal Panic, Lucky Star, Hyouka and Kobayashi's Maid Dragon.

>> No.14861774

Autism everyone

>> No.14861857

>shitty girly gay anime nobody has heard of
nothing of values was lost

>> No.14861924


>> No.14862066

This really hurt me far more than shitty notredam.
There are really bad people on the world, imagine fucking director of clannad died there, you know how many neets stepped out of their basements and started to do things after sunflower ep with ushio?
Fuck my fucking ass, fuck incels.



>> No.14862091


>> No.14862123

Same here but Clannad Director got out safe thankfully. The Hyouka director though hasn't been found. See >>14861712

>> No.14862149

I hope a few more perish from smoke inhalation desu. Make weebs cry.

>> No.14862159

I hate anime and autistic incels, so this is a tough one for me personally

>> No.14862183
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Holy shit. Bugmen on suicide watch because their favourite drawer of comics. But Notre dam was meh. Your reactions literally are a reason why the western world will fail against the chinese menace. Kys

>> No.14862191

Ohh shit! My fucking server was there, brb gonna check out

>> No.14862223

>people expressing sympathy and worry because someone creating things they liked died
>must be bugmen lol

What's it like living life with debilitating retardation?

>> No.14862246
File: 446 KB, 618x623, 1559079486377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she died?

>> No.14862263

33 died

>> No.14862281

how can you people have so little empathy...?

>> No.14862313
File: 120 KB, 920x960, -___-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad day.

>> No.14862328

short /a/?