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File: 127 KB, 860x520, sec-releases-updated-cybersecurity-guidance-showcase_image-6-a-10678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14856611 No.14856611 [Reply] [Original]

can someone submit a complaint about tether to the SEC? I tried but there are too many steps

>> No.14856617

sent :)

>> No.14856622

Snitches get stitches.

>> No.14856636
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, 1562776844344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report to SEC? Do you know where youre at? This is /biz/ you noob

>> No.14857138

this aint jail nigger

>> No.14857154

what for

>> No.14857196


>> No.14857209

what did they do

>> No.14857232

they are printing billions of tether out of thin air to prop up the price of bitcoin?
>inb4 hurr durr fed reserve does the same thing

>> No.14857239

oh, can you post some evidence for my complaint

>> No.14857240

>Falling for the fud like 2017

>> No.14857249

i dont have any, its mostly my eyes

>> No.14857250

>dear SESEE: i went into a casino the other day with $20 to play my fav game...the casino PRINTED out chips for me to walk around casino....I want to report dis....big problems...dey will CRASH da casino with PRINTING....
t. 19 zitfaced fat fuck

>> No.14857254
File: 48 KB, 591x580, 1563056893550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fud

>> No.14857277

nice. got more?
project more

>> No.14857281

explain what you think that shows

>> No.14857324


>> No.14857347

sent ;)

>> No.14857357


>> No.14857361

that they can literally print whatever they want with no real control or protocol
this is the lightest fud the NYAG investigation is so much worst talking about super shady backing etc

>> No.14857397

>Implying the SEC doesn't know about tether

>> No.14857424

why the fuck arent they doing anything then

>> No.14857446

Who is printing it and how does it prop up BTC. I never understood the whole tether thing

>> No.14857473

> print fake virtual money
> use it to buy btc

it's pretty simple really

>> No.14857526
File: 245 KB, 1482x1000, Bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half the projects on block chain are unregulated securities youre on about a fractional reserve stable coin. dont use tether, but USDC or DAI and get on with your day. Oh yeah let me guess you got liquidated or you sold the bottom so now you want someone to blame
>the form is too complicated
you are a maroon

>> No.14857527

maybe. who could control and back something like this without being shady? is there anyone operating at their level in other industries that isn't? not making excuses just saying. they just seemed to have not paid the shart government their cut and so don't let them buy tether.
how do you know they aren't? tether aren't in the US and the law has been slow to catch up with crypto.

>> No.14857556

It's literally the first word of my sentence

>> No.14857579

counterfeiting money is one of the highest sentenced crime

you don't know that the tether treasury is own by the same peoples who own the exchange bitifinex ?

>> No.14857613
File: 154 KB, 600x676, 1559354861274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of tether? Why does anyone need it? Is it just for exchanges too jewy to let users sell for FIAT like binance?

>> No.14857637

tether/bitfinex. lets you trade $ for tether so you can trade on exchanges don't have $ deposits.

>> No.14857641

are you assuming there have never been any SEC investigations around Tether?

>> No.14857664

>counterfeiting money is one of the highest sentenced crime
so they aren't doing that or they're still investigating

>> No.14857745

if USDT isn't backed 1-1, which it already wasn't the case back in April, it is counterfeiting

>> No.14857795

no im saying they need to hurry up and take tether down and let bitcoin run on its own. tether is doing too much to prop the price of bitcoin misleading new people into thinking the price of bitcoin is legit when we all know its mostly tether

>> No.14857847

you anons are going through the overly caring about tether/finex phase. it will pass. don't end up like bitfinexed or the people that act like paolo/phil have done no wrong.

it is out of your control. cash out profits accordingly.

>> No.14857864

that is a good point but i want to buy cheap and tether isnt allowing me to do so

>> No.14857867

tether has never been audited

>> No.14857892

read it

>> No.14857902

basically this
know that the game is rigged and play accordingly and avoid holding USDT

>> No.14857937

prove how shady this shit really is

>> No.14857957
File: 103 KB, 540x666, 1560603094123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA OH! YOU missed the bottom!

>> No.14858033
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pls stop

>> No.14858154
File: 98 KB, 1083x764, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 10.13.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be honest with yourself dont go reporting shit to the SEC and blaming tether lol.
look bro ill help you. set a buy order for 25% of your stack under the blue line. Set a buy order for 75% of your stack under the orange line. Youre welcome

>> No.14858195

so we are going that low? what abot asuka?

>> No.14858209
File: 186 KB, 800x561, Totally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when Tether shills BEST argument is comparing themselves to a fucking casino
(1) casinos ? regulated
(2) casino chips ? (theoretical) possibility of winning
(3) casino deposits ? 1:1 matched by fiat
(4) cash out ? with casino chips - 1 to fucking 1
(5) Likelihood of operators spending the next 20 year in a new york penitentiary ? Casinos 0.1%, Tether 11/10
get fucked shill, your products trash stinking up the whole market

>> No.14858228

They are, you got to realize this takes time and tether will be btfo in 2020.

>> No.14858342

its a moving average so youll need to adjust your order. over time, 10k might look cheap

>> No.14858382

>too brainlet to understand chart lingo
o-ok thanks senpai

>> No.14858385

> 10k might look cheap
you're literally saying btc could drop bellow 6k

>> No.14858556
File: 130 KB, 1479x790, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 10.34.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its possible but not likely. In its history, how many times did the price drop below the blue line? orange line?
In a bull market the 100D MA is firm support thats where your order should go. that said there are flash crashes to the orange line

>> No.14858693

The SEC is developing a protocol that will require exchanges, like coinbase for example, to deliver A FULL TRACE of the trades a user has made. If the trace reveal having ties with Tether at some point it means the exchange AND the customer will both get sanctions and/or time undefined money locks. Exchanges having Tether or any other unregulated stable coin are subject to blockages from compliant exchanges that interface their operations directly with fiat money and tightly regulated banks.

In short, soon you'll be only able to unload your bags at bitfinex, so good luck with that.