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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14857695 No.14857695 [Reply] [Original]

while you retards are talking about how bullish yesterday's talks were and how 'libra x chainlink' is confirmed, an hour ago they transferred yet another 700k LINK headed toward binance


they're literally taking a dump on your heads, but since it's slowly you guys are justifying it thinking this isn't a slow exit scam

>> No.14857705


>> No.14857714

nobody cares about this fud anymore retard
we're immune to it now

>> No.14857725

Why nobody asked about this yesterday?

>> No.14857733

Building node network, not concerned.

>> No.14857734


>> No.14857737

cause it doesnt matter

>> No.14857740

immune to being dumped on, nice

>> No.14857765


are you eurofuds retarded? they are doing this to fund the open job positions they have as well as the rumored position theyve acquired in clause

>> No.14857770

dude get some fresh air i’m sure there are 1000 better things to do than sit at your computer all day making threads like these. t. seriously concerned for your mental health

>> No.14857781
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Hurr durr markets getting made in a proper fashion llets all post pink wojaks

it goes in all fields boys

>> No.14857798

Did you even listen to what he said? He said they were massively backed up with all the people applying to be node operators and trying to expand to cope. Plus what he talked about last night outlined so etching that could only be achieved with many people working on it

>> No.14857799

300k of the 700k LINK hit binance 42 min ago, has this been bought up already?


>> No.14857800

Good. Anyone buying right now is retarded anyway. Let it dump back down to $2 and then buy before the Microsoft conference. Hopefully sergey will be done dropping loads on you by then.

>> No.14857819






>> No.14857822

This is good advice honestly

>> No.14857842

I cant believe no one had the balls to ask him about this yesterday

>> No.14857854

that's what ive been waiting for, i got out at ~3.60 over 2 days, i legit thought it was going to $10 after cb listing so i held through sub $4, but got out at a nice spot

with them dumping so often and introducing almost 5m more LINK into circulating supply this way i'm hoping i can rebuy in around $1.80-$2 before microsoft news then sell around $4-5

>> No.14857856

is this your first day? none of the tokens are getting sold you fucking moron. Learn to breathe before you drool on your keyboard faggot

>> No.14857875


>> No.14857883

Based scam artist.

>> No.14857915

Why didn't any of you fucks ask Sergey last night? Bunch of pussies

>> No.14857916

>he doesn't know their funding the margin trading feature
>he's a retard

>> No.14857920

Got over 300 LINK at $3,50 and I dont regret It.
$1000 eoy is FUD

>> No.14857940

>muh jobs

5 MILLION tokens have been sold at an average over $3

That's 15 MILLION dollars in ONE WEEK

>> No.14858009

That's nothing. They are based in SF. That's about $8M after taxes which can hire maybe 10 people plus one acquisition. Expect more dumping.

>> No.14858016

why should this matter?

>> No.14858028

I bought 4K at 2.06 on binance. I think it was the literal bottom of the past few weeks. I have more fiat ready if it goes bellow 2.

>> No.14858036

The faster they build the team the faster we'll get the network up to speed and make big money.

>> No.14858051

>2bil market cap
>makes a big deal of 15 million
The absolute state

>> No.14858061

I tried, but he kept putting his finger inside my mouth and saying "shhhhhh" in a Very, Very soothing way

>> No.14858361

GOD DAMN OP...he said why last night. They had an open bar (duh...that shit cost money when you're mf'ing Sir G) and they are building an amusement park called Blockchain Land.

>> No.14858522


>> No.14858530

Friendly reminder to the newfags. They still have not touched any stack other than the ones they said they would.

>> No.14858546
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I'm more interested in why you are so invested in this, please do tell.

>> No.14858565
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>none of the tokens are getting sold you fucking moron.

you can literally go check every time they've withdrawn from that address into binance the tokens have always been sold in increments over the day after they hit the binance wallet you absolute brainlet

>> No.14858566

Because they answered it in their blog retard

>> No.14858578

They need the money more than ever, now that they're working with facebook.

>> No.14858584

The team selling coins is literally the most bullish thing that has happened to Chainlink you brainlet.

>> No.14858587
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explain yourself, i'm genuinely asking because i don't see where they explained why they've been dumping tokens on the market introducing more to the circulating supply and cashing out on them

>> No.14858614
File: 141 KB, 1080x1350, 50722772_977278075801539_8167421746523962630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The team selling coins is literally the most bullish thing that has happened to Chainlink you brainlet.

what? imagine working at apple and getting stock as payment and selling it at $3 then some retard like you says this is very bullish.


uhhh what?

>> No.14858619

her face has so much filtering, there's no telling what she really looks like :(

but that body though....very pillage-able.

>> No.14858632

is her nipple on the left (her left) in the wrong spot? that just killed my erection anon

>> No.14858636
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she's had work done, but she's amazing

>> No.14858645

have sex

>> No.14858650

i refuse to, ill keep watching etherscan though

>> No.14858658


>> No.14858668

I tried but every time I went to ask Sergey, all he kept telling me about was his "awesome easy cheesy baked potato recipe"

>> No.14858673


Definitely would plug all her holes with mighty glory anon

>> No.14858701

just imagine being a conquistador and finding this qt after 1 year of travel / no fap in the XVI century.

>> No.14858714

How you anons can't understand that Sergey is selling links so they can be bought from binance. If big companys etc is going to use chainlink, they have to own tokens. Clients setting up nodes requires links for the payments. This is bullish if sirgay is selling links now, it only means that some companies is going to buy shit amounts of link tokens.

>> No.14858755

I would love to have gotten apple stock at $3. Nobody with a brain gives a shit about the price right now, do realize how dumb your example was?

>> No.14858760

>It's just a dev cashing out
>No big deal, just a second move
>It's in the whitepaper
>They are using it to hire
>You are here
>They only cashed out half of it, though
>Are we getting exit scammed?
>Fuckin die Sir Gay!
>I'm ruined!
>What color rope?

>> No.14858777

>what is OTC
Do you think google is buying link on binance to run their nodes? Fucking lol

>> No.14858788

no, you literally can't go "check"
unless you're CZ himself, dumb fuck

>> No.14858811

show me transaction where the link was sold...OH WAIT YOU CANT BECAUSE THEY NEVER WERE...TIME TO COPE HARDER OP


>> No.14858853


>> No.14858876

Could it be that they made a deal with Binance, maybe for margin trading and staking?

>> No.14858895
File: 152 KB, 774x960, 3xaZYiY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People haven't figured out it's Oracle buying 50 x 700k stacks for their startups yet?


>> No.14858991

i know you're just fuckin around, but the sad truth is there are link holders on here that truly believe these tokens are being 'sold' to these large companies so they can run nodes (even binance themselves because the delusion is high with this retards)

if these companies were buying link for nodes they wouldn't buy them through binance you fucking brainlets

holy shit, the cope is insane with these linktards

>> No.14859069

desu you're the saddest one here, why do you care?

>> No.14859122


No doubt that sucks. But this is a big picture thing OP. It's not like they're running with the money; they're neck deep in serious partnerships with the sorts of people and businesses that do due diligence and wouldn't touch them if there was a whiff of scam. The money is going straight back into the development of the network where fiat currency is required. Read: hirings, acquisitions, and operational costs

>> No.14859125

because i've been getting pretty lucky taking profits on the up and down swings, and well this is perfect for me when the devs dump

>> No.14859144

No you fucking havent

>> No.14859145


I mean, remember that for every sale there is a purchase. Who is buying all the tokens they sell? That's a damned important question.

>> No.14859157
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Ok? good for you, I don't think you understand the words never fucking selling, I doubt you're doing well swinging tho but keep dreaming

>> No.14859181

You might as well beg for cheap bags openly. But don't get mad at us, you don't really have a right to. It isn't our fault that you feel a need to do this on a mongolian basket weaving forum because you sold at 2.20 thinking you could recoup your losses from back when you sold at .80.
You're a colossal fuckup even by biz standards and I look forward to laughing at more of your threads.
Sage goes in all fields

>> No.14859208

Fucking kek. Swinglinkers get the rope

>> No.14859277

you really doubt that? LINK's been crazy volatile and i believe in the project in the long term, i'm just buying the dips, so devs dumping is great news for that

i am taking profits though, can't decide what % of my stack i'll hold yet

>> No.14859305
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yes I doubt that you are doing well swinging, you are here looking for validation like a fucking puppy.

>> No.14859379

theres no proof they are being sold retard

>> No.14859791

oh yea, they're definitely moving them to the binance wallet for fun just to see if their internet connection is still up

wi-fi probably gets a little janky so they gotta do a quick test, you're right

>> No.14859929
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>short term price movements

not all of us bought above $2

>> No.14859997

>running a business costs money WTF
I can't believe the fudsters have gotten so fucking lazy.

>> No.14859999

>Thinking a 2bil market cap for vapourware is logical


>> No.14860018
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>> No.14860173

devs obfuscating all the way to the bank

>> No.14860695

Smart contracts are an extremely idealist vision. This is the kinda shit you think about in magical tech utopias. Never mind them being very vulnerable (the DAO), they’re a meme. Decentralized oracles are an even bigger meme and in order for them to even work properly they would generate close to no money. That’s if you can ever truly make a tamper proof, reliable network of truly decentralized oracles free of all bad actors. Most of the data sources in the used examples are from singular sources anyway. What the fuck is the point in a massive network verifying the integrity of the same one source, like the weather station that reports the humidity level in Uttar Pradesh? You don’t seem to be aware that enterprise API aggregation services have existed for years. Just like Chainlink, if their data fucks with you, they lose your custom and go broke. These systems are up and running right now.

Chainlink is truly a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.14860867

I bought at 1.50$, bagheld from ATH all the way to 2$ and sold there. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.14861152

Your examples shit. Apple has revenue and wouldnt need to sell stock. Chainlink has no revenue (and doesn't intend to run nods)and needs funds to expand and selling coins is an excellent way to do it.

>> No.14861200

Actually really fuckin well said.

"Chainlink is truly a solution looking for a problem." truest words ever

>> No.14861310

Exactly... WTF you retards. If he sets up a conference in DFW area or St Louis I ask him you fickin bunch of humps...

>> No.14861750

>they're even telling us upfront

>> No.14861915
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people like him are the reason this site is good

you? you're just another redditor wanting the high ground, fuck you.

>> No.14862156

Swingtraders have been burned on the regular with link lately. Notice how none of these faggots ever try to post proof that they made any good buys or sells?
Go on, nigger poster. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14862941

what a retarded statement. have you seen the charts or do you just F5 on coinmarketcap
