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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14853332 No.14853332 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw some shithead deranged bagholder killed her animator today


>> No.14853337


>> No.14853477
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>> No.14853492

fuck off weebs

>> No.14853500

it was creg

>> No.14853546


>> No.14853552

Buy Chainlink sir

>> No.14853557

Based weeb burning

>> No.14853593
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>> No.14853705

went on /a/ and a lot of people don't seem to feel anything about 30 people dying
idk why it shocked me, probably browsing biz for years softened me up

feels weird
why is biz "nicer" than the rest of 4chan

>> No.14853776

Yeah I never visit /a/. Bunch of fags. I've been into anime for years and unlike /v/, /tv/ or any other interest board, never was able to fit into /a/. Board of faggot shit taste retarded incels. Fuck them all. They are probably happy because "le KyoAnus" died and they are such shutins they actually start to legit hate people because they didn't like a show, or because a show gets "too overrated" and they like a competing anime. People don't realize creatives aren't like NPC wagies, almost all creatives are fucking player characters with intelligent/interesting minds. It's a fucking travesty when people of this quality die. Fucking so many directors died too since it was their head studio. What a monumental loss of talent.

This is literally the worst fucking event of the last few years. I am fucking devastated. I was happy this morning because of the bullish as fuck Link news, and this has ruined everything.

>> No.14853798

why do you think that idiot set the place on fire?
was he a disgruntled fan?

>> No.14853860

Maybe, but what he really was, was a huge faggot.

>> No.14853865

Probably one of those mentally deranged otaku who got mad over how his waifu was treated in a show so decided to go burn down the studio.

A fucking shame. KyoAni was a jewel of the industry. Unlike most wagecuck tier studio's which paid animators by the frame, and thus produced low quality work. KyoAni was top tier and paid salary and produced extremely high quality animation and actually put effort and soul into their work. Yeah they mostly stuck to moe genre's and SoL stuff, but that was their specialty. This is such a fucking loss. Some of the best animators and animation directors in Japan died today. That studio will be a shell of it's former self now.

>> No.14853877

Maybe go discuss this somewhere on topic you cringe weeb. Reported.

>> No.14853898

that sounds really shitty
I don't watch anime but this feels disgusting

>> No.14853913

>poo id

Sorry for taking the place of shitcoin thread #2241234
this is the "Business & Finance" board on an anime imageboard, and we're discussing a business that specializes in making anime.

>> No.14854015

This. Kyoto Animation is a business specializing in animation, and it's now targetting incels.

If you want this to be further on topic. I was considering trying to get an anime made once I made it with Link. I considered KyoAni but thought they might be too expensive, but still want to fund my own OVA one day if I truly make it with Link. Apparently most anime is done on a shoestring budget anyways, so chucking a few hundred k in Link gains at a few OVA eps for my dream show would be worth it to me. So now that some of the most talented directors and animators in the industry are dead this is really devestating.

It is. We are so used to just seeing normie NPC's at concerts blown up, or zoomies getting shot up at a school. Anime and other artistic stuff just felt like in a whole different world to this shit. It was an escape. It's just unbelievable that an anime studio got targeted and hit with an attack like this. And a studio of the pedegree that KyoAni was as well.

Honestly when I make it with Link, I am gonna have armed security patrolling my studio's now. I kinda want to make my own anime, but most of my attention and Link gains will be put into making my own vidya studio. Imagine some seething incel getting mad because he doesn't like the sequel or how some character was treated or the metagame or balance was changed and decided to shoot up my studio and my programmers. FUCK THAT. Just the idea that artists are now targets is fucking unreal. FUck this planet.

>> No.14854100

Rolling for more survivors to die of smoke inhalation.

>> No.14854110

Hideously based

>> No.14854114

oh so now we angry

>> No.14854142

>feels weird
>why is biz "nicer" than the rest of 4chan
Actually to delve further into this. I think it's because /biz/ is filled with a lot of people who "matter". You are nicer to people who matter. NPC's don't matter. People who make it matter. Successful people, whether they be businessmen, CEO's, artists, professionals of any sort of industry matter. These are the player characters of reality, the ones of make life valuable and worth living. /biz/ has a lot of people like this, so we realize their importance, where as other boards are just filled with NPC retards who think all life is equal or someshit. So when we see fellow made it tier intellectuals, artists and valuable people dying. We know what was truly lost, that such a valuable life was wasted. It wasn't another NPC that can be replaced, what was lost was irreplaceable. That talent isn't coming back.

>> No.14854171

biz is here to make money, we dont give a fuck about others, we aint derange either because we dont watch jewvision or fucking gores. Nor are we teenagers, unless you are one the super high iq teen.

>> No.14854265

tryhard faggot

>> No.14854281

Does Studio Ghibli count as anime?

>> No.14854286

ok newfag

>> No.14854319

The point of making it is so you can enjoy all the fine pleasures of life that other high IQ made it fags have already created. And then so you can add and create more of that to share with them and the ones that come after you.

We don't give a fuck about NPC's other than being pay piggies. But to not care about made it fags is disgusting. What are you gonna do with a billion dollars if there are no high IQ creative player character chefs to cook you fantastic meals the NPC plebs could only fantasize about eating. What if there were no high IQ made it architects to create your mansion, what if there were no player character shipyard owners to make your yacht. What if there were no intelligent and made it tier creatives to come up with interesting cool looking stuff for you to look at and think about while you relax in your mansion?

>> No.14854328
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I don't watch anime, how significant of a loss was this for you manchildren? I literally only watch King of the Hill.

>> No.14854342
File: 202 KB, 897x445, Ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should go back to r*ddit

If you don't like anime you don't belong here.

>> No.14854358

You are a redditor. Go back

>> No.14854380
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>> No.14854396

can someone answer this please, i can't sleep until i know

>> No.14854420
File: 305 KB, 610x449, 1546154705600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to biz kid, you going to lose your money very soon.

>> No.14854429

stupid fucking nigger

Does anime, which is the term for JAPANESE ANIMATION, count as anime?

>> No.14854435

Imagine someone rounded up all the king of the hill animators, and all the animators were cute japanese girls and then burnt them alive whilst stabbing those who tried to escape out the main exits.

And then one of the male animators, chases the arsonist down the street while he is burning alive and his bloody footprints are left on the road.

>> No.14854439




>> No.14854454

And yes it really happened.

One of the male animators from Kyo ani literally CHASED THE ARSONIST DOWN THE STREET WHILE HE WAS FUCKING ON FIRE!

>> No.14854458

Yes it does.

>> No.14854478

can tell based on you writing that you aint from here.

>> No.14854494

I want to see this fucking incel arsonist hanged for this. Christ. What a brutal and savage way to go for such enlightened people.

KyoAni also hired a lot of cute female animators and directors so anon isn't even meming here. Real life waifu tier women were killed today by a seething incel.

Based. I hope he bashed his fucking incel face in. Fucking pathetic otaku shits.

>> No.14854508
File: 2.55 MB, 500x500, 6650547-4b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit spacing
looool babby's first 4channel post

>> No.14854555

>t. 2016+ newfag who thinks he's an oldfag
Fuck off faggot. What gave you away was
>biz is here to make money
We're here to talk and shitpost ABOUT making wealth, not treat it as a source of income unless you're a fucking pajeet shill, you third world cunt.

>> No.14854581

no, biz is about making money and asian woman

>> No.14854701

Turbo NPC right here

>> No.14854712


>> No.14854736

Turbo NPC right here

>> No.14854875

First boomer congressman now this.
We really live in a simulation don't we.

>> No.14855043

Jesus christ, I was memeing in OP. Did the faggot actually watch Hibiki Euphonium and get mad over it and did it because of the anime in OP.

Holy fuck.

Also Moeshit haters confirmed deranged pshyco incels.