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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 213x217, grerg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1483612 No.1483612 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please have a motivational thread?

Cause I need one.

>> No.1483632
File: 1.62 MB, 2845x1682, bizlit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself!
Internalize what you learn..

Then go out and DO IT.

>> No.1483689

Alex Baldwin parody has some advice for you >>73998985

I'm gonna word vomit a few things here:
>"A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance." - Hunter S Thompson

>Small progress towards a goal is better than no-progress. Never give up. And if you have lost momentum, you're still closer than you were if you never tried at all.

>"...every day do as many things as you possibly can to reach that goal. But make sure that goal is set so high, that if you reach one-tenth of the goal, you've gone a long ways. Fantasize and believe that you could star in a 100 Oscar-winning movies, and just work for that every day" - Vincent Gallo

Visualize what you most desire in life, if it's a yacht, don't just picture the yacht, imagine your hands on the helm, looking over a perfectly azure day on the Med, imagine the feeling of that hand crafted helm between your palms, the feeling of the salty air on your face.

If it's an Oscar, imagine the Oscar, feel it in your hands, imagine it's weight, then imagine as you look over the lectern at all your favorite Hollywood heroes, the glitterati standing applauding you, their faces filled with joy and relief because they all know you earned it.

Picture it so vividly, and in a way you can recall instantly, because that's the image you're going to go to when you CBF or you feel like giving up -- and that's gonna give you the gusto to keep moving.


>> No.1483700
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>> No.1483705
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>> No.1483724

n energetic young business man meets a guru one day while walking along the beach. It's the same guru so many have told him about. Apparently, this guru is the wisest and most thoughtful person in the world, but usually inaccessible. Knowing how to interpret fate, the young man asks the guru a question:
"What must I do to be successful?"

The guru glances at him in that zen, guru-like way and says he'll share with him how to be successful tomorrow morning at 4 a.m. at this same beach.

The next day, the man shows up, nicely dressed and finds the guru near the shoreline. He asks the guru the same question. The guru responds by asking the young man to follow him out into the water. The man is confused at first, but figures the guru must know what he's doing, so the two wade into the ocean together.

The guru turns and says, "Let's keep going." So, they walk in until the water is up to their knees, then their waists, then their chests. The man, suit soaked, now asks, "Guru! What does this have to do with success?"

"Do you want to be successful?" the guru asks.

"Yes! Of course I do," the man replies.

Just then, the guru dunks him under the water. The young man fights to get back above water, but in addition to being wise, the guru is also strong. After about 15 seconds, the guru lets him back up. Confused and infuriated, the young man rails, "What was that?Immediately, the guru pushes him under and holds him down again. After about 15 seconds, he lets him up.

The man is irate now. "What are you doing? I asked you how to be successful and you're trying to drown me!"

The guru calmly replies, "Do you want to be successful?"

Frustrated, the man looks at him and says, "Yes, I want to -"

Before he can finish, the guru dunks him a third down, holding him down longer than before. He finally lets him up. The man is gasping for air now, trying to regain his bearings.

The guru states, "Until you want success as badly as you wanted air just now, you will never achieve it."

>> No.1483733

I think OP was asking for motivation.
He was asking how to strive to that point of needing success like others need air.

How to find the ambition within.

>The punchline isn't wrong though

>> No.1483807

>Getting rich in the US
>they banned online poker, the best way to get rich

>> No.1483814
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>> No.1483819

Go fuck yourself

>> No.1483829


What the fuck? After "I want to -" I expected it to say something like.

>Then he punched the guru in his face, took whatever was in his pockets and left. That was the day he stopped wanting and started being

You're full of shit /biz/

>> No.1484219


>> No.1484493
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>> No.1484497
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>> No.1484507

La Cornue Grand Palais Stove

Meneghini Arredamenti refrigerator

>> No.1484522

>op asks for motivation
>post bullshit anecdotes and pictures of gay shit

best board

>> No.1484542

> picture of hot girl
> motivating you to make money

Only makes sense if said hot girl is an expensive escort. Being rich isn't going to make actual relationships with women easier, if anything it will make them more difficult.

>> No.1485099

Anyone have the guides for like meditation, habits, etc?

>> No.1485131


The Power of Now by Tolle and Sam Harris' book on mindfulness. Just don't take them as gospel.

Also, try writing each part of your day down. What time you wake up. what time you eat. what time you shit post, how long you shitpost for, etc. That'll help you be more mindful of how much time you waste.

>> No.1485385


Feelig the power of visualization right here. Bandler & Grinder, Maltz, etc.

>> No.1485482
File: 85 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o9uricIc8i1sn3jhoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would somebody please paste that link so I don't have to type it out like a tard.

>> No.1485501


>> No.1485524



>> No.1485536

>Being rich isn't going to make actual relationships with women easier, if anything it will make them more difficult.

Absolutely wrong. No girl worth having wants to be with a broke loser.

>> No.1485540

really, and you know this from experience?

>virgin detected

>> No.1485544

You're assuming the broke stay broke and the rich stay rich. Women don't believe that. Broke people don't believe that. Even most rich people don't believe that.

>> No.1485556

I do speak from experience. In high school I had no money, a skinny body, and low confidence.
Now that I'm college-educated, with a good job and a decent body, I'm 10x more successful with women.

>You're assuming the broke stay broke and the rich stay rich. Women don't believe that.

What world do you live in? A rich person is MUCH more likely to stay rich than a poor person is to become rich.

>> No.1485557

Unless you are lucky enough to be born rich you probably won't be rich unless you absolutely work your ass to the bone most of your life. At which point you have to ask yourself if it is even worth the effort.

Luckily I am already dead inside so I don't mind slaving away.

>> No.1485590
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>Now that I'm college-educated, with a good job and a decent body, I'm 10x more successful with women.
you and 90% of guys in the world who don't spend their time on 4chan.

>> No.1485602

Over a period of 10 years through the 90's to early 2000's, 90% of people who were in the lowest tax bracket at the beginning had moved up by at least one bracket by the end, and 21% had ended up in the highest tax bracket.

70% of rich (worth more than $3m) families lose their wealth by the second generation and 90% by the third generation.

"Rich stay rich and poor stay poor" isn't entirely accurate.

>> No.1485609

And to compound on the low income earners moving up in tax brackets point, wouldn't it be better not to increase the minimum wage? Seeing as for most people it's only a starting point. Where young people and people entering or re-entering the job market build experience before almost all of them move on to better jobs and higher wages. So wouldn't it be better to leave the minimum wage where more of these people can be employed at lower cost to the employer to get more people into the work force to build their skills and work experience?

>> No.1485625

Realising I'm not in one of the 15 active minimum wage threads this is somewhat off topic, but whatever.

>> No.1486008
File: 743 KB, 1920x1080, Perfect Bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads. Inspiration comes in many forms, but the drive to better one's lot in life much more than just a list for the material.

That said, often the best example of wealth is material. As my dad always says "It's easier to be sad on a yacht than sad in a 1 bedroom studio".

>> No.1486013
File: 412 KB, 1600x1067, Ski Lodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, another inspirational quote from my dad "You can marry more money in a day than you can make in a lifetime".

>> No.1486071 [DELETED] 

Invest in URRE look forward to Moon.

>> No.1486081


How the fuck does that work? Not trying to question Dad wisdom but c'mon

>> No.1486089

Yeah that one doesn't work for me either.
I guess a yacht is physically more isolated because you're on the water, especially if you're in transit and not docked.

While a studio probably means your in the center of a city, there's a social life around you?

>> No.1486095


I don't understand that quote. What's the message behind it? That the fastest way t get money is to marry into it?

>> No.1486098


That one actually makes sense and yes. Not that love or fake love isn't work but you could marry into an empire that you could've never created yourself. I don't think it always works like that but it's possible.


You find me someone that is chronically unhappy on a fucking yacht. Go on.

>> No.1486099


he's a manwhore

>> No.1486101

I think the idea is not that it is easier to become sad on a yacht, but that if you are already sad, but on a yacht instead of in a shitty apartment you're still having a better time.

>> No.1486102

gosh this has never applied to me so much
Today I had enough and did the following:

>threw out all weed, alcohol, and cigarettes
>shaved for the first time in a month
>broke up with my clingy GF

it hurts but i think good things will come

>> No.1486106


Could you retry that sentence for me.

>all of my what

>> No.1486110

If you are sad you will have a better time on a yacht than in a studio apartment.
The moral is that material possessions can bring you happiness.

>> No.1486112


That's the opposite of what the quote says.

>> No.1486120

"It's easier to be sad on a yacht than sad in a 1 bedroom studio"
Are you interpreting that to mean that it is easier to become sad on a yacht than in a studio apartment, therefore people in studio apartments who don't have yachts are more likely to be happy?

Because that makes no sense.

>> No.1486129

Motivation is a luxury, discipline is everything.

Also, you will never get that type of a girl, no matter how motivation you are. Kill yourself, pleb!

>> No.1486147
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He's right though, unless she's a crazy suicidal bitch there's no way she would want someone like that. No real self respecting woman would fall for a minimum wage cuck.

>> No.1486161

>You find me someone that is chronically unhappy on a fucking yacht. Go on.

Yeah. he poorly explained his quote, I think we can agree on that

>> No.1486166 [DELETED] 

invest in /URRE$

>> No.1486285

>Only makes sense if said hot girl is an expensive escort.

Women are an expensive luxury.

>> No.1486290

The life.

>> No.1486299

I don't believe a word of it. Only a beta blue pill cuck would say that.

I'd love to see you argue with someone like Dan Bilzerian about how money makes his relationships with women more difficult. Not only will you be able to access a much higher tier women, but you won't have to deal with the inconvenience of not being rich.

>> No.1486328

"Big things have small beginnings"

>> No.1486333

Yeah, not to mention women are expensive.

They usually cant afford to live on their own dime, especially with the lifestyle they expect in romance or a relationship.

>> No.1486362

You did great taking out all the shit, but you'll have done nothing if you don't work towards betterment.

>> No.1486364

Get a load of this cognitive denial and plain coping mechanism.

>> No.1486383

It amazes me how many pathetic beta schlubs think money will make them more attractive to women. Women are attracted to attractive men. That means men who are physically good looking and alpha. Bill Gates and Zuckerberg are rich as fuck but the only attractive women they are going to get are prostitutes and gold diggers, because they are weird looking betas. There are plenty of rich guys who are also true alphas (any number of actors and musicians) but it certainly isn't a prerequisite. What other men respect is not what women respect. A guy can be a total failure in the eyes of other men but still be a natural alpha.

>> No.1486405

I post one picture of a girl because it would attract you fucking idiots. I don't give a shit about the whore in my OP and no one else should either. Jesus Christ.

>> No.1486470


>> No.1486489
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I feel like this image was made by a gay man

a nice condo would be cool I guess and I like good cigars. Why does that chick have no tits? what is the picture of the closet supposed to supposed to be? A dream closet full of clothes? nigger you gay

>> No.1486511

cognitive dissonance*

>> No.1486521


He's referring to women in the quote.

>> No.1486575

Could be a man or woman. All that matters is that if they're very wealthy.

>> No.1486657


>easier to be sad on a Yacht
Easier is implying that the following noun

Comparison With the following

>sad in a 1 bedroom studio

Is english not your first language? It's okay but i interprited the sentence correctly. Even if the advice is wonky as shit.

>> No.1486790

Basically. My dad was bangin a rich girl in his 20s but ended up marrying my cunt of a mother and losing all of his friends.

>> No.1486856 [DELETED] 

if you are that lazy you should reconsider your dream of being successful

>> No.1486957


>colored contacts

SHITSKIN/10 would oven

>> No.1487351


links dead. repost?

>> No.1488072
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>I don't give a shit about the whore in my OP and no one else should either.
That's some solid wisdom there.

>> No.1488267
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Does that mean you like the D?

>> No.1488268
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>> No.1488274

Granted. But, how many of those stayed there?
Often,some of the top 20% was In the bottom 20% earlier in their lives. Additionally, most people who reach the top 20% do so for a year or a few years as they reach the maximum earning potential.

>> No.1488310


This never fails to motivate me.

>> No.1488348

This threads always attract cult members repeating the usual get rich quick nonsense from whatever guru they worship.

Does the average poster here actually believe that bullshit?

>> No.1488419
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>70% of rich (worth more than $3m) families lose their wealth by the second generation and 90% by the third generation.
That is what happened to my family.

Want to hear a sad story?
My Great Grandfather made millions in the property business. 50 years ago, my Grandfather inherited most of it.
No male heirs, bad gambling habit, and four mistresses later, all the money is gone.

Only the old family estate remains - big house and lots of acreage, in a desirable area. Its worth quite a bit.

I've told that part of the story on this board before, but never shared this part with anyone - here on in real life:

I'm the oldest male heir. I want to start the business back up again.
We could definitely do it if we were to sell or mortgage the villa, but its not up to me.
My Mother won't even hear of it. Basically her response is "everything will be yours when I'm dead. You can do what you want then"

One major unexpected expense and we are ruined. We can barely keep up with the property taxes, which are over 30,000 a year. I have to work two shit jobs back to back.
Tending to the maintenance of the house and the grounds is a job in itself, but my younger Brother helps.

By the time my Mother dies 30 years from now (rough estimate), I'll be almost 60 fucking years old, or more.
I won't even have enough money to bury her, let alone pay the estate tax. The result is the Government will seize the house.

I've grown to detest her over the years, and can barely look at her anymore. But I can't abandon my Brother and Sisters to save myself.

Being poor out of necessity is one thing. But being wealthy, yet living in poverty due to ignorance and mismanagement is inexcusable.
I've tried to start my own business from the bottom up but I don't have to time to think or act on it, and I can't quit my jobs.
Knowing that I could make in two years what would take me otherwise a lifetime is a feeling I can't shake anymore.

I don't think I ever had a chance guys.

>> No.1488499
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I just want to be rich putting memes on T shirts and selling them on reddit.

That, or be a drug dealer for a short time.

>> No.1488582
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I'm proud of you bro. Make sure you fill up the holes left behind, or you'll become a vacuum that will implode upon itself. If you haven't already, start listening to motivational audiobooks off TPB; even if you're fucking around on 4chan, your mind will still be occupied by the audio, and you'll be constantly pumping positive reinforcement into yourself. Find a way you make yourself take advantage of the present moment, we all have our own. Good luck!

>> No.1488594
File: 494 KB, 1020x597, chalet-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too urban for me. Visiting is nice, but why live in the city if you can afford not to? What of the Luxury of Seclusion?

>> No.1488624

That sucks. Don't you wish your family would trust you to handle their finances?

My grandparents owned a retail store that was successful, then as they got older and refused to adapt, they ran it into the ground. The business stayed afloat for a while because they took out massive debt to keep the doors open. Now 10 years later, my grandmother has a negative net worth. We are trying to convince her to just walk away from her house but of course we just hear "but it's my home..." I love her to death of course, but really, this set our family back pretty hard.

>> No.1488661


find a way to kick your mom out, lawyer up or something, find some kind of loophole.

>> No.1488797

>motivational audiobooks
Any recommendations?

>> No.1488821

>>1488419 Tragedy at its finest. i can only offer my sympathy

>> No.1488878

All within reach
$ is everything

>> No.1488901

that is obviously his daughter.

>> No.1489078
File: 47 KB, 640x480, n2007_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay away.

>> No.1489280

Make more money then you worthless sack of shit

On second thought you should just kill yourself

>> No.1489466

You know the only people who never made failures?
Are the ones who never did any fucking thing

>> No.1489629

Stop helping her pay the estate tax. Let's see how true to her ideals she stays when she's forced to go into debt or risk the government seizing the place.
Sometimes people need a kick in the butt to see the light.

>> No.1490074
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>> No.1490076

>not epub

So I'm supposed to sit in front of my computer and read this shit?

>> No.1490082

>tfw want to live in foreign countries
>Want to own a house in the states and a nice one at that
>Almost 30
>Broke as fuck

Good luck with your dreams anons

>> No.1490180

Kinda the same, i really fuckin love my country despite being eastern yuro shithole and ill never leave it for good, but i really want to live in US for at least a few years, just cos of the god-tier nature.Want to experience living somewhere in the Mojave, in Alaska or maybe in New England for a while.
But buying properties in USA is so fucking hard

>> No.1490212

>buying properties in USA
Not to mention getting the green card, huh?

>> No.1490227

I thik, if you have enough money to own a good house in USA as a foreigner, the green card inst a big problem

>> No.1490230

I didn't like the youtube video and i don't like reading the script either.

>> No.1490284


Yes it is you moron. Unless you're in business money is it irrelevant.

>> No.1490336

Nah fuck you man, don't tell me bracket creep is making people richer.

And I'd imagine part of keeping your family rich is keeping the money concentrated. One family becomes many families after a few generations. The initial wealth can only last so long while most of the sub families revert to the mean.

>> No.1490339
File: 499 KB, 1280x720, George Soros quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite quote

>> No.1490343

just a heads up, reverse image searching it was a waste of time, the pic is there but it's bleh, it demotivated me actually

>> No.1490478

women are attracted to ambition tho

>> No.1490498

i'm now demotivated as fuck, thanks Soros

>> No.1490524

the materialism on this board disgusts me
money means so much more than your stupid infinity pool

>> No.1490726

So I bought a few books that piqued my interest from the first reply on this thread.

Think and Grow Rich, Fooled by Randomness, Self Discipline in 10 Days, and Basic Economics.

How'd I do?

>> No.1490735

well that's a start I guess... now you have to actually read those books lol

>> No.1490824


Think and Grow Rich is amazing and a great foundation for everything else.

Though he only hints at what the most helpful thing for me was.

>> No.1490834

When will that jew fuck get a bullet to his head already ?

>> No.1490889


Oh my god that's beautiful. I'm feeling like the oppsite of jealousy that usually get t'word rich estate inheritors.

You mean you actually have to go out and make money for yourself? WHAT A TRADGEDY.

I hope you spent your youth having a false sense of security; thinking someday you would inherit your just deserts. Then slowly came to the realization you will get nothing as you matured. Now are stuck with fleeting insecurities as your families generational wealth goes to shit.

Welcome to the rat race faggot, i'm going to bury you.

>> No.1490942

>Think and Grow Rich is amazing

>> No.1491945

>i have no imagination but I still wanna be rich lmao
>just tell me step by step how to be a billionaire XD!

It's all in there and spelled out pretty clearly. It works.

>> No.1491999
File: 1.05 MB, 245x225, 1470346556241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, oh... oh my...



>Basic economics
bwhahahahaakekekekahhahahahah why is it even on here when the autist who made this put all those bulky ass econ textbooks on here? bwhahahaha

Amazing lmfao. Whoever made this is truly autistic.

>das kapital
>still keking

>> No.1492056
File: 97 KB, 600x399, Straya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips confirm Marx was a crap economist.

But why shouldn't you read it? it's defined the way people think about classes and distribution of wealth for almost 150 years.

It's like the Bruce's say:
>and since he's teaching politics I've told him he's allowed to lecture on any of the prominent socialist thinkers...
>...provided he says that they were all WRONG!

Also he gives some basic concepts for thinking about how value is created, although he failed miserably.

>> No.1492097
File: 34 KB, 510x315, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get motivated son

>> No.1492116


Seems legit.

>> No.1492118

why would you keep $52M in a bank account with this interest rate? how much do you have in stocks and other assets?

>> No.1492137

how bad is it to do forex trading to make bank? i hear it's a real crapshoot.

>> No.1492147
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1459901587079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly don't care about my life anymore. i just want to make as much money as fucking possible. i want to work my way up. where the fuck do i start with stocks funds and forex? sharpening my mindset is one thing but i know there's a bigger hurdle and i want to confront it in advance. forget about what you want people, focus on how to get the money for it. how do i turn a few thousand into a few ten thousand, then into a hundred thousand? then into a few millon? and into the tens and hudreds and billions?

is there a pathway or is it just lucking out on social circles and info on business mergers and splits? i want to build myself something here. would stocktwit help with reading this or is it a meme? it's the biggest hurdle but to me, i see this as the chance to make the ultimate legacy. to leave behind for your family the biggest riches is the greatest way to immortalize yourself isn't it? make it into something that's hard to dissolve, be it a business, a patent, something beyond your assets. please /biz/.

>> No.1492148


Not him but this is true, im a NEET in a chad body, tall, fit and attractive and i always get 10/10 girls.. but i cant get them to stay, never, my relations lasts between 6 months/1 year, and the girls really like me, but im "poor" and im kinda lazy only in terms of work/money.

They all leave, i started to really question them about what i could do to be better, 9 out of 10 girls told me they wanted economic stability or some shit like that

>> No.1492149
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>muh labor theory of value
>but here's the twist!
kek fucking no. He was a fag. Here's the story:
>Adam Smith: labor theory of value
>but eventually abandoned it
>Along comes David Ricardo
>"kek Smith, you're dumb bro labor theory of value is real"
>but then Ricardo abandons it because his international trade theory developed
>then comes Marx
>"kek you both are wrong labor theory of value is real and the surplus is taken by muh capitalists and that surplus is derived from the exploited workers!"
>"my international trade theories that let Ricardo to abandon labor theory of value as well? oh i never developed that because im too busy sucking Engel's cock and asking my dead wife's family for money"
He literally is a shit economist and NO ONE takes him seriously in the world of modern macro. Political economy isn't even a thing anymore except with fringe left wing university professors.

And everyone knows political """""""science"""""" people are too stupid to even understand Marx's economic theories anyways. They probably think surplus is like an excess amount of goods or something kek

It also didn't define how people thought of classes either. Ricardo and Malthus were long debating capitalist vs rentier long before that fat faggot Marx came around, as did many other political economists before them.

>why shouldn't you read it
First of all because in its entirety its like 2000 pages

>second reason:
his economic theories are bunk and we live in a post keynesian/MMT world

>third reason
anyone who has ever tried communism has failed miserably or turned their country into a murderous hellhole

And distribution of wealth? It didn't change shit. As previously stated about Ricardo and Malthus, they were constantly debating who should get the surplus at the end of the day. And BOTH were right in the fact that the peasent wagecuck shouldn't get any of it.

I'm glad you recognize how faggot-tier labor theory of value is though

>> No.1492168

hey , that's pretty good

>> No.1492422

What is
if not
>an excess amount of goods?

>> No.1492425

you won't make big money with forex trading. i suggest you learn something valueable instead and start your own business.

>> No.1492466

Instead of trying to pull apart a book which your advocating not reading which you shouldn't be doing unless you've read it, which means you have read it which is why you have the authority to pull it apart, unless you didn't which means you didn't read it and don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.1492557

Okay, if you haven't read all 1000 pages of the Wealth of Nations, never speak again. If you haven't read all eleven volumes of David Ricardos work compiled by Sraffa (a guy who pretty much dedicated his life JUST to the work of Ricardo) then you can't speak of Ricardo. That's ludicrous man.Knowledge accumulates over time, more than any one person can ever and will understand, hence why we specialize in things. I've read enough development of economic thought books to know my stuff. Hell, some development of economic thought books push 1000 pages anyways and contain a hell of a lot more info.

It's pretty much the theoretical "value added" at the end of the day. Similar to profit, but not quite. Profit is quantifiable and doesn't necessarily reflect all that went into producing a good (for example the labor it took to produce it which is why Marx was always so butthurt). The end goal is to figure out the "real price" of something, which, arguably is near impossible.
Here's a list.

Think of this: I have a good that took $1,000 in production costs to make. I sold it to some fool for $10,000 dollars because he thinks its a holy relic from a religion he made up in his back yard. My profit is $9,000. The surplus is different. Some would go to a landlord in the form of rent (this is traditionally where surplus went historically and which Ricardo argued against and Malthus argued for) and some to the gov in taxes. Oh, did I mention I used slave labor to make my product? So my production costs don't actually take into account the labor that it took to produce my good. Even if I paid everyone $1/hr it still doesn't. It's hard to quantify. And the fool who bought my product purely bought based upon his own personal use-value (utility) which, just because I made a huge profit, doesn't necessarily reflect my good's "real" price. The point I'm trying to make is my surplus way smaller than my profit.

>> No.1492989

That sucks massive dick, I'm sorry anon. Even though you'd be a massive shithead if you were wealthy from the start and I'd hate you, squandered opportunity is even more detestable.

In a similar vein, I've gotten fucked twice, now going on three times.

Back in the 40s, 50s? A great (or great-great) grandpa in Ohio was a multi-millionaire real estate owner/landlord. He had a brother in office and simply didn't pay taxes for however many years. As soon as the brother lost the reelection, the IRS came after him and he lost everything. He owed *millions* of dollars. He would rather have all of nothing, than half of multiple millions of dollars. Fucking idiot.

Grandfather in the southwest became president of the only gravel/cement supplier in a town, one of the largest in his state. He was earning $200,000 a year in the 60s. His estate should have been worth *tens* of millions of dollars by now. Nope. How much is it worth now? Stocks and bonds around $600k, real estate I'm guessing another $750k, various other assets another couple hundred. The estate should be 10, 20 million dollars but it's less than 2 because of shit management, stock picking, and giving away (literally) millions of dollars to stupid bullshit like irresponsible children and mistresses. And no, he was not banging models, he was a broken alcoholic for the last 20 years of his life. Refused help. Refused to change. Split between three heirs each family will end up with around half a million. Better than nothing but hardly a drop in the bucket.

And now, my dad. He's been picking stocks because he thinks he can beat the market. He happened to get lucky with one bet, and now has hundreds of thousands of dollars being gambled on a handful of companies. Has multiple vehicles, all expensive, all huge and/or terrible mileage, high maintenance, doesn't take care of shit. My mom buys all the random stupid shit she wants, yet still complains about money.

My family has fucked it up at every turn.

>> No.1492998

>split between 3 heirs likely 500k

Hahahaha no. Your grandpa will likely have to go to a nursing home which will take every last dime he has before they let him die.

>> No.1493014

Oh he's dead. He was in and out of the hospital/skilled nursing for... probably the last 8-10 years of his life. I don't know how much medicare covered, but that was another couple hundred thousand out of the estate for his care because he refused to take care of himself. Just like my dad, who's probably gonna die before he's 65 because he's either delusional or just doesn't give a shit.

I've seen my family make so many fucking mistakes it disgusts me. I promised myself a long time ago I would make *none* of the same mistakes they did.

>> No.1493280

inspect element kek

>> No.1493516
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How's this for motivation op?

>study personal finance daily
>have side business and work overtime every week
>wife works also
>working on 3rd house
>other small dog investmwnts steadily growing
>building storage sheds to rent out

Killing it getting rich. My wife wants a descent house in the woods near town and i want pic related and a shop.

And both of us to not have to work. All while our investments outgrow inflation and provide for emergencies such as medical and other surprise expenses for our family.

>> No.1493684

Kill her.

>> No.1493768

When I am doing what I am supposed to and what will be good for me in the longterm I have much less anxiety and even get enthralled and feel great. The problem is it's too easy to fall back into bad habits and and unproductive comfort zones. I need a way to, in the moment, light a fire up under my ass and do what I know I should be doing. But how?

>> No.1493897


I am imaginating someone working in one of the towers nearby watching me wank off in that bed. meh

>> No.1494420
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Realistically, you're too far away for anyone to see you unaided. Never the less, there's always curtains.

You could also put on a show using the assumption that you're being watched; maybe it'll lead to a true Disney-style romance.

>> No.1494449
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Someone IS watching you anon

>> No.1495695
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please donate

>> No.1495764

Your image a shit

>> No.1495881
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Can anyone here help me ?

>did door to door snow removal last year
>had business cards
>only got 4 clients
>knocked on 44 doors to get 1 client
>going to be knocking on hundreds of doors soon
>want to get at least 10 clients before October signed up for monthly service

Some questions:

>how can I improve my rate of 44:1 ?
>how do I market my service when most people who say yes are elderly people who dont use computers beyond sending email

Do I get business cards ? a shirt ? How do I make an effective brand ?

I live in an area that's decently affluent with bigger houses that's close to a university. I got some clients by saying I was a business student (lol I'm not though just a /biz/raeli)

I've read a lot of books on /biz/ list

>how to win friends and influence people
>intelligent investor
>ways to wealth
>economics in one lesson

thank you for help /biz/ this thread motivated the fuck out of me. I'm doing this either way again this year but I'd like to swing a sharper sword.

>> No.1495895

also does anyone have a link for Door to Door millionaire ? secrets of making a sale by lenny gray. I cant find it online

>> No.1496316

Yeah find new music every week blast the fuck out of it and get the fuck to work. Makes it less boring.

>> No.1496321

It still bs because other people actually want to be on a yacht

>> No.1496639

That feel when i don't want any of these

just a cozy house ,doesn't have to be big

maybe be financially stable to where i can have a kid and travel with him don't have to worry about bills,

be able to spend sub luxurious

>> No.1497785


>> No.1497791

You will desire her back. Especially if you drink. Plan for this. Plan for yourself to give into cravings of alcohol, weed, cigarettes, and this girl.

>> No.1497871
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>All these histories of rich people becoming poor due to stupidity
>mfw my grandfather became a millionaire from nothing, having to provide for his 1 and 3 year old brothers and mother after his dad died when he was 17
>my father became a doctor after shining shoes for pennies during teenage years and part timing construction work
>my mother was really poor, quit school at 15 to help raise her 8 other siblings and put them through college
>all of this made my family extremely humble, not valuing material things, mother never cared for luxury and dad invests every penny he can to give me a better life than he had
>MFW i'm an entitled little shit that will probably be the turning point and waste everything

How the fuck do i stop procrastinating, god fucking dammit

>> No.1497873

nice cuckshed

>> No.1498847


>> No.1498882
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>> No.1499043

OP here

Got my first book in the mail. Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.

>> No.1499047

Good job OP. Today you were not an faget

>> No.1499306

Not all "must reads" are there because the information given in them are based off of concrete theories on economics and finance.

How do you truly know that Das Kapital is a book full of bullshit if you haven't read it? Wait, so you did read it? People can learn greatly from reading shit and researching in-depth as to why it is shit.

>> No.1499582


It's reality. Accepting it is the first step.

>more soros

"If I had to sum up my practical skills, I would use one word: survival."

FWIW he's always been transparent. It's admirable imo.

>> No.1499630

if this is true, I from the bottom of my heart feel bad for you. I'm experiencing the same thing on a smaller scale. my grand father is worth 1.6million dollars after investing in CDs from the 40s and my dad and aunts are all banking on this inheritance and spending money frivolously. I got got lucky with a job that paid 70k+ a year at age 20 after dropping out of college, and got sucked into that lifestyle. and thank god i got that job. After learning about investing and that I would receive nothing from my parents I went for management position and got it. at a conservative rate ill have what my grandfather had at 48 to retire... 30 years later.

basically what im saying is your family will squander that money, but you inherited his genes so dont let them go to waste. Fuck your family and chase that money, if you cant sell the estate to do that let them rot and dont support them. I can gaurantee you grandfather would say the same. your forcing your own fate.

>> No.1499631

also this

>> No.1499644

be friends with folks in the community and spread your business through mouth of word. also offer the best service you possible can as i can only assume your market is saturated by already established landscaping companies like mine is (minnesota)

>> No.1499795

>Self Discipline in 10 Days
But it's not in the first reply...

>> No.1499877

There are two books that will help you find what you seek. The Willpower Instinct and The Power of Habit. They are not easy to find online and I am on mobile so I don't have the links. Good luck.

>> No.1499878

No matter how many times you explain this to them, they will never get it. They will continue to project their insecurities and failures on circumstance, while ascribing the success of others to the same. "He only gets hot girls because he's rich, I don't because I'm not!" "He is only rich cause X and I don't have X. X is a meme anyway, fuck all Xers. R-right B-biz" "TFW no X :((((((("

>> No.1499984

Fucking this. Your current approach does not work and will not work. There is a lesson here, learn it instead of complaining.

You're not just enabling but slaving away to enable. Sustaining something unsustainable at great expense.

You feel responsible? Take responsibility and make them take some bitter medicine.

>> No.1500036

Bro you touched me right on the spot

>> No.1500099


>> No.1500210

Vistaprint. Custom inc. Rather than knock on doors give people a commission for knocking on doors for u. Refine your sales pitch. I used to sell windows and our lead generators got fired if they couldnt average an appointment with 1/5 homeowners.

>> No.1501030

My gfs family is pretty wealthy, They prob won't give me money if I marry my gf, but I bet they would buy us a house. Luckily my gf is super awesome regardless of the money.

>> No.1501080


>> No.1501088

kys my dude

>> No.1501095

what are the must reads on this

>> No.1501159

Being around people and communal activities is fun to some people, especially those of us that grew up in an urban setting. I would love to go on vacation to a spot like the one in your picture, but I wouldn't want to be that far from a lot of people for too long. And I'm saying this as an introvert who's anti-social half the time.

>> No.1502559

That's the most Jewish thing I've ever read.

>> No.1502568

all of them

>> No.1502750
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Gtfo reddifag

>> No.1502771

get off the motivational threads, and start off with something, doesn't matter if its small or big, its still a beginning.

>> No.1502917

Comfy as FUCK.

It's just too bad they don't make modern books in big handsome volumes like that any more. It'd be pretentious to have a library filled with just classics, but modern books would spoil the aesthetic.

>> No.1502924
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Ever been to the Morgan?

>> No.1502926

Too urban, too soulless.

My idea of success is a country mansion, my own heraldry and coat of arms, a decent wife (not some vapid gold digger), plenty of kids to carry on the family name, etc.

Money is key but I'd rather have old-money sensibilities, not brash new-money consumerism.

>> No.1502941

Good. Stay strong.

>> No.1503062

Don't keep us in suspense, what was the most important bit ?

>> No.1503070

>people in the lowest tax bracket
Yeah the McDonald's workers moved up to being receptionists, or got a second McDonald's job.

Getting out of the lowest tax bracket is laughably easy. Getting into the top tax bracket is hard.

>> No.1503098

No I haven't, looks good though

>> No.1503306
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He's right: once your power level is known, it gets way harder to distinguish the whores and gold diggers from the ""decent"" women, who are already rare as fuck to begin with.

>higher tier women

It's been proven that more attractive your spouse, the more precarious your marriage is.

A bitch who wants you to pay for it will fuckin make you pay for it.

>> No.1503309


But they're usually broke losers themselves.

Don't upgrade yourself from basic to 2.0 just to get Basic Her.

>> No.1503314 [DELETED] 

Raid thread. It's happening!!!

>> No.1503434

>it gets way harder to distinguish the whores and gold diggers from the ""decent"" women, who are already rare as fuck to begin with.

Because if a chick is an asshole or a gold-digger, like that's going to show, she'll slip up in-between the constant flirting or stuff. You'll see when she's uncomfortable about something that any "decent" person wouldn't be.
She won't say thank you when someone hands her what she's picked up. She won't be considerate about other people in line.

She won't clean up her own mess.

She'll act like an entitled piece of shit. She'll be lazy.

You're telling me that you can't see that, even if it's just moments?

>> No.1503859



If you have have money in the bank and everyone knows it, you will not be able to discern whether or not the bitch in question is more into you or your provision potential. She can swear up and down it's you, but you won't know.

Whereas if you keep your power level hidden, it's easier to determine.what her motives are since your finances aren't even known to her.

>She won't say thank you when someone hands her what she's picked up.
>She won't be considerate about other people in line.
>She won't clean up her own mess.

People can exhibit basic common courtesy and still fuck you over, son.

>> No.1503878

>People can exhibit basic common courtesy and still fuck you over, son.

But if they don't because they're a selfish golddigging whore, or if they are only courteous to you and no-one else, then you can tell that she's poison.

The only thing I can think of is you get blinded by the sex and start self-rationalizing that she's a asshole to other people but not to you. Try to convince yourself she doesn't care about your money.

Then you've got no hope.

>Whereas if you keep your power level hidden, it's easier to determine.what her motives are since your finances aren't even known to her.
Sound advice.

>> No.1503890

>Whereas if you keep your power level hidden, it's easier to determine.what her motives are since your finances aren't even known to her.
Generally good advice for most people in your life, at least until you have the level of wealth that hiding it is asinine.

>> No.1504239

If you're on 4chan.org, you have already lost, ya dummy

>> No.1505204


>> No.1505484
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A lot of cucks here actually believe females will be more attracted to them if they have more money.

>> No.1505619

That was almost certainly written by a man, or at the very least, a sociopathic woman. Normal people aren't nearly that fucked up.

That's not to say it's completely wrong, though. Women are basically that entitled, just not nearly as explicit and disparaging towards the "lower class".

>> No.1505694


You're rationalizing women. Stop.

The only thing out of the ordinary about the girl who wrote this is she is thinking about her thought process conciously; which is impressive for a woman.

Most women act like this, not think like this. Which is even scarier to me.

Have you ever asked a woman why she has broken up with a man? Very few actually know. Sure they'll list out a number of petty reasons or even make one up on the spot. The real reasons are he isn't rich enough, handsom enough, or tolerating her bullshit enough.

>> No.1505717

Not being rich does not equate to being broke. If you're doing alright and have motivation to succeed then women are attracted to it.

>> No.1506645
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>> No.1507064

how is babby formd

>> No.1507342

why would you invest in small dogs?

>> No.1507357

>25M in a bank account

>> No.1507359


>> No.1507655

>or tolerating her bullshit enough.
That's where you're wrong, my friend. Women *hate* it when you tolerate their bullshit. Barring a small minority of exceptions, women want to have to work to keep you around. Your leaving them needs to be a perpetual threat and your finding a replacement who is younger and prettier than her needs to be a constant possibility.

Now that I think about it what you said before that, though, I do agree. Most women view men as a simple buffet and they just want the best one.

I hope all of you reading this get all of your children DNA tested if or when you have them. Don't be a cuck. DNA testing is fairly cheap (no more than a few hundred dollars per test) and if you're on /biz/, by the time you have kids you should be able to afford that.

how girl get pragnant