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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14839487 No.14839487 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14839517

Absolutely based.

>> No.14839520

> dex requires KYC

>> No.14839527

>IDEX KYC Transition Period and Updated Asset Availability for US Markets
Wew, lad

>> No.14839533

.... Wow it's fucking real

What an absolute fucking joke
Rip in peace idex niggers, what's the next non kiked dex boys

>> No.14839546


>> No.14839545

tfw 1/3 my portfolio is idex shitcoins. It's over isn't it

>> No.14839565

rip idex

>> No.14839577

every ethereum wallet will have virtual iban

>> No.14839583

If we use a based Netherlands VPN will it not require KYC? This might be the point where I invest in one. Aren’t there countries where Binance won’t ask for any personal info if the IP is from there?

>> No.14839584

The Boomers will finally figure out how to create an IDEX account

>> No.14839585
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jesus FUCKING christ
it's (((IDEX))) nao

>> No.14839591

bullish for stakenet

>> No.14839597
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kek they saw the burgers shufflin their fat asses towards the gates

>> No.14839606

The days of shitcoins have come to an end. Anything not on coinbase will go to zero over the next few months.

>> No.14839614

Burgers are fucked.

>> No.14839685

are there no good fucking exchanges without KYC

>> No.14839713

Coinbase is like the biggest shiller of shitcoins

>> No.14839722

>Someone named Craeg is calling sir
>he wants to discuss a possible migration

>> No.14839771

This is amazing news!

>> No.14839782

RIP Idex.
All the vidt, lit, and qnt holders better take their profits while they can.

>> No.14839793

For who? KYC is beneficial to absolutely no one that actually trades

>> No.14839819

poor burgers

>> No.14839872


>> No.14839876

Its beneficial to those who actually make money and want to be able to spend it on things like cars and houses and not just on booze and cigarettes.

Once KYC kicks in you will see fuck face lunch money punters leave IDEX and large institutional traders join IDEX.

Not everyone is willing to risk getting sent to "pound me in the ass" prison for tax evasion and money laundering.

Pay your taxes bitch.

>> No.14839885

So when is there going to be a true DEX? Like a Pirate Bay for crypto exchanges

>> No.14839972
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you post like a fucking faggot

>> No.14839991

Nice rebuttal faggot you should kys.

>> No.14840014

A dex that is even able to implement KYC isn’t a dex

>> No.14840086

Then what the fuck do you need it for ?
There are already tons of exchanges you can use with kyc but not so many dex exchanges.
Well whatever I guess there will be alternatives popping up.

>> No.14840426

with all of the regulation happening, it would be entirely foolish for anyone to make one because they would be going to prison for doing so.

>everything will be kyc
>regulation will happen
>and institutional traders will be buying our bags at 10,000%+

its worth the tradeoff

>> No.14840485

So I dont get GOXXED you imbecile. You think I am going to hide all my gains from the feds and not pay my tribute to isreal? I dont give a fuck about KYC or paying taxes. I jusr dont want to get Goxxed or Quadrigacx'd if a CEX goes tits up for whatever reason CEXs have fucked up ever since Bitcoin was invented.

>> No.14840490

Stakenet is working on it.

>> No.14840553

I'm thinking about creating an exchange with no KYC for burgers. I'm Euro so SEC can suck my dick.

>> No.14840557

not wrth you fucking niggerboi
>regulation will happen
>ppl behind regulation will cuck everyone ans start to leak kyc data to paying ppl
>steals shit but wont be able to be proven otherwise

>> No.14840599

What the fuck is the point of a decentralized exchange with KYC?
Absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.14840655


>> No.14840672

Does anyone have any experience using a VPN to trade on binance? What risks are associated with that?

>> No.14840674

what coin is kyc?
I see it mentioned a lot lately but its not on coinmarketcap

>> No.14840692

Non custodial exchanges are there so traders dont get fucked over in the event the exchange exit scams.

>> No.14840696

>What risks are associated with that?
gettin ya funds yoinked. CZ is making you a .us domain, he isnt just going to turn a blind eye to your activities as it could hurt him when more pressure comes down if its found out hes done fuck all to prevent burgers from burgering.

>> No.14840719

> and large institutional traders join IDEX

my fucking sides. retardation 100% confirmed

>> No.14840748

Know Your Role and shut your mouth

>> No.14840801

Wait till Renvm is out on mainnet then you'll see what a real dex should be

>> No.14840810
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>requires KYC

top fucking kek

>> No.14840831

How is uniswap doing in terms of liquidity nowadays? Could be an alternative.

>> No.14840850

>what are transaction history csv's in order to account for taxes
I see you like higher authorities telling you when to take a shit

>> No.14840859

Why is everyone so opposed to KYC?

Is it just to cash out anonymously this to avoid taxes?

>> No.14840893



>> No.14840897


>> No.14840935

i just dont want my info with dozens of shady exchange sites. let me put my kyc into cuckbase, and then them yes/no that im kyc'd to these other exchanges. ive never taken so many selfies before and pics with my holding up objects and drawn shapes and IDs

>> No.14840981

Sure is summer here.


>> No.14841040

Very nice product. I hope more people use it

>> No.14841041

Ok now prove that the people you made big trades with didnt use funds sourced from drug dealing, kidnapping or extortion.

Stop acting edgy bruh you obey the laws everyday you breath air on this planet.

>> No.14841321

Kyc doesn't suck because you want to avoid taxes

Kyc sucks because your personal data is all that is needed for someone to find out who they should track down and torture with a drill for all their Bitcoin

If someone knows you own crypto and knows where you live, it's game over. You need to move and never give your name and address to the same entity again.

Read How to Be Invisible. You'll quickly find out that all it takes is $500 and telling a private investigator someone owes you money or child support or something for you to find most people.

Harder to find people might cost $5000.

Only the absolutely paranoid motherfuckers will be harder to find than that (but still findable - it'll just cost more).

I might use a ups store box address and either my nickname or an LLC created on Wyoming (no need to publicly list your name when registering the LLC) to create an "institutional" or company account. That, or maybe the address I used to register the LLC should be fine...

>> No.14841413


If someone knows you own "Insert any fucking thing of value here no just crypto" and knows where you live, it's game over.

People have been kidnapped for ransom and extorted long before crypto existed fren.

You can only minimize the risk not eliminate it completely. World isnt big enough for you to hide in.

>> No.14841476

Think about the guy who got tortured with a drill for his bitcoin

Or the guy who posted about his bitcoin on social media and then got robbed

If an exchange gets hacked and customer data gets stolen then there is now a list of people's real names. They don't even need to know your account balance- just know that Jim 4chan has a shitcoin account. Then they google Jim 4chan and see he lives 69 Fuckoff Lane.

If they got customer lists and maybe some info about how you've deposited or withdrawn, then maybe they can see you have a nice 10k link when link is $20. Then it definitely becomes worth doing a Google search for your name or even paying one of those creepy people finder services like Intelius. Can't find you on Intelius? Bounty hunter services sell your phone location data to people who have a few hundred bucks. Is it worth a few hundred bucks and a 24hr drive to go take some neet's $200k link stack? Absolutely.

KYC is super dangerous and going to get people robbed or worse.

>> No.14841515

Crypto is worse since it is like keeping that thing of value under your bed.

Now, nobody needs to kidnap you or hold you for a period of time for you sell your investments.

If someone knew I was rich, I would rather they know I have a million dollar house than a million dollars in cash or Bitcoin under my mattress.

>> No.14841573

This isn't even about whether you guys prefer kyc exchanges or not, but I guess you can hardly deny that the stronges selling point of Idex was that it didn't require a sign up process. Now they leave that niche and decide to compete with exchanges that offer users to "own" their own private keys. A much broader market.
People didn't use Idex because the interface or features are that great.
As I already set I guess a lot of people including me will look out for alternatives.

Idex was never fully decentralized, you still transferred your funds to their wallet where they were handled by their smartcontract, they still could delay or reject your withdrawals for one reason or another. But the difference is that so far you were merely a public address to them, now your are going to be a full person. Do you know how often coinbase&co. withhold withdrawals because of some "issues" with your kyc ? Also now the feds can order Idex to freeze your funds for one reason or another, you remember one of the major points of crypto being outside the reach of governments ?
Maybe people don't want the government of companies to know how much wealth they hold, or they indeed want to evade taxes.
Point is that a sizeable portion of the Idex customer base will stop using idex and look for alternatives.

>> No.14841628

Anon you had me up until you turned into a link shill. Hope your kind gets a drill to the head by triad scammers.

>> No.14841778


>> No.14842276
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>muh and your regulations boogeyman

>> No.14842316

>missed the enitre point of crypto

>> No.14842397

If you’re on earth they will get you

>> No.14842404

>citation needed

>> No.14842483

no one here is being edgy, simply upholding the basis on which crypto was founded. Who knows what drug kingpin paying some murderer used that 20 dollar bill you got at the store to pay with? See where I'm going? KYC is just a control move from the bankers

>> No.14842553

excuse me?
clown fiesta

>> No.14842603

Fucking govemrmdmdmet gonna find meh shitcerns.

>> No.14842680
File: 1.81 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2019-07-14-15-36-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does this have to do with FOREX REAL MEN ONLY TRADE ON FOREX!!!!

>> No.14842743

ForkDelta still works fine.
>b-b-b-but it's so scary and lots of buttons n'stuff and i'm not going to use it

>> No.14842764

first they came for..

>> No.14842766
File: 58 KB, 828x819, a5a6a4b499e15976b99931772aa123c1d2b2f0e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDEX is for bitch niggas FOREX is for rich niggas

>> No.14842771

What the fuck does this have to do with chainlink is the real question

>> No.14842802
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Just accept it you poor ass faggots cant trade on FOREX if your bitlits depended on it

>> No.14842860
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I understand you are all basement dwelling pussies who trade gonk coin. Maybe its time to switch to FOREX

>> No.14843271

>Institutional traders
>Paying taxes
Anon, I..

>> No.14843291

Well meme'd my fren. Now do you have an actual counter arguement?

>> No.14843295
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>> No.14843301

His counterargument is that whoever thinks "institutional traders" are going to be using IDEX for trading let alone paying taxes on those trades is retarded.

>> No.14844066




>> No.14844699

I'm sorry we don't trade in the boomer rock exchange, /biz/ is a technologically cypherpunk inclined finance board

>> No.14844858

who cares

>> No.14845091

>laughs in bisq

>> No.14845131
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Fucking hell I can't wait for Stakenet Dex.

>> No.14845191

Good thing they're just asking for a name and not my name in particular.

>> No.14845211


Based how? lmao

>> No.14845249

Americans are so fucking cucked lol. I like how they tout their supposed freedom left and right but have to jump through hoops just to buy some memecoins.

>> No.14845306

bamboo relay or kira dex on cosmos

>> No.14845312


I literally cashed out in jan '17 to put a down payment on a house. Bank didn't give a single fuck where the money came from. In fact I gave the bank statements showing random ass 5 figure wire transfers with no explanation. He said as long as its been in the account for two months before the mortgage application the underwriters don't care. AML is a fucking joke. KYC seems like it hardly does shit.

>> No.14845362

This is one of the shittiest countries on Earth. I fucking loathe being (((American))).

>> No.14845379

Fuck when the XRouter or whatever is it gets up and running (so you don't have to sync with all the chains) it will be the fucking king.

>> No.14845463

What other decent DEX is available for burgers?

>> No.14845489

So its not a big deal then. Do kyc and enjoy idex gem gains