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14834553 No.14834553 [Reply] [Original]

Clean it up, wagie.

>> No.14834584

one of the rare cases where the wagie is the less pathetic person

>> No.14834592
File: 38 KB, 1200x1200, 1562524114418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an European I am unable to understand how this is funny (besides the wagie part). That was food. What a waste.

>> No.14834613

We throw out more food in America than most countries produce per year.

>> No.14834627

I visited my uncle in britain once.
I was starving the whole time.
I guess that's what you get with communism lite.

>> No.14834628

>implying anything other than brown worker drones will clean it
It actually makes me happy
I wish I wasn't too lazy to join ICE

>> No.14834690

I loved the first 5 seconds when that Zoomer smashed his jaw on the floor, hope he needed oral surgery!

>> No.14834750

This was epic.
The rest is clown country in decline, whats new.

>> No.14834794

>white people having “fun”


>> No.14834795

As a burger, it's not funny. It's usual teenage stupidity being further boosted by the hopes of YouTube/social media fame/infamy. More kids that have no respect for damages they cause. We need to beat our kids again.

>> No.14834817

I liked the same part

>> No.14834831

Fucking hate when people waste food.

>> No.14834874

They were arabs lmao get fucked mahmoud

>> No.14834891

fucking retards those guys are

>> No.14834910

lmao so many crying irl jannies itt
the guys are just having fun, relax

>> No.14834931

based Vladimir comrade the USSR is over

>> No.14834967

That shit wasn't even funny, what a waste of milk.

>> No.14834971

This is what happens when black culture permeates into the wider population behaviours.

>> No.14835014

How many calories do you eat per day? 69000?

>> No.14835206

they're indians
India has almost no drinkable water and they're all going to die horrible deaths in the coming years

>> No.14835293

dude, grocery stores are rolling out cleaning robots these days. not even joking. went to a store in a Boston suburb the other week and saw one for the first time. it just rolled around the store looking for messes. we are now living in a society that is co-inhabited by robots. feels a bit strange when I say it like that.

>> No.14835395

>wasting food isn't funny okay?

God this place has really gone to shit. Back in my day all you people complaining itt would be considered the lowest of the low moralfag scum.

>> No.14835630
File: 25 KB, 399x322, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the two hours someone has to scrub is now two hours they could be doing something else!
lol they actually believe this shit

>> No.14835651

My apologies for not being an edgy teenager anymore. Food just needs to be respected. Fucking Roman decadence.

>> No.14835655
File: 51 KB, 383x453, 1534525474737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, I remember when 4channel was good

>> No.14835678

Well we already live with npcs so not much different

>> No.14835717

Any sort of fun will be outlawed and degenerates such as you - burned at the stake.
Modern society is unable to sustain itself.
Tick tock.

>> No.14835757

europoor cope

>> No.14835764

>That was food. What a waste.

No it wasn’t, it was hormone shit milk from industrialized mutant cows. Most of American “food” is shit goyim feed.

>> No.14835864

kill yourself

>> No.14835907
File: 258 KB, 469x387, froglaughinsidr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people

>> No.14835936

I corrected it for you Anon!

>> No.14835985

sorry that we don't have supersize and free refils in our mcdonalds anon

>> No.14835988

whites in america are saturated in nigger culture, and this is the result

>> No.14835993

parents were too busy being wagies. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.14836069
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1541046018594.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14836102

What fucking episode is this???

>> No.14836141

>implying that britain isn't nearly as fat as america is lmao

>> No.14836172

God I'd love to do this to the Zoomers! Worst part is their absent parents would defend the Zoomers actions no matter what.
t. my parents are still together, its great coming from a real family
Ha Ha Ha Zoomers you'll never have it as good as I had it!

>> No.14836183

This is what happens when you create instagram/viral culture and everyone wants to have the next viral tiktok or w.e gay shit.

>> No.14836380

>amerifarts being obese subhumans
every god damn fucking time

>> No.14836582


How'd they get away with this

zoomers BTFO

>> No.14836816

ignoring the muh food part, there's absolutely nothing funny about falling on your ass and pretending to be retarded in front of literal boomers
it could be oil for all i care and it's still fortnite meme tier

>> No.14836849

>not beating your kids on youtube
step up boomer

>> No.14836926

Food is cheap as fuck in the US.