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14811806 No.14811806 [Reply] [Original]

Joey Krug doesn't know the most basic shit and he thinks his opinions are worth shit.

>> No.14811809 [DELETED] 
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Download Pi Network on google play/app store
Use code [pigang] to sign up (it's invite only)
Acquire free crypto

>> No.14811817

I hate pajeets

>> No.14811890

Funny how he's asking the same questions biz did some time ago during the grand darwinian shitcoin selection that ultimately crowned link

>> No.14811898

>1. talk shit about chainlink
>2. bend the knee
He's just making his way along the usual route.

>> No.14811903

>if so, how?
That's something to be decided by the parties in the SLA.
The fuck kind of question is that, did he not read the white paper?

>> No.14811909

Also, cringed hard at the paid Pajeet shill treating those trash-tier questions from ignorance like he just discovered a fatal flaw lmao.

>> No.14811921

Where is this?

>> No.14811928


>> No.14811939

He’s literally brainlet reddit nolinker tier, because it’s literally all in the whitepaper, but he’s too dumb to read it, because maths is hard

>> No.14811951


>> No.14811965
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>Service agreements for crypto
It keeps on getting worse

>> No.14811982

>literally page one of the whitepaper

>> No.14811996

The chainlink gitter into google

>> No.14812001


>> No.14812004


>> No.14812016

>for crypto
This is about mainstream transactions within crypto, you brainlet.
Look up what "smart contracts" were originally invented to be.

>> No.14812116

daily reminder Sergeys rep in crypto developers world is above Vitalik but he hides his power levels so well

>takes pic next to, and does work with Ari Juels himself, the guy that created PoW
>probably just the only person that has respect from CfB (Come_from_beond)

he could BTFO all of these SF basedboy devs with a single tweet but he doesnt give a fuck about them

>> No.14812127
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liddle joey is butt hurt
he's lashing out at Sergey and chainlink because of pic related

>> No.14812180
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Many such cases. Lil Joey WILL bend the knee!

>> No.14812189
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>21 Feb 2018

>> No.14812193

the wait a minute there nolinker pasta was created specifically for him

>> No.14812201
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>> No.14812206

>daily reminder Sergeys rep in crypto developers world is above Vitalik but he hides his power levels so well
Lmao this is so beyond bullshit, it has a bullshit realm of its own.

>> No.14812217

Graceful and tact

>> No.14812244

Chainlink has no solution at all to incorrect data except for kyc.
It's more than a month since mainnet, everyone can see how the scam actually works.

>> No.14812252

Based and truth pilled

>> No.14812259
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lol I remember this one
was bullish as fuck to see

>> No.14812276

lol this

>> No.14812290
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>> No.14812334

It’s obvious during this entire debacle he has been trying to read and understand what Chainlink actually does, and he has been slowly getting less and less aggressive as he realizes he is completely BTFO. Augur is a piece of shit. It is literal garbage, and he felt threatened by the presence of another oracle which actually does what people need it to do. So he went full retard. And you NEVER go full retard.

>> No.14812341

lol how can devs be this uneducated when compared to the autists on here. Everyone knows Link is not dependent on SGX, it’s just the first TEE that is publicly available, as more come out more will be used. Link is built to be ompletely extensible to meet whatever customer demands are needed

>> No.14812349

This 100%. His knees are buckling as we speak and they’ll be bent in a few weeks once his smooth brain slowly catches up.

>> No.14812352

This. KEK. My sides.

>> No.14812378

Go suck a dick joey, you fucking brainlet with your pajeet level fud.

>> No.14812436

saying CL has no solution to incorrect data is just as retarded saying you have nothing to hide so you dont care about privacy.

CL is working on securing the pipeline that delivers data to contracts, securing the endpoint from being tampered/incorrect is impossible due to that data existing in real world and it being subject to human manipulation.
this is what all those twitter FUD brainlets dont understand, its impossible to absolutely secure the transfer from physical into digital world, but SGX, decentralized oracles, reputation/staking, multiple oracle inputs, multiple source inputs all combined do come pretty close, but it can even be 100%, it can be 50%, 99%,99.9%,99.9999%, you pick how much decentralization and trust you need, a solar flare could wipe us all out tomorrow, aliens could launch a FTL(faster than light) weapon from another universe/dimension into us, we dont know, nothing is 100%, but 99.9% or 99.999% is good enough for anyone and thats what sergey is working on

>> No.14812443

Ohh that makes me hard.

>> No.14812453

*but it can never be 100%

>> No.14812652
File: 411 KB, 1544x583, 7B99FAA7-D1C2-4D49-A9A7-76B1F35BE77C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said. This is the difference between someone who is capable of thinking just a little bit deeper with an understanding of the specific problem Chainlink is solving and the nuances involved versus the absolutely retarded Pajeet brainlet tier thought process of WHAT IF THE DATA IS WRONG??????

The reality is that we’ve seen this time and and time again. Some arrogant idiot on Twitter will find out about Chainlink, get the highest level description of what it is, then their immediate response is FUD. The only thing they’re capable of processing is that Chainlink is the thing that that let’s me talk to the real world and bring it to some blockchain, completely missing the extremely significant details of what Chainlink actually is and what it’s trying to do. They all bend the knee eventually. We just win.

>> No.14812746


>> No.14812802

>Page 42
God damn it

>> No.14812873

say i have a centralized oracle, i have a risk of that oracle failing being 100% because its centralized

>ok lets use 2 oracles
now my risk of centralized failure is 50%

>lets do 10 oracles
now my risk of centralized failure is 10%

>lets use aggregation function which doesnt use outliers higher than 10% deviation from average
now my risk of centralized failure is below 1% because someone has to tamper all nodes spread across the world at the same time and all of them have to deliver my tampered data to contract

>hm, still not enough, lets go deeper, lets use SGX
now my risk of centralized failure is somewhere below 0.00000001% decimals because you have to tamper CPU running at 3 GHz clock at 7 nanometers with a special hardware worth millions of dollars, and you need to do this without error while the CPU is running on your own built tampering hardware that somehow is able to move around logic gates at 7nm while the CPU is running, did i forgot to mention you need to do that in real time? OH and you also need to do it on all of the 10 nodes I picked

fine, lets use off-chain ring threshold signatures so nodes can talk to eachother and we pick 100 nodes to sign on a value, combined with SGX, aggregation that puts us at idk 1*10**-20th decimal

ok, lets add public key signing of data so that web 2.0 API servers commit to that data with their reputation and we can verify if node tampered it or not
combined with everything above this is like 1*10**-30th decimal

ok sure, we can request the data multiple times or combine 3 different CL calls built from 300 different CL nodes (100 each time) within 5minutes since ETH is very fast, surely you dont need more than 50th decimal place of security

>> No.14812906

Holarchic center sniffing

>> No.14812921

Fucking based anon

>> No.14812965

oh honey, thats the best part, to tamper the network you need to buy LINK token which means you are subject to game theory cockblock because you will increase the value of the network and add additional security by buying tokens that you will attempt to tamper the network with, and nodes will also be able to stake LINK tokens to increase their reputation, they will risk losing their staked LINK and reputation meaning outliers will never be picked for a job, combined with everything I mentioned above LINK api calls are just as secure as cryptography primitives like SHA256 and its mathematically and humanly impossible to tamper with it unless you waste trillions of dollars just to ATTEMPT tampering it

>> No.14812989

based. great job explaining anon, now lets go back to fudding so we can get even more linkies from the clearance sale that's going on right now

>> No.14813042

Very based. You’re a generous marine for posting something like this.

>> No.14813109

I feel ashamed to say I own a bunch of REP.

>> No.14813298

110 iq. Smart enough to see how oracles are supposed to work, not smart enough to realize your analysis kills link.
Reality: use several different oracle providers - all known companies. No nodes, no staking, no bullshit reputation, no pointless token. No penalty in worthless token, but an actual court-enforceable damages penalty, possibly a criminal case if done maliciously.
As chainlink is forced to rely on kyc to fight sybil attacks, they lose all advantages over companies while retaining disadvantages.

>> No.14813398

You just described chainlink again you retard.

>> No.14813464

if u have kids dont forget to pick for them too

>> No.14813495

>no worthless token that only creates friction and costs
>no easy to game numerical reputation
>actual contractual obligation with potentially unlimited damages
Chainlink is a scam, deal with it. The whitepaper should be titled "marketplace for centralized oracles, but with retarded token". Completely worthless.

>> No.14813582

Your mom should have requested condom usage.

>> No.14814018

You are absolutely right, this paid shillers are just retard