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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14805639 No.14805639 [Reply] [Original]

You're going to get tired of winning."

>> No.14805649

is this meme quote good for us anymore?

>> No.14805653

How many are we up to now? I'm thinking about 10-15

>> No.14805671

reminder you still have time to make it
Jul 17 SF ETH Dev Meetup
Aug 2-4 trufflesuite/Microsoft
Aug 19-21 Web3 Summit
Sept 12th Binance US Ban
Sept 14 PSD2
Sept 15-19 Oracle Code One
Sept 23-26 SIBOS/SWIFT

$2.70 is a fucking steal

>> No.14805672

Reminder to nulinkers that the most important aspect you should be looking towards is network growth (I.e node operators) for long term success of chainlink and NOT CURRENT MARKET PRICE

>> No.14805675
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>2 years

>> No.14805685
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>honey, that mad plaid lad saved our marriage

>> No.14805686

if you legitimately, genuinely, unquestionably, believed this, you would take out every loan available to buy LINK right now. But you haven't

>> No.14805689

people arent going to give me a loan you fag but i am putting in everything i can

>> No.14805694

>he doesnt know

>> No.14805709
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Comfy node onboarding

>> No.14805720

I want to buy 4k link more but fuck me I don't want to pay these prices. I have 16k and want to sell to buy a business as owner to supplement my income... I should've just gone all in link diversification is a meme

>> No.14805723

Over 95% of my networth is in link.

>> No.14805724



>> No.14805725

why is the binance us ban a good thing for link?

>> No.14805738

“Sergey Nazarov (Chainlink CEO) is one of the best entrepreneurs in the blockchain space”

>> No.14805740

i would take a big ass loan if interest wasn't so fucking high were i live

>> No.14805756
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I leveraged against 10% of my LINK stack to take an ETH loan out today, and immediately converted it to LINK.

So, yeah, I am, dickweed.

>> No.14805775
File: 28 KB, 136x279, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 5.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 18k in credit card debt

this is my portfolio .

i wont need a credit score in a few years thanks to link.

just gotta keep my linkies safe on my trezor.

>> No.14805788

I'm literally all in and have been for 18 months. I only take out scraps to live, every single other penny is in LINK.

>> No.14805792

You are a MANIAC

>> No.14805793

99% of us are unemployed shy autists how the fuck would we get a loan lmao fucking normie

>> No.14805804

I opened up 4 credit cards, maxed all of them out for LINK, sold all my other crypto positions, and emptied my checking account minus what I needed for rent & insurance that month. Tried to get loans, but didn't qualify for any :-/ I'm about as all-in as I can be.

>> No.14805813

yup he, literally invented bitcoin when he was a teenager. way kooler than money skelly.

he is going to be the first real use case in the world

>> No.14805817

>red ID
>meme that implies you’ll do nothing but lose

>> No.14805836
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>only 500 links

>> No.14805839

I'd like to know as well

>> No.14805854

500 is good enough to be a neet forever. stop being a bitch and keep putting in money

>> No.14805875

He would not have been a teenager, early 20s. Fyi, my understanding is his parents were both programmers.

>> No.14805883

Trundle down to your nearest vegetable cart and ask for Rupert, he'll explain everything.

>> No.14805906


>> No.14805920

Shut the fuck up faggot you’d drop every penny you own into LINK if you actually, whole-heartedly, believed what you are saying. In reality you probably own 500 LINK and are doing everything you can to get people to believe the delusion of easy money. Fuck you you slimey little faggot.

>> No.14805928


50%-60% of my networth is in Chainlink. That good enough for you?

>> No.14805932

Keep the 300k and pay off the credit card dumbass, stop paying (((interest))) on 18k.

>> No.14805969
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>> No.14805970

lol i am you dumb shit

>> No.14806014


>> No.14806027

All in with $20k babe
Tempted to give up the neet lifestyle just to have funds to buy more

>> No.14806038
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>price instantly dumps another 5%

so very, very tired of winning

>> No.14806041

your id says gew

>> No.14806053

liar! it pumped 5% dont bully!

>> No.14806055

You need to work on your underling. Shameful display.

>> No.14806066

How did you come to this understanding?

>> No.14806079

Why does the binance US binance ban have to be before PSD2 and Swift, I want to get some monero before then

>> No.14806118
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I have $100 in my bank account and $20k worth of LINK.

>> No.14806121

without binance i cant trade link

>> No.14806146

Wow brave new coin is on par with the likes of google, samsung, apple and facebook. I'm so bullish on Chainlink, me gonna be rich soon just got to envision $1000 EOY.

>> No.14806154


>> No.14806157

what is idex

>> No.14806161
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Fuck you faggot, we bought the same shit , we are not part of some team.

>> No.14806163

Weak hands Anon

>> No.14806182

jesus, the level of edgelord lately on this board.

>> No.14806197

this but unironically

>> No.14806222

im not paying for interest wells fargo already took me to court. sued me ass. it was interesting but they still havent garnished my wages. this is credit debt since 2015.

>> No.14806289

Literally who

>> No.14806399

oh shit, i forgot about the nasdaq shit, nasdaq derivatives eom

>> No.14806421

I’m all in with 100k link fuck off you think I care if it fails? Life sucks regardless it’s a win win

>> No.14806441

i have 90+% of my net worth in LINK fren, also i don't have the credit score to get loans

>> No.14806478

6k in my bank account and 130k in link. I'm with you.

>> No.14806487

Why is this significant? Just another crypto startup

>> No.14806493

>ath was a 10x from 6 months ago
>just went on mainnet 1.5 months ago
>massive dump from bear market and dev dump
get over yourself

>> No.14806507

See >>14806289

>> No.14806509
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 1_E4F4cclDgdoZIe-SdQ20IA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24.58$, Was 30$ but I went and got some mcnuggies today. 4.5K LINK that I bought at .43. I'll become homeless or join the military before I sell my LINK.

>> No.14806519

I did. Credit card transfer check, just bought another $10k worth

>> No.14806542

further decoupling from BTC/USDT

>> No.14806562

Coinbase forces KYC. And have specific language against market manipulation. They actually will shut down (if they want to) whales and bots. They also identify high value customers and share info with the IRS. Price action will be less subject to whales, especially Chinese whales.

>> No.14806564

im 100% in link, could afford to pay off a car, student loan, and credit card if i cashed out.

>> No.14806578

$2.74at the moment compadre, right on schedule

>> No.14806586

There is heavy suppression/manipulation on coinbase though

>> No.14806606

>hasn’t taken out a second mortgage for Link

Gtfo normie

>> No.14806607

Nasdaq volume will be immense
Ooops i mean literally who

>> No.14806614

Why would you do this?

>> No.14806658

May be, but still to a lesser degree than Binance. They will eventually have open up their books to the US government especially after the press conference today.

>> No.14806780

If Binance US adds link this is all a moot point right?

>> No.14806815


>> No.14806830

US based company, US treasury rules.

>> No.14806840
File: 65 KB, 360x360, Tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll end soon.

>> No.14806868

If something like btc with a much bigger volume than link can be so easily manipulated, why do you anons think link will be able to avoid the same fate?

>> No.14806931

No, during speculative time like now... price will be manipulated. Once staking goes live, price discovery will be determined by industry usage, rate of return vs risk of staking. Link was and is always meant to be a b2b product. It's not even a real traditional crypto.

>> No.14807067
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>net worth without factoring chainlink comes to -$30,000

>> No.14807094


What did the mean by this - Clients and Projects

>> No.14807191

lol no. Onmly like 10 people know how good this is. The rest are braindead retards getting spoon fed

>> No.14807237
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$100 in my checking account
50k LINK stack


>> No.14807376

Ctrl F
"Shit link"
One result

>> No.14807429


>> No.14807578

Normally these things are funds of people pooled together to achieve a specific goal and then being able to sell their share in the project when it goes mainstream and “exit”. They throw Chainlink under clients and projects because I think it’s simply a project they’re invested in. The term “capital” is in their name, which makes me think they’re just another fund. But, when did Chainlink accept funding? They didn’t except during ICO and those mega firms have already been identified on crunch base and this firm isn’t on there. They could be a client and not a project after all. The term client though insinuates that Chainlink is using techemy’s services, not the other way around which doesn’t make too much sense. Time will tell I suppose.

>> No.14808034


>> No.14808419

open LINK/ETH short, open CDP with Maker, open LINK/ETH long

>> No.14808605

Well early buyers got x20+, so im guessing thats where it came from

>> No.14808633

You should fuck off. There are enough people on this board that did put everything in it, including myself. I still have 2k € on my bank account and my salary to get by and live "comfy" until the singularity (do fun stuff by going out, buy games etc and go on vacations) + paying my rent.
Everything else I have is into LINK. Had about 50k link in 2017-2018 when it was sub top 100 coinmarketcap, but learned halfway the hard way that 2018 that swing trading link is retarded and have held a 21.5k link since then (7k€ invested, which is 52k€ at this bottom right now). Increasing my stack with the current price of LINK is not really worth the hassle for me anymore, as it's too little of a stack increase. 21.5k is enough to make it anyway.

>> No.14808635

What makes you think it hasnt been manipulated from the start?

>> No.14808638 [DELETED] 

>reminder you still have time to make it
>Jul 17 SF ETH Dev Meetup
>Aug 2-4 trufflesuite/Microsoft
>Aug 19-21 Web3 Summit
>Sept 12th Binance US Ban
>Sept 14 PSD2
>Sept 15-19 Oracle Code One
>Sept 23-26 SIBOS/SWIFT
>$2.70 is a fucking steal

>> No.14808651

ok, i've simultaneously shorted and longed link, but now i have less link than before
this is the opposite of what i wanted

>> No.14808782

send it all in pussy

>> No.14808810

What are yalls price predictions following each of these events?
I want fucking $5 already

>> No.14808814

$5 end of week i bet if the news is good at the dev meet up

>> No.14808834

Assuming you are referring to btc, by this logic what makes you think link hasn't been manipulated from the start?

>> No.14808896

God I hope so

>> No.14808901

i meant to say open LINK/DAI long, if LINK/DAI goes up and LINK/ETH is stable then you're effectively trading your original LINK with leverage i think

>> No.14808907

im saying that link has been. Btc was not from the start, only later.

>> No.14808940 [DELETED] 

dude DO NOT use that pajeet shit
their contract always runs out of gas and you miss the top
their oracles are shit and hit your stop loss because a 50 link sell order gets filled on kyber

i fucking hate indians

>> No.14808939


so similar.

Never selling.

>> No.14808948

fucking this stop letting people steal your links guys

>> No.14809151

You don’t want to buy ETH at 2$

>> No.14809463

Raises my buy in exponentially. Anyways I'll wait for the dump tomorrow after Sergey speaks. Just bought 1k more link.

>> No.14809509

Hang in there marine. We're going to make it.

>> No.14809801

Reminder that BNC is a big fucking deal: https://cointelegraph.com/news/nasdaq-to-add-brave-new-coin-bitcoin-and-ethereum-indices-this-month

>> No.14810349

well, i did, in november last year. I already paid it off, now put extra ketchup with my fries and big mac wagie!

>> No.14810357

>Taking a loan
No thanks

>> No.14810369

When does Sergers speak tomorrow?

>> No.14810372

Implying I'm not literally in debt and essentially use LINK as my banking.

>> No.14810392

Already done anon. Unironically. I knew those credit good goy points would come in handy some day.

>> No.14810393

did you guys literally and unironically buy link?

>> No.14810406
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Anon, is the interest higher than what you expect the return to be from LINK? If so, then yes, it is ridiculous to buy link with credit. If not, you're foolish for not going for it.

>> No.14810416


>> No.14810543

Looks like the SNTVT logo anon

>> No.14810834

>Life sucks regardless
that sounds like a lose/lose

>> No.14810916

dude shut the fuck up and stop spaming your fucking shitcoin

>> No.14810970

Can't manipulate what is being held in nodes.

>> No.14811049

20k LINK and like 600 euros on TransferWise. I'm 19. Others my age would have cashed out at €1 to buy some used Audi A7 or something. I can't even cash out 100 LINK without feeling awful.

>> No.14811264

Smart young man, ignore the morons on here, commit to giving back 10% to help others and continue to Hodl, you are going to make it.

>> No.14811419
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No, i wouldn't. It's called risk management anon. Nothing in life is 100 percent.

>> No.14811484

in the meanwhile you should study ripple chart from january 2018 to 2019 july

you have much to learn