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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14791321 No.14791321 [Reply] [Original]

I know, don't risk money you need,
I know, it's fucking volatile and you should only invest a small portion of you money on volatile things. Keep a big safety pile on a high interest account they say and buy reliable stocks. Yeah I fucking know butI transfered 95% of my fucking bank acount to the fucking exchange to buy eth down the line.

I don't wageslave enough to retire in the next 20 years, I need to take risks to actually fucking make it. This is gonna be all or nothing guys. Wish me fucking luck, I will absolutely need it.

>> No.14791341

do not fucking do it OP.

>> No.14791345

its replaced my retirement account at this point

>> No.14791391

Risk big, win big. That's how it goes.

>> No.14791443

If you're young/poor I believe making risky moves is the way to go because you have nothing to lose if you fail.

>> No.14791478

at this point, I don't even know if I'm young. 24 here.
not young enough for a comfy compound interest effect with the shittier amount I earn

>> No.14791776
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I'm 26. I don't know where you are at in life right now. However, I figured out how to use student loans to my own benefit. Essentially everyone 24 y/o+ gets free education if you're "poor" enough (on paper). Essentially, you take out student loans every year until you reach the aggregate limit of $138500. I know you think you'll have to repay those loans, but that's not true. Now, to reach $138500, you have to go to grad school. Which means going for a PhD. Also, take out grad plus loans, which have no limit. You can easily see yourself accumulating $500k+ in student loans that you will never have to repay. After earning your PhD, get into an online MBA program and take classes part time, while taking out more grad plus loans. As long as you're a half-time student you can keep deferring your loans. Okay, now you finished your PhD and MBA program. You are incredibly educated and experienced with a lot of money invested in index funds...You have to repay your loans now right? NOPE! You've been working the entire time at least part-time during undergrad, full-time as a grad student, and a post-doc or industry job after your PhD, while working on your online MBA part-time and you still haven't made a single student loan payment. You should have maybe 500-750k$ by the time you're 40. Start looking into working internationally. When you move out of the country, sell/transfer all your assets abroad so that the income is no US-based. Let's choose a modest dividend yield of 2% (based off VOO index fund). $500k*0.02% = $10000/yr of passive income. You can choose to move to Asia or South America and retire to live on just the dividends, while still building wealth as your index funds appreciate in value. When you're working abroad, you can apply for IBR on your loans every year and you likely won't be making more than the foreign income tax exclusion limit (Somewhere above $100k/yr), your student loan payments will be $0/month and you will never be in default.

>> No.14791800

Do you think ETH will go back to 300 in the next 6 months?

>> No.14791803

Theoretically, you can amass $1m+ in student loans and never work a day in your life as a wageslave. Especially if you use your parents house as your living address while living/travelling in Asia/Eastern Europe.

>> No.14791814
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Nope, ETH is an overvalued shitcoin, even Vitalik says so.

>> No.14792268

honestly, learn how to use ethereum's smart contracts. Buy some ether, go to a decentralized exchange, get some MKR and take out a CDP. If that's too much of a hassle for you, then maybe ethereum is too much of a hassle to succeed.